4 2DAY
|Dec 15 >> Events, deaths, births, of 14 DEC [For Dec 14 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Dec 24 1700s: Dec 25 1800s: Dec 26 1900~2099: Dec 27] |
On a December
14: 2001 Annular eclipse of the sun of 3m53s, visible in the Pacific, and Costa Rica.
Macau is returned to China. 1999 Panama holds ceremonies celebrating the return by the US of the Panama Canal Zone to full Panamanian sovereignty, which will take effect on 000101. Estados Unidos entrega al gobierno panameño el Canal y la plena soberanía sobre su territorio después de 85 años. 1999 Jorge Edwards es galardonado con el Premio Cervantes.
1996 A freighter lost power on the Mississippi River and crashed into the Riverwalk complex in New Orleans (no one was killed). 1996 Teamsters President Ron Carey won election to a second term (however, the results were later overturned and Carey barred from a rerun vote by a court-appointed monitor who ruled that Carey had used union money for his campaign)
1991 Juan Pablo II clausura la Asamblea especial del Sínodo de Obispos sobre la nueva evangelización de Europa. |
1990 Right to Die case permits Nancy Cruzan to have
her feeding tube removed, she dies 12 days later 1989 Patricio Aylwin Azocar gana claramente las elecciones presidenciales chilenas. 1988 Spanish general strike to protest austerity measures. Los sindicatos UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores) y CC.OO. (Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras) convocan una huelga general en España, secundada masivamente. 1988 US agrees to talk to Palestine Liberation Org (1st time in 13 yrs) 1986 The experimental aircraft Voyager, piloted by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager, took off from Edwards AFB, CA on 1st non-stop, non-refueled flight around world 1983 Es liberado Segundo Marey, secuestrado el 05 Dec pasado por los GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación) 1982 Gerardo Iglesias es elegido secretario general del PCE (Partido Comunista de España) en sustitución de Santiago Carrillo. 1981 Israel annexes the Golan Heights, which it had conquered from Syria during the 1967 War. 1980 Se celebra el primer congreso del sindicato polaco Solidaridad. 1980 NATO warns the Soviets to stay out of the internal affairs of Poland, saying that intervention would effectively destroy the détente between the East and West.
1976 Karl Carstens es elegido presidente de la República Federal Alemana. 1975 Six South Moluccan extremists surrendered after holding 23 hostages for 12 days on a train near the Dutch town of Beilen. 1973 Cumbre de jefes de gobierno de la CEE (Comunidad Económica Europea) , celebrada en Copenhague. 1973 Aprobada en referéndum la Ley de Reforma Política, que abrió el camino a la democracia en España. 1972 Willy Brandt es reelegido canciller en la República Federal Alemana. 1967 El rey Constantino de Grecia inicia su exilio.
1962 First data transmitted from Venus US space probe Mariner 2 comes within 35'000 km of Venus and measures the temperature and other characteristics of the planet, which it radioes back to Earth. La sonda estadounidense Mariner II se acerca a 33'000 Km de Venus, tras recorrer 300 millones de km. |
1959 El arzobispo Makarios III, primer presidente de Chipre. 1955 Ingresan en la ONU 15 nuevos países, entre ellos España. 1950 El coronel Osorio asume la presidencia de El Salvador. 1950 UN General Assembly establishes High Commission for Refugees (Nobel 1954) 1949 Bulgarian ex-Premier Traicho Kostov is sentenced to die for treason, in Sofia. 1946 Togo made a trusteeship territory of the UN 1946 UN General Assembly voted to establish United Nations headquarters in New York City. 1946 The United Nations adopt a disarmament resolution prohibiting the A-Bomb. 1946 La ONU rechaza la propuesta de Sudáfrica sobre la incorporación del África suroccidental a su territorio.
