Sep 25|  HISTORY
“4” “2”DAY
|Sep 27 >>
Events, deaths, births, of 26 SEP [For Sep 26 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Oct 06 1700s: Oct 07 1800s: Oct 08 1900~2099: Oct 09] |
![]() 2002 On the NASDAQ, the stock of Super Vision International (SUPVA) surges from its previous close of $1.90 to an intraday high of $4.24 and closes at $3.19. It had traded as high as $9.81 on 27 October 1997, and as high as $6.75 on 06 December 2001 but, it had lingered near $2 since 21 June 2002. [5~year price chart >] Super Vision International designs and manufactures fiber optic lighting products, signs and displays for applications in the signage, swimming pool, architectural and retail industries. 2002 German public television network ZDF claims that a study of photographs and films shows that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein has at least three doubles substituting for him at public functions. [Ought they not to be called quadruples? Vierergänger?] 2000 Slobodan Milosevic conceded that his challenger, Vojislav Kostunica, had finished first in Yugoslavia's presidential election and declared a runoff - a move that prompted mass protests leading to Milosevic's ouster. 1999 Kremlin debates land invasion in Chechnya while it continues bombing. (CNN) 1996 President Clinton signed a bill ensuring two-day hospital stays for new mothers and their babies. 1996 ValuJet received federal permission to fly again three months after it was grounded following a deadly crash. 1996 Richard Allen Davis, the killer of 12-year-old Polly Klaas, was sentenced to death in San Jose, Calif. 1996 US woman ends record space stay ^top^ US astronaut Shannon Lucid returned to earth in the US space shuttle Atlantis, after six months in orbit aboard the Russian space station Mir. On March 23, 1996, Lucid had transferred to Mir from the same space shuttle for a planned five-month stay. Lucid, a biochemist who shared Mir with Russian cosmonauts Yuri Onufriyenko and Yuri Usachev, conducted scientific experiments during her stay. Her scheduled return to earth was delayed more six weeks because of last-minute repairs to the booster rockets of the Atlantis and by a hurricane. Lucid's 188-day sojourn aboard Mir set a new space endurance record for an American, and a world endurance record for a woman. 1996 Borland's top technologist leaves for Microsoft. Several key managers left Borland International after its chief executive left in July. Paul Gross, Borland's senior vice president of research and development, becomes vice president of Internet platform and tools at Microsoft. Gross had been a key part of Borland's efforts in developing Internet tools, a crucial element of Borland's strategy. |
1991 PNV (Partido Nacionalista Vasco) y PSE-PSOE (Partido Socialista de Euskadi) llegan a un acuerdo sobre la composición del nuevo Gobierno vasco de coalición. 1990 In the USSR, the Supreme Soviet ends decades of religious repression with a new declaration, forbidding government interference in religious activities and giving citizens the right to study religion in homes and private schools.
1986 1986, William H. Rehnquist was sworn in as the 16th chief justice of the United States, while Antonin Scalia joined the Supreme Court as its 103rd member. 1985 Túnez rompe sus relaciones diplomáticas con Libia.
