Nov 18|  HISTORY
“4” “2”DAY
|Nov 20
Events, deaths, births, of 19 NOV [For Nov 19 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Nov 29 1700s: Nov 30 1800s: Dec 01 1900~2099: Dec 02] |
On a November 19:
4'000'002'002 (give or take a few hundred million years) The two massive black holes at the center of the merged (since some 100'000'000 years earlier) galaxies Milky Way and Andromeda merge shooting out intense radiation and gravitational waves across the universe. 2002 In primary elections, Israel's Labor Party rejects its leader Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who was defense minister in the coalition government of Likud's Ariel Sharon, and chooses instead ex-general Amram Mitzna, to go into the 28 January 2003 general election. 2001 World Toilet Association conference starts in Singapore with some 200 delegates from all over the world. 2000 El presidente peruano Alberto Fujimori anuncia en Japón su decisión de dimitir. 1998 Temporary workers at Microsoft file a lawsuit claiming they are unfairly denied health benefits and stock options. In a similar case in 1993, a federal appeals court had decided that freelancers were entitled to discounted stock and other financial benefits from the company.
1995 In a close presidential runoff election in Poland, former communist party leader Aleksander Kwasniewski defeats incumbent Lech Walesa. Victoria del candidato socialdemócrata (ex comunista) Aleksander Kwasniewski en las elecciones presidenciales de Polonia, al conseguir el 51,72% de los votos, frente al presidente saliente, Lech Walesa, que obtuvo el 48,28%. 1995 CiU (Convergencia i Unio) gana las elecciones catalanas con el 41% de los votos, pero pierde la mayoría absoluta y diez escaños. 1994 Mozambique President Joaquim Chissano and his party claim victory in the country's first multiparty presidential and parliamentary elections. |
1991 Eduard Shevardnadze is reappointed Soviet foreign minister after resigning in December 1990 with a warning of an impending coup. 1991 The US House of Representatives sustained President Bush's veto of a bill that would have lifted his ban on federally financed abortion counseling. 1990 NATO and the Warsaw Pact nations signed a massive conventional arms treaty in Paris to end the 40-year Cold War. 1990 Greyhound files reorganization plan so they can be traded publicly 1990 Iraq announces it will free all German hostages 1988 Un millón de personas se manifiestan en Belgrado en apoyo del líder serbio criminal Slobodán Milosevicz y pidiendo que aumenten los controles sobre los albaneses de Kosovo. 1986 At the beginning of will become the Iran-Contra scandal, President Reagan says that the United States will send no more arms to Iran. His nose seems to grow longer. 1986 Entra en vigor la nueva Constitución nicaragüense, promulgada por la Asamblea Nacional, que define Nicaragua como un estado independiente, libre, soberano, unitario e indivisible, y garantiza la existencia del pluralismo político, la economía mixta y el no alineamiento. 1986 Un cuadro de Joan Miró es subastado en Nueva York por $2'350'000. |
1982 José Luis Castillo Puche recibe el Premio Nacional español de Novela. 1978 Se celebra una entrevista entre monseñor Marcel Lefêbvre y Juan Pablo II.
1967 The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee unanimously passes a resolution to curb the commitment of US armed forces in Vietnam and a resolution urging the President Johnson to take the initiative to have the conflict brought before the United Nations Security Council. 1962 Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru reconoce que el ejército chino ha conseguido victorias sobre las tropas indias en el Nepal. 1961 The Third Assembly of the World Council of Churches convened at New Delhi, India, during which the International Missionary Council and its work was integrated into the larger ecumenical group. 1959 Ford Motor Co. announced it was halting production of the unpopular "Edsel."
1949 Monaco held a coronation for its new ruler, Prince Rainier
III, six months after he succeeded his grandfather, Prince Louis II.
