24 Sep|  HISTORY
“4” “2”DAY
|26 Sep >>
Events, deaths, births, of 25 SEP [For Sep 25 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Oct 05 1700s: Oct 06 1800s: Oct 07 1900~2099: Oct 08] |
![]() 2002 An investigating committee issues its report on extraordinary advances claimed by scientists at Bell Labs, including the 17 October 2001 claim of having creating molecule-sized transistors, which was highly ballyhooed in the news media and in the 2001 annual report of Lucent Technologies, the parent company of Bell Labs. The data in the research, conducted between 1998 and 2001, had been improperly manipulated, even fabricated, by Dr. J. Hendrik Schön, 32 [photo published in October 2001 >]. Bell Labs immediately fires him. The gullibility of his colleagues and of scientific journals is also blamed. The committee's full 127-page report, in PDF format, is available on the web at http://www.lucent.com/news_events/pdf/researchreview.pdf and a 3-page executive summary is at http://www.lucent.com/news_events/pdf/summary.pdf ![]() 2001 Under pressure from the US in the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (11 September 2001), Saudi Arabia cuts diplomatic relations with the Taliban government of Afghanistan, accusing it of continuing "to use its land to harbor, arm and encourage those criminals in carrying out terrorist attacks which horrify those who live in peace and the innocent, and spread terror and destruction in the world." thus "defaming Islam and defaming Muslims' reputation in the world." This leaves the Taliban with its embassy in Pakistan as its only official foreign relations, though Pakistan has withdrawn its diplomats from Kabul. Most countries recognize the Afghan government-in-exile of President Burhanuddin Rabbani 2001:: 62 prisoners, including two murderers serving life sentences, escape early in the morning from Bomana prison in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. They knock down an old fence surrounding their living quarters, and use boltcutters to cut their way through an outer fence. 2000 In Yugoslavia, opposition presidential candidate Vojislav Kostunica claims victory in weekend elections over incumbent Slobodan Milosevic. 1999 Russian bombs hit Chechnya for third day (CNN)
1992 Inaugurada la vía de agua que permite viajar en barco desde Rotterdam (Holanda) hasta Constanta (Rumanía), en el mar Negro. 1991 The U.N. Security Council unanimously ordered a worldwide arms embargo against Yugoslavia and all its warring factions. 1991 A national commission faults the US government for a lack of leadership in the fight against AIDS. 1991 Newspapers report that Borland International and Ashton-Tate's shareholders have approved a high-profile merger of the two companies. Both companies are leading makers of database software. 1990 El presidente de Zambia, Kenneth David Kaunda, anuncia la reimplantación del pluripartidismo, la redacción de una nueva Constitución y la convocatoria de elecciones generales para octubre de 1991. 1990 Saddam Hussein warns US will repeat Vietnam experience 1988 El misionero Fray Junípero Serra y la seglar valenciana Josefa Girbes son beatificados en Roma por el Papa Juan Pablo II. 1986 Antonin Scolia appointed to the Supreme Court 1985 Akali Dal wins Punjab State election in India 1984 Jordania restablece relaciones diplomáticas con Egipto, rotas en 1979 cuando este país reconoció a Israel. 1983 Espectacular evasión de 38 terroristas del IRA de una cárcel de Belfast.
1972 Los noruegos rechazan el ingreso de su país en el Mercado Común mediante un referéndum popular celebrado al efecto.
1962 Ferhat Abbas es elegido presidente de la Asamblea Nacional y proclama la República Democrática y Popular de Argelia.
