Sep 13|  HISTORY “4” “2”DAY
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Events, deaths, births, of SEP 14 [For Sep 14 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Sep 24 1700s: Sep 25 1800s: Sep 26 1900~2099: Sep 27] |
1973 Israel shoots down 13 Syrian MIG-21s 1972 España y la URSS firman un acuerdo comercial, el primero desde la instauración del régimen de Francisco Franco Bahamonde en España. 1967 The Federal Trade Commission decides to modify its e initial ruling that AT&T's charges for "interstate services" should be capped at a "fair rate" of 7% to 7.5%. Despite the adjustment, the FTC's decisions send the phone giant's stock spiraling to an all-time low.
1965 Pope Paul VI opens the fourth session of the Second Vatican Council in Rome.
1963 Huelgas mineras e industriales propician el nacimiento de Comisiones Obreras, en España.
1956 1st prefrontal lobotomy performed, Washington DC 1954 Un avión militar soviético lanza una bomba atómica en los Urales para estudiar los efectos sobre los seres humanos. 1949 Los soviéticos realizan su primera explosión atómica, según anunciará el presidente Harry S. Truman el 23 septiembre. 1948 Gerald Ford upsets Rep Bartel J Jonkman in Mich 5th Dist Rep primary 1948 Groundbreaking ceremony for the UN world headquarters 1948 Milton Berle starts his TV career on Texaco Star Theater 1944 El Ejército Rojo llega hasta las afueras de Varsovia. 1940 US Congress passes the Selective Service Act, first peacetime draft in US history. 1938 Graf Zeppelin II, world's largest airship, makes maiden flight
1931 España es reelegida como país miembro del Consejo de la Sociedad de Naciones. 1930 Nazis gain 107 seats in German election Gran avance de los nacionalsocialistas (107 escaños) y los comunistas (77 escaños) en Alemania. 1929 La Sociedad de Naciones aprueba el Estatuto del Tribunal Internacional de Justicia. 1927 Bob Jones University opened in Greenville, South Carolina, and eighty-eight students registered for the first fall term. 1923 Miguel Primo de Rivera becomes dictator of Spain 1918 The Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Wisconsin, Ohio and Other States was formed from the merger of several smaller synods. In 1930 this denomination merged with two other synods to form the American Lutheran Church (ALC). 1917 Provisional government of Russia established, Republic proclaimed by Alexandr Feodorovich Kerenski who is named Commander-in-Chief of the Army. 1912 Se inaugura en Australia el primer tramo del ferrocarril de 1700 Km. entre Port Augusta y Kal Goorlie. 1911 Russian Premier Peter Stolypin is fatally wounded by an assassin at a theater in Kiev. He would die four days later. |
1897 Le sénat
d'Hawaï accepte l'annexion des îles par les États Unis. ces îles avaient
été découvertes en 1778 par le capitaine Cook. Cook avait appelé cet
archipel "îles Sandwich", du nom du Premier Lord de l'Amirauté d'alors.
En 1959, les îles d'Hawaï deviendront le cinquantième état des États
Unis d'Amérique. 1891 "Empire State Express" train goes from NYC to East Buffalo, a distance of 702 km, in a record 7h6m (average speed 99 km/h). 1872 Britain pays the US $15 million for damages during Civil War 1862 Attack on Munfordville, Kentucky 1861 Siege of Lexington, Missouri continues 1856 Battle of San Jacinto, Nicaragua defeats invaders 1854 Allied armies, including those of Britain and France, land in Crimea to oppose the Russians, who had initiated the Crimean War by invading Turkey in July 1853.
1822 El egiptólogo francés Jean-François Champollion lee el nombre de Ramsés en la piedra de Rosetta, por lo que se considera esta fecha como la del nacimiento de la egiptografía. 1814 Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner" after witnessing the British bombardment of Fort McHenry in Maryland.
