4 2DAY
|Dec 07
>> Events, deaths, births, of DEC 06 [For Dec 06 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Dec 16 1700s: Dec 17 1800s: Dec 18 1900~2099: Dec 19] |
![]() 2002 Following a forecast of declining earnings, due mainly to a slowdown of sales to China, Wavecom SA (WVCM) is downgraded by Soundview Technology from Outperform to Neutral, and by RTX Securities from Buy to Reduce. On the NASDAQ, 4.4 of the 14.8 WVCM are traded, dropping from the previous close of $31.10 to an intraday low of $13.50, and close at $15.50. They had traded as high as $43.41 as recently as 22 October 2002 and $168.88 on 14 February 2000. They had started trading on 09 June 1999, at $14.00. [< 4~year price chart]. French company Wavecom is the world number 1 provider of digital wireless standard modules (WISMO modules). The module is used in wireless telephones, wireless modems and such. 2002 It is announced that in a mere 400 hours in September 2002, the value of pi was calculated to 1.24 trillion places, by a Hitachi supercomputer programmed by a team of ten led by Professor Yasumasa Kanada at the Information Technology Center at Tokyo University. [click here to download the complete number. Download time depends on the speed of your internet connection. For a typical 2002 vintage dial-up connnection it is 120 years; with a high-speed connection, it could be as little as 5 years. Warning: if the download is interrupted for any reason, you will have to start over from the beginning.] 2002 In Kansas City, Missouri, pharmacist Robert Courtney, 50, is sentenced to 30 years in prison without possibility of parole. He had pleaded guilty in February 2002 to 20 counts of misbranding, tampering with or adulterating chemotherapy drugs. He diluted the drugs out of greed. 4200 patients may have been affected. 2000 Florida Republican leaders announced the Legislature would convene in special session to appoint its own slate of electors in the state's contested presidential race; Democrats denounced the action as unnecessary. 2000 Pope sentenced to 20 years in prison, for espionage, by a Moscow court; however, Pope (US businessman Edmond Pope) was pardoned by Russian President Vladimir Putin and released eight days after his sentencing. 2000 Web browser Opera 5 for Windows is made available in a free version (with limited advertising) at http://www.opera.com/ ![]() 2000 If you could learn to speak one other language, what would it be? was asked of 1008 persons across the US in a recent Zogby poll, whose results are released today. The leading answers were Spanish (44%), French (23%), German (9%), Italian (7%); Chinese (3%), Russian (2%). Hispanic respondents were mostly interested in learning French (40%), while 12% had yet to learn Spanish, and would like to do so. ![]() 1998 Hugo Rafael Chávez Frias gana las elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela con ventaja de 16,53 puntos sobre el independentista de centroderecha Henrique Salas. 1997 The Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia's Far East is hit by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded, measuring 8.5 to 9 in magnitude. Probably because the area is sparsely populated, there are no reported deaths. 1997 Fernando de la Rúa, alcalde de la capital argentina, fue designado líder del Partido Radical, lo que supuso un gran paso hacia la presidencia conseguida en las elecciones de 1999. 1996 Stock markets around the world plunged after comments by US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan were taken to mean that US stock prices were too high 1995 US Communications Decency Act wording finalized After a long and heated debate, House and Senate committee members agreed on the final wording of the Communications Decency Act, which made it a crime to provide pornography to minors over the Internet. The act was voted into law as part of the sweeping Telecommunication Reform Act of 1996. The act would have required a number of online services to restructure their business models, many of which depended at least partly on a steady stream of sex chat. Because filtering technology could not easily distinguish racy adult chat from pornography, online services would have had to cut off that arm of their businesses. Civil rights groups immediately challenged the act, and exactly one year later, on 6 December 1996, the Supreme Court agreed to review the constitutionality of the act. In 1997, the act was declared unconstitutional. 