1943 The Red Army retakes Smolensk from the Germans who are retreating to the Dnieper River in the Soviet Union. 1942 The War Labor Board orders equal pay for women in the United States. 1940 Aviones franceses del Gobierno de Vichy bombardean Gibraltar. 1939 Versailles Peace Treaty forgot to include Andorra, so Andorra and Germany finally sign an official treaty ending WW I 1938 President Franklin Roosevelt urges negotiations between Hitler and Czech President Benes over the Sudetenland. 1937 German Chancellor Adolf Hitler meets with Italian Premier Benito Mussolini in Munich. 1926 Henry Ford announces the 8 hour, 5-day work week 1926 International slavery convention signed by 20 states 1924 Malcolm Campbell sets world auto speed record at 235.2 km/h. 1919 US President Wilson becomes seriously ill and collapses after a speech 1918 Brazil declares war on Austria. 1915 An allied offensive is launched in France against the German Army. 1890 Start of the Sherlock Holmes adventure Silver Blaze |
1890 US Congress establishes Yosemite National Park (Calif)
1878 El rey Alfonso XII resulta ileso de un atentado perpretado en Madrid por un anarquista.
1861 Secretary of US Navy authorizes enlistment of slaves
1804 The 12th Amendment . to the US constitution is ratified, changing the procedure of choosing the president and vice-president, and regulating judicial power 1794 A Russian Orthodox Church mission comes to the Aleutians. This was at the request of Grigorii Ivanovich Shelekov, who founded a hunting settlement among the Kadiaks and appealed to the Russian government for orthodox churches to be established. He had promised to pay all expenses and provide transportation. 8 monks and two ministers, including an archmandrite were sent. In eight months they baptized 7000. 1789 US Congress proposes 12 new amendments to the Constitution (Bill of Rights; 10 of 12 will be ratified)
1688 Luis XIV lanza un manifiesto que exige la transformación de las treguas en un tratado definitivo en el plazo de dos meses, al tiempo que ordena la invasión y devastación del Palatinado, hecho que provoca la unión de Europa contra Francia. 1639 First printing press in the British colonies in America. 1598 Battle of Stangebro: in Sweden, King Sigismund is defeated by his uncle Charles.
1396 Battle of Nicopolis: the last great Christian crusade, led jointly by John the Fearless of Nevers and King Sigismund of Hungary, ends in disaster at the hands of Sultan Bajazet I's Ottoman army. |
Deaths which occurred on
a 25 September: ^top^ 2002 Seven persons shot in the head after being tied up in chairs, by two gunmen, in the Karachi, Pakistan, offices of the Idare-e Amn-O-Insaf (Peace and Justice) Institute, a Christian charity. An eighth person is critically wounded. 2002 The last to die in an attack on the Akshardham Hindu temple in Gandhinagar, India, which ends at 07:10 and started at 16:55 on 24 September where it is reported fully. 2002 12 passengers, including two children, burned in 01:00 fire of an Andhra Pradesh Road Transport Corporation luxury bus in Mahabubnagar district near Itikyala village, about 35 km from Kurnool, India, on national highway 7. The bus proceeding from Hyderabad to Rayachoti in the faction-ridden Cuddapah district, with 35 passengers, was engulfed in fire when a passenger in the last row of the bus poured gasoline and lit it. Most of the passengers were fast asleep. 8 passengers died on the spot, 4 others died at Kurnool government hospital. 19 survivors are injured, a few with burns on up to 90% of their bodies. 2001 Naïma, 23 ans, et Nacéra, 10 ans, deux soeurs, en Algérie dans leur tente dans un centre de regroupement de nomades, situé à quelques kilomètres de la daïra de Mechraâ-Sfa, tout près de la ferme-pilote Hattabi-Mokhtar, juste avant minuit par quatre individus armés de kalachnikovs. Avant de battre en retraite, pour se retrancher dans les denses maquis environnants de Mechraâ-Sfa, les assaillants se sont emparés de 260 millions de centimes et d'un fusil de chasse. 