Dec 06| HISTORY 4 2DAY
|Dec 08
Events, deaths, births, of 07 DEC [For Dec 07 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Dec 17 1700s: Dec 18 1800s: Dec 19 1900~2099: Dec 20] |
![]() ![]() 2002 View of the Sea at Scheveningen and Congregation Leaving the Reformed Church in Nuenen, both by Van Gogh, are stolen from the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. — MORE AT ART 4 2DAY 2000 Se celebra la cumbre de Niza entre los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de los quince países miembros de la Unión Europea para debatir el reto de la ampliación comunitaria y de la reforma de las instituciones. 2000 Al Gore's lawyer, David Boies, pleaded with the Florida Supreme Court to order vote recounts and revive his presidential campaign. Republican attorneys called George W. Bush the certified, rightful victor. 1998 Quedan enlazados los dos primeros módulos (el ruso Zariá y el estadounidense Unity) de la Estación Espacial Internacional. 1997 El escritor español Javier Marías recibe el premio internacional Nelly Sachs. 1995 A two-week-old strike by hundreds of thousands of French public-sector workers protesting planned cuts in welfare spending has spread to cities throughout France.
1993 Astronauts aboard the shuttle Endeavor repair the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope. 1993 Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary revealed the US has conducted 204 underground nuclear tests from 1963 to 1990 without informing the public. 1992 The destruction of a 16th century mosque by militant Hindus touches off five days of violence across India that will leave more than 1100 people dead. 1990 El Partido Nacional Democrático, liderado por Muhammad Hosni Mubarak, obtiene amplia mayoría en las elecciones celebradas en Egipto. 1990 Iraqi parliament endorses Saddam's decision to free hostages |
1988 Gorbachev announces 10% unilateral Soviet troop reductions
at UN Mijail Sergeievich Gorbachov anuncia
en la Asamblea General de la ONU una reducción unilateral de los efectivos
militares soviéticos en Europa, lo que es acogido con satisfacción en
Occidente. 1988 Yasser Arafat recognizes existence of Israel 1987 El Papa Juan Pablo II y el patriarca de Constantinopla, Dimitrius I, firman en el Vaticano una declaración conjunta en la que expresan su deseo de llegar a la unidad.
1985 Se clausura con el discurso del Papa Juan Pablo II el Sínodo de Obispos en el Vaticano, en el que se decidió adoptar un Catecismo único. 1984 Camilo José Cela Trulok es galardonado con el Premio Nacional español de Literatura por su novela Mazurca para dos muertos. 1983 Toledo es elegida capital de Castilla-La Mancha. 1983 La guerrilla del Ejército de Liberación Nacional pone en libertad a Jaime Betancur, hermano del presidente colombiano Belisario Betancur, secuestrado el 22 noviembre en Bogotá. 1981 The Reagan Administration predicts a US record deficit in 1982 of $109 billion. 1980 El general Antonio dos Santos Ramalho Eanes es reelegido presidente de Portugal. 1978 Juan Carlos I, Rey de España sanciona la Constitución en un pleno de ambas Cámaras. 1978 Rúbrica en Ginebra del acuerdo entre España y la Asociación Europea de Libre Comercio (AELC). 1976 UN Security Council endorses Kurt Waldheim, Secretary-General for 2nd 5 yr term. |
1973 En las primeras elecciones legislativas realizadas en Bahrein, la izquierda consigue la victoria.
1968 Richard Dodd returns a library book his great grandfather took out in 1823. The $22'646 fine went unpaid. 1965 Pope Paul VI and Orthodox Patriarch Athenagoras I simultaneously lift mutual excommunications that led to split of the 2 churches in July 1054. 1965 Chevrolet produces its three-millionth car for the year, the first time it surpasses that number in one year. 1961 Military police hold civilians at Peterson Field, Colorado at gunpoint as Tibetan commandos, who'd been secretly trained by the CIA, are smuggled aboard a C-124 Globemaster. 1958 Rómulo Betancourt es elegido presidente de Venezuela. 1954 Simone de Beauvoir gana el premio Goncourt con Les Mandarins.