1983 Cosmonauts Titov and Strekalov are saved from exploding Soyuz T-10 1980 Cuban government closes Mariel Harbor ending "freedom flotilla" 1977 Israel announces a cease-fire on Lebanese border. 1977 Sir Freddie Laker begins cut-rate "Skytrain" service, London to NY 1973 Concorde flies from Washington DC to Paris in 3h33m 1972 Richard M. Nixon meets with Emperor Hirohito in Anchorage, Alaska, the first-ever meeting of a US President and a Japanese Monarch. |
1963 España y EE.UU. renuevan los acuerdos de 1953 sobre las bases militares en territorio español. 1962 Yemen Arab Republic proclaimed (National Day) 1960 Longest speech in UN history (4h29m, by Fidel Castro)
1950 Because of forest fire in British Columbia, blue moon appears in England 1950 General Douglas MacArthur's American X Corps, fresh from the Inchon landing, links up with the US Eighth Army after its breakout from the Pusan Perimeter. UN troops recapture Seoul 1950 La OTAN acuerda admitir a la RFA en la alianza defensiva occidental. 1940 During the London Blitz, the underground Cabinet War Rooms suffer a hit when a bomb explodes on the Clive Steps. 1939 Le parti communiste français est dissous. La signature du pacte germano-soviétique par le Reich et l'Union soviétique le 23 Aug précédent, et le travail clandestin du PC contre la guerre, les tracts diffusés dans les usines invitant les travailleurs français à fraterniser avec les travailleurs allemands contre l'ennemi qu'est le " capitalisme international ", sont la cause de cette dissolution. 1934 Afganistán es admitida en la Liga de Naciones. 1918 Meuse-Argonne offensive begins, as a combined force of French and US troops attack fortified German positions along a 65-km front. The battle would rage until the war's end at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of November, 1918. 1918 German Ace Ernst Udet shoots down two Allied planes, bringing his total for the war up to 62. 1918 Se forma en París un Gobierno provisional checoslovaco, presidido por Tomas Garrigue Masaryk [07 Mar 1850 14 Sep 1937] principal fundador de Checoslovakia y padre de Jan Garrigue Masaryk [14 Sep 1886 10 Mar 1948 defenestrado por los comunistas], ministro de relaciones exteriores. 1913 The first boat is raised in the locks of the Panama Canal.
![]() 1902 The Mercédès trade mark is legally protected. During the preceding summer the Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft has introduced the Mercedes Simplex, far superior technically to most other automobiles of its time. [< photo] 1901 Leon Czolgosz, who murdered President William McKinley, is sentenced to death. 1890 US stops minting $1 & $3 gold coin and 3 cents piece 1864 General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his men assault a Federal garrison near Pulaski, Tennessee. 1864 Start of Battle of Pilot Knob. ^top^ Missouri Confederate General Sterling Price invades Missouri and attacks a Yankee garrison at Pilot Knob. Price's troops captured a fort and scattered the Union defenders, but also suffered heavy losses. The Confederate military fortunes were at an all-time low, and Price had hoped that the mission would destabilize Missouri just prior to the fall elections and give new hope to the Confederate cause. He also hoped to capture one of the major cities in Missouri and secure supplies for his troops. Price mounted his campaign from Pocahontas, Arkansas, and entered Missouri in mid-September. On 26 September he hurled his 12'000 soldiers at Fort Davidson at Pilot Knob. Two days later, the Confederates drove the 1400 Yankee defenders away, but the attack was time-consuming and costly. Price lost 1200 men and gained little in the way of strategic value or political impact. The rest of Price's raid didn't fare any better. He was harassed by state militia and had difficulty raising supplies; and Union resistance at important points such as the capital, Jefferson City, was much greater than expected. Through October, Price drove north to St. Louis, west to Kansas City, and then south into Texas. Much of his force disintegrated along the way, and in November Missouri voters elected Radical Republicans into office. |
1861 Skirmish near Fort Thorn, New Mexico Territory
1861 Day of prayer and fasting in the Union states, on this last Thursday of the month, as called for by President Lincoln in his 12 August 1861 proclamation of a day of public humiliation, prayer and fasting "to be observed by the people of the United States with religious solemnities. . . . It is peculiarly fit for us to recognize the hand of God in this terrible visitation, and in sorrowful remembrance of our own faults and crimes as a nation and as individuals to humble ourselves before Him, and to pray for His mercy. . . ."
