Sep 17|  HISTORY “4” “2”DAY
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Events, deaths, births, of SEP 18 [For Sep 18 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Sep 28 1700s: Sep 29 1800s: Sep 30 1900~2099: Oct 01] |
1983 George Meegen completes 2426 day (30'000 km) walk across Western Hemisphere. 1980 El presidente del Gobierno Adolfo Suárez González obtiene la confianza del Congreso español.
1960 Two thousand cheer Castro's arrival in New York for the United Nations session.
1948 Margaret Chase Smith becomes the first woman elected to the Senate without completing another senator's term when she defeats Democratic opponent Adrian Scolten. Smith is also the only woman to be elected to and serve in both houses of Congress. 1948 Se reúne en Washington, por primera vez, la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN). 1947 In the US, the National Security Act, which unified the Army, Navy and newly formed Air Force into a National Military Establishment, went into effect..
1945 1000 Whites walk out of Gary, Indiana, schools to protest
integration 1934 The League of Nations admits the Soviet Union. 1933 Ghazi I, sucesor de Faisal I, es coronado rey del Irak. 1931 El Ejército japonés ocupa Manchuria sin oposición real por parte de Chiang Kai Shek. 1929 Charles Lindbergh takes off on a 16'000 km air tour of South America. 1928 Un autogiro pilotado por su inventor, Juan de La Cierva y Codorniu, atraviesa por primera vez el Canal de la Mancha.
1914 Battle of Aisne ends with Germans beating French during WW I 1914 The Irish Home Rule Bill becomes law, but is delayed until after World War I.
1874 The Nebraska Relief and Aid Society is formed to help farmers whose crops were destroyed by grasshoppers swarming throughout the American West.
1868 Se produce en España la sublevación de la escuadra
del Almirante Topete, pronunciamiento militar que fue el detonante de
la revolución conocida por la Gloriosa. 1863 Skirmish at Bristol in east Tennessee 1863 Union cavalry troops clash with Confederates who force their way across Chickamauga Creek. 1862 After waiting all day for a Union attack which never came at Antietam, Confederate General Robert E. Lee begins a retreat out of Maryland and back to Virginia. 1861 Siege of Lexington, Missouri continues.
1810 Chile declares independence from Spain (National Day) Se constituye la Primera Junta Nacional de Gobierno en Chile. 1789 The US government takes out its first loan. Under the supervision of newly appointed Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, the government took a little under a year to pay back the loan of $191, 608.81. 1759 During the French and Indian War, Québec surrenders to the British after a battle which saw the deaths of both James Wolfe and Louis Montcalm, the British and French commanders. 1758 James Abercromby is replaced as supreme commander of British forces after his defeat by French commander the Marquis of Montcalm at Fort Ticonderoga during the French and Indian War. 1739 Treaty of Belgrade-Austria cedes Belgrade to Turks
1502 Cristóbal Colón, en su cuarto viaje, llega a lo que es hoy Puerto Limón (Costa Rica). 1437 Se pone fin al Concilio de Basilea, noveno concilio ecuménico universal. |
Deaths which occurred on
an 18 September:
2002 Ashraf Alawned, 28, shot in the chest as a collaborator with Israel after being beaten, by Palestinians, near Akabe, West Bank. 1982 Christian militia begin massacre of 600 Palestinians in Lebanon 1977 Bernays, mathematician 1974 Some 5000 in hurricane Fifi in Honduras (175 km/h winds) 1968 León Felipe Camino, poeta español.
1929 Hippolyte Petitjean, French artist born on 11 September 1854. 1926 Some 250 persons in Miami hurricane 1914 Albert Kappis, German artist born on 20 August 1836.