1792 Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d'Orléans, descendant direct de Monsieur, frère de Louis XIV, pressentant l'orage à venir, prend la décision qu'entérine le procureur de la Commune de porter dorénavant le nom de Philippe Égalité, pour lui-même et sa postérité. Il ne le portera que peu de temps d'ailleurs. 1791 L'Assemblée Nationale vote un décret par lequel sont rattachés à la France la ville d'Avignon et le Comtat Venaissin, sans pape depuis1429, mais qui étaient administrés par son légat. 1791 Louis XVI prête serment. Le roi de France et de Navarre arrive à l'Assemblée en carrosse. Lorsqu'il entre, les députés se lèvent. Pas de trône, on invite le roi à prendre place dans un fauteuil. Il se lève pour prononcer le serment constitutionnel, qui fait désormais de lui le "roi des Français", et par lequel il reconnaît la souveraineté nationale. Mais lorsqu'il commence à parler, les membres de l'Assemblée se rassoient. Le roi humilié, lui-même, finit de prononcer son serment après s'être rassis. Désormais "le royaume est un et indivisible". 1752 England and colonies adopt Gregorian calendar, 11 days disappear 1741 German composer George Frederick Handel, 56, finished composing his oratorio, "The Messiah." He wrote the score, start-to-finish, in only 24 days, subsisting primarily on coffee. 1730 A los 16 años ingresa en la orden franciscana Fray Junípero Serra. 1716 1st lighthouse in US lit (Boston Harbor) 1519 Decreto del Emperador Carlos I por el que se incorporan los territorios conquistados de América a la corona de Castilla. 1262 El Rey de Castilla y León Alfonso X el Sabio reconquista a los árabes la ciudad de Cádiz.
Deaths which occurred on
a September 14: ^top^
2002 Patra Tansakunwong, 20, by jumping from the fourth floor of a Chamber of Commerce University building in Bangkok, a few minutes after being denied a delay for her tax-law exam. She was a third-year law student. 2002:: 41 (or more?) persons poisoned by breakfast snacks (such as sesame cakes and fried dough sticks) from a Tangshan, China, outlet of the Heshengyuan Soy Milk chain. Some 200 (or more?) persons are made sick. The real numbers may be much higher, but the government impedes free reporting of the news. 2002 Karl Kulper, 66, German-born, who, after his wife and child died, lived for the last 25 years in the brick bus shelter close to Saint Vincent's hospital in Darlinghurst, inner city suburb of Sydney, Australia. 2001 Sofian Alarda, Palestinian from Araba near Jenin, from wounds suffered the previous day when his sister Balqis, 14, was killed by Israelis and Israeli troops arrested him and preventing Palestinian paramedics from helping him for three hours before taking him to unknown destination..This day he is announced dead in the Israeli hospital of Afula north of Jenin. 2001 Raafat Muhammad Ehmedan, 25, Palestinian driving his car to Khrabta Almisbah via Beit Ur near Ramallah, ambushed by Israeli settlers from the enclave settlement Shvot Rahail, severely wounded, the Israelis take him to a hospital and declare him dead. 1983 Bill Boone, mathematician 1982 Bashir Gemayel, Lebanon's president-elect, killed by a bomb El presidente libanés Bechir Gemayel en un atentado en Beirut.
1927 Isadora Duncan, 49, the controversial but highly influential US dancer, is instantly strangled to death in Nice, France, when her trademark long scarf gets caught in the rear wheel of a Bugatti driven by factory mechanic Benoit Falchetto. Promenade des Anglais à Nice, son écharpe, emportée par le vent, s'enroule dans la roue de sa voiture et l'étrangle. 1916 José Echegaray Eizaguirre, escritor español, premio Nobel 1904. 1916 Pierre Duhem, mathematician 1912 Landsberg, mathematician 1911 Piotr Stolypin Russia's PM assassinated by Mordka Bogrov 1910 Lueroth, mathematician 1910 El dirigible Zeppelin IV, destruido por el fuego cerca de Baden-Baden (Alemania). |
1901 William McKinley, US President, of gunshot
