4 2DAY
|Dec 09
>> Events, deaths, births, of 08 DEC [For Dec 08 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Dec 18 1700s: Dec 19 1800s: Dec 20 1900~2099: Dec 21] |
1987 Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territories
start "intifadah" (uprising) against Israel 1987 President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev sign the INF Treaty which provides for the dismantling of all US and Soviet missiles with ranges of 480 to 5500 km
1981 In one of its major rulings regarding the issue of the separation of Church and State, the US Supreme Court upholds the constitutionality of student organizations holding religious services at public colleges and universities. 1981 Mitsubishi Motors, of the huge Mitsubishi conglomerate of Japan, begins selling cars in the US under its own name. Previously, it had done business in the US only in partnerships with American automakers. 1979 The Oneida Nation files suit in an effort to regain control of the over one million hectares taken by New York state. |
1966 The United States and the Soviet Union sign a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons in outer space.
1963 3 fuel tanks explode when jetliner is struck by
lightning crashing near Elkton, Maryland. Only case of lightning caused
crash. 1952 Hundreds of persons in London, choked by the Great Killer Fog which settled on 05 December and fed by intensified millions of home coal fires, as the temperature drops, has only gotten worse.
1943 Le général De Gaulle, qui préside à Alger le Comité français de libération nationale, prévient de son intention de reconquérir l'Indochine après la défaite de Hitler et de son allié japonais. Dépités, les résistants vietnamiens se préparent à de nouvelles luttes. 1944 The United States conducts the longest, most effective air raid on the Pacific island of Iwo Jima. 1941 Japanese General Tomoyuki Yamashita begins his attack against the British army at Singapore. |
1931 Coaxial cable patented 1929 Ship-to-shore mobile telephone commercial service is initiated as the president of AT&T in New York City called the SS Leviathan at sea. Later that day, an advertising executive calls a passenger aboard the ship, in the first-ever private ship-to-shore call. Calls cost between $7 and $11 per minute. 1920 President Woodrow Wilson declines to send a representative to the League of Nations in Geneva. 1902Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. is named Associate Justice on the US Supreme Court. 1896 Start of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of Missing 3 Quarter 1886 The American Federation of Labor (AFL) is founded at a convention of union leaders in Columbus, Ohio, with Samuel Gompers elected the first president. |
1861 CSS Sumter seizes Northern whaler Eben Dodge in mid-Atlantic. The American Civil War is now affecting the Northern whaling industry. 1860 Angered by Abraham Lincoln's election to the residency, Howell Cobb resigns as Secretary of the Treasury. The politician from Georgia then becomes a leader in the Confederacy movement and later serves as a major general in the rebel army. 1854 Pope Pius IX defined the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in his apostolic letter, Ineffabilis Deus. It asserted that by a singular privilege and grace granted by God, Mary was freed from original sin "in the first instant of conception. 1776 George Washington's retreating army in the American Revolution crossed the Delaware River from New Jersey to Pennsylvania. [Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze's 1851 painting of [Washington Crossing the Delaware, in the other direction to attack the Hessians at Trenton on 25 December 1776]. 1630 John Williams embarks secretly on a ship bound for American, hoping to escape the persecution that has plagued him in England. Persecuted also in the New World, he flees into Indian territory, purchases land, and founds Providence, later to become the capital of the state Rhode Island.