1826 Battle of Ganja: The Persian cavalry is routed by the Russians in the Russian Caucasus. 1824 Kapiolani defies Pele (Hawaiian volcano goddess) and lives 1815 The Holy Alliance is formed by Alexander I of Russia, Francis I of Austria and Frederick William III of Prussia. Se firma en París la Santa Alianza, pacto político-religioso firmado por el zar de Rusia, el emperador de Austria y el rey de Prusia. 1789 Thomas Jefferson appointed 1st US Sec of State; John Jay 1st chief justice; Samuel Osgood 1st Postmaster & Edmund J Randolph 1st Attorney General 1786 France and Britain sign a trade agreement in London. L'Angleterre signe avec la France un traité de commerce et de navigation. C'est Charles de Vergennes qui en a négocié les clauses. Mais ce traité de libre-échange mécontente les industriels français.
1460 A speech too long. Pope Pius II assembles European leaders, then delivers a three-hour sermon to inspire them to launch a new crusade against the Turks. The speech works, but then another speaker, Cardinal Bessarion, adds a three-hour harangue of his own. After six hours of preaching, the European princes lose all interest in the cause and never mount the called-for crusade. 1255 St. Clare is canonized. |
![]() ![]() 2002 All but 64 of the 982 passengers (plus uncounted children under 5 years old) and 52 crew members aboard ferry Joola, designed for 536 passengers on the Rhine river, which, at 23:00 (local = UT), capsizes [photo below] off the coast of Gambia near the border town of Katon, on its way to Dakar, from Casamance province, Senegal [map >], starting at Ziguinchor, with 797 passengers [photo above], and making a stop at Carabane Island, where 185 more boarded. The captain, Issa Diarra, is said to be among the survivors. Children under 5 travel free, so they are not counted. The ship was listing heavily to one side as it left port. It was only 5 hours after it capsized that fishing boats discovered the disaster and it was ten hours before any help arrived. The survivors were clinging to the overturned hull while some people below were still alive slowly suffocating in air pockets. The army-operated ship had been put back into service on 10 September (prematurely?), after one year of (shoddy?) repairs and this was the return leg of its third round-trip since. The people of the lush, agricultural Casamance region, in the south, are almost cut off from the rest of Senegal by a 20-year separatist rebellion by the Mouvement des Forces Democratiques de Casamance (MFDC), making road travel unsafe. That and the border crossings into and out of Gambia, a narrow nation which almost divides Senegal in two, make the sea journey the preferred choice. ![]() Construit par les chantiers navals Schittweri Germersheim” en Allemagne pour un coût de 3 milliards 900 millions Fcfa, le bateau Joola était conçu pour 536 passagers sur le Rhin. On en fit un transbordeur d’eaux côtières destiné à faire la liaison Ziguinchor-Dakar en remplacement du Casamance Express. Avec une longueur de 79,50 mètres, une largeur de 12,50 mètres et un tirant d’eau de 3,10 mètres, le Joola acquis grâce à un prêt consenti au Sénégal par la KFW avait une cale de chargement de 450 mètres cube et une vitesse économique de 14 nœuds. Son poids à l’eau est de 1532 tonnes et son poids d’emport était estimé à 550 tonnes. Il pouvait prendre jusqu’à 500 passagers et embarquer à son bord une quarantaine de voitures. Il servait surtout à désenclaver la partie sud du pays, et également, contribuer à faire écouler les produits de mer ainsi que les nombreux fruits et légumes récoltés dans la zone. Réceptionné officiellement le 12 novembre 1990 à Rotterdam en Hollande par le ministre de l’Equipement, des transports et du logement de l’époque, Robert Sagan, il a été baptisé au grand wharf de la Marine nationale le 10 decembre 1990. Quatre jours plus tard, il prenait le large pour son voyage inaugural. Le succès du bateau est tellement grand qu’après quelques années d’exploitation, il se révélera petit pour le transport des marchandises et des personnes qui l’empruntent, surtout au départ de la capitale de la région du sud. Déjà le 26 May 2001 le Joola avait angoissé ceux qui l'attendaient à son arrivée à Ziguinchor, qu'il n'atteignit qu'avec 23 heures de retard, propulsé par un seul moteur. |
