Nov 24|  HISTORY “4” “2”DAY
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Events, deaths, births, of NOV 25 [For Nov 25 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Dec 05 1700s: Dec 06 1800s: Dec 07 1900~2099: Dec 08] |
On a November 25: 2001 Declared saints: Françoise de Sales Aviat, Giuseppe Marello, Paula Montal Fornes, Maria Crescentia Hoss. They are canonized by Pope John Paul II, 81, bringing to 456 the number of saints he has canonized in his 23-year papacy, more than all his predecessors of the last 500 years combined, in order to give role models for Catholics and bring recognition to the Church in different countries. The pope has also beatified 1282 persons. ![]() Giuseppe Marello was a bishop of Asti and founded the Oblates of St. Joseph Sister Paula Montal Fornes was the Spanish founder of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary. Sister Maria Crescentia Hoss was a Bavarian-born nun. 2001 The Journal of Regenerative Medicine publishes and Scientific American describes online how a group of MIT scientists say that they have grown a six-cell cloned human embryo. 2000 Tehila Cohen, 8, has her right leg amputated at Beersheba's Soroka Hospital. Her left leg was amputated two days before. Her brother Yisrael Cohen, 7, [< photo] has had his right leg amputated below the knee. Their sister Orit Cohen has part of her right foot amputated. The children were among the most seriously hurt when a Palestinian bomb damaged their armored school bus on 19 November in Kfar Darom. To date thousands of people, many of them children, have been wounded (in addition to nearly 300 killed) in the two-month-old al-Aqsa intifadah. The vast majority of the casualties are Palestinian, and their wounded, unlike the Cohen children who are Israeli, often cannot reach good medical help, because the Israeli army is blockading their towns. |
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On this Thanksgiving Day, cousins Sam Ciancio, 41, and Donato Dalrymple,
39, go fishing on a small boat [photo above, left], near Miami.
They find Elian Gonzalez, 5, clinging to an inner tube, and rescue him.
They turn him over to the Coast Guard who take him to a hospital in Miami.
Cuban exiles make what will turn out to be a strategic mistake, by seizing
upon this picture [above, right] to make Elian the poster boy
of their anti-Castro rhetoric. The boy, his mother, stepfather, and eleven other Cubans had boarded a small boat in Cuba and attempted to cross the ocean to the US Elian was one of three to survive (his mother and stepfather both drowned). He would live with relatives in Miami, under constant observation by the news media, until he was seized from the arms of Dalrymple by the INS in an early morning raid on 22 April 2000. He returned to Cuba with his father on 28 June 2000. |
1997 Ron Carey, president of the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, resigns amid questions about his management of union funds. 1996 Confidence in the dollar increasing, and interest rates on US Treasury Bonds decreasing, the Dow Jones Industrial Average passes 6500 for the first time.
1991 Leaders of seven former Soviet republics refused to endorse a treaty, promoted by Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev, to create a new political union 1990 Poland's first direct presidential elections leaves Lech Walesa facing a runoff against emigré businessman Stanislaw Tyminski. President Tadeusz Maziwoecki is knocked out of race. Walesa would win the runoff the following month. 1988 Convention on exploitation of Antarctic mineral resources signed. |
1983 Syria and Saudi Arabia announce cease-fire in PLO civil war in Tripoli 1976 Viking 1 radio signal from Mars help prove general theory of relativity 1975 Netherlands grants Surinam independence (National Day)
1973 Bloodless military coup ousts Greek President
George Papadopoulos
1967 Puerto Rico placed on Atlantic Standard Time 1964 Eleven nations give a total of $3 billion to rescue the value of the British currency. 1960 1st atomic reactor for research & development, Richland Wa 1958 Senegal becomes an autonomous state in the French Community 1955 The Interstate Commerce Commission bans segregation in interstate travel. 1951 A truce line between UN troops and North Korea is mapped out at the peace talks in Panmunjom, Korea.
1946 The US Supreme Court grants the Oregon Indians land payment rights from the US government. 1939 Germany reports four British ships sunk in the North Sea, but London denies the claim. 1936 L’Allemagne nazie et les généraux qui règnent en maître au Japon signent un pacte anti-soviétique. L’Italie, déçue par l'attitude des Occidentaux après sa conquête de l'Ethiopie, y adhère le 6 novembre 1937. C’est l’amorce d’une alliance entre les trois dictatures. 1923 American listeners hear the first program transmitted from Great Britain, a piano concert broadcast from London. It greets listeners in New York and Massachusetts with "Hello, America!" All US radio stations cease broadcasting from 22:00 to 22:30. to reduce interference. 1921 Hirohito becomes regent of Japan. |
1915 Einstein submits his paper The field equations of gravitation which give the correct field equations for general relativity. 1901 Japanese Prince Ito arrives in Russia to seek concessions in Korea. 1897 Spain grants Puerto Rico autonomy 1894 Greenback (Independent) Party organizes in Indianapolis 1885 les Anglais font la conquête de la Birmanie. Le royaume s'ajoute pour quelque temps à leur empire colonial des Indes. Il deviendra indépendant 60 ans plus tard.