1922 Electric power line company The first commercial carrier of electricity launched its service on this day in 1922 in Utica, New York. General Electric built the Utica Gas and Electric Company plant, which consisted of transmitters, power lines, and receivers. The lines could carry both power and voice signals, and one line could carry numerous frequencies simultaneously. 1994 Apple sues rivals over QuickTime theft On December 6, 1994, Apple filed a lawsuit against a San Francisco software firm called Canyon Co., alleging the company had stolen thousands of lines of code from Apple's QuickTime for Windows. The following February, Apple also added Microsoft and Intel to the lawsuit. Microsoft countersued, claiming that Apple was deliberately spreading misinformation about Microsoft's Video for Windows product. |
1992 Se celebran en Eslovenia las primeras elecciones democráticas, en las que vence para presidente Milan Kucan. 1991 The US Food and Drug Administration requires more detailed listing of contents on food labels. 1990 Saddam Hussein tells the Iraqi Parliament to authorize the release of all hostages being held by Iraq. The legislature complies the next day and all Americans who wish to leave would be out a week later. 1989 Egon Krenz resigned as Communist leader (dictator) of East Germany. 1989 Felipe González Márquez promete ante el Rey como presidente del Gobierno español y confirma en sus cargos a todos los miembros de su anterior Gabinete. 1989 ETA (Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna) comete un atentado con granadas en los Países Bajos contra la legación española en La Haya. 1988 El Tribunal Europeo de los Derechos Humanos condena a España por defectos procesales en el juicio contra los asesinos del industrial Bultó. 1988 Nelson Mandela is transferred to Victor Vester Prison, Capetown
1986 US President Reagan admits that "mistakes were
made" in executing his policy involving arms sales to Iran. 1984 Children picket the Mendiola Bridge in Manila, demand release of their parents, who are being held as political prisoners by the Marcos regime. 1983 Se conceden los Premios Nacionales españoles de Artes Plásticas al fotógrafo Francesc Catalá Roca y a los pintores Alfonso Fraile, Lucio Muñoz, Daniel Valdés y Darío Villalba. 1978 Es aprobada en referéndum la nueva Constitución Española, con cerca de un 33% de abstención. 1977 South Africa grants Bophuthatswana independence 1976 Democrat Tip O'Neill is elected speaker of the House of Representatives. He will serve the longest consecutive term as speaker. 1975 The US Senate authorizes a $2.3 billion emergency loan to save New York City from bankruptcy.
1966 Dimite en Argentina el Comandante en Jefe del Ejército, y el presidente Juan Carlos Onganía le sustituye por el general Alsogaray. 1964 Antonio Segni dimite como presidente de Italia por motivos de salud.
1957 AFL-CIO votes to expel the International Brotherhood
of Teamsters (readmitted in October 1987) 1956 Nelson Mandela & 156 others arrested for political activities in S Africa 1955 US national standard for car license plates. Previously, individual states had designed their own license plates, resulting in wide variations. 1954 La escritora francesa Simone de Beauvoir recibe el premio Goncourt. 1952 Tiene lugar en Túnez una huelga general y el alejamiento forzoso de los líderes sindicales y del Neo Destur. 1949 Robert Merle gana el premio Goncourt por Fin de Semaine. 1948 The "Pumpkin Spy Papers" are found on the Maryland farm of Whittaker Chambers. They become evidence that State Department employee Alger Hiss is spying for the Soviet Union. 1945 The United States extends a $3 billion loan to Great Britain to help compensate for the termination of the Lend-Lease agreement.
1939 Britain agrees to send arms to Finland, which is fighting off a Soviet invasion. 1938 France and Germany sign a treaty of friendship (a hypocrisy which won't last more than a few months). Los ministros de Asuntos Exteriores de Alemania y Francia, Joachim Von Ribbentrop y Georges Bonnet, respectivamente, firman una declaración de paz en París. 1934 American Ambassador Davis says Japan is a grave security threat in the Pacific.