wounds received on 06 September. VP Theodore Roosevelt becomes president, Big Business's worst nightmare. ^top^ When Leon Czolgosz, a Polish anarchist, shot President William McKinley, on 06 September 1901, White House doctors cautiously predicted a recovery. Unfortunately, their optimism was unwarranted and McKinley dies on 14 September. Investors mourned the death of the business-friendly president by engaging in a steady sell-off. Stocks promptly fall and the Dow-Jones Industrial Average closes down 3.20. The drop was also a reflection of Wall Street's fears over Teddy Roosevelt's ascension to the presidency. A few years earlier, Republican officials, supported by prominent business leaders, had purposely sidelined the freewheeling Rough Rider as McKinley's vice president. Now, much to their chagrin, Theodore Roosevelt, 42, was president. 17 years earlier two other deaths had devastated the young Roosevelt. In February 1884, Roosevelt's young wife died after giving birth to their daughter; and a mere 12 hours later his much-beloved mother also died. Roosevelt went West, establishing himself on two ranches in the Badlands of Dakota Territory and writing to friends that he had given up politics and planned to make ranching "my regular business." Despite this, three years later he returned to New York City and resumed the political career that would eventually take him to the White House. Even after he had returned to the civilized East, Roosevelt always credited his western interlude with restoring his mental and physical vitality. From an early age, Roosevelt had been convinced of the benefits of living the "strenuous life," arguing that too many American males had succumbed to the ease and safety of modern industrialized society and become soft and effeminate. Roosevelt thought more men should follow his example and embrace the hard, virile, pioneer life of the West, a place where "the qualities of hardihood, self-reliance, and resolution" were essential for survival. Roosevelt's own western experience was hardly as harsh and challenging as he liked to claim, yet the eastern tenderfoot did adapt quickly to the rougher ways of ranch life. He earned the respect of Dakotans by tracking down a gang of bandits who had stolen a riverboat and once knocked out a barroom bully who had taunted him. Though he spent the vast majority of his life in the East, Roosevelt thereafter always thought of himself as a westerner at heart, and he did more than any president before him to conserve the wild western lands he loved. 17 years earlier two other deaths had sent the young Roosevelt fleeing to the far West where his political ambitions were almost forgotten. In February 1884, Roosevelt's young wife died after giving birth to their daughter; a mere 12 hours later his much-beloved mother also died. Devastated by this cruel double blow, Roosevelt sought solace in the wide open spaces of the West, establishing himself on two ranches in the Badlands of Dakota Territory and writing to friends that he had given up politics and planned to make ranching "my regular business." Despite this, three years later he returned to New York City and resumed the political career that would eventually take him to the White House. Even after he had returned to the civilized East, Roosevelt always credited his western interlude with restoring his mental and physical vitality. From an early age, Roosevelt had been convinced of the benefits of living the "strenuous life," arguing that too many American males had succumbed to the ease and safety of modern industrialized society and become soft and effeminate. Roosevelt thought more men should follow his example and embrace the hard, virile, pioneer life of the West, a place where "the qualities of hardihood, self-reliance, and resolution" were essential for survival. Roosevelt's own western experience was hardly as harsh and challenging as he liked to claim, yet the eastern tenderfoot did adapt quickly to the rougher ways of ranch life. He earned the respect of Dakotans by tracking down a gang of bandits who had stolen a riverboat and once knocked out a barroom bully who had taunted him. Though he spent the vast majority of his life in the East, Roosevelt thereafter always thought of himself as a westerner at heart, and he did more than any president before him to conserve the wild western lands he loved. AT THE THRESHOLD (of the Hall of Martyrs) Details and editorial cartoon about the McKinley assassination. |
1899 Henry Bliss becomes 1st automobile fatality (NY) 1893 Pieter Gerardus Vertin, Dutch artist born on 21 March 1819. 1882 Edward Bouverie Pusey, author. PUSEY ONLINE: The Holy Eucharist a Comfort to the Penitent translator of Saint Augustine's Confessions
1851 James Fenimore
Cooper, on the eve of his 62nd birthday, in Cooperstown NY.