1949 The A.F.L. and the C.I.O. organize a non-Communist international trade union. 1946 The president of the United Mine Workers, John L. Lewis, orders all striking miners back to work. 1943 Josip Broz "Tito" forma su propio Gobierno en Yugoslavia. 1941 On news of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Dow Jones Industrial Average loses 4.08 points, closing at 112.52. 1940 Adolf Hitler desiste del plan Félix. 1936 Se constituye en España una junta de censura cinematográfica para todo el territorio nacionalista, en el contexto de la Guerra Civil. 1934 Pilot Wiley Post discovers the jet stream over the United States. 1932 1st gyro-stabilized vessel to cross the Atlantic arrives in New York 1931 The last Ford Model A is produced. The Ford motor works then shut down for six months for retooling. On 1 April 1 1932, Ford would introduce its first car with an 8-cylinder engine, a V-8. 1931 A report indicates that Nazis would ensure "Nordic dominance" by sterilizing certain races. 1923 Una ley establece en España el procedimiento de creación de parques nacionales. 1922 El nuevo Gobierno de España, formado por Manuel García Prieto, reúne a todos los representantes de las familias liberales. 1919 Salen a la luz datos que reflejan la muerte en España de 250'000 personas a causa de la gripe. 1918: 100'000 textile workers strike in Lancashire. 1918 Spartacists call for a German revolution. En un ambiente de agitación revolucionaria en Berlín, los espartaquistas llaman a la insurrección. 1917 With only one dissenting vote in Congress, the United States becomes 13th country to declare war on the Austrian-Hungarian Empire during World War I. 1916 Las fuerzas alemanas del mariscal August Von Mackensen entran en Bucarest, en el contexto de la Primera Guerra Mundial. 1916 David Lloyd George replaces resigning H.H. Asquith as British PM 1914 Pope Benedict XV suggests a Christmas truce in World War I. Germany agrees, but the other powers refuse. 1910 La peste se extiende por Manchuria y Mongolia en su forma más peligrosa: la afección pulmonar. 1909 Leo Baekeland, Yonkers NY, patents 1st thermosetting plastic 1908 Se inauguran oficialmente las obras del túnel internacional de Canfranc (Huesca, España). 1907 The "Great Chesterton-Belloc-Wells-Shaw Controversy" is begun when Hilaire Belloc publishes Thoughts About Modern Thought in The New Age. 1905 General uprising begins in Moscow (fails 23 days later, leaving over 1000 dead.) Over 150'000 workers in a General Strike. By the 9th, workers erect barricades throughout the city and fight against the soldiers. 1893 A Special Unit of the Guardia Civil of Spain is created for the repression of the anarchists. 1891 52nd Congress (1st to appropriate $1 billion) holds 1st session 1885 49th Congress (1885-87) convenes 1872 HMS Challenger sets sail on 3«-year world oceanographic cruise. |
1862 Confederate forces surprise an equal number of Union troops
at the Battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas. 1862 Engagement at Hartsville, Tennessee 1861 USS Santiago de Cuba, under Commander Daniel B. Ridgely, halts the British schooner Eugenia Smith and captures J.W. Zacharie, a New Orleans merchant and Confederate purchasing agent. 1836 Martin Van Buren is elected the eighth president of the United States 1810 131 years before Pearl Harbor, this date ought to live in infamy according to http://www.geocities.com/~jthunderbird/gch.html 1808 James Madison is elected US president, to succeed Thomas Jefferson.