which occurred on a December 08: 2001 Five civilians, one policeman, and two of a group which fires machine guns and threw grenades at an Indian army convoy of trucks in Baramulla, Jammu-Kashmir state. Soldiers fire back indiscriminately. The gun battle continues for one hour. Another 20 civilians and seven soldiers are wounded. 2000 Eliyahu Ben-Ami and Rina Didovski, Israelis killed by Palestinians in the vicinity of the Kiryat Arba settlement near Hebron. 1991 Kimberly Bergalis, 23, of AIDS contracted from her dentist, in Fort Pierce, Florida. 1988 US pilot and 5 inhabitants of suburb of Remscheid, West Germany, as Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II crashes on a training flight. It starts a fire, which destroys two dozen homes. 1987 Hatem Abu Sisseh, 16, killed by Israeli soldiers as he participates in a protest. This killing ignites the first Intifadah for self-rule. In the 7 years to follow 1306 Palestinians would be slain by Israelis, 192 Israelis killed by Palestinians. 1983 Danny Katz, 14, Israeli. On 25 February 2002, Samir Janama, Fathi Janama, Ali Janim, Ahmed Kuzli, and Ataf Sabihi would be convicted of the murder, in Tel Aviv, in a retrial ordered in 1999 by the president of the Supreme Court, Justice Aharon Barak. The defendants claimed that they are innocent and that the confessions on which their convictions were based were coerced by torture by the police. According to the original indictment against the five, they met a few days before the murder and decided to kidnap and kill a Jewish child. Katz left his home in Haifa's Denya neighborhood to visit a friend who lived nearby. Samir Janama, who was driving by, stopped his truck, and forced Katz to get in. He then drove to a nearby building site where the defendants gagged and beat him until he was unconscious, using chains. They then undressed him, and strangled him, before sexually abusing him. The boy's body was then wrapped in a blanket, placed in the vehicle's trunk and then dumped in bushes near Haifa University. Three of the defendants returned the next day to hide the body to a cave near their home town of Sakhnin where it was discovered three days later. Kuzli and Sabihi are already serving time for the 1982 murder of Israeli soldier Dafna Carmon. 1982 Norman Mayer, killed by police 10 hours after he started to hold the Washington Monument hostage, demanding an end to nuclear weapons. He had no explosives. 1980 John Lennon, 40, rock star, former Beatle, shot outside his Manhattan apartment building by wacko Mark Chapman, who would plead guilty on 08 June 1981 and be sentenced to 20-years-to-life in prison.. ![]() 1973 Evans, mathematician. 1967: 365 Viet Cong, in the biggest battle yet in the Mekong Delta, . 1966 Coble, mathematician. 1961 Severi, mathematician. 1955 Hermann Weyl, mathematician who said: God exists since mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists since its consistency cannot be proved. 1952 Some 900 persons in London, choked by the Great Killer Fog which settled on 05 December and fed by intensified millions of home coal fires, as the temperature dropped, has only worsened.. 1949 Mary Gordon, novelist (Final Payments), on Long Island, New York. 1943 Two Japanese cruisers sunk, 72 planes shot down by US carrier-based planes, in the Marshall Islands.
1939 Jean Grave, French anarchist, author of La
société mourante et l'anarchie (1892), for which he was sentenced to
two years in prison, and Mouvement libertaire sous la IIIe république.
1919 Julian Alden Weir, painter, etcher and lithographer; born on 30 August 1852, one of earliest US impressionists. LINKS Alex Webb Weir The Muse of Music Landscape 1914 German cruisers Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Nurnberg, and Liepzig, sunk by a British force in the Battle of the Falkland Islands. 1910 Jean-Baptiste Robie, Belgian artist born on 21 November 1821. 1894 Pafnuty Chebyshev, mathematician. 1881 Some 640 to 850 people in fire and stampede at Vienna's Ring Theater, started when a lamplighter brushes the scenery on the stage.
1859 Thomas De Quincey, 74, at Lasswade, near Edinburgh, author of Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. / http://wsrv.clas.virginia.edu/~bpn2f/opium.htm / http://nepenthes.lycaeum.org/Ludlow/People/deq.html http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/History/dequinc1.htm / http://www.who2.com/thomasdequincey.html
1818 Friedrich-Heinrich Füger, Austrian painter born on 05 November 1751. MORE ON FÜGER AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS János Batsányi (09 May 1763 12 May 1845) a magyar felvi-lágosodás egyik legjelentosebb költoje.