Cooper was born on 15 September 1789 in New Jersey and moved the following year to the frontier in upstate New York, where his father founded a frontier-town sater named Coopersville. Cooper attended Yale but joined the Navy after he was expelled for a prank. When Cooper was about 20, his father died, and he became financially independent. Having drifted for a decade, Cooper began writing a novel after his wife challenged him to write something better than he was reading at the moment. His first novel, Precaution, modeled on Jane Austen, was not successful, but his second, The Spy, influenced by the popular writings of Sir Walter Scott, became a bestseller, making Cooper the first major American novelist. The story was set during the American Revolution and featured George Washington as a character. He continued to write about the American frontier in his third book, The Pioneer, which featured backcountry scout Natty Bumppo, known in this book as "Leather-stocking." The character, representing goodness, purity, and simplicity, became tremendously popular, and reappeared, by popular demand, in five more novels, known collectively as the "Leather-stocking Tales." The second book in the series, The Last of the Mohicans, published on 4 February 1826, is still widely read today. The five books span Bumppo's life, from coming of age through approaching death. Ce fils d'un riche membre du Congrès américain, est renvoyé de l'Université de Yale pour avoir provoqué une explosion dans un cours de chimie. Après avoir servit dans la marine, il devient fermier. C'est ce moment qu'il choisit pour écrire. Il accède rapidement à la célébrité en publiant des nouvelles et son chef d'uvre Le Dernier des Mohicans. James Fenimore Cooper was the first major US novelist, author of the novels of frontier adventure known as the Leatherstocking Tales, featuring the wilderness scout called Natty Bumppo, or Hawkeye. They include The Pioneers (1823), The Last of the Mohicans (1826), The Prairie (1827), The Pathfinder (1840), and The Deerslayer (1841). Cooper's first fiction, Precaution (1820), was a plodding imitation of Jane Austen's novels of English gentry manners, investigating the ironic discrepancy between illusion and reality. His second novel, The Spy: A Tale of the Neutral Ground (1821), was based on another British model, Sir Walter Scott's "Waverley" novels, stories of adventure and romance, which Cooper transfered to an American Revolutionary War setting, introducing several distinctively American character types. Like Scott's novels, The Spy is a drama of conflicting loyalties and interests in which the action mirrors and expresses more subtle internal psychological tensions. The Spy soon brought him international fame. The first of the renowned "Leatherstocking" tales, The Pioneers; or, The Sources of the Susquehanna (1823), followed and adhered to the successful formula of The Spy, reproducing its basic thematic conflicts and utilizing family traditions once again. In The Pioneers, however, the traditions were those of William Cooper of Cooperstown, who appears as Judge Temple of Templeton, along with many other lightly disguised inhabitants of James's boyhood village. No known prototype exists, however, for the novel's principal character the former wilderness scout Natty Bumppo, alias Leatherstocking. The Leatherstocking of The Pioneers is an aged man, of rough but sterling character, who ineffectually opposes "the march of progress," namely, the agricultural frontier and its chief spokesman, Judge Temple. Fundamentally, the conflict is between rival versions of the American Eden: the "God's Wilderness" of Leatherstocking and the cultivated garden of Judge Temple. Since Cooper himself was deeply attracted to both ideals, he was able to create a powerful and moving story of frontier life. Indeed, The Pioneers is both the first and finest detailed portrait of frontier life in American literature; it is also the first truly original American novel. Cooper wrote a series of sequels (not written in their narrative order) in which the entire life of the frontier scout was gradually unfolded. The Last of the Mohicans (1826) takes the reader back to the French and Indian wars of Natty's middle age, when he is at the height of his powers. That work was succeeded by The Prairie (1827) in which, now very old and philosophical, Leatherstocking dies, facing the westering sun he has so long followed. Identified from the start with the vanishing wilderness and its natives, Leatherstocking was an unalterably elegiac figure, wifeless and childless, hauntingly loyal to a lost cause. This conception of the character was not fully realized in The Pioneers, however, because Cooper's main concern with depicting frontier life led him to endow Leatherstocking with