1944 President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces the 6th War Loan Drive with the goal of "immediately" raising $14 billion in war bonds for the war. |
1931 Adolf Windaus, investigador de Gottingen, hace pública la fabricación, mediante radiaciones, de la vitamina D1 en forma de cristales puros. 1919 The US Senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles (and League of Nations) by a vote of 55 in favor, 39 against, short of the two-thirds majority needed for ratification. 1917 León Trotski crea en Rusia una comisión diplomática revolucionaria. 1896 Start of Sherlock Holmes' The Adventure of The Sussex Vampire 1887 Start of Sherlock Holmes' The Adventure of The Dying Detective 1875 El general Arsenio Martínez Campos somete los últimos focos de resistencia carlista en Cataluña. 1874 William Marcy "Boss" Tweed, of Tammany Hall (NYC) convicted of defrauding the city of $6M, sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment 1863 Siege of Knoxville, Tennessee continues. |
1794 Jay's Treaty, 1st US extradition treaty, signed with Great Britain. 1564 Miguel López de Legazpi parte de México al mando de una expedición para conquistar y colonizar las Filipinas, consideradas por Felipe II dentro del hemisferio español. 1493 Christopher Columbus discovers Puerto Rico, on his 2nd voyage. 1493 Santa Margarita de Hungría, hija de Bela IV, rey de Hungría, es canonizada por Pío XII. 1423 Alfonso V de Aragón regresa a Cataluña después de escapar de una sublevación en Nápoles que ha puesto en peligro su propia vida. En el viaje de vuelta saquea Marsella. 0461 St Hilary begins his reign as Pope. -- 299'997'998 BC (give or take a few dozen million years) The two massive black holes at the center of galaxy N6240 merge shooting out intense radiation and gravitational waves across the universe, which reach the Solar system on 19 November 100'002'002 AD (give or take a few dozen million years). [see http://chandra.harvard.edu/press/02_releases/press_111902.html] |
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2000 Abdel Rahman al-Dahashan,
14, shot in the chest at a stone-throwing demonstration at the Karni
crossing with Israel, according to Palestinian doctors and witnesses.
The Israeli army, however, said it was not aware of clashes at Karni
and did not shoot any live fire toward protesters. Some 200 Palestinians
and 30 Israelis have been killed since the al-Aqsa intifada began after
Ariel Sharon's 28 September visit to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 2000 Pheasant, neck wrung by Britain's Queen Elizabeth after one of her dogs brought the bird wounded by a shotgun blast, during a shooting trip at her estate at Sandringham. The next day, a Sunday, the queen would wear to church pheasant feathers on her hat. 1996 Fourteen persons as a commuter plane collides with a private plane at an airport in Quincy, Illinois. 1978 Giorgio de Chirico, Italian Surrealist painter and sculptor born in Greece on 10 July 1888, who, with Carlo Carrà and Giorgio Morandi, founded the pittura metafisica style of painting. LINKS Piazza d'Italia The Uncertainty of the Poet Love Song Christ and the Storm, detail The Philosopher's Conquest
1943 Froylán Turcios, escritor y político hondureño. 1942 Bruno Schultz, Polish Jewish writer, literary critic, and graphic artist born on 12 July 1892. He is murdered by a Gestapo officer, angry because his Jew-slave had just been murdered by the Gestapo officer who had enslaved Schultz. writings of SCHULTZ ONLINE: Sklepy cynamonowe The Mythologization of Reality. — MORE ON SCHULTZ AT ART 4 NOVEMBER Self-Portrait Spotkanie Smierzch [Worship of the Legs?] Dzielo 1936 Buenaventura Durruti Domínguez , dirigente anarquista, muere en el frente de Madrid en situación confusa, víctima de una bala perdida o de un disparo accidental producido al caérsele su propia arma, según versiones.
1911 General Ramón Cáceres, asesinado, presidente de la República Dominicana. Se designa al vicepresidente Eladio Victoria para completar el mandato. 1887 Emma Lazarus, 38, US poet ("Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free") 1878 Samuel Bough, British artist born on 08 January 1822. LINKS 1860 Karoly Marko, Hungarian artist born on 25 September 1791. 1828 Franz Schubert Austrian composer. 1783 Jean-Baptiste Perroneau, French artist born in 1715. 1728 Christian-Johann Bendeler (or Bendler), German artist born on 25 August 1688.
