4 2DAY
|Dec 14 >> Events, deaths, births, of 13 DEC [For Dec 13 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Dec 23 1700s: Dec 24 1800s: Dec 25 1900~2099: Dec 26] |
![]() 2002 (Friday) Pope John Paul II accepts the resignation of Cardinal Bernard Law [26 Apr 2000 photo >] as Archbishop of Boston, after rejecting it in April 2000. Law is alleged to have covered up sexual abuse of minors by priests, and the Boston archdiocese is considering bankruptcy as it faces damages lawsuits by alleged victims. Calls for Law's resignation had come first from victims' support groups, then also from lay Catholics and the press, and recently by a group of priests of the Boston archdiocese, and on 06 December he has been subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury. Law's resignation statement ends with: “To all those who have suffered from my shortcomings and mistakes, I both apologize and from them beg forgiveness.” ![]() 2002 Bishop William E. Lori of the Bridgeport, Connecticut, diocese announces that three pastors have “voluntarily” resigned: Sherman W. Gray, 59, of Holy Name of Jesus Church in Stamford; Albert W. McGoldrick, 52, of St. Paul Church in Greenwich; and Robert P. Morrissey, 57, of St. Mary's Church in Ridgefield. Three weeks earlier, the diocese received a letter from a man claiming that he was sexually abused by them when he was 15 to 19 years old. The diocese's Sexual Misconduct Review Board is investigating in accordance with the procedure recently approved by the Vatican. Some of the faithful of the three wealthy parishes suspect that the accusations are false and motivated by greed. 2002 The European Union invites as new members to join it on 01 May 2004, provided the voters of each nation approve in a 2003 referendum: Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Malta, and Cyprus (minus its Turkish-occupied north). The European Union was founded, under that name, on 01 November 1993, by the countries of the European Community (established 08 Apr 1965 effective 01 July 1967): Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the UK. They were joined on 01 January 1995 by Sweden, Finland, and Austria. 2002 Current visa restrictions by the US damage US science, engineering, and medicine, according to a statement issued by Bruce Alberts (chairman of the National Research Council), William A. Wulf, and Harvey V. Fineberg, Presidents, respectively, of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. They could have added that giving a hard time to visa applicants does very little to enhance the security of the US. Quite to the contrary, it may foster resentment which terrorists can use to gain support against the US. 2000 US Presidential candidate Vice-President Al Gore concedes the election to Texas governor George W. Bush, son of ex-president Geoge Bush and brother of Florida governor Jeb Bush. The election was held on 07 November and Gore obtained a narrow majority of the popular vote. But it is the electoral college that decides the election, and the 25 electors of Florida were contested, their attribution being decisive. The matter ended up in the US Supreme Court, which, late the previous day, made a 5-4 obscurantist decision that in effect makes Bush the winner. 2000 El colectivo ¡Basta ya! recibe el Premio Sajarov de Derechos Humanos en Estrasburgo; el filósofo Fernando Savater, representante del colectivo, recoge el galardón. 2000 Los Angeles Superior Court judge Marilyn Hoffman dismisses the harassment suit of Cynthia Luther, who weighs more than 140 kg, against Southwest Airlines, which had asked her to buy a second seat on a flight from Reno, Nevada to Burbank, California, in May 2000 "so as not to inconvenience other passengers seated next to her. 2000 Late in the day, in Gandia, Spain, Father Priscilio Ruiz Picazo, 42, is stabbed in the ribs while investigating reports about the rituals of a religious sect. Ruiz calls for help on his cell phone and is hospitalized. He is an adviser to the Spanish Episcopal Conference on the activities of sects and a member of the interfaith relations commission for the Valencia Diocese. |
