Nov 28| HISTORY 4 2DAY
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Events, deaths, births, of NOV 29 [For Nov 29 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Dec 09 1700s: Dec 10 1800s: Dec 11 1900~2099: Dec 12] |
1994 Russian aircraft bomb Chechen capital of Grozny, in advance of long-planned ground attack to enslave the independent little republic.
1978 UN observes "international day of solidarity
with the Palestinian people," boycotted by US & about 20 other countries
1975 Kilauea Volcano erupts in Hawaii 1973 Chrysler Corp. announces plans to halt production at seven plants, affecting 38,000 workers, to reduce inventory and move production away from gas-guzzlers. Generals Motors had taken similar measures a week earlier.
1967 US Secretary of Defense McNamara becomes President of the World Bank
1964 Roman Catholic Church in US modernizes liturgy, including replacing Latin with English. |
1961 Freedom Riders attacked by white mob at bus station in Mississipi 1961 Mercury-Atlas 5 takes chimp Enos to orbit the Earth twice. 1952 Archbishop Stepanic, still under house arrest in Yugoslavia, is created a Cardinal by the Vatican, making Tito's regime furious.
1945 Monarchy abolished as Yugoslavia proclaims
it's republic 1945 est proclamée la République populaire de Yougoslavie.
Très vite, le chef des communistes yougoslaves, Josip Broz Tito, va s'émanciper
de la tutelle soviétique. Il va ériger la Yougoslavie en chef de file
des pays non-alignés et devenir le mouton noir du monde communiste. 1944 Albania liberated from Nazi control (National Day) 1944 John Hopkins hospital performs 1st open heart surgery 1943 sont créées les Forces Françaises de l’Intérieur. Elle regroupent les différents groupes de résistance à l'occupant nazi en vue du futur combat aux côté des Alliés qui préparent leur débarquement.
1931 The Spanish government seizes large estates for land redistribution. . 1929
1887 US receives rights to Pearl Harbor, on Oahu, Hawaii 1877 Thomas Edison demonstrates the hand-cranked phonograph |
1864 Affair at Spring Hill, Tennessee 1863 The Battle of Fort Sanders, Knoxville, Tenn., ends with a Confederate withdrawal. 1863 Siege of Knoxville, Tennessee continues 1863 Mine Run Campaign continues in Virginia
1789 Près de Valence, 12'000 gardes nationaux et les représentants des villages environnants célèbrent la première "Fédération". C'est l'époque bénie de la première Révolution, avant que les contraintes financières, le sectarisme religieux et les égoïsmes des uns et des autres n'engagent le pays dans la voie de la Terreur et de la guerre. 1787 Louis XVI promulgates an edict of tolerance, granting civil status to Protestants. 1760 Major Roger Rogers takes possession of Detroit on behalf of Britain. 1644 The Massachusetts General Court issued a call for local pastors to learn the dialects of neighboring Indian tribes, as an aid toward converting them to the Christian faith. 1516 Le roi de France François 1er signe une "paix perpétuelle" avec les cantons suisses. C’est la conséquence de sa victoire sur les Suisses à Marignan. 1516 Paix de Fribourg. Le roi de France François Ier signe avec les Suisses : la "paix perpétuelle". Les Suisses s'engagent à ne plus apporter leur concours à des adversaires de la France,et celle-ci paye près de 300'000 écus d'or pour leurs frais. 1226 Sacre de Louis IX, 11 ans: Sa mère, Blanche de Castille, précipite le sacre de son fils car une révolte des vassaux menace la couronne. La cathédrale est en construction et le siège épiscopal de Reims est vacant. C'est l'évêque de Soissons qui officie. Seul parmi la noblesse, Thibaud IV de Champagne apporte son soutien à la régente 1223 Through publication of "Regula Bullata," Pope Honorius III formally authorized the "Regula Prima," a settled rule of organization and administration for the Franciscan order. . The Franciscans are to be marked by complete poverty and preaching. |
Deaths which occurred on this
date: 2000 Barry Schneider, 43, of a heroin overdose, in his home in Courtenay, British Columbia. He was a constable of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, their drug awareness co-ordinator on Vancouver Island 1987 All 115 aboard Korean Air Boeing 707 which disappears off Burma, on route to Seoul.