1933 In the US people crowd into liquor stores, bars
and cafes to buy their first legal alcoholic beverages in 13 years, following
repeal of Prohibition. 1932 La Sociedad de Naciones condena a Japón por invadir Manchuria. 1929 Se produce en Guatemala una nueva erupción del volcán Santa María. 1923 Estalla en México un movimiento revolucionario, dirigido por el general Guadalupe Sánchez e inspirado por el general Victoriano Huerta Ortega. 1923 Los conservadores pierden escaños en las elecciones celebradas en Gran Bretaña, en provecho de los laboristas y los liberales, pero conservan la mayoría en la Cámara de los Comunes. 1923 1st US presidential address broadcast on radio (President Calvin Coolidge speaking to a joint session of Congress) [How long does it take to say: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?] 1922 Benito Mussolini threatens Italian newspapers with censorship if they keep reporting "false" information.
1918 US Dept. of War abolishes the practice of manacling
defiant prisoners to the walls of their cells in solitary confinement, used
to torture conscientious objectors in US prisons during World War I. 1917 Finland declares independence from Russia (National Day) 1917 The Bolsheviks imprison Czar Nicholas II and his family at Tobolsk. El zar de Rusia, Nicolás II, y su familia son hechos prisioneros en Tsárskoie Seló y trasladados a Tobolsk (Siberia Occidental). 1914 The troops of Pancho Villa & Emiliano Zapata enter Mexico City. 1911 Mongolia se convierte en protectorado ruso. 1903 Tras la dimisión de Francisco Silvela y la Vielleuze y su Gobierno, se forma uno nuevo en España presidido por Antonio Maura y Montaner . 1903 Completando la Doctrina Monroe de 1823, el presidente estadounidense Theodore Roosevelt declara que los Estados Unidos se consideran "el gendarme de América Latina". 1889 Great trial of the Chicago Haymarket anarchists begins. 1882 Atmosphere of Venus detected during transit 1877 Thomas A. Edison makes the first sound recording when he recites "Mary had a Little Lamb" into his phonograph machine. 1876 Descubrimiento de las tumbas de Micenas por el arqueólogo Heinrich Schliemann. 1875 44th US Congress (1875-77) convenes 1866 Chicago water supply tunnel 3227 m into Lake Michigan completed 1865 The 13th Amendment to the U.S Constitution was ratified, abolishing slavery in the United States.
1863 The monitor Weehawken sinks in Charleston Harbor. 1862 President Abraham Lincoln orders the hanging of 39 of the 303 convicted Indians who, lied to and mistreated by the US, had participated in the desperate Sioux Uprising in Minnesota. They are to be hanged on December 26. 1861 Union General George G. Meade leads a foraging expedition to Gunnell's farm near Dranesville, Virginia. 1849 Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery in Maryland 1812 The majority of the remnants of Napoléon Bonaparte's Grande Armée staggers into Vilna, Lithuania, ending the failed Russian campaign. 1811 The first in a series of earthquakes rocked the Midwest, in and around New Madrid, Missouri. 1810 Miguel Hidalgo issues a decree abolishing slavery in Mexico. 1797 Mme de Stael meets Napoléon, who takes an immediate dislike to her.