some comic traits and make his laments, at times, little more than whines or grumbles. But in these sequels Cooper retreated stylistically from a realistic picture of the frontier in order to portray a more idyllic and romantic wilderness; by doing so he could exploit the parallels between the American Indians and the forlorn Celtic heroes of James Macpherson's pseudo-epic The Works of Ossian, leaving Leatherstocking intact but slightly idealized and making extensive use of Macpherson's imagery and rhetoric. [Poesie di Ossian, tradotto da Melchiorre Cesarotti, zip] Cooper intended to bury Leatherstocking in The Prairie, but many years later he resuscitated the character and portrayed his early maturity in The Pathfinder; or, The Inland Sea (1840) and his youth in The Deerslayer; or, The First Warpath (1841). These novels, in which Natty becomes the centre of romantic interest for the first time, carry the idealization process further. In The Pathfinder he is explicitly described as an American Adam, while in The Deerslayer he demonstrates his fitness as a warrior-saint by passing a series of moral trials and revealing a keen, though untutored, aesthetic sensibility. Cooper continued to write many other volumes of fiction and nonfiction. His fourth novel, The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea (1823), inaugurated a series of sea novels, which were at once as popular and influential as the "Leatherstocking" tales. And they were more authentic. Herman Melville and Joseph Conrad rightly admired and learned from them, in particular The Red Rover (1827) and The Sea Lions (1849). Never before in prose fiction had the sea become not merely a theatre for, but the principal actor in, moral drama that celebrated man's courage and skill at the same time that it revealed him humbled by the forces of God's nature. As developed by Cooper, and later by Melville, the sea novel became a powerful vehicle for spiritual as well as moral exploration. Not satisfied with mere fictional treatment of life at sea, Cooper also wrote a meticulously researched, highly readable History of the Navy of the United States of America (1839). Through his novels, most notably The Bravo (1831), and other more openly polemical writings, Cooper attacked the corruption and tyranny of oligarchical regimes in Europe. The public was not interested in Cooper's acute political treatise, The American Democrat (1838), or in such political satires as The Monikins (1835) or Home As Found (1838). And though he wrote some of his best romances particularly the later "Leatherstocking" tales and Satanstoe; or, The Littlepage Manuscripts (1845) during the last decade of his life, profits from publishing so diminished that he gained little benefit from improved popularity. Though his circumstances were never straitened, he had to go on writing; and some of the later novels, such as Mercedes of Castile (1840) or Jack Tier; or, The Florida Reef (1846-48), were mere hack work. COOPER ONLINE: |
editor of Susan Fenimore Cooper's |
1836 Aaron Burr 3rd
US Vice-President. 1784 Michel Nicolas Bernard Lepicié, French painter born on 16 June 1735. LINKS The Young Draftsman (The Painter Carle Vernet at Age 14) A Mother Feeding her Child 1784 Jean Henry d'Arles, French artist born on 14 September 1734. 1759 Louis Montcalm, 47, French general (Plains of Abraham) 1743 Nicolas Lancret, French genre painter born on 22 January 1690.. MORE ON LANCRET AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER LINKS Breakfast Before the Hunt The Music Party End of the Hunt Baigneuses Le Moulinet 1712 Giovanni Cassini, mathematician and astronomer 1638, John Harvard, 31, clergyman from Charlestown, Massachusetts. His testament leaves his library and half of his estate to a 2-year-old college in Cambridge, Mass.. The bequest allows the college to firmly establish itself and it adopts the name Harvard College. 1638 Vernier, mathematician 1637 Theodor Rombouts (or Rombout), Flemish artist born on 02 July 1597. MORE ON ROMBOUTS AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER LINKS The Backgammon Players The Musicians Cavalier and a Market Girl 1565 Vasco de Quiroga, colonizador español. |