1924 Giacomo Puccini Italian composer, in Brussels 1910 Étienne Prosper Berne-Bellecour, French artist born on 29 July 1838. 1892 Alexander Helwig Wyant, US artist born on 11 January 1836 LINKS 1872 Mary Somerville, mathematician
1759 Nicolaus (I) Bernoulli, mathematician 1742 Louis Dorigny, French artist born on 14 June 1654. 1530 Cardinal Thomas Wolsey adviser to England's King Henry VIII 1516 Giovanni Bellini, Italian painter born in 1430. Giovanni Bellini, 87 ans, peintre, meurt à Venise. Il appartient à une famille vénitienne qui compte plusieurs peintres illustres. Son père Jacopo (1400-1470) fut grand peintre, de même que son frère aîné Gentile (1429-1507); mais on s'accorde à reconnaître que Giovanni est le plus grand de tous. La plus belle de ses toiles La Madone et les Saints, date de 1490. On peut admirer les brillantes couleurs qui caractérisent l'École Vénitienne. Deux de ses élèves, Giorgione (1477-1510) et surtout Le Titien (1485?-1576) deviendront aussi célèbres que leur maître. . MORE ON BELLINI AT ART 4 NOVEMBER (with many more links to online reproductions) LINKS Transfiguration Sacred Conversation _ (detail 1) _ detail 2 Portrait of Doge Leonardo Loredan Dead Christ Supported by the Madonna and St John (Pietà) Madonna and Child — Madonna and Child with Saints — Madonna Enthroned Adoring the Sleeping Child — Madonna of Red Angels (1488) — The Madonna of the Meadow 1314 Philippe IV le Bel, de maladie après un long règne troublé sur sa fin par les déboires de ses fils et les infidélités de ses brus. |
Births which occurred on this date:
1950 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States is founded in Cleveland, Ohio, by Protestant and Eastern Orthodox denominations. It has would become a strong voices for its brand of social justice.
1932 Jacques Chirac, à Paris, président de France. 1928 Paul Simon (Sen-D-Ill), presidential candidate 1918 Madeleine L'Engle, writer (A Wrinkle in Time). 1911 Konrad Fuchs, German atomic physicist. 1908 Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., politician and Civil Rights leader. 1902 Carlo Levi Italy, painter/novelist (Of Fear & Freedom) 1900 Mildred Elizabeth Sisk, aka Axis Sally, Nazi propagandist. 1898 Clive Staples Lewis English writer / scholar (Le Roman de la Rose, Out of the Silent Planet) CS LEWIS ONLINE: Spirits in Bondage: A Cycle of Lyrics, Spirits in Bondage: A Cycle of Lyrics. 1895 William V.S. Tubman (Whig), 17th Liberian President (1943-70) 1879 Nikolai Krylov, mathematician 1874 Antonio Egas Moniz Portugal, lobotomist (Nobel 1949) 1866 Brown, mathematician 1866 Jozef Pankiewicz, Polish artist who died in 1943. 1863 Jules Alexis Meunier, French artist who died in 1942. 1858 Emil Karl Rau, German artist who died in 1937. 1849 Sir Ambrose Fleming inventor (diode) 1849 Lamb, mathematician 1847 Greenhill, mathematician 1846 Konrad Kiesel, German artist who died on 28 May 1921. 1840 Francesco Beda, Italian artist who died on 21 June 1900. 1832 Louisa May Alcott, novelist (Little Women). 1818 George Brown Canada, publisher (Toronto Globe), PM (L) (1858)
1789 Jan van Ravensway, Dutch artist who died on 02 March 1869. 1781 Andres Bello Venezuela poet/diplomat/scholar (Selvas Americanas)