1681 Gerard Ter Borch II, Dutch painter born in 1617. MORE ON TER BORCH AT ART 4 DECEMBER LINKS Gallant Conversation (The Paternal Admonition) giant reproduction (small reproduction) Version 1. Paternal Admonition Version 2 Girl in Peasant Costume Helena van der Schalcke giant reproduction _ (Small reproduction) Memorial Portrait of Moses ter Borch The Ratification of the Treaty of Münster Woman at a Mirror Officer Writing a Letter The Glass of Lemonade _ detail (artist's brother) The Concert A Concert The Lute Player Man Offering a Woman Coins A Young Woman Playing a Theorbo to Two Men Boy Ridding his Dog of Fleas The Dancing Couple A Woman Spinning Woman Playing the Lute Woman Reading a Letter Woman Washing Hands The Family of the Stone Grinder The Music Lesson 1596 Luis de Carvajal, and his mother and sisters, Mexican Jews, burned at the stake. 1292 John Pecham, Archbishop of Canterbury and science popularizer. |
Births which
occurred on a December 08: 1922 Lucian Freud Berlin German, artist (Boy With a Rat) 1919 Julia Robinson, mathematician. 1913 Delmore Schwartz US, poet/short story writer/critic (Shenandoah) 1908 John Volpe (Gov-Mass)/US Secretary of Treasury (1969-73) 1906 Richard Llewellyn Wales, novelist (How Green Was My Valley) 1902 Wilfredo Lam, Cuban artist who died in 1982. LINKS Flying Figures Quetzal, from Brunidor I Untitled
1889 William Hervey Allen Jr., in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,.poet, biographer, and novelist who had a great impact on popular literature with his historical novel Anthony Adverse, a rambling work set in Europe, Africa, & the Americas during the Napoleonic era. Allen died on 28 December 1949.
1883 Lugwig Berwald, mathematician. 1882 Manuel Maria Ponce Fresnillo Mexico, composer (Estrellita) 1881 Padraic Colum Irish poet / novelist (Collected Poems). COLUM ONLINE: The Boy Who Knew What the Birds Said, The Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles 1881 Albert Gleizes, French artist who died on 24 June 1953. LINKS
1861 Aristide Joseph Bonaventure Maillol, French Art Nouveau Nabi sculptor sculptor who died on 24 September 1944. LINKS 1858 Vincenzo Migliaro, Italian artist who died in 1938. 1851 Claude Emile Schuffenecker, French artist who died in August 1934. 1850 Luigi Nono, Italian artist who died on 17 October 1918. 1861 William Crapo Durant, who would found General Motors. 1861 Georges Méliès, à Paris. Magicien, il va découvrir le cinéma inventé par les frères Lumière et fera de cette attraction de foire un Septième Art. 1832 Björnstjerne Björnson Norway, novelist (Nobel--1903).BJORNSON ONLINE: A Happy Boy. 1828 Joseph Dietzgen, near Cologne, Germany. Important socialist theorist whose writings exerted considerable influence on the workers' movement. Wrote The Nature of Human Brain-Work (1869). He said: "While the anarchists may have mad & brainless individuals in their ranks, the socialists have an abundance of cowards. For this reason I care as much for one as the other. |
1815 Adolf Friedrich Erdmann von Menzel, German Realist
painter who died on 09 February 1905. LINKS
Studio 49
prints at FAMSF The
Artist's Sister with a Candle Portrait
of a Man,
1765 Eli Whitney, inventor: cotton gin and uniformity method of musket manufacturing: beginning of mass production. 1708 Francis I Holy Roman emperor (1745-1765) 1632 Albert Girard, mathematician. 1632 Lansberge, mathematician. 1626 Christina queen of Sweden (1644-54)who abdicated after becoming Catholic 1614 Gonzales Coques, Flemish painter specialized in portraits, who died on 18 April 1684. LINKS Portrait of a Man Un Intérieur Hollandais (etching) 1587 Marten Ryckaert, Flemish artist who died on 11 October 1631.