4 2DAY
|Dec 25
>> Events, deaths, births, of 24 DEC [For Dec 24 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Jan 03 1700s: Jan 04 1800s: Jan 05 1900~2099: Jan 06] |
1990 Un golpe militar en Surinam arrebata el poder al presidente Ransewak Shankar. 1990 Saddam says Israel will be Iraq's 1st target 1989 Ousted Panamanian ruler Manuel Noriega, having thus far succeeded in eluding US forces, gets asylum at the Vatican's diplomatic mission in Panama City. 1985 Cuba's durable dictator Fidel Castro announces that he is a non-smoker [making go up in smoke the hopes that he would, as soon as possible, die of lung cancer from smoking the famous Cuban cigars, which apparently he reserves strictly for export]. 1984 El partido de Rajiv Gandhi gana las elecciones parlamentarias en la India. 1984 El lobo es declarado especie totalmente protegida en España. 1974 An oil tanker's spill pollutes 4000 square kilometers of Japan's Inland Sea. 1972 Hanoi bars all peace talks with the United States until US air raids over North Vietnam stop. 1968 Three astronauts, James A. Lovell, William Anders and Frank Borman, reach the moon. They orbit the moon 10 times before coming back to Earth. They take the first pictures of an Earth-rise over the moon. Seven months later, man would first land on the moon. 1966 A Soviet research vehicle soft-lands on the moon. 1967 The Greek Junta frees ex-Premier Papandreou. 1956 Blacks defy a city law in Tallahassee, Florida, by occupying front bus seats. 1954 Laos gains its independence.
1951 United Kingdom of Libya gains independence from
Italy via the UN 1948 1st US house completely sunheated is occupied, Dover, Mass 1947 An estimated 20'000 communists, led by guerrilla General Markos Vafthiades proclaim the Free Greek Government in northern Greece. They issue a call to arms to establish the regime throughout the nation. 1946 4th French republic established 1943 US President F. D. Roosevelt appoints General Dwight D. Eisenhower as the Allied Supreme Commander for Operation Overlord, even though almost everyone believed that the position would go to US Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall. 1942 1st powered flight of V-1 buzz bomb, Peenemonde, Germany. 1942 El general Henri Honoré Giraud, asume el cargo de alto comisario francés en el norte de África. 1936 Federico Laredo Bru, es elegido presidente de Cuba. 1936 1st radioactive isotope medicine administered, Berkeley, Ca 1933 Codex Sinaiticus, an early Greek version of the Bible, arrives in Britain to which it has been sold by a Soviet government desperate for cash. 1932 Pope Pius XII gives the world a five-point peace plan. 1924 Albania becomes a republic. 1922 En su primera encíclica, el papa Pío XI hace un llamamiento a la paz en Italia y en el mundo. 1920 Enrico Caruso gives his last public performance (New York NY)
1914 An informal truce breaks out here and there on the Western Front of WW I when the Germans light candles on small Christmas trees, sing carols, which British troops on the other side of the 60-meter or so no-man's-land imitate, in the middle of which they both meet crawling, exchange gifts from the Christmas parcels they received, then on 25 December at daybreak go and bury the dead corpses, and play games of soccer. On the German side, corporal Adolf Hitler refuses to participate. On a lesser scale similar incidents occur where French or Belgian troops face the Germans. The truce continues until on 27 December the generals on both sides replace the fraternizing troops.by fresh troops who have not seen the enemy as human. 1914 In World War I, first air raid on Great Britain: a German airplane drops a bomb on the grounds of a rectory in Dover. 1909 Alberto I es coronado rey de Bélgica. 1906 The first radio program is broadcast by Professor Reginald Aubrey Fessenden of Brant Rock, Massachusetts: a poetry reading, a Georg Friedrich Haendel violin solo, and a speech. He asks listeners to contact him and let him know how clearly they receive his signal. Fessenden uses a 131-meter-high antenna and an alternator driven by a steam engine. He is eard in boats sailing near Newfoundland. 1889 Bicycle with a back-pedal brake patented 1874 Pope Pius IX proclaims a jubilee for 1875 1864 First attack on Fort Fisher, North Carolina begins 1862 On board the USS New Era artillery arrives for the Federal troops at Columbus, Kentucky.