![]() Poema da Dante Alighieri in terza rima, iniziato nel 1307, composto di tre Cantiche (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso) che comprendono 100 canti complessivi: 34 l'"Inferno", 33 ciascuno il "Purgatorio" e il "Paradiso". Argomento dell'opera è il viaggio compiuto da Dante nell'Oltretomba. Tre guide conducono il poeta: Virgilio nell'Inferno, e parte del Purgatorio, fino all'Eden; Beatrice, la donna amata da Dante in gioventù e il cui ricordo lo ha distolto dal traviamento, conduce il poeta fino all'Empireo, alla Rosa celeste; e San Bernardo che mostra a Dante la gloria di Dio. Il viaggio dura circa una settimana e ha inizio nella notte del Venerdì Santo, l'8 aprile 1300. Dante Alighieri nasce nel 1265 da una famiglia guelfa di Firenze, di piccola nobiltà. Amico di Guido Cavalcanti, di cui inizialmente subì l'egemonia culturale, partecipò con lui e con altri poeti al movimento del Dolce Stil Nuovo. Gran parte delle sue rime giovanili sono dedicate ad una "Beatrice", che viene tradizionalmente identificata con l'omonima figlia di Folco Portinari, sposata a Simone de' Bardi, e morta di parto l'8 giugno 1290. Il poeta tra il 1293 e il 1294 rielabora la storia spirituale del suo amore nella "Vita Nuova", un libriccino mescolato di versi e di prosa. Dopo questa data Dante comincia a partecipare alla vita politica di Firenze, del cui esercito ha fatto parte in diverse occasioni (nel giugno 1289 lo troviamo tra i "feditori" a cavallo nella battaglia di Campaldino contro i ghibellini di Arezzo, nell'agosto dello stesso anno è nell'esercito fiorentino che tolse ai pisani la fortezza di Caprona). Dante, che aveva trascorso un periodo di studi a Bologna, si iscrisse alla corporazione dei medici e degli speziali per iniziare la carriera politica (gli Ordinamenti di Giustizia di Giano della Bella riservavano il governo del comune solo ai cittadini iscritti a una delle corporazioni d'arti e mestieri). Nel 1300 le sue responsabilità politiche aumentarono, e Dante divenne uno dei Priori, dedicando la maggior parte delle sue energie a contrastare i piani del papa Bonifacio VIII. Questi infatti , approfittando del conflitto presente in Firenze fra i Bianchi, capeggiati dalla consorteria dei Cerchi, e i Neri guidati da quella dei Donati, cercava di di estendere la sua autorità su tutta la Toscana. Nell'ottobre del 1301 il papa inviò a Firenze Carlo di Valois, fratello del re di Francia, apparentemente come paciere: ma in realtà Carlo aveva l'incarico di debellare i Bianchi. Mentre Dante si trovava a Roma come ambasciatore del comune di Firenze presso il Pontefice, Corso Donati e i neri conquistarono, con uccisioni e violenze, il potere. Dante fu condannato all'interdizione perpetua dai pubblici uffici, a una multa e all'esilio per due anni, per furto del denaro pubblico, azioni ostili verso il papa e la città (non essendosi presentato a discolparsi fu condannato ad essere bruciato vivo se fosse caduto in mano al Comune). Dal 1302 comincia il periodo dell'esilio, che durerà fino alla morte del poeta. Iniziò un pellegrinaggio per l'Italia. Prese contatto con Bartolomeo della Scala a Verona e con i conti Malaspina in Lunigiana, e tra il 1304 e il 1307 compose il Convivio (poi rimasto interrotto) per acquisire meriti di fronte all'opinione pubblica (per lungo tempo coltivò l'illusione di poter essere richiamato nella sua città come riconoscimento della sua grandezza culturale). Appartiene allo stesso periodo il De Vulgari Eloquentia. Col passare degli anni Dante iniziò a vedere il suo esilio come simbolo del distacco dalla corruzione, dagli odi e dagli egoismi di parte, e si considerò guida per gli uomini alla riconquista di essa, della verità e della pace. Tale vocazione ispira la Divina Commedia, cominciata probabilmente dopo il 1307. Nel 1310 il nuovo imperatore Arrigo VII scese in Italia e Dante, scrisse delle lettere per esortare tutti ad accogliere colui che poteva riportare alla pace; scrisse inoltre il suo trattato politico più importante, la Monarchia. Ma nel 1313 Arrigo morì improvvisamente a Buonconvento presso Siena, e Dante abbandonò ogni speranza di tornare a Firenze. Negli ultimi anni, fu ospite di Can Grande della Scala a Verona e di Guido Novello da Polenta a Ravenna. Qui portò a termine l'ultima parte della Commedia, di cui era già stata pubblicata prima del 1315 la prima cantica, l'Inferno. Lo scrittore muore a Ravenna nella notte di 13 a 14 settembre 1321. |
![]() Dante Alighieri's La Divina Commedia is the allegorical story of spiritual journey, one which began on Good Friday, 08 April 1300 when Dante was 35 and thus midway through his allotted span and lasted for just seven days; but it is also a bitter political polemic, excoriating those in authority in Italy, and above all in his native Florence, and denouncing the papacy for its wealth and corruption. It embraces the celestial and the terrestrial, the mythological and the historical, the practical and the ethical; it discusses reason and faith, of society and the individual; finally, it claims to speak with the voice of God. The earth, we must understand, is the centre of the universe, of which only the northern hemisphere is inhabited. Within this hemisphere is hell, a vast funnel formed by the fall of Lucifer. The earth displaced by the fall descended to the southern hemisphere where it formed the mountain of purgatory, rising from the ocean. This