Nov 23|  HISTORY “4” “2”DAY
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Events, deaths, births, of NOV 24 [For Nov 24 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Dec 04 1700s: Dec 05 1800s: Dec 06 1900~2099: Dec 07] |
1997 RealNetworks, an Internet pioneer that developed streaming
audio and video technology, makes a public offering on this day in 1997.
The company, once co-owned by Microsoft and formerly called Progressive
Networks, takes in more than $500 million on its first day of trading.
1995 Irish voters passed a referendum removing the constitutional ban on divorce. 1993 The Brady bill handgun-control legislation is passed by the US Congress. President Clinton would signed it into law on 30 November 1993. 1989 Communist Party resigns in Czechoslovakia and Czech reform politician Alexander Dubcek made his first public appearance in Prague since the Soviet invasion of 1968. 1987 The US and the USSR agree to decomission short- and medium-range nuclear missiles. 1983 PLO exchanges 6 Israeli prisoners for 4500 Palestinians & Lebanese 1979 The United States admits that thousands of troops in Vietnam were exposed to the toxic Agent Orange, used for defoliation. 1977 Greece announces the discovery of the tomb of King Philip II, father of Alexander the Great.
1966 1st TV station in Congo, Kinshasa (Za‹re) 1964 Rebellion ends in Zaire |
1958 Mali becomes an autonomous state within French Community 1950 UN troops begin an assault into the rest of North Korea, hoping to end the Korean War by Christmas. 1949 The Iron and Steel Act nationalizes the steel industry in Britain.
1944 US bombers based on Saipan, 1st attack Tokyo |
1927 US Federal officials battle 1200 inmates who revolted in Folsom Prison. 1912 Austria denounces Serbian gains in the Balkans; Russia and France back Serbia while Italy and Germany back Austria. 1903 Clyde Coleman of NYC patents automobile electric starter 1901 University of Athens held by rioting students opposing translation of the New Testament into modern Greek
1874 Joseph F Glidden patents barbed wire, which would make the farming of the Great Plains possible. 1864 Kit Carson and his 1st Cavalry, New Mexico Volunteers, attack a camp of Kiowa Indians in the First Battle of Adobe Walls. 1864 Skirmish at Columbia, Tennessee. 1863 In the Battle Above the Clouds, Union Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker's forces take Lookout Mountain, near Chattanooga, Tennessee.
1860 En France, le Corps législatif acquiert le droit d’adresse. C'est une première atteinte au pouvoir absolu de Napoléon III. Sous la pression de l’opinion et aussi sous l’effet de ses propres penchants politiques, l'empereur entreprend de démocratiser le régime. 1848 à l'imitation des révolutionnaires français, le peuple de Rome fomente une émeute. Le pape s’enfuit à Gaëte.
1655 Oliver Cromwell prohibits Anglican services in favor of Puritan forms. 1642 Abel Janzoon Tasman discovers Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) Le navigateur hollandais Abal Tasman découvre une île qui portera son nom, la Tasmanie. Cette île des mers australes, à la faune et à la flore originales, fait aujourd’hui partie de la fédération australienne. Le navigateur hollandais Abel Tasman découvre au large de l'Australie une île à laquelle il donne le nom du gouverneur des Indes Orientales Hollandaises, Van Diemen. En 1853, elle sera rebatisée Tasmanie. Elle dépend administrativement de l'Australie, a un climat chaud et humide ; elle tire l'essentiel de ses ressources de l'agriculture ; l'élevage des bovins y est florissant et les pommes de Tasmanie sont exportées dans le monde entier. 1639 1st observation of transit of Venus occurred (only 2, record event) 1564 First Index of Prohibited books is published with papal approval. 1542 The English defeat the Scots at the Battle of Solway Moss in England. 0642 Theodore I begins his reign as Pope 0496 Anastasius II begins his reign as Pope 166 -BC- Origin of Era of Maccabees |
Deaths which occurred on
a 24 November: 2001: 24 persons aboard Crossair Flight LX3597 from Berlin which crashes just after 22:00 as it approaches Zurich Airport to land, with rain and some snow. On board are 28 passengers and five crew members. The plane goes down in a wooded area in Birchwil, some 3 km east of the airport and its middle section is engulfed in a fireball. The plane is a Jumbolino (= Avro RJ), manufactured by Britain's BAE Aircraft Services Group, a small, four-engine jetliner that can seat 97 passengers. 2000 Ghassan Karaan, 20, and Ayfar Hasis, 15, Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire in rock-throwing clashes in the West Bank towns of Qalqilya and Jenin. 2000 Ziad Abu Jeser, 20, shot more than a dozen times by Israelis, in the Gaza town of Rafah. ![]() 2000 Sami Amer, 32, and Naheed Amer, 26, Palestinian brothers killed by shrapnel from Israeli rocket in the West Bank village of Kufr Kalil, where they were leaders of Fatah. 2000 Sharon Arameh, 25, [photo >] of Ashkelon, Israeli army major, by Palestinian sniper fire in the afternoon, during fighting near the Gaza Strip settlement of Neveh Dekalim. 2000 Six persons, by armed militants who kidnapped them from a bus stop, in Akhala, India. The Lashkar-e-Tayyiba is probably responsible.