2002 Employees Lola M. Elwood, 43, Jo A. Mausbach, 42, Lisa J. Bryant, 29, Samuel C. Sun, 50; and customer Evonne Tuttle, 37, at one of the three Norfolk, Nebraska branches of US Bank, in a 40-second holdup at 08:45, by José Sandoval, 23, Jorge A. Galindo, 21, and Erick Fernando Vela, 21, who run into the bank shooting, apparently fail to get any money, run out to find their getaway Cadillac driven by Gabriel Rodriguez, 26, gone. They break into a house and steal at gunpoint the car of an elderly couple. After 15 km they exchange the car for a pickup truck they steal. In the bank were two other employees who are unhurt and a second customer, whose shoulder is wounded. The three holdup men are arrested the same day, and the failed getaway driver the next morning. All had previous criminal records. Tuttle was from Stanton, teller Mausbach from Humphrey; and from Norfolk: assistant branch manager in charge of sales and service Elwood, personal banker Bryant, and teller coordinator Sun. On 20 September 2002, Erick Fernando Vela had been stopped by state patrolman Mark Zach, 35, who ticketed him for carrying a concealed weapon. Zach transposed two digits when entering the gun's serial number into a police computer.Thus the gun was not signaled as stolen and Vela was not arrested, though the gun was confiscated. On 27 September at 13:00, officer Zach, who had been 12 years in the State Patrol, would kill himself with his service revolver. 2002 Gharam Manaa, 14-month-old Palestinian, from inhalation of tear gas thrown, to re-impose a curfew, by Israeli troops in the Hebron, West Bank, market, where the baby was with her grandmother. Three adults are injured by the tear gas, one by a rubber bullet. 2002 Abdel Rahim Hamdan, 27, and Issa Abu Ajra, 29, bodyguards of Mohammed Deif (the target "Deif," a nom de guerre, means "visitor." ) when two Israeli helicopters fire rockets at Deif's Mercedes on a street in the Sheik Radwan neighborhood of Gaza City. Deif, 37, survives, wounded as are 35 others, including 15 children. Deif was one of the closest aides of Yahya ‘Ayyash, the commander of Hamas’ Iz al-Din al-Qassam military apparatus known as "the Engineer," who was killed by a very sophisticated bomb in January 1996. The death of ‘Ayyash brought about the division of the terrorist group into two parts: one in the West Bank, led by Muhi al-Din al-Sharif and the ‘Awadallah brothers until they were killed in 1998; the other in the Gaza Strip, led by Deif, who was considered the senior activist of the terrorist apparatus. Hamas responded to the assassination of Ayyash with four suicide bombings that killed dozens of Israelis. Deif, Hamas' chief bombmaker, was the target of today's strike. Deif has topped Israel's wanted list for several years, and escaped an Israeli air strike earlier in 2002. In Ha'aretz, the next day, Danny Rubinstein ends his editorial An outdated method with: For every terrorist assassinated, many others will rise to replace him. 2002 Mahmoud Hasim, 52, innocent Palestinian, shot in his Jenin, West Bank, home by Israeli troops, when he opens his window shortly after midnight. ![]() 2002:: Gervaise Roderick John Roddy Scott, 17 Russian servicemen and some 80 Chechen fighters (Russian-supplied numbers), near Galashki, Ingushetia, close to the Chechen border. At 08:00 local (04:00 UT) a Chechen shoulder-fired rocket downs onto the village a Russian Mi-24 helicopter gunship, killing its