1944 Ataques aéreos aliados sobre Rangún y Bangkok 1942 El general alemán Erwin Rommel es obligado a retirarse de El Aghelia, en el norte de África, en el transcurso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 1941 German Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel orders the construction of defensive positions along the European coastline. |
1934 Se produce la primera huelga general de veinticuatro horas en España, organizada por la UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores). 1932 Francesc Maciá i Llusa es elegido presidente de Cataluña.
1925 Manuel Teixeira Gomes presenta la dimisión del gobierno portugués. 1923 La Comédie des Champs Elysées donne la première représentation de Knock, avec Louis Jouvet dans le rôle du célèbre docteur. La pièce de Jules Romains obtient un immense succès et Jouvet la jouera au total plus de 2000 fois dans le cours de sa vie. 1920 The League of Nations creates a credit system to aid Europe. 1920 Argentina se retira de la Sociedad de Naciones. 1920 La Cámara de los Lores británica aprueba la división de Irlanda en dos territorios autónomos, el norte protestante y el sur católico. 1918 Por primera vez en la historia de la democracia europea las mujeres ejercen su derecho al voto, con ocasión de las elecciones a la Cámara de los Comunes en Inglaterra.
1906 The first U1 submarine is brought into service in Germany. 1908 The first truly representative Turkish Parliament opens. |
1863 Battle of Bean's Station--Confederacy repulses
Union in Tennessee 1863 Confederate General James Longstreet attacks Union troops at Bean's Station, Tenn. 1863 President Abraham Lincoln grants amnesty to the widow of Confederate General B.H. Helm after she swears allegiance to the Union. Mrs. Helm is the half-sister of Mary Todd Lincoln.
1798 David Wilkinson of Rhode Island patents a nut & bolt machine
1788 Carlos IV, Rey de España sube al trono a la muerte de su padre, Carlos III. 1782 Charleston, SC evacuated by British 1656 Artificial pearls 1st manufactured by M. Jacquin in Paris made of gypsum pellets covered with fish scales
0867 Adrian II begins his reign as Pope |
which occurred on a December 14: 2002 Erbil Esmer, 36, as a spark causes explosion of gas used to artificially ripen fruit, as he is shopping for bananas at a fruit wholesaler in Balikesir, Turkey. Nine persons are injured. Several buildings and vehicles are damaged. ![]() 2000 Un concejal del [Partido Popular,.asesinado en Tarrasa por ETA (Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna). 1999 Cherica Adams [photo >], 24, of wounds from a 16 November drive-by shooting (when she was 6-1/2-months pregnant) contracted by her lover football player Rae Carruth, 25, so as to avoid having to pay child support. The baby, Chancellor Lee Adams, survives, though with severe cerebral palsy, delivered premature by Caesarean section shortly after the shooting. On 22 January 2001 Carruth would be sentenced to a minimum of 227 months in prison without parole. 1990 Friedrich Durrenmatt, escritor suizo. [Etait-il dur en math?] 1989 Andrei D Sakharov, 68, Soviet Physicist, Dissident and 1975 Nobel peace prize winner, in Moscow. 1986 (o ¿1984?) Pedro Sainz Rodríguez, profesor, escritor, académico, y político español. 1985 Antonio Tovar Llorente, lingüista español. 1984 Vicente Aleixandre y Merlo, poeta español, Premio Nobel en 1977 1978 Salvador de Madariaga y Rojo, ensayista y diplomático español. 1959 Sir Stanley Spencer, British artist born on 30 June 1891. LINKS 1950 George Bernard Shaw, dramaturgo irlandés. 1945 Josef Kramer known as "beast of Belsen," and 10 others hung for crimes committed at the Belsen and Oswiecim Nazi concentration camps 1943 Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, surgeon, health authority, developer of the Battle Creek Sanitarium and founder of the food business which later became the W. K. Kellogg Company. He was born on 26 February 1852.