1534 Quito, Ecuador founded by Spanish 1492 Hispaniola (now Haiti-Santo Domingo) discovered by Columbus (in search of gold), at Mole Saint Nicolas 1240 Mongols under Batu Khan occupy & destroy Kiev. |
which occurred on a December 06: 2002 Keyla Guerrero, 17; Josefina Inciarte, 70; Jaime Federico Jirabo Rodríguez; all three hit in the head by gunfire directed at a crowd of anti-government demonstrators on Plaza Altamirana in Caracas, 19:15. 18 are wounded. 2002 Ahlam Riziq Kandil, 31; Osama Hassan Tahrawi, 31, and 2 of his brothers; and 6 other Palestinians; by missile fired from an Israeli helicopter, as Israeli troops, tanks, and helicopters firing missiles and machine guns attack the Bureij refugee camp, Gaza Strip, starting at 00:15, seeking Aiman Shasniyeh, a local leader of the Popular Resistance Committee, believed to be behind a bomb attack on a heavily armored Merkava-3 tank that killed three Israeli soldiers in March 2002. For three hours, there are gunbattles with Palestinians summoned through mosque loudspeakersp. They had been celebrating Eid el-Fitr for the end of Ramadan. Kandil was an elementary school teacher, she died some time after being hit by shrapnel. Tahrawi was a school attendant. Both were among the 10'000 Palestinian employees of UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, where it runs some 260 schools and 50 clinics serving more than 1.5 million registered refugees 2001 One employee shot by a disgruntled employee who then shoots himself, at the Nu-Wood Decorative Millwork simulated wood factory in Goshen, Indiana. [Gruntled employees never make the news] 2000 Hemayatollah Hamed Akhundzada, executed after being tortured. Amnesty International has condemned the execution of six prisoners in the Afghan province of Panjshir. The human rights organization has urged Ahmad Shah Masood, whose forces control the area, to refrain from ordering the execution of anyone in the territories under his control. The organization also calls on him to ensure that no one in the custody of his personnel is subjected to torture, and to provide detailed information on the trial processes. The prisoners were arrested on the evening of 04 December hours after a United Front Commander and Governor of Laghman Province, Abdullah Jan Wahedi, was shot dead in an ambush while on his way to the Panjshir valley. Wahedi's five bodyguards and another United Front commando were reportedly wounded in the ambush. Ahmad Shah Masood's administration has claimed that the prisoners were tried by a court before they were executed. However, it has provided no information about the nature of their trial. At least one of the prisoners had reportedly been severely tortured : the family of Hemayatollah Hamed Akhundzada claim they saw his nails had been pulled out, and there were signs of violence on the rest of his body when he was being buried. Information on the treatment of the others is not available. The circumstances of the men=s alleged trial and their execution raise serious concerns," Amnesty International said. First, they were executed hastily within 40 hours of their arrest. If a trial did take place in such a short period of time, the prisoners are likely to have been deprived of the right to adequate time and facilities to prepare a defense. 2000 Enrique Anderson Imbert, escritor argentino.
1987 Boy bludgeoned to death by 3 satanist Missouri teenagers, just for "fun" 1984 A hostage, killed by hijackers aboard Kuwaiti jetliner. He is their 2nd victim. 1983 Six Israelis, by a bomb planted on a bus in Jerusalem 1982: 11 soldiers and 6 civilians die by bomb planted by Irish National Liberation Army exploded in a pub in Ballykelly, Northern Ireland 1959 Erdard Schmidt, mathematician. 1952 Some 500 persons in London, choked on the second day of the Great Killer Fog. As it blocks sunlight and the temperature drops, people put more coal on their home fires, the smoke worsening the fog.
1942 Louis Marie de Schryver, French artist born on 12 October 1862.
1892 Ernst Werner von Siemens, ingeniero e industrial alemán. 1889 Jefferson Davis, first and only President of Confederate States of America (1861-5) 1884 Jean Baptiste van Moer, Belgian artist born on 17 December 1819.
1865 Sebastián Iradier, compositor español. 1852 George Duncan Beechey, British artist born in 1798. Relative? of Sir William Beechey [1753-1839]? 1835 Ignacio Alonso Zapatero, guerrillero y militar español. 1823 Edmundo Samuel Castaing, envenenador francés. 1810 John Francis Rigaud, British painter born in 1742. LINKS 1791 Christian Georg Schüz (or Schütz) I, German artist born on 27 September 1718. 1779 Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin, French painter specialized in still life, born on 02 November 1699. MORE ON CHARDIN AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Bubbles The Buffet The Ray The Silver Tureen A "Lean Diet" with Cooking Utensils The House of Cards another The House of Cards The Draftsman Still-Life with Pipe and Jug The Attentive Nurse
1562 Jan van Scorel, Dutch painter born on 01 August 1495 MORE ON VAN SCOREL AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Joris van Egmond, Bishop of Utrecht Landscape with Bathsheba Mary Magdalen _ Mary Magdalen Portrait of a Man (1529) 1504 Pasqualino di Niccolo da Venezia (Veneto), Italian artist. 1300 San Pedro Nicolás Pascual, santo español. |
Births which
occurred on a December 06: 1993 Elian González, to Elizabet Brotón and Juan Miguel González, in Cárdenas, Cuba. The boy would become a celebrity after his rescue at sea near Miami on Thanksgiving Day, 1999. His mother and ten others had drowned after the small boat in which they were fleeing Cuba capsized. Cuban exiles made him the poster boy of their anti-Castro cause, and Castro seized upon the opportunity to criticize them and the US's immigration policices. News media and politicians focused on him for months until at long last the father came to take his son back to Cuba with him.