1997 Proceso de ampliación de la Unión Europea; son invitados diez países: Polonia, Hungría, Chequia, Estonia, Eslovenia, Chipre, Eslovaquia, Lituania, Letonia, Bulgaria y Rumanía. 1997 La Organización Mundial del Comercio llega a un acuerdo en Suiza para la liberalización de los servicios financieros mundiales, firmado en Suiza. 1995 Camilo José Cela Trulock, Premio Nobel de Literatura 1989, obtiene el máximo galardón de las Letras españolas: el Premio Cervantes. |
1994 The first meeting of the World Wide Web (W3) Consortium
takes place in Cambridge at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The
group was established as an international association to promote common
protocols on the World Wide Web, whose creator Tim Berners-Lee, became the
group's first director. Berners-Lee developed the Web while a fellow at
CERN, the European particle physics lab, in the early 1990s. 1991 Both Koreas sign an accord calling for reconciliation Con la firma de un pacto de no agresión entre Corea del Norte y Corea del Sur finaliza la guerra fría en esta península del sudoeste asiático. 1991 Las cinco repúblicas de mayoría musulmana de la URSS (Kazajistán, Kirguizistán, Tayikistán, Uzbekistán y Turkmenistán) acuerdan sumarse a la recién creada CEI. (Comunidad de Estados Independientes) 1989 South African President F.W. de Klerk met for the first time with imprisoned (since 1962) African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela, 71, at de Klerk's office in Cape Town. Mandela would be released from prison on 11 February 1990. Then Mandela and de Klerk would work to end apartheid and bring about a peaceful transition to nonracial democracy in South Africa, for which they were awarded the 1993 Nobel Prize for Peace. 1989 Forced repatriation of Vietnamese in Hong Kong
1987 Elecciones legislativas anticipadas en Bélgica: dimite el primer ministro, Wilfried Martens, ante el avance de la oposición socialista 1985 France sues the United States over the discovery of an AIDS serum. 1984 Artificial heart recipient William Schroeder suffers 1st stroke. |
1976 Longest non-stop passenger airflight (Sydney to San Francisco 13h14m) 1976 Jorge González Aranguren es galardonado con el premio Adonais de poesía por De fuego, tigres, ríos. 1974 Malta becomes a republic
1973 Great Britain cuts the work week to three days
to save energy [at least it saved the workers' energy]..
1971 La ONU exhorta a los gobiernos de Argentina y Reino Unido a que se busquen una solución definitiva para su disputa por las Malvinas 1968 Artur da Costa e Silva proclama la dictadura militar en Brasil.
1963 Argentina solicita del gobierno español la extradición
de Juan Domingo Perón Sosa. 1959 Archbishop Makarios elected 1st president of Cyprus 1959 Le général de Gaulle promet l’Indépendance à la communauté française d’Afrique. La plupart des pays "français" d’Afrique obtiennent leur Indépendance dans les deux années. Et cela aurait été encore plus rapide si certains pays n’avaient longuement contesté les frontières tracées par les Français, comme le Maroc qui revendique la Mauritanie. 1958 EE.UU. lanza desde Cabo Cañaveral un cohete, llamado Júpiter, con un mono a bordo.
1951 After meeting with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, President Harry S Truman vows to purge all disloyal government workers. 1951 Josep Pla i Casadevall gana el premio Joanot Martorell de novela con El carrer estret.
1945 France and Britain agree to leave Syria and Lebanon.
1944 General Dwight Eisenhower is supposed to be assassinated, as planned by Nazi Operation Grief.
1940 Adolf Hitler orders preparations for Operation Martita, the German invasion of Greece. 1938 Los Angeles freezes at -2ºC 1937 The Japanese army occupies Nanking, China, where they are about to commit terrible atrocities and massacres: "the rape of Nanking". -- 1937, les Japonais s'emparent de Nankin, capitale provisoire de la République chinoise, gouvernée par Chiang Kai-chek. La chute de la ville est suivie par de gigantesques massacres de civils, comme à l'accoutumée depuis l'invasion de la Chine par les Japonais le 7 juillet de la même année.