1927 Sokhotsky, mathematician. 1926 Albert Müller, Swiss artist born in 1897. 1923 Théophile Alexandre Steinlen, Swiss French artist born on 10 November 1859. 1918 Bernardino Sidònio Paes, asesinado, presidente de la República Portuguesa. 1909 Agustín Querol, escultor español. 1904 Philip Lodewijk Jacob Frederik Sadee, Dutch artist born on 07 February 1837. 1903 William Ennis first cop to die in the electric chair 1897 Francesco Brioschi, mathematician. 1888 Richard Redgrave, British artist born on 30 April 1804. LINKS 1861 Prince Albert of England, one of the Union's strongest advocates in the US Civil War. 1852 Johann-Jakob Dorner II, German artist born on 07 July 1775. Not to be confused with the painter of The Hard Landlady (1787)
1788 Carlos III, Rey de España. 1734 Noël-Nicolas Coypel, French painter born on 17 November 1690. MORE ON COYPEL AT ART 4 DECEMBER Madame de Bourbon-Conti 1287 Some 50'000 drown as Zuider Zee seawall collapses |
Births which
occurred on a December 14:
1953 Joe Toplyn Boston, comedic writer (Late Night with David Letterman) 1938 Leonardo Boff Italy, Brazilian Catholic theologian 1936 Wall, mathematician. 1928 Lady Chatterley's Lover de David Herbert Lawrence se publica. 1919 Shirley Jackson, US, novelist and short story writer (Road Through the Wall, Life Among Savages, The Lottery). 1914 Karl Carstens, político y abogado alemán. 1909 Edward L Tatum US, molecular geneticist (Nobel 1958)
1895 George VI, king of the UK. 1896 James H Doolittle (aviator: US Army Air Force Lt. General awarded Congressional Medal of Honor for leading 1st US aerial raid against Japan in WWII) 1895 George VI king of England (1936-52) 1895 Paul Eluard, poète ("J'écris ton nom... ), à Saint Denis 1846 Joaquín Costa y Martínez, político, sociólogo y polígrafo español. 1831 Arsenio Martínez Campos, militar y político español. 1824 Pierre Cécile Puvis de Chavannes, French Symbolist painter who died on 24 October 1898. Puvis de Chavannes (photo by Carjat) MORE ON PUVIS DE CHAVANNES AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Death and the Maiden The Dream The Poor Fisherman Vigilance The Meditation Mary Magdalene at St Baume Saint Genoveva as a child in prayer Young Girls at the Seaside Mad Woman at the Edge of the Sea Hope Kneeling nude woman, viewed from back Ancient Vision Concordia . The Prodigal Son 1787 Joaquín Mariano Mosquera y Arboleda, estadista colombiano. 1784 Antoinette-Cécile (Lescot) Handebourt, French artist who died on 02 January 1845. 1735 Dupont de Nemours, à Paris. Économiste, chassé par la Révolution, il fondera aux Etats-Unis ce qui deviendra la première société de chimie du monde. 1727 François-Hubert Drouais, French artist who died on 21 October 1775.
1553 Henri de Navarre, à Pau. Il deviendra roi de France sous le nom d'Henri IV. -- He would be king of Navarre (as Henri III, 1572-89) and first Bourbon king of France (1589-1610), who, at the end of the Wars of Religion, abjured Protestantism and converted to Roman Catholicism (1593) in order to win Paris and reunify France. With the aid of such ministers as the Duke de Sully, he brought new prosperity to France. Henri IV would be assassinated on 14 May 1610. 1546 Tycho Brahe, Knudstrup Denmark, mathematician, astronomer (Golden nose) 1503 Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus) France, astrologer / physician. He died on 02 July 1566. NOSTRADAMUS ONLINE: Les Centuries Les Centuries Lettre à César Sixtains Présages (English translations:) Complete Prophecies Sixains Centuries. 1363 Jean Charlier de Gerson, French theologian. During the papal schism of 1378-1414, Gerson attended the councils of Pisa (1409) and Constance (1414-18). He spent his last years in a monastery at Lyons teaching children, composing hymns and writing books on Christian mysticism. |