1792 The Mississauga tribe cedes a portion of South Ontario, bordering Lake Erie, for 1180 British pounds.
1542 Emperor Charles V places a reward of 100 gold guilders on Menno Simon's head. Menno had the audacity to be an Anabaptist. 1526 Un decreto real prohíbe a los moriscos en España el uso de costumbres, trajes y nombres árabes o musulmanes, al tiempo que se intenta combatir la endogamia de la comunidad morisca. 0983 Otto III takes the throne after his father's death in Italy. A power struggle between magnates ensues. 0430 At the Synod of Rome, Cyril of Alexandria, 54, formally condemned the doctrine of the Antiochene monk Nestorius, who had claimed that there were two separate Persons in the Incarnate Christ (one Divine, the other Human). 0374 Early Church Father, Ambrose, 34, is consecrated Bishop of Milan, Italy. His influential works on theology and ethics made Ambrose (along with Jerome, Augustine, and Gregory the Great) one of the "four doctors"of the Western (Latin) Church. --36 -BC- Earliest known Mayan inscription, Stela 2 at Chiapa de Corzo |
![]() 2002 Father William Gulas, O.F.M., 68 [photo >], shot in the chest and hit on the head by Franciscan novice brother Daniel Montgomery, 37, who then sets fire to the rectory of St. Stanislaus Catholic church in Cleveland, where he was an assistant since the summer of 2002, and Father Gulas was the pastor since 1993. Montgomery, a novice since 1995, had been dismissed from the Franciscans a few days earlier. 2002 Nur Abu Tir, 5, abducted in the evening and murdered. He body would be found on 13 December 2002, a few meters from her home in East's Jerusalem's Umm Tuba. 2002 Hodaya Kedem-Pimstein, 22 months, drowned in her bath by her father Eli Pimstein, in the Kiryat Yover neighborhood of Jerusalem, who then buries her in a hole he had prepared in a forest near the Jerusalem-area moshavim of Ora and Aminadav. Her body is discovered and her father arrested on 10 December 2002. He confesses. 2002:: 17 persons in Mymenshingh, Bangladesh, as terrorist bombs explode within 30 minutes of each other starting at 18:00, in four movie theaters, crowded with Muslims celebrating the end-of-Ramadan Eid-al-Fitr. 10 persons died instantly, the others on their way to or at the hospital. Some 300 are injured. 1989 Hans Heinrich Ernst Hartung, German-born French painter born on 21 September 1904. MÁS SOBRE HARTUNG EN ART 4 SEPTEMBER LINKS Lines and Curves (1956) 1988 More than 25'000 earthquake victims in Armenia ^ top ^ In the Soviet Union, an earthquake of a 6.9 magnitude on the Richter scale hits northwestern Armenia, affecting an area eighty kilometers in diameter. Four minutes later, the initial earthquake is followed by a powerful 5.8 magnitude aftershock. More than twenty towns and 342 villages are affected, and fifty-eight of them are heavily damaged. Spitak, a major population center, was almost totally destroyed. The earthquake kills more than 25'000 people, injures at least 15'000, and leaves some 500'000 Armenians homeless. Direct economic losses are estimated at fourteen billion dollars. With the USSR nearing economic collapse, rebuilding would be slow. 1985 Robert Graves, English poet, novelist, mythographer, critic, historian, dies in Deya, Majorca, Spain. Author of I, Claudius and Claudius the God. For those with Graves concerns. 1985 Potter Stewart, 70, retired US Supreme Court Justice, in New Hampshire. 1983 Edgar Graham member of N Ireland Assembly, shot dead by IRA
1970 Ruben Lucius "Rube" Goldberg, 87, in New York City. US cartoonist who satirized the American preoccupation with technology. His name became synonymous with any simple process made outlandishly complicated, such as by the preposterous machines he drew.One of his hundreds of pictorial inventions was an automatic stamp licker activated by a dwarf robot who overturned a can of ants onto a page of postage stamps, gumside up. They were then licked up by an anteater who had been starved for three days. LINKS "Baseball and business can go hand in hand" for College Humor (1930, 13x44cm) Pencil Sharpener How to Keep Shop Windows Clean — Simplified Pencil Sharpener — Dodging Bill Collectors — Keep from Forgetting to Mail your Wife's Letter — Picture Snapping Machine — Safety Device for Walking on Icy Pavements — How to Keep the Boss from Knowing you are Late for Work — How to Tee up a Golf Ball Without Bending Over — Our Special Never-Miss Putter — Golf Inventions
1946: 119 persons, including W. Frank Winecoff, founder of the Winecoff Hotel in Atlanta, in which they are killed by a fire. 1942 Manuel García Morente, filósofo español. |
1912 George Darwin, mathematician, theorized Moon was pulled out of Pacific Ocean 1910 Ludwig Knaus, German artist born on 05 October 1829. 1894 Ferdinand de Lesseps, ingeniero francés. 1874 Friedrich Otto Georgi, German artist born on 02 February 1819. 1874: 70 Blacks who had protested the ejection of a carpetbagger sheriff, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