1918 US army of occupation crosses the Rhine, enters Germany 1918 Wilson, becomes 1st to make a foreign visit as US president (to the WWI peace conference in France) 1918 Los representantes vascos reivindican en el parlamento español el uso de su lengua nativa. 1913 It is announced by authorities in Florence, Italy, that the Mona Lisa has been recovered. The work was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris on 27 August 1911. 1910 Disturbios estudiantiles en San Petersburgo y Odessa contra el uso de castigos corporales a presos políticos. 1908 The Dutch take two Venezuelan Coast Guard ships. 1902 The Committee of Imperial Defense holds its first meeting in London. 1864 Storming of Fort McAllister, Georgia. |
1814 General Andrew Jackson announces martial law in New Orleans, Louisiana, as British troops disembark at Lake Borne, 60 km east of the city. 1812 The last remnants of Napoleon Bonaparte's Grand Armée reach the safety of Kovno, Poland, after the failed Russian campaign. 1810 L'empire français, qui compte désormais 130 départements au lieu des 98 créés par la Constituante en 1790, s'étend de la mer du Nord à l'Adriatique. Cette dimension est rendue possible par l'annexion de la Hollande, du Piémont, de la Ligurie, de la Toscane, de Parme, des Etats pontificaux, du Valais et de la côte allemande de la mer du Nord. 1789 The National Guard is created in France. 1774 Thefirst armed action of the American Revolution: John Sullivan, commander of a detachment of 400 Granite State Volunteers, attacks Fort William and Mary near Portsmouth, New Hampshire. They scare the troops, tie up the commander, and confiscate 100 kegs of powder. This is four months before the battles at Lexington and Concord. 1642 New Zealand discovered by Dutch navigator Abel Tasman
Deaths which
occurred on a December 13: 2002 Tareq Abed Rabbo, shot by Israeli undercover agents of the Border Police when they find him hiding in a closet in a house in the Nur al Shams refugee camp south of Tul Karm, West Bank. He was a local leader of the Hamas military wing. 2002 Abed al-Yusef Abu-Mussa, shot by Israeli troops as the tried to flee from a house in a village south of Bethleem. He was a senior Hamas activist and the Israelis say that he was planning to send a suicide bomber to Israel. 2001 Ahmad Khamis Almasri, 15, and Rami Salah Edin Zorob, 13, Palestinian boys, shot by Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip.
1961 Anna Mary Robertson ("Grandma Moses"), US Folk painter born in 1860. MORE ON GRANDMA MOSES AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Fall The Shepherd Comes Home, yarn picture All Out for Sport Early Sugaring Off 1988 Lawrence Cadena, 43, police officer posing as a buyer of cocaine, shot by Javier Suárez Medina, 19, who has lived most of his life in the US, but is a Mexican national. After his arrest, in violation Article 36 of the 1963 Vienna Convention of Consular Relations (which became US law in 1969), he would never be told that he could contact the Mexican consulate for help. The diplomatic protests of Mexico, which like all civilized countries does not have the death penalty, would go unheaded by Texas, which would execute Suárez by lethal injection on 14 August 2002. ![]() 1944 138 on US cruiser Nashville and Japanese kamikaze pilot who purposefully crashed into it. 1944 Vasiliy Vasilyevich Kandinsky, Russian Expressionist painter, dies in Neuilly-sur-Seine. He was born on 16 December (04 December Julian) 1866. article about Kandinsky: Towards Abstraction .(Tempered Élan, 1944 thumbnail >) MORE ON KANDINSKY AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Autumn in Bavaria Composition VII Cemetery & Vicarage in Kochel Gabriele Münter Picture with a Black Arch Colorful Ensemble (Insect Watching TV?) Der Blaue Reiter Murnau with Church I Improvisation 31 (Sea Battle) Accent in Pink |
1925 Antonio Maura y Montaner, estadista español. 1924 Samuel Gompers, 44, organized American Federation of Labor 1921 Max Noether, mathematician. 1916 Some 10'000 Austrian and Italian soldiers in 24 hrs, by avalanche in Tyrol 1915 Ross Macdonald, espionage author. 1913 Thomas A. Watson, manufacturer of the first telephone, born on 18 January 1833.. 1912 Vital Aza, escritor español. 1912 Antonio Ermolao Paoletti, Italian artist born on 08 May 1834. 1894 Juan León Mera Martínez, escritor ecuatoriano. 1890 François Louis David Bocion, Swiss artist born on 30 March 1828. 1870 Pascual Madoz, intelectual, político y escritor español. 1867 Arthur Grottger, Polish artist born on 11 November 1837. 1862 Confederate and more Union soldiers as the Battle of Fredericksburg ends with the bloody slaughter of onrushing Union troops at Marye's Heights. The Battle of Fredericksburg began on this day in 1862, with the Confederates safe and secure in the small city of Fredericksburg, Virginia. The Union commander, Gen. Ambrose Burnside, ordered a series of attacks across the Rappahannock, which led to devastating Federal losses. 1836 Francisco Espoz y Mina, guerrillero en la Guerra de la Independencia Española. 1823 Antonio Nariño, escritor y político colombiano. 1784 Dr. Samuel Johnson 1736 Gaspar Wittel, Dutch artist born in 1653 MORE ON WITTEL AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS St Peter's in Rome View of the Piazza del Popolo, Rome 1716 Charles de Lafosse, French artist born on 15 June 1636. 1693 Willem van Velde Sr., Dutch artist born in 1611. MORE ON VAN VELDE AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS The Battle of Livorno (1655) The Battle of Terheide (1657) The Council of War on board De Zeven Provinciën (1667) 1619 Lodovico Carracci, Italian artist born on 21 April 1555. MORE ON CARRACCI AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Bargellini Madonna The Dream of Saint Catherine of Alexandria _ detail The Virgin Appearing to St Hyacinth (1594, 375x223cm) _ The painting is from the church of San Domenico, Bologna. 1603 François Viète, 63, mathematician, in Paris. |
![]() [The poem in which he revealed the secret of solving the cubic to Cardan] When the cube and the things together Are equal to some discrete number, (1) Find two other numbers differing in this one. Then you will keep this as a habit That their product shall always be equal Exactly to the cube of a third of the things. (2) The remainder then as a general rule Of their cube roots subtracted Will be equal to your principal thing. (3) (1)
[Solve x^3 + cx = d] |
1466 Donatello, Italian renaissance sculptor who made
the first life-sized bronze statue. The Medicis were his patrons.