too is conical, with seven ledges rising to its summit, paradise. Around the earth are nine concentric revolving heavens , encircling which is the empyrean, home to the nine orders or angels and the seat of God. Dante's journey therefore takes him through the entire universe. It begins in the dark wood of sin where he finds the poet Virgil, who undertakes to guide him. Down they go through the deepening circles, speaking with the damned, who are being punished according to their sins on earth. Some are mythological, some historical, some contemporary Florentines. Emerging in the southern hemisphere, Dante and Virgil sail to purgatory, on whose successive ledges they find those guilty of the seven deadly sins. They too suffer horribly but, unlike the denizens of Hell, they have hope; they are working up towards paradise. There the pagan Virgil must take his leave , while Dante finds his long-last Beatrice, through whom he is led to his final vision of God. Dante was not the first poet to write in Italian; but he, more than anyone, made his native Tuscan dialect the literary language of the whole peninsula. His limpid Italian might have been written yesterday. The work is not easy, but for anyone prepared to make the effort, the rewards are great. The Divine Comedy is a poem which describes the journey of Dante the Pilgrim as he is lead, firstly by Virgil through Hell and Purgatory and secondly by Beatrice through to Heaven. The poem is therefore separated into three volumes. Each volume (Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise) is of 33 cantos, except for Inferno which contains one extra introductory canto which serves as an overview to what will come. The interpretation of The Divine Comedy is much more than a simple poem. In fact Dante even tells us so in a letter he wrote. Dante says that in the literal sense his work is a description of 'the state of souls after death' but if his work is to be taken allegorically then the subject is ' Man-as, according to his merits or demerits in the exercise of his free will, he is subject to reward or punishment by Justice...'. The work therefore investigates Mankind's search for salvation where man must first descend into humility before he can raise himself to God. Before man can hope to climb the mountain of salvation he must first know what sin is. This is exactly what the Pilgrims journey represents as his pilgrimage takes Dante (who represents all Mankind) through all the types of sin in preparation for his ascent to God. |
ART ABOUT DANTE ONLINE: [for maximum screen area in Windows:
press F11] |
1213 Pedro II, rey de Aragón. 0891 Stephen V Pope 0407 John Chrysostom, elderly bishop at Comana in hot sun on a forced march. He had been banished because he spoke out against behavior that touched too close to the empress.
Births which occurred on
a September 14: 1963 Four girls and a boy, the US's 1st surviving quintuplets, are given birth by Mary Ann Fischer, Aberdeen, SD.
1934 Kate Millett St Paul Minn, feminist/author (Sexual Politics) 1929 Larry Collins, escritor estadounidense. 1929 John Gutfreund 1928 Albert Shanker American labor leader (Amer Fed of Teachers) 1923 Fabián Estapé, economista español. 1921 Constance Baker Motley (civil rights attorney; 1st woman elected as president of Manhattan [NYC]; 1st black woman to become a state senator of New York; federal judge) 1920 Mario Benedetti, escritor uruguayo. 1920 Calderon, mathematician 1913 Jacobo Arbenz president of Guatemala (1951-54); overthrown by CIA 1907 Walter Kurt Wiemken, Swiss artist who died on 30 December 1940. 1891 Ivan Vinogradov, mathematician 1887 Karl Taylor Compton physicist/atomic bomb scientist 1886 Typewriter ribbon patented by George Anderson of Memphis, Tennessee. The first practical typewriter was patented in 1868 and was available for purchase in 1873. 1886 George K Anderson of Memphis, Tennessee patents typewriter ribbon. 1886 Jan Garrique Masaryk Czech, statesman/minister to London (1918-35) 1879 Margaret Sanger, nurse, feminist: birth control advocate; first president of International Planned Parenthood; she died on 06 September 1966. 1878 Hilda Fearon, British painter who died on 02 June 1917. The Tea Party 1876 Cesar Klein, German artist who died in 1954. 1867 Charles Dana Gibson illustrator, drew "Gibson Girl". He died in 1944. 1858 Henry Fine, mathematician 1853 Axel Hjalmar Ender, Norwegian artist who died in 1920. 1849 Ivan Pavlov Russia, physiologist/pioneer in psychology. He died on 27 February 1936. 1844 Mitchell Bennette Houghton, co-author of Two Boys in the Civil War and After 1837 Bugaev, mathematician 1815 Manuel María Madiedo, escritor, político, publicista y editor colombiano.
1741 The Messiah is completed by George Frederick Handel who started only 24 days earlier. |