1665 Nicolas Poussin, French painter and etcher born in June 1594 in Villers. Moved to Rome in 1623, where he died. MORE ON POUSSIN AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS The Holy Family with Ten Figures Bacchanale Before a Temple Martyrdom of St. Erasmus Martyrdom of St. Erasmus The Virgin of the Pillar Appearing to St. James the Greater The Rescue of Pyrrhus The Noble Deed of Scipio Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite Apollo The Worship of the Golden Calf The Rape of the Sabine Women Seven Sacraments Holy Family on the Steps Landscape with the Body of Phocion Carried out of Athens Landscape with Polyphemus 1663 Jan-Baptist Weenix (or Weeninx), Dutch artist born in 1621. MORE ON WEENIX AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS A Dog and a Cat near a Partially Disembowelled Deer Ancient Ruins _ detail Dead Partridge The Ford Mother & Child The Vegetable Merchant 1653 Pieter Dirckszoon Bontepaert Santvoort (or Zantvoort), Dutch artist born in 1604. 0498 Anastasius II, Pope |
Births which occurred on
a November 19:
1950 Ángel Fieramente Humano, libro de poemas de Blas de Otero, se publica. 1942 Calvin Klein, fashion designer 1938 Ted Turner broadcasting mogul/owns (Atlanta Braves)/won America's Cup 1938 - Ted Turner (cable TV mogul: CNN, TBS, TNT, The Cartoon Network; owner: Atlanta Braves; TIME magazine's Man of the Year [1991]; married to actress, Jane Fonda) 1935 John F Welch Jr Salem MA, CEO (GE) 1917 Indira Nehru Gandhi Allahabad India, (Prime Minister of India [1966-1977 and 1980-84]: assassinated [1984]) Indira Gandhi, fille du pandit Nehru, est née le 19 novembre 1917 à Allahabad. Premier ministre de l'Union indienne, elle a été assassinée en 1984. 1915 Earl Wilburg Sutherland, investigador estadounidense, Premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología en 1971. 1912 George Emil Palade, biólogo estadounidense, Premio Nobel de Medicina en 1974. 1908 Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco, escritor e historiador ecuatoriano. [¿No sería más correcto Cincoparejas Diezcanessecos?]
1900 Lavrentev, mathematician. 1900 Anna Seghers, escritora alemana.
1888 José Raúl Capablanca, Cuba, world chess champion (1921-27) 1875 Hiram Bingham, explorer who discovered the Inca city of Machu Picchu 1867 Bernard Johan de Hoog, Dutch artist who died in 1943. 1862 William (Billy) Sunday, US revivalist. Orphaned during the Civil War, Sunday became a major league baseball player 1883-91, then turned to evangelism in 1893, speaking to an estimated total audience of 100 million before his death in 1935, yet his influence was superficial. 1831 James Abram Garfield, in Orange, Ohio, 20th US President (March 4-Sept 19, 1881) 1st left-handed president; [assassinated in 1881]) 1821 David Joseph Bles, Dutch artist who died on 03 November 1899. 1819 El Museo del Prado en Madrid, bajo la dirección del marqués de Santa Cruz y del pintor Vicente López, se inaugura. 1805 Ferdinand de Lesseps France, diplomat (built Suez Canal) Ferdinand de Lesseps, ingeniero y diplomático francés. 1794 James Stark, British artist who died on 24 March 1859. Woody Landscape A Hillside Covered with Gorse-Scrub 1780 José Cuero y Caicedo, religioso franciscano colombiano. 1772 Vicente López Portaña, pintor español. Murió en 1850. MORE ON LOPEZ AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS Francisco de Goya 1770 Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen Copenhagen Denmark, sculptor (Dying Lion) 1696 Louis Tocqué (or Toucquet), French artist who died on 10 February 1772. French portrait painter who was the pupil and son-in-law of Nattier (who was good at painting pretty women, while Tocqué was happier with plain ones). He admired Rigaud and Largillierre and adapted their styles, and Nattier's, to the requirements of his own time. He worked in Paris except for a trip to St Petersburg and Copenhagen (1756-59) and a second trip to Copenhagen in 1769. LINKS Marie Leczinska, Queen of France (1740, 277x191cm) 1617 Eustache Le Sueur (or Lesyeur), French painter who died on 30 April 1655. MORE ON LE SUEUR AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS Caligula Depositing the Ashes of his Mother and Brother in the Tomb of his Ancestors The Muses: Clio, Euterpe and Thalia The Muses: Melpomene, Erato and Polymnia The Muse Terpsichore 1607 Erasmus Quellin II, Flemish painter who died on 07 November 1678. MORE ON QUELLIN AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS Saul and David (detail) Still Life in an Architectural Setting Portrait of a Young Boy 1600 Charles I king of England (1625-49) who would be executed by Parliament Carlos I, Rey de Inglaterra, Escocia e Irlanda. |