![]() 1891 Ferrel, mathematician 1886 Eduard Jakob Steinle, Austrian artist born on 02 July 1810. 1872 Ana María Martínez de Nisser, heroína y escritora colombiana. 1860:: General Pimodan, 87 other Papal and 61 Piedmontese soldiers, at Battle of Castelfidardo when the Papal army commanded by General Lamoricière attacks and is defeated by General Cialdini and the Piedmontese of the army of the kingdom of Savoia, who are thus enabled to join Garibaldi's expedition of the 1000. [1912 monument by Vito Pardo: Cialdini leads a counterattack >] L’i 01 Sep 1860, dopo un ultimatum di Cavour al cardinale Antonelli, il IV Corpo di Armata piemontese, con alla testa il generale Cialdini, invade lo Stato Pontificio al Tavullo e prosegue per il litorale. Di seguito l’esercito pontificio, agli ordini del gen. Lamoricière, muove da Terni verso Loreto, con l’intenzione di appoggiarsi alla fortezza di Ancona. I due eserciti si scontrano a Castelfldardo il mattino del 18. Senza che il Cialdini lo prevedesse, il generale francese Pimodan attacca gli avamposti piemontesi verso la confluenza dell’Aspio con il Musone, riuscendo a ricacciare i bersaglieri del 260 reggimento sul Monte Oro e conquistando nella sua avanzata la prima e la seconda cascina. Poco dopo. irrompe al contrattacco il 10° reggimento fanteria della Brigata Regina. Di rincalzo prendono ancora parte, su ordine del generale Cialdini giunto al galoppo sul luogo della battaglia, il 90 reggimento e una mezza batteria di artiglieria. Dopo aspra lotta, Pimodan è ferito mortalmente, l’esercito pontificio è in ritirata e Lamoricière, con pochi superstiti, ripara nella piazza di Ancona. A Recanati, il giorno dopo, le milizie pontificie depongono le armi con gli onori di guerra, alla presenza della 7° divisione piemontese. 1807 Francissek Smuglevitch, Polish artist born on 06 October 1745. 1783 Leonhard Euler, mathematician 1645 Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas, escritor español. 1426 Hubert Van Eyck, Flemish painter MORE ON HUBERT VAN EYCK AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER Adoration of the Lamb (finished by his brother Jan) The Three Marys at the Tomb (71x89cm) |
Births which occurred on
an 18 September:
1927 The Columbia Phonograph Broadcasting System (later CBS) makes its debut with a network of 16 radio stations. 1924 A complete Bible translation of the Old and New Testaments was published by American Bible scholar and historian James Moffatt, 54. Moffatt's intention was to make available to the lay reader, in simple language, a current scholarly understanding of the biblical text. 1916 Mercedes Salisachs Roviralta, novelista española. 1895 John G Diefenbaker Neustadt Ontario, 13th Canadian PM (C) (1957-63)
1858 Pedro Nel Ospina, militar y político colombiano. 1854 Fausto Zonaro, Italian artist who died on 19 July 1929. 1851 The New York Times starts publishing, at 2 cents a copy. 1839 John Aitken, physician and meterologist 1838 Friedrich Otto Gebler, German artist who died in February 1917.
1779 Joseph Story Mass, US Supreme Court justice (1812-45) 1764 Mauro Gandolfi, Italian artist who died on 04 January 1834. 1752 Adrien-Marie Legendre, mathematician, worked on elliptic integrals 1750 Tomás de Iriarte y Nieves Ravelo, fabulista español. 1739 Jean-Jacques Lagrenée, French artist who died on 13 February 1821. Helen Recognising Telemachus, Son of Odysseus 1709 Dr Samuel Johnson, English lexicographer, essayist, poet and moralist. (created the first true dictionary of the English language in 1755; novel Rasselas: Prince of Abyssinia, Boswell's tour guide) author of The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia, The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia (PDF), A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland, The Life of Pope, The Life of Savage, The Vanity of Human Wishes (1755), The Vanity of Human Wishes (1749), translator of Lobo's A Voyage to Abyssinia. Portrait of Samuel Johnson by Joshua Reynolds. 0052 Marcus Ulpius Trajan, Emperor of Rome from AD 98-117. He was the third Roman emperor to rule, after Nero (54-68) and Domitian (81-96), who persecuted the Early Church. During Trajan's reign, the apostolic father Ignatius of Antioch was martyred, in AD 117. |