2001 Rabah Belhafaf, 50 ans environ, par des coups de feu de terroristes qui l'atteignent à la tête et à la poitrine vers 20h, au douar de Lansa dans la commune de Keddara, à 30 km au sud-ouest de Boumerdès, Algérie. Belhafaf était un Patriote, qui avait pris les armes en 1994 contre les hordes islamistes. 2000 Heberto Padilla, poeta cubano. 1993 Bruno Pontecorvo, físico italiano. 1992 César Manrique, arquitecto y artista español. 1991 Klaus Barbie, 77, in prison in Lyon, Nazi war criminal the butcher of Lyon. 1988 Billy Carter, 51, US President Carter's embarassing brother Billy, of cancer 1983 Leopoldo III, rey de Bélgica. 1982: 13 people including 5 children of Penn prison guard George Banks, all killed by him. 1978: 144 personas al chocar en el aire dos aviones de pasajeros en San Diego (California). 144 persons are killed when a Pacific Southwest Airlines Boeing 727 and a private plane collided over San Diego. 1974 William Sloane publisher/writer ("The Edge of Running Water") 1969 During the Vietnam War: Two terrorist attacks occur near Da Nang in which 19 South Vietnamese die. Viet Cong commandos threw a grenade into a meeting place, killing four civilians and one policeman and wounding 26 others. At nearly the same time, a bus struck a mine 150 km southeast of Da Nang killing 14 civilians.. 1960 Emily Post, 86, etiquette expert 1959 S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike Ceylon's PM, assassinated by a Buddhist monk
1908 Henry A. Redpath, 60, English Old Testament textual scholar From 1892-1906, Redpath and Edwin Hatch compiled "A Concordance to the Septuagint and Other Greek Versions of the Old Testament" still in print today!
1690 Peter van Lint, Flemish painter born on 28 June 1609. 1679 Philips-Ausgustyn Immenraet, Flemish painter born on 21 February 1627. The Wolf Hunt, 1617 Francisco Suárez, teólogo español. 1561 Alonso Berruguete, escultor y pintor manerista español nacido en 1486.. . MORE ON BERRUGUETE AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER LINKS Salomé 1534 Clement VII. Unpopular Pope, he could not get bankers to lend to him, was unable to stem the Lutheran advance or to implement reforms in his own church. His indecisiveness led Henry VIII of England to break from Rome over the dissolution of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. 1506 Felipe I El Hermoso, Rey de Castilla. |
Births which occurred on
a 25 September: ^top^ 1944 Eugenia Zukerman Cambridge Ms, flutist/novelist (Deceptive Cadence) 1936 Moussa Traoré, político maliense. 1932 Adolfo Suárez González, político español, ex presidente del Gobierno español. 1922 Roger Etchegaray, in Espelette (Bayonne diocese) in the French Basqueland. He would become a bishop in 1969 and in 1970 bishop of Marseille. He was made a cardinal on 30 June 1979. In 1984 he was named prefect of the Vatican Congregation for Human Rights and Freedom. 1906 Dimitri Shostakovich St Petersburg Russia, composer (9th-1945) Symphony No.5, No. 7, No. 11, No. 13, Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk aka Katerina Ismailova) 1903 Marcus Rothkowits Mark Rothko, US abstract expressionist painter, born in Russia, who died on 25 February 1970. LINKS Vessels of Magic (1946) Number 10 (1950) Ochre and Red on Red (1954) Centre Triptych for the Rothko Chapel (1966)
1879 George William Sotter, US artist who died in 1953. 1875 Fernando Álvarez de Sotomayor y Zaragoza, pintor español que murió en 1960.. 1866 Thomas Hunt Morgan US, biologist (Nobel-1933) 1820 Frederick Richard Pickersgill, British painter who died on 20 December 1900 LINKS The Bribe The Contest of Beauty for the Girdle of Florimel Britomartis Unveiling Amoret 1807 Marinus Adrianus Koekkoek, Dutch artist who died in 1870. 1797 Cornelis Kruseman, Dutch artist who died on 14 November 1857. 1791 Karoly Marko, Hungarian artist who died on 19 November 1860. 1766 Armand-Emmanuel duc de Richelieu, French PM (1815-18, 1820-21)
1690 Publick Occurrences, 1st US (Boston) newspaper, publishes its 1st and last edition. 1683 Jean-Philippe Rameau Dijon France, composer (Traité) (baptized) Jean Philippe Rameau, compositor francés. 1644 Olaus Rímer Denmark, 1st to accurately measure speed of light |