1964 Paul Carlson, Christian doctor in the Congo, killed minutes before Belgian paratroops land to attempt rescue of the hostages held by Simba rebels. 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, alleged assassin of President John F. Kennedy, is shot to death by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner, at 11:21 in the basement of the Dallas police station, on live TV. MORE.
1928 Gyula Tornai, Hungarian artist born on 12 April 1861.
1750 Frans Breydel, Flemish artist born on 08 September 1679. 1693 Nicolaas Maes (or Maas), Dutch painter specialized in portraits, born in 1634 MORE ON MAES AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS Old Woman at Prayer Simon van Alphen Christ before Pilate Four Children Christ Blessing the Children Justus Criex Eavesdropper with a Scolding Woman The Idle Servant The Lacemaker Old Woman Dozing Portrait of a Woman A Woman Spinning Jacob Trip Margaretha de Geer, Wife of Jacob Trip 1682 Picard Jean Michel Picart (or Picard), Flemish artist born in 1600. 1572 John Knox Scottish preacher. KNOX ONLINE: The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women , The Order of Excommunication and of Public Repentance 0029 Jesus of Nazareth (?) if marked by the total solar eclipse of 1m58s at 09:35 UT, visible in Judaea at about 12:00 local solar time. |
Births which occurred on
a 24 November: 1947 The Pearl, novel by John Steinbeck, is first published. 1934 Martin Charnin Broadway lyricist (Annie, West Side Story)
1909 Gerhard Gentzen, mathematician. 1901 William Vanderbilt (politician)
1879 Sommerville,
mathematician. 1877 Alben W Barkley Graves County KY, (35th Vice President-D-1949-53) 1875 Louis Mathieu Verdilhan, French artist who died on 15 November 1928. 1871 National Rifle Association is incorporated (NYC) 1868 Scott Joplin US, entertainer, King of ragtime music, composer (Maple Leaf Rag, The Entertainer) 1864 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec France, painter (At the Moulin Rouge) Le peintre Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec naît à Albi le 24 novembre 1864, dans une riche famille de la haute aristocratie.
1824 Charles Michel Marie Verlat, Belgian artist who died on 23 October 1890. 1792 Johann Adam Klein, German artist who died on 21 May 1875. 1784 Zachary Taylor, general during the Mexican War, 12th President of the United States (Whig)[Mar 5,1849-July 9,1850: 'Old Rough and Ready'] 1713 Laurence Sterne Irish-born English novelist and humorist, author of Tristram Shandy (1759-67), an early novel in which story is subordinate to the free associations and digressions of its narrator. He is also known for the novel A Sentimental Journey (1768). STERNE ONLINE: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. 1689 Gasparo Diziani, Italian artist who died in 1767. LINKS 1683 Carel van Faleus, Dutch artist who died on 27 May 1733. 1713 Father Junipero Serra, Spanish missionary to western America. From 1769, he established 9 of the first 21 Franciscan missions founded along the Pacific coast, and baptized some 6000 Indians before his death in 1784. 1632 Benedict de "Baruch" Spinoza Amsterdam, rationalist philosopher. SPINOZA ONLINE: (in English translations): The Ethics, On the Improvement of the Understanding, On the Improvement of the Understanding, On the Improvement of the Understanding, Selected Works, A Theologico-Political Treatise. 1592 Pieter (or Peeter) Snayers, Flemish artist who died in 1667. 1472 Pietro (or Piero) di Torrigiani (or Torrisano), Italian artist who died in July or August 1528. |