Donato di Betto, Donatello, escultor florentino LINKS
1250 Frederick II, 55, German Emperor (1212-1250) Federico II, emperador de Alemania y rey de Sicilia. 1204 Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon), 69, in Cairo. The medieval Spanish Jewish scholar's greatest writing, Guide of the Perplexed (1190) attempted to harmonize Aristotelian philosophy with rabbinic Judaism [brief excerpts]. 1048 al-Biruni, mathematician. |
Births which
occurred on a December 13: 1960 El Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE) es fundado por Guatemala, el Salvador, Honduras, y Nicaragua, en Managua. 1924 Enrique Fuentes Quintana, economista español. 1923 Antoni Tàpies, Spanish Abstract Expressionist painter. LINKS 1920 George P Schultz US Secretary of State under US President Ronald Reagan (1982-89) 1916 Liber Seregni Mosquera, político y militar uruguayo. 1915 Balthazar Johannes Vorster Prime Minister of South Africa (1966-77)
1903 John Piper, British painter who died in 1992. LINKS 1903 José López Rubio, dramaturgo español. 1903 The ice cream cone is patented by Italo Marcioni (NJ) 1902 La gran presa de Asuan, en el Nilo en inaugurada. 1890 Marc Connelly McKeesport PA, playwright, actor, director and journalist (Green Pastures, One Minute Please) Green Pastures is a play which depicts Judeo-Christian concepts in the images of black American cultures. The stereotypes, however, are so blatant that it is offensive to many Black Americans. Nonetheless, the play contains a fine dramatization of the Christian doctrine of the Incarnation, i.e., the necessity that God must suffer. 1887 Pólya, mathematician. 1887 Miguel Maura y Gamazo, político español. 1872 Jan Zoetelief Tromp, Dutch artist who died in 1947. 1865 Ángel Ganivet García, escritor español.
1838 Alexis Millardet, botanist who developed the first successful fungicide. 1836 Franz Seraph von Lenbach, German artist who died on 06 May 1904. LINKS Marion Lenbach, the Artist's Daughter (age about 12, I guess) 1835 Phillips Brooks, American Episcopal clergyman. Though he produced ten volumes of sermons, he is better remembered today as author of the Christmas carol, "O Little Town of Bethlehem," written in 1868 for the children of his Sunday School 1821 Sir Joseph Noël Paton,Scottish painter who died on 25 December 1900 or 1901. LINKS Oberon and the Mermaid Sir Galahad How an Angel rowed Sir Galahad across the Dern Mere 1816 Ernest Werner von Siemens, à Lenthe, près de Hanovre. Il deviendra l'un des plus brillants ingénieurs de son temps. Il posa plusieurs lignes télégraphiques souterraines en l'Europe parmi lesquelles celles qui reliaient Berlin à Aix-la-Chapelle et à Francfort. 1815 Johann Gottfried Steffan, Swiss artist who died on 16 June 1905. 1810 Clark Mills US, sculptor (Freedom, Armed Liberty)
1585 William Drummond, Scottish poet. 1581 Apología suya publica el holandés Guillermo de Orange. En ella ataca a Felipe II y da comienzo a la llamada leyenda negra. 1560 Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully, à Rosny. Bien que protestant, il devint ministre d'Henri IV. On lui doit la légendaire formule: Labourage et pâturage sont les deux mamelles de la France. A noter que Sully est le contemporain d'un célèbre agronome français, Olivier de Serres. |