two-man crew. Then 100 Chechens try to seize control of bridges inside Galashki to secure passage into Chechnya. They are eventually beaten back and bombarded with Russian artillery fire and strafing from the air. Scott, a Britsh freelance cameraman, is found among the Chechen dead. 2001 Vingt-deux personnes, par des islamistes armés, à Larbâa, dans la plaine de la Mitidja à une trentaine de kilomètres au sud d'Alger. Quatre tueurs, vêtus d'uniformes militaires, ont fait irruption dans le domicile d'une famille qui célébrait un mariage et ont mitraillé l'assistance, tuant 12 personnes. Puis dix autres ont été tuées dans une maison située à environ un kilomètres de là 1997 All 234 aboard an Indonesian Airbus A-300 which crashes while approaching Medan Airport in north Sumatra. 1994 Un centenar de muertos, casi 300 enfermos y 300'000 personas huidas a causa de la epidemia de peste neumónica declarada en Surat (India). 1990 Alberto Pincherle ("Alberto Moravia"), 82, Italian writer (Woman in Red) 1976 Turán, mathematician. |
1959 Solomon Dias Bandaranaike , Prime Minister of Ceylon (Sri
Lanka) assassinated. 1954 Over 1600 killed by typhoon, Kakodate Bay, Japan 1952 George Santayana 1952 René Seyssaud, French artist born on 16 June 1867. 1947 Hugh John Lofting, author. LOFTING ONLINE: The Story of Doctor Dolittle, The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle
1925: 54 Italian sailors on sub Sebastiano Veniero lost off Sicily. |
1921 Robert Stanley Warren Bell, author. ROBERT BELL ONLINE: The
"Medicine-Man", or, Indian and Eskimo Notions of Medicine (1886),
editor of Ancient
Poems, Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England 1917 Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas (or de Gas), French painter born on 19 July 1834. MORE ON DEGAS AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER LINKS L'impresario Portrait d'un Homme Self-Portrait Henri de Gas and his Niece Lucy Dancing Class Dancing Class Rehearsal The Rehearsal Dance Lesson Posing Dancers Rehearsing Ballet Rehearsal The Curtain Ballet Rehearsal Singers on Stage Dancer on Stage Ballet Dancers in the Wings The Star Orchestra of the Opera Concert Cirque Fernando Four Dancers Dancers in Pink The Dance Examination Woman Ironing about Millinery Shop Woman with a Hat Race Horses Chevaux a Longchamp Racehorses in Front of the Grandstand Aux Courses en Province La famille Belleli Morning Bath Bathing Woman Bathing Woman Getting out of the Bath Girl Drying Herself After the Bath Another After the Bath Combing Hair Women Relaxing Madame Camus Roman Beggar Woman Women in a Cafe Michel Levy Cup of Chocolate Spartan Girls Taunting Boys David & Goliath The Rape In a New Orleans Cotton Office In a Café (The Absinthe Drinker At the Beach Portrait of Marguerite de Gas, the Artist's Sister Portrait of Achille de Gas in the Uniform of a Cadet Portrait of Hilaire de Gas, Grandfather of the Artist Spartan Girls Challenging Boys. The Suffering of the City of New Orleans. Courtyard of a House in New Orleans. Portraits in a New Orleans Cotton office Race Horses Carriage at the Races. Dance Class. Dancing Examination. The Star 1914 August Macke, German expresssionist painter born on 03 June (January?) 1887. MORE ON MACKE AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER LINKS Selbstbildnis Selbstporträt mit Hut Four Women in the Forest Three Girls in a Barque Garden Gate Hat Shop Girls and Trees Lady in the Green Coat Lady in a Green Jacket Tegernseer Bauernjunge Der Sturm Elisabeth Gerhardt Nähend Frau des Künstlers mit Hut Porträt mit Äpfeln: Frau des Künstlers Bildnis Franz Marc Der Mackesche Garten in Bonn Farewell Man Reading in the Park 1910 Thiele, mathematician 1904 Patricio Lafcadio Tessima Carlos Yakumo Koizumi Hearn, multinational author. KOISUMI ONLINE: A Memory of Last Island, Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things , translator of Chin Chin Kobakama 1893 Edward Duffield Neill, author. NEILL ONLINE: A Hand Book for the Presbyterian Church in Minnesota 1893 Annie Feray Mutrie, British artist born in 1826. 1877 Grassmann, mathematician 1874 John Stephen Wright, author JOHN WRIGHT ONLINE: Chicago: Past, Present, Future 1873 Salustiano de Olózaga, político español. 1868 August Möbius, mathematician 1828 John Gardiner Calkins Brainard, poet. BRAINARD ONLINE: The Poems of John G. C. Brainard, The Poems of John G. C. Brainard