1836 Fuerzas liberales mandadas por Baldomero Espartero derrotan a los carlistas en Luchana (Bilbao).
1800 Napoléon Bonaparte sale ileso de un atentado, en París. 1638 The Ottomans under Murad IV recapture Baghdad from Safavid Persia. 1591 Días después de haber ordenado la ejecución del Justicia Mayor, Felipe II publica un perdón general para los amotinados y respeta la esencia de los fueros aragoneses. 1568 Estalla la rebelión morisca de Las Alpujarras (Granada). 0640 John IV begins his reign as Pope. |
which occurred on a December 24: 2002 Rodolfo Wahab, Saudie Ampatuan, and 11 others by homemade bomb during a party at Ampatuan's home on Mindanao island, Philippines, in Datu Piang, of which Ampatuan, a Muslim man, was mayor and Wahab a town councillor. The bomb was made of two mortar shells and a timing device, typical of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front enemies of the Ampatuan family, prominent in local politics. A witness reports having seen a follower of MILF “Commander Rambo” planting the bomb.
1994 John James Osborne, dramaturgo británico. 1993 Pierre Victor Auger, físico e investigador francés. 1991 Walter Hudson, 46, weighs 465 kg
1973 Some 200 aboard ferryboat which capsizes off the coast of Ecuador 1971 All but one aboard Peruvian Airlines Electra as it crashes at headwaters of Amazon. Lone survivor Juliane Margaret Koepcke would be found 10 days later 1970 Nine US soldiers, by "friendly fire" in Vietnam, another nine are wounded. 1966: 129 aboard USAF C144 military plane, which crashes near Binh Thai, Vietnam
1957 Arturo Barea, escritor español. 1962 Ackermann, mathematician. 1953: 166 persons on Wellington-Auckland (NZ) express train swept away in flood. |
1882 Listing, mathematician. 1872 Rankine, mathematician. 1870 Albert Barnes, US pastor who precipitated a split in the Presbyterian church over the issue of universal salvation, and who wrote expositions of the Bible. 1868 Abraham Cooper, British painter specialized in horses, born on 08 September 1787. LINKS 7 works at the Tate Draught Horses (1828) The Day Family Battle Piece 1861 Prince of Wales, British blockade runner, destroyed by USS Gem of the Sea, off the coast at Georgetown SC. 1826 Auguste-Xavier Leprince, French artist born on 28 August 1799. 1824 John Downman, English painter born in 1750. MORE ON DOWNMAN AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Shakespeare - As You Like It. - Act I, Scene II, (50x63cm) [illustrating the play As You Like It] The 3rd Marquess of Hertford as a Boy 1812 Joel Barlow, 58, American poet and lawyer, from exposure near Vilna, Poland, during Napoleon's retreat from Moscow. Barlow was on a diplomatic mission to the emperor for President Madison. 1804 Moses Haughton, British artist born in 1734. 1799 Tiberius Dominikus Wocher, Swiss artist born in 1728. 1680 Jan van Kessel III, Dutch artist born in 1641 or 1642. 1670 Jan Mytens, Dutch artist born in 1614. 1541 Damián Forment, escultor español. 1524 Vasco da Gama, Portuguese navigator, in Cochin, India. Born in about 1460, he had discovered a sea route around Africa to India. |
![]() ![]() 1954 José María Figueres Olsen, político e ingeniero costarricense. 1951 Amahl and the Night Visitors, a Christmas musical, has its TV debut. Written by composer Gian Carlo Menotti, it is the first opera written specifically for television. 1942 Jonathan Borofsky, pintor y escultor estadounidense. LINKS 1940 Victoria Muñoz Mendoza, política puertorriqueña. 1931 La zapatera prodigiosa, comedia de Federico García Lorca [1898-19 Aug 1936] , se estrena en Madrid. 1929 Mary Higgins Clark Bronx NY, author (A Cry in the Night, Stillwatch) 1919 Pierre Soulages, French abstract painter. MORE ON SOULAGES AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Composition IV (1957) Green and Black Abstract Composition in Black and Yellow Peinture 200 x 265 cm, 20 Mai 1959 1918 Anwar El Sadat Egypt, President of Egypt (1970-81) 1913 Adolph Frederick Ad Reinhardt, US abstract expressionist / minimalist painter, who died in 1967. LINKS 1912 Ramón Carnicer, escritor y profesor español. 