Sep 18|  HISTORY “4” “2”DAY
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Events, deaths, births, of SEP 19 [For Sep 19 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Sep 29 1700s: Sep 30 1800s: Oct 01 1900~2099: Oct 02] |
![]() 2002 The stock of Electronic Data Systems (EDS) is downgraded from Buy to Hold by AG Edwards and by Janney Montgomery Scott, to Market Perform by Banc of America Securities and by JP Morgan, to Sell by Deutsche Securities; from Outperform to Market Perform by USB Piper Jaffray and by SG Cowen, to Neutral by Soundview Technology, to In-Line by Salomon Smith Barney, to Underperform by Robert W. Baird; from Overweight to Equal-weight by Lehman Brothers . On the New York Stock Exchange EDS drops from its previous close of $36.46 to an intraday low of $17.00 and closes at $17.70. It had traded as high as $72.45 on 27 November 2001. [5~year price chart >] 2000 The US Senate approves permanent normal trade status for China. 1997 Turner gives $1 billion to the UN. ^top^ Ted Turner speaks at a United Nations Association dinner and announces a plan to hand over $1 billion to the U.N. The donation, one of the largest single charitable gifts in history, was intended to fuel programs benefiting children and refugees. Secretary General Kofi Annan noted that Turner's gift, which nearly equaled the U.N.'s annual budget, was "noble and extraordinary." Turner noted that the donation matched his earnings since the beginning of 1997. Turner also criticized the United States Government for $1.5 billion in unpaid dues, in addition to criticizing Bill Gates. "There's a lot of people who are awash in money they don't know what to do with," Turner noted while taking Gates to task by name. "It doesn't do you any good if you don't know what to do with it." |
1991 The body of the "Iceman" is found on the Similaun Glacier in the Tirolean Ötztal Alps, on the Italian-Austrian border. 1988 Israel pone en órbita un satélite artificial y se convierte en el décimo país del mundo que ha podido hacerlo. 1986 US federal health officials announced that the experimental drug AZT would be made available to thousands of AIDS patients. |
1983 St Christopher-Nevis gains independence from Britain (Nat'l
1958 El Frente de Liberación Nacional constituye en el exilio un Gobierno provisional de la República de Argelia, presidido por Ferhat Abbas. 1957 1st underground nuclear explosion (near Las Vegas, Nevada) |
![]() Linus Van Pelt inspired the term "security blanket" with his classic pose. He is the intellectual of the gang, and flabbergasts his friends with his philosophical revelations and solutions to problems. He suffers abuse from his big sister, Lucy, and the unwanted attentions of Charlie Brown's little sister, Sally. He is a paradox: despite his age, he can put life into perspective while sucking his thumb. He knows the true meaning of Christmas while continuing to believe in the Great Pumpkin. ![]() |
1949 Après des grèves très dures, le gouvernement Queuille doit
procéder à une dévaluation brutale du franc : 22, 27 %. 1948 Moscow announces it will withdrawal soldiers from Korea by the end of the year.
1940 Nazi decree forbids Gentile women to work in Jewish homes 1939 Jonction des armées allemandes et russes à Brest-Litovsk 1939 Adolf Hitler ofrece la paz a Francia e Inglaterra, a condición de que reconocieran sus conquistas territoriales, propuesta que es rechazada. 1934 Bruno Hauptmann arrested in New York for kidnapping the Lindbergh baby 1921 El líder rebelde marroquí Abd el Krim proclama la independencia de la República del Rif. |
1914 The Cathedral of Reims is bombarded by Germans in World War I and badly damaged. 1902 Las fuerzas portuguesas de la colonia de Mozambique derrotan y cogen prisionero al jefe nativo Kubi, con lo que finaliza la rebelión iniciada en 1895 contra el dominio portugués. 1899 French President Émile Loubet [31 Dec 1838 20 December 1929] cancels the deportation sentence imposed, on 09 September 1899, on French Jew, Captain Alfred Dreyfus [19 October 1859 12 July 1935], by a second court martial, which again had falsely found him guilty (with extenuating circumstances this time) of passing secrets to the Germans, repeating the travesty of justice of the first court-martial (22 December 1894) which sent Dreyfus to notorious Devil's Island. In July 1906 the civilian Cour d'Appel would exonerate Dreyfus, on 22 July 1906 he would be reinstated in the army and awarded the Légion d'Honneur. Major Hubert Joseph Henry, forger of the military cover-up, had alread confessed and, at the end of August 1898, committed suicide, which provoked Major Marie-Charles-Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy [1847 21 May 1923], the real spy (who had forged evidence against Dreyfus) whom a court-martial had falsely exonerated, to flee the country. MORE and a Harper's cartoon.