1941 Bruce Nauman, US Installation artist LINKS War (1971, 57x72cm) 1941 Richard Speck mass murderer (killed 8 student nurses in 1966). 1933 Catholic Worker newspaper is started by Dorothy Day & others, New York City; House of Hospitality opened soon after. 1932 Talismán, obra póstuma de Amadeu Vives, se estrena en el Teatro Lírico Nacional de Madrid. 1930 Eladio Cabañero, poeta español. 1922 William P. McGivern, US novelist, screenplay writer, who published over 20 novels covering the wide genre of thrillers homicide detection, espionage, political corruption, the world of psychopath, and the crooked cop. 1913 Mercedes Ballesteros Gaibrois, escritora española. 1908 Herta Freitag, mathematician. 1901 Eliot Porter, nature photographer. 1900 Uhlenbeck, mathematician. 1900 Germán Arciniegas Angueyra, escritor e historiador colombiano. 1898 Gunnar Myrdal Sweden, sociologist/economist (Nobel 1974) 1898 Alfred Eisenstaedt, photojournalist. 1896 Ira Gershwin, American lyricist and musical collaborator with his brother George. ('S Wonderful, I Got Rhythm, Lady Be Good, The Man I Love, The Man That Got Away) 1893 Sylvia Townsend Warner, in Harrow, Middlesex, England. Self-proclaimed "accidental" writer whose career began when she was given paper with a "particularly tempting surface" & whose first novel, Lolly Willowes, or the Loving Huntsman (1926), was written because she "happened to find very agreeable thin lined paper in a job lot. 1892 Osbert Sitwell London, poet/writer (Out of the Flame)
1883 Kahlil Gibran, poet (The Prophet), in Bisharri, Lebanon. 1880 Boutroux, mathematician. 1877 Washington Post publishes 1st edition 1856 Walther von Dyck, mathematician. 1856 François Flameng, French artist who died on 28 February 1923. 1855 Frank Myers Boggs (Frank-Boggs), US French painter who died on 08 August 1926. The Seine, Outside Paris 1841 Jean Frédéric Bazille, French Impressionist painter who died on 28 November 1870. MORE ON BAZILLE AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Self-Portrait Bazille's Studio; 9 rue de la Condamine Pierre-Auguste Renoir View of the Village 1822 John Eberhard built 1st large-scale pencil factory in US. 1821 Manuel Fernández y González, escritor español. 1814 Juan Prim y Prats, militar y político español. 1812 Ana María Martínez de Nisser, heroína y escritora colombiana. 1791 José Gutiérrez de la Vega, pintor español. 1778 Louis-Joseph Gay-Lussac, French chemist 1768 Encyclopedia Brittanica's first edition is published (Scotland) 1750 Pierre Henri de Valenciennes, French painter specialized in landscapes, who died on 16 February 1819. MORE ON VALENCIENNES AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Éruption du Vésuve Arrivée le 24 Aug de l'an 79 de J.C. Sous le Règne de Titus A Capriccio of Rome with the the Finish of a Marathon Italian Landscape Landscape of Ancient Greece 1732 Warren Hastings England, 1st governor-general of India (1773-84) 1682 Giulio Fagnano, mathematician. 1668 Nicolas Vleughels (or Wleughels), French artist who died on 11 December 1737. 1534 La ciudad de San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) es fundada por Sebastián de Belalcázar.
1285 Fernando IV, rey de Castilla y León. |