1863 Siege of Knoxville, Tennessee continues 1863 Battle of Missionary Ridge, Tennessee: Union ends the siege of Chattanooga.. 1863 Battle of Lookout Mountain. Union victory sets the stage for Sherman's March to the Sea 1841: 35 Amistad survivors return to Africa 1834 Delmonico's, one of NY's finest restaurants, provides a meal of soup, steak, coffee & half a pie for 12 cents 1804 Le cardinal Fesch, l'oncle de Napoléon, a convaincu le pape Pie VII de venir à Paris y sacrer son neveu. C'est à Fontainebleau que le protocole a prévu la rencontre du pape et de l'empereur. Mais lorsqu'il apprend que Pie VII vient de quitter Nemours, Napoléon, prétexte d'une partie de chasse, prend le galop, rejoint la Croix de Saint-Hérem. Il sait que le cortège papal doit y passer. Lorsque la voiture du souverain pontife arrive, l'empereur met pied à terre et les deux hommes se saluent. L'empereur monte dans la voiture du pape et ils continuent ensemble la route jusqu'au château de Fontainebleau. 1791 En France, les prêtres réfractaires qui refusent de prêter le serment civique ne recevront plus l'indemnité à laquelle ils avaient jusqu'alors droit. Ils sont obligés à s'éloigner par la force de leur église. Il leur est interdit d'acheter ou de louer un édifice pour y célébrer le culte.
1758 In the French and Indian War, the British capture Fort Duquesne, in the site of the future Pittsburgh.
Deaths which
occurred on a 25 November: 2001 Johnny Micheal "Mike" Spann, 32, some United Front fighters, and hundreds of Taliban fighters recently taken prisoners in Kunduz, Afghanistan, by US airstrikes and Northern Alliance (= United Front) troops, after the prisoners seize weapons from their guards, capture an ammunition depot, and take over the Qalai Janghi fortress where they were held. Fighting continues until 27 November. Spann was an agent of the CIA's Directorate of Operations, there to interrogate prisoners, and is the first US person killed in combat in this conflict. 2001 Lameck Chemvura, 22, university student, beaten, strangled with a shoelace, and then thrown out the window of a moving train by Zimbabwean soldiers, who accused passengers on the train bound for the eastern city of Mutare of supporting the opposition party Movement for Democratic Change. On 27 November, University of Zimbabwe's Harare students would riot over the killing. 2000 Tayser al-Araj, 13, Palestinian killed by Israeli gunfire at Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip. With three other Palestinians killed this day in the West Bank, this totals some 250 Palestinians and 40 Israelis killed in the 2-month-old al-Aqsa intifadah. There have been thousands wounded, and much property damage: vehicles on both sides, and Palestinian homes and orchards bulldozed.
1978: 275 persons in crash of American Airlines DC-10 on takeoff from Chicago 1974 U Thant, 65, UN Secretary-General (1961-72), in NY of cancer
1967 Ossip Zadkine, French artist born on 14 July 1890. 1961 Maria, Teresa, and Minerva Mirabel, brutally murdered in the Dominican Republic. In 1999 the UN would chose this date as the International Day for the elimination of violence against women. 1958 Charles F Kettering, 82, invented auto self-starter 1952 Huntington, mathematician
1936 Édouard Goursat, mathematician. 1927 Josez Rippl-Ronai, Hungarian artist born on 23 May 1861. 1924 Jules Worms, French artist born on 16 December 1832. 1914 Some 90'000 Russians and 35'000 Germans in the last two weeks in Lodz offensive, which German Field Marshal Fredrich von Hindenburg now calls off 60 km from Warsaw. 1885 Thomas A Hendricks, 66, 21st US Vice-President, 8 months after taking office
1858 Johannes Reekers, Dutch artist born in 1790. 1790 Plusieurs propriétaires terriens de saint Domingue, massacrés par les esclaves qui se révoltent. Les mulâtres libres avaient décidé de défendre les armes à la main la reconnaissance des droits de citoyens que le décret du 8 mars précédent leur avait accordé, à tous sans distinction de couleur de peau. 1733 Quillard Pierre Antoine Quilliard, French artist born in 1701. 1694 Boulliau, mathematician |
Births which occurred on