1870 Guerra franco-prusiana. Comienza el sitio de París por el Ejército alemán. 1864 3rd Battle of Winchester (Opequon Creek), Virginia: Union General Philip Sheridan routs a Confederate force under General Jubal Early in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. This battle was part of Sheridan's pacification of the valley. 1863 Battle of Chickamauga, Tenn (near Chattanooga) begins; Union retreat. In Georgia, the two-day Battle of Chickamauga begins as Union troops under George Thomas clash with Confederates under Nathan Bedford Forrest. Union General William Rosecrans and Confederate General Braxton Bragg begin a major battle at Chickamauga, Georgia. The following day, the Confederates routed the Yankees and sent them in retreat to Chattanooga, Tennessee. 1862 Battle of Iuka, Mississippi 1861 Siege of Lexington, Missouri continues 1848 Bond (US) & Lassell (England) independently discover Hyperion, moon of Saturn 1846 Elizabeth Barrett & Robert Browning elope 1841 The first railway to span a frontier is completed between Strasbourg and Basle. 1811 El primer presidente electo de las Provincias Unidas de la Nueva Granada, Jorge Tadeo Lozano de Peralta, es depuesto por el movimiento encabezado por Antonio Nariño. 1810 Carlos de Pueblas Lubres promulga una Constitución por la que se instituye el Estado independiente del Reino de Quito con un gobierno popular y representativo, aunque este régimen independiente será reprimido por los españoles. 1796 George Washington's farewell address as US president is published. 1792 Le palais du Louvre est désigné pour abriter le premier grand musée national, le Muséum central des arts, conformément au décret du 6 mai 1791. 1788 Charles de Barentin becomes lord chancellor of France. 1783 The first hot-air balloon is sent aloft in Versailles, France with animal passengers including a sheep, rooster and a duck. 1778 The Committee on Finance of the Continental Congress presents the US's first budget. 1777 Battle of Freeman's Farm (Bemis Heights) or 1st Battle of Saratoga: American forces under Gen. Horatio Gates defeat British troops led by Gen. John Burgoyne at Saratoga Springs, NY.
1630 The poet George Herbert is ordained a priest of the Anglican Church. He wrote mystical poetry which is still found in anthologies of English literature. 1580 Liberación de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra de su cautiverio de Argel. 1544 Francis, the king of France, and Charles V of Austria sign a peace treaty in Crespy, France, ending a 20-year war 1468 Enrique IV, rey de Castilla, llega a un acuerdo con su hermanastra Isabel, futura Isabel la Católica, en los Toros de Guisando por el que ella se convierte en la heredera del trono a la muerte del rey.