1787 Nicolas Desportes, French artist born on 17 July 1718. 1766 Giulio Fagnano, mathematician 1764 Fray Benito Jerónimo Feijóo y Montenegro, escritor español. 1722 Pieter van der Werff, Dutch artist born in 1665. 1681 Willem Ruyter (or Reuter), Flemish artist born in 1642. 1670 Abraham Teniers, Flemish artist born on 01 March 1629. 1626 Lancelot Andrewes. He exerted a good deal of influence on the development of Anglican theology and authored the spiritual classic Private Devotions. He helped prepare the King James translation of the Bible. |
Births which occurred on
a 26 September:
1936 Pedro Antonio Urbina, poeta y escritor español. 1934 Queen Mary British liner is launched Lancement du Queen Mary dans l'estuaire de la Clyde, en Écosse. Le paquebot, avec ses 81235 tonneaux de jauge et ses 300 mètres de long, est le plus grand navire du monde (à cette époque). Longtemps détenteur du "Ruban Bleu", il a transporté des centaines de milliers de voyageurs d'Europe en Amérique (et réciproquement). Réformé en 1967, il est devenu un hôtel-musée près de Los Angelès (USA).
1914 Jack LaLanne exercise mogul 1902 Albert Anastasia head of Murder Inc 1898 Jacob Gershvin George Gershwin, Bkln NY, composer (Rhapsody in Blue). He wrote the music for many popular songs for musicals, with his brother Ira writing the lyrics. His greatest work work was the opera Porgy and Bess (1935), on a libretto by DuBose Heyward. George Gershwin died on 11 July 1937 after unsuccesful surgery on a brain tumor..
1889 Martin Heidegger Germany, Existentialist philosopher (Being & Time)
1877 Edmund Sidney Pollock Haynes, author. HAYNES ONLINE: The
Decline of Liberty in England 1862 Arthur Bowen Davies, US artist who died in 1928. LINKS Pacific Parnassus, Mount Tamalpais 1859 Irving Addison Bacheller, author. BACHELLER ONLINE: Eben Holden: A Tale of the North Country 1854 MacMahon, mathematician 1849 Ivan Pavlov, Russian physiologist, famous for his Nobel Prize-winning behavioral studies on conditioned reflexes in dogs in the 1890s. 1848 Helen Allingham, British artist who died in 1926. LINKS 1846 Mary Hannay (Black) Foott, poet. FOOTT ONLINE: Where the Pelican Builds and Other Poems 1843 Joseph Furphy, author. FURPHY ONLINE: Such is Life: Being Certain Extracts from the Diary of Tom Collins (his pseudonym) 1829 Scotland Yard, the official British criminal investigation organization, is formed. 1823 William Henry Knight, British artist who died on 31 July 1863. 1820 Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar father of Bengali prose (Exile of Sita) 1798 Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera y Arboleda, político y militar colombiano. 1797 James Wallis Eastburn, author. EASTBURN ONLINE: Yamoyden: A Tale of the Wars of King Philip 1791 Jean Louis André Théodore Géricault, French Romantic painter who died on 26 January 1824. MORE ON GÉRICAULT AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER LINKS Equestrian Portrait of Charles V Le Radeau de la Méduse _ détail Study for The Raft of the Medusa. Fou Folle Madwoman Woman with gambling mania Derby at Epsom Officer of the Imperial Guard Officer of the Imperial Guard An Italian Mountain Peasant A Horse Frightened by Lightning 1790 Nassau William Senior, economist. SENIOR ONLINE: Political Economy, Three Lectures on the Rate of Wages
1688 'sGravesande, mathematician |