1817 William Bligh British naval officer of "Bounty" notoriety, in London
1709 Meindert Hobbema, Dutch painter born in 1638. MORE ON HOBBEMA AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS A Water Mill Landscape with a Washerwoman The Alley at Middelharnis Landscape Road on a Dyke The Travelers The Water Mill The Water Mill The Water Mill Wooded Landscape with Water Mill A Wooded Landscape 1254 Innocent IV, pope whose entire papacy was spent in strife with and flight from German emperors [What did they want with him? After all, he was Innocent.]. 0283 St Eutychian, Pope --43 BC Marcus Tullius Cicero, 63, Roman orator, politician, writer, his head and right hand chopped off by Mark Antony's soldiers. CICERO ONLINE: (in Latin:) Complete Works (in English translations): De Officiis -- Laelius, or, An Essay on Friendship -- Letters of Cicero. |
Births which
occurred on a December 07: ^ top ^ 1995 Michael Wong-Sasso. From the age of 2 he would be interested in trash and would develop the ambition to be a trash collector when he grows up. He would make news by holding the party for his 7th birthday next to Los Angeles' Sunshine Canyon Landfill and saying: "I like the big trucks. I like putting trash where it belongs. I like making the world cleaner." 1972 Dick and Jane as Victims, 78-page booklet criticizing sexism in US elementary school textbooks, by the National Organization of Women (NOW). 1942 USS New Jersey, the largest battleship ever built., is launched by the US Navy. 1936 Sharkovsky, mathematician
1926 Leon Kossoff, British artist. LINKS 1926 Victor Kiam CEO (Remington shavers)/NFL owner (Patriots) 1924 Mario Soares (Socialist), premier of Portugal (1976-78, 1983- ) 1915 Leigh Brackett. American writer of crime novels and short stories, best known for her science fiction and fantasy (over 200 titles). Also wrote screenplays and television scripts for Checkmate and Suspense series. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/brackett.htm 1909 Bakelite is patented by Leo Baekeland. 1905 Gerard Kuiper US astronomer (discovered moons of Uranus, Neptune) 1895 Sir Milton Margay, the first prime minister of Sierra Leone. 1894 Stuart Davis, US artist who died on 24 June 1964. . MORE ON DAVIS AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Night Life Untitled (Male and Female Figures) clothed Detail Study for Cliché Ivy League Untitled The Mellow Pad 1888 Joyce Cary Anglo-Irish man, writer (House of Children, The Horse's Mouth) 1881 Lilian Westcott Hale, US artist who died in 1963. 1878 Akiko Yosano Japan, poet (Tangled Hair)
1861 Han Ryner (1861-1938), Nemours. French teacher, anticlerical, pacifist, anarchist, philosopher (called a "contemporary Socrates"). Lecturer asd speaker of talent, Ryner collaborated with many reviews as well. Writer of a rich asd varied work whose principal books are: Le crime d'obéir (1900), L'homme fourmi (1901), Les voyages de Psychodore (1903), Le sphinx rouge; Le père Diogène (1920), Bouche d'or, patron des pacifistes (1934). Married to poet and author Georgette Ryner. 1830 Luigi Cremona, mathematician. 1826 Christian Wiener, mathematician. 1823 Leopold Kronecker, mathematician. 1822 Émile Digeon. French revolutionary socialist journalist, person in charge of the "Commune of Narbonne," libertarian free thinker, anarchist journalist. 1810 Theodor Schwann, German physiologist. 1769 Adèle Romany (or Romanée), French artist who died on 06 June 1846. 1756 Cornelis van Spaendonck, Flemish painter who died in January 1840. MORE ON SPAENDONCK AT ART 4 DECEMBER Still Life of Flowers 1647 Giovanni Ceva, mathematician. 1637 Neile, mathematician. 1598 Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Italy, greatest Baroque sculptor in Italy, also an architect, painter, and dramatist, the last of Italy's remarkable series of universal geniuses. He died on 28 November 1680. Cet architecte dit "Le Cavalier Bernin "est aussi peintre et sculpteur. On lui doit, sous la Renaissance la grande colonnade de Saint Pierre à Rome (1656-1657). Il fut appelé en France par Louis XIV pour achever le Louvre, mais ses plans furent refusés. MORE ON BERNINI AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Saint Andrew and Saint Thomas Self-Portrait (drawing) Portrait of a young man (controverted Self-Portrait) 1493 Isabela (hoy Santo Domingo), primera ciudad occidental del Nuevo Mundo, es fundada por Cristóbal Colón en la isla La Española, en honor de la reina de España. 1542 Mary Stuard, reina de Escocia y de Francia. 1924 Mario Alberto Soares, presidente de Portugal. 1928 Noam Chomsky, lingüista y escritor estadounidense. 1940 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, de Carson Smith McCullers, se publica.