1910 Fritz Leiber US, writer (Bazaar of the Bizarre) 1907 Isidor Feinstein I. F. Stone, US independent, radical journalist, who died on 18 June 1989. He annoyed some people all the time and all people one time or another. Son of Russian Jewish immigrants, he visited Israel many times and favored Zionism and Israel's fight for independence. But after the Arab-Israeli war of 1967, he urged Israelis to compensate Arab refugees for their losses and to cede the occupied territories to them to create an Arab Palestine federated with Israel, with Jerusalem the joint capital. Author of Underground to Palestine (1946), This Is Israel (1948), The Hidden History of the Korean War (1952), The Killings at Kent State: How Murder Went Unpunished (1971), The Trial of Socrates (1988). 1905 Howard Hughes. (US industrialist: Hughes Aircraft; pilot: the 'Spruce Goose'; movie producer: Jean Harlow's career, The Front Page, Scarface, The Outlaw; eccentric recluse; long fingernails) Born in Houston, Hughes entered the business world at age seventeen, taking the reigns of his family's Texas-based tool company after his father passed away. However, Hughes wasn't long for the Lone Star State: in 1926 he headed to Hollywood to become a producer of gritty classics like Hell's Angels and Scarface. In 1948, Hughes snapped up a "controlling interest" in RKO Pictures, though a few years later he relinquished his shares in the company only to buy the studio outright in 1954. However, in 1955 Hughes reversed course again and sold RKO. Along the way, the eccentric millionaire indulged his passion for aviation, establishing the Hughes Aircraft Company and later buying a majority stake in Trans World Airlines. During the 1930s, Hughes flew his own custom-made plane into the record books, breaking various speed and flight-time records. Despite his glittery achievements and hefty bankroll, Hughes was never one for publicity. As the years wore on, his reclusive tendencies increased: Hughes eventually sequestered himself away in an ever-rotating series of luxury hotels, where he would toil on end for days, surviving on a diet that leaned heavier on drugs than food. Hughes died on 14 February 1976 while on a flight back to his hometown of Houston. 1903 First English car license plate, number A1, is issued to Earl Russel, the brother of the philosopher Bertrand Russell. 1903 Joseph Cornell, US assemblage artist who died in 1972. LINKS 1894 Georges-Marie Guynemer, famous French World War I combat pilot, who died on 11 September 1917 when he was shot down for the 9th time. He had made his first training flight on 17 February 1915 and then joined Escadrille M.S.3 Les Cigognes". He flew successively Morane-Saulnier two-seaters, Nieuport single seaters, and Spad fighters. Though frail and tuberculous, he was credited with 53 air victories. 1893 Ford's first engine. Henry Ford completed his first successful gasoline engine. He and his wife tested the engine in their kitchen on Christmas Eve. Ford's first automobile would take its inaugural drive on 4 June 1896. 1881 Juan Ramon Jimenez Spain, poet (Nobel 1956)
1876 José María Sert y Badía, Spanish artist who died in 1945. 1871 Aida, opera by Giusseppi Verdi, premieres in Cairo, at Suez canal opening 1868 Emanuel Lasker, mathematician
1838 Thiele, mathematician. 1837 Hans von Marées, German artist who died on 05 June 1887. LINKS 1822 Matthew Arnold England, poet/critic (Dover Beach) 1822 A Visit from St. Nicholas, Christmas poem, is written by Clement Moore, 43. 1822 Charles Hermite, French mathematician who died in 1901. 1822 Matthew Arnold, English poet and social critic, who died on 15 April 1888. 1821 Gabriel García Moreno, político y escritor ecuatoriano. 1818 James Prescott Joule, English physicist (discovered conservation of energy). |
1796 Cecilia Bohl de Faber, "Fernán Caballero", escritora española. 1775 Manuela Cañizares y Álvarez, heroína de la independencia ecuatoriana. 1754 George Crabbe Aldeburgh England, poet (Everlasting Mercy) 1740 Lexell, mathematician. 1689 Frans van Mieris II, Dutch artist who died on 22 October 1763. 1635 Philips Brueghel, Flemish artist. 1596 Leonaert Bramer, Dutch artist who died on 10 February 1674. MORE ON BRAMER AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS The Adoration of the Magi 1166 King John of England. 0563 The Hagia Sophia, the cathedral of Constantinople, and a triumph of architecture and style, is consecrated --3 BC Servius Sulpicius Galba 6th Roman emperor (68-69). |