a November 25: 1960 John F. Kennedy Jr. (John-John; attorney; co-founder: George magazine; son of US President John F. and Jacqueline Kennedy). He would die [along with his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and her sister Lauren Bessette] on 16 July 1999, in the crash, off Martha's Vineyard island, of the plane he was piloting from New York in adverse weather for which he was not qualified. 1952 The Mousetrap, play by Agatha Christie, opens. Dame Agatha Christie, author of sixty detective novels, wrote this homely little thriller. It continued to play with no end in sight. Countless performers appeared in the world's longest-running play, whose audiences were asked not to give away the ending. All rights, however, were given away to her nephew by Christie, who never made a farthing from it. 1944 Ben Stein, lawyer, speech writer [for US Presidents Nixon and Ford], columnist, author, screenwriter, actor. 1939 Martin Feldstein economist (1977 John Bates Clark Medal) 1939 Shelagh Delaney, playwright (A Taste of Honey). 1935 Gloria Steinem Toledo Ohio, femnist/writer (Ms) 1926 Murray Schisgal playwright (Luv) 1915 Augusto Pinochet , would become a Chilean general and dictator . 1913 Lweis Thomas, physician and author (The Lives of a Cell). 1896 Virgil Thomson Kansas City MO, composer/music critic (4 Saints in 3 Acts, The Mother of Us All) 1895 Anastas I Mikoyan Armenia, member of Supreme Soviet 1893 Robert Ripley illustrator (Believe it or Not) 1884 Evaporated milk is patented by John B Meyenberg of St Louis. 1881 Angelo Roncalli, future John XXIII, Bergamo Italy, 261st pope (1958-63) who died on 03 June 1963. Angelo Roncalli est né près de Bergame le 25 novembre 1881. Sous le nom de Jean XXIII, il convoquera le concile Vatican II pour une modernisation ("aggiornamento") de l'Eglise catholique. 1881 August Willem van Voorden, Dutch artist who died in 1921. 1877 Harley Granville-Barker London, dramatist/producer/critic 1870 Maurice Denis, French Nabi [prophet] religious painter and theoretician of modern art, who died on 13 November 1943, author of Théories (1912) and Histoire de l'art religieux (1939). . 1903 Portrait of Maurice Denis by Odilon Redon (22 Apr 1840 06 Jul 1916) MORE ON DENIS AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS Petit Air, Sonnet Female Figure on a Cloud from the book Poèmes by Francis Thompson Wallpaper Design in two colors: green and rose Mother and Child The Muses in the Sacred Wood Mary Visits Elizabeth Noli Me Tangere Nazareth The Visitation 1867 Dynamite is invented by Alfred Nobel 1865 Georges Lemmen, Belgian Art Nouveau painter who died on 15 July 1916. LINKS Avec le plus vif de plaisir, chère Madame! Beach at Heist [Heist is a seaside town in Belgium (le Dauville belge) at 51º20' N, 3º14' E, between Blankenberge and Knokke. Knokke-Heist webcam] Portrait of Mme. Lemmen 1863 John Marshall Gamble, California's premier painter of wildflowers, who died in 1957. MORE ON GAMBLE AT ART 4 NOVEMBER Poppies and Lupines (Santa Barbara) 1782 (or 24 Nov) Alexandre Louise Marie Richard, French artist who died on 10 or 11 December 1859. 1856 Sergei Taneyev Russia, composer (Oresteia) 1846 Carry Amelia Moore (Nation), social reformer, hatchet lady scourge of barkeepers and drinkers, who died on 09 June 1911. Nation is from her 1877 marriage (her 2nd) to her second husband, David Nation, who divorced her in 1901 on grounds of desertion. In 1867 she married and abandoned after a few months because of his alcoholism Dr. Charles Gloyd. 1844 Carl Benz, pioneer of early motor cars. 1841 Schröder, mathematician. 1835 Andrew Carnegie steel industrialist (founded US Steel) / library builder En Écosse, naissance d'Andrew Carnegie Ayant émigré avec sa famille aux États Unis en 1848, le jeune garçon travaille á treize ans comme mécanicien, puis comme télégraphiste dans une compagnie ferrovière dont il deviendra directeur général. A 23 ans Carnegie est milliardaire! Il se passionne pour la métallurgie et devient le "Roi du Fer". Son immense fortune, lui permet de fonder des musées, des laboratoires de recherche, des bibliothèques, des institutions charitables qui portent son nom.
1783 Claude Mathieu, mathematician. 1768 Charles Meynier, French artist who died on 06 September 1832. 1763 Jean-Germain Drouais, French painter who died on 13 February 1788. MORE ON DROUAIS AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS Le Comte and Chevalier de Choiseul as Savoyards Marius at Minturnae Madame Drouais Jesus Driving the Merchants out of the Temple. 1562 Felix Lope de Vega Madrid Spain, dramatist/poet (Angelica, Arcadia) |