which occurred on a 19 September: 2002 General Robert Guei, Ivory Coast deposed military junta leader, when his car refuses to stop at a military checkpoint in dowtown Abidjan and is shot at by paramilitary police. This come after attack on government sites in Abidjan and other cities. The attempted coup fails, but some 800 former soldiers who want reinstatement in the army, form the nucleus of a rebellion that takes over Bouake and the surrounding region. The rebels get support from mostly Muslim northerners who complain of discrimination by the largely Christian southern-based government. Young ethnic Dioulas armed by the rebels hunted down fleeing members of the government-supported Baoule tribe. They chase them through the streets, stealing their belongings and burning their homes. On 09 October 2002, Dioula youths would raid a Baoule neighborhood and burn residents there alive. By then some 150'000 Bouake residents would have fled the city, mostly on foot carrying young children and what belongings they can. Many of those displaced are from the 3 million-strong immigrant population from neighboring Burkina Faso. Many Ivorians in the largely Christian south suspect in part because the government insists that rebels are getting outside help that Muslim Burkina Faso has a hand in the rebellion. Thousands of Burkinabes would be chased from their farms in a major cocoa- and coffee-growing region around the southwestern town of Duekoue. Traders in cocoa around the world brace for a steep increase in prices. ![]() 2002 Bus driver Yossi Mamistalov, 39 [photo >], of Or Yehuda; Solomon Honig, 80, of Tel Aviv; Rosana Siso, 63, from Gan Yavneh; Ofer Zinger, from Pezael in Jordan Valley; Yaffa Shemtov Hanoon, 49, from Tel Aviv; and a suicide bomber, as he boards a Dan coooperative No. 4 bus on Alllenby Street near Rothschild Boulevard, between Yehuda Halevy and Montefiore Streets, in downtown Tel Aviv, just after 13:00. 71 are injured. One of them, Jonathan Yoni Jesner, 19, Jewish student from Glasgow, Scotland, dies the next day. 2002 The first victims of an antigovernment uprising which start in Bouake, Ivory Coast. 1989 171 persons as UTA Flight772 from Brazzaville to Paris explodes in the desert in Niger. 1985: 9500 die in Mexico's earthquake (6.9) The Mexico City area is struck by the first of two devastating quakes that claimed some 6000 lives. Un terremoto de magnitud 8,1 grados en la escala de Richter destruye un tercio de los edificios de la ciudad de México y causa la muerte de más de 35'000 personas. 1982 Decenas de refugiados palestinos masacrados en Beirut durante la ocupación israelí de la ciudad. 1980 Ventura Gassol, poeta y político español. 1971 William F. Albright, US biblical archaeologist.
1895 Gerardina Jacoba van Bakhuyzen Sande, Dutch artist born on 27 July 1826. 1891 José Manuel Balmaceda, político chileno. 1890 540 victims of fire on Turkish frigate Ertogrul off of Japan
1863 Joseph Nigg, Austrian artist born on 13 October 1782.
1843 Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis, French physicist, engineer, mathematician.
1692 Giles Corey is pressed to death for standing mute and refusing to answer charges of witchcraft brought against him. He is the only person in what is now the US to have suffered this punishment. 1581 Frans Pourbus (or Poerbus) Sr., Dutch painter born in 1545. MORE ON POURBUS AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER LINKS Portrait of a Woman 1290 Santa María de Cervellón, religiosa mercedaria española. 1180 Louis VII. Au retour d'un pèlerinage, il prend froid et est terrassé par une hémiplégie. Il meurt paralysé à l'abbaye de Saint-Port. Son successeur est Philippe II Auguste. 0821 Burial of Theodulf, poet, scholar, secretary of education, and bishop of Orleans during Charlemagne's reign. After Charlemagne's death he was accused of treason and imprisoned, but eventually pardoned in time to die. |
Births which occurred on
a 19 September:
1926 Lurleen Wallace (Gov-D-Ala) 1920 Roger Angell, author. 1919 Juan Barjola, pintor español.
1907 Lewis F. Powell Jr., in Virginia, Supreme Court associate justice (1972-1987). He died on 09 December 1982. 1905 Leon Jaworski (attorney: Watergate special prosecutor). He died on 04 February 1978. 1904 Bergen Evans, educator and author who wrote Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage. 1898 Giuseppe Saragat president of Italy (1964-71) 1894 Rachel Field, novelist and playwright who wrote All This and Heaven Too and And Now Tomorrow. 1888 Alexander, mathematician 1867 Arthur Rakham, British artist who died on 06 September 1939. The Rhinemaidens teasing Alberich 1851 William Hesketh Lever, English entrepreneur who built the Lever Brothers firm. He died on 07 May 1925.
1839 George Cadbury, English social reformer and chocolate manufacturer, who died on 24 October 1922. 1802 Louis Kossuth Hungary, President of Hungary (1849) 1749 Jean-Baptiste Delambre, mathematician. 1737 Charles Carroll, American patriot leader; signer of the US Declaration of Independence. He died on 14 November 1832, 1730 Augustin Pajou, French sculptor and decorator who died on 08 May 1809. 0086 Antoninus Pius 15th Roman emperor (138-161) Issu d'une famille originaire de Nemausus (Nîmes), l'empereur romain Antonin le Pieux est né. |