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Events, deaths, births, of NOV 30 [For 30 Nov Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Dec 10 1700s: Dec 11 1800s: Dec 12 1900~2099: Dec 13] |
![]() 1999 El ex-canciller alemán Helmut Kohl reconoce haber financiado de forma ilegal su partido, el CDU. 1999 The opening of a 135-nation trade gathering in Seattle is disrupted by at least 40'000 demonstrators, some of which clash with police, which goes on an indiscriminate retaliatory rampage. Comienza en Seattle (Estados Unidos) la última Cumbre del milenio de la Organización Mundial del Comercio en medio de las protestas de miles de manifestantes. 1999 Cuban shipwreck survivor Elian Gonzalez, 5, appears to be headed toward a long custody battle. The Immigration and Naturalization Service has set 23 December for the first hearing that all Cuban refugees go through to see if they qualify for US residency. Elian's great-uncle Lázaro Gonzalez [photo of the two >] and his other Miami relatives want the boy to stay in the United States, but his father has said he would go to Florida to get him back. Unaccountably (except for the needs of Castro's propaganda) the father would never do that. 1998 The US administration says that it will encourage research on the economic impact of technology, promote small-business use of the Internet, ask for the establishment of consumer-protection standards, and give financial assistance for Internet projects in developing countries. 1998 NBC announces that it will purchase a minority stake in iVillage, an Internet company producing popular sites for women, such as Parent Soup. NBC agrees to promote iVillage on its television properties. 1997 The government of Prime Minister Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic resigned. Klaus's Civic Democratic Party had been accused of accepting contributions from foreign sources. 1997 Benjamín Netanyahu aprueba un plan de retirada israeli parcial de Cisjordania.
1993 La eutanasia es legalizada en Holanda para pacientes terminales,
en determinadas circunstancias y bajos severas condiciones.
1992 El Tribunal constitucional ruso declara formalmente disuelto el partido oficial comunista soviético, el PCUS. 1990 US President Bush offered to send Secretary of State Baker to Baghdad and to receive Iraq's foreign minister in Washington, D.C., in a bid for a diplomatic solution to the Persian Gulf crisis. 1990 US President Bush names outgoing Florida governor Bob Martinez to head the nation's war on drugs (ineptly named and conducted). 1990 The three Baltic republics Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia hold an historic joint parliamentary session to plot their common course. 1989 Rebel armed forces launched a fifth major coup attempt against Philippine President Corazon Aquino. 1989 Czechoslovakia announced an end to travel restrictions and said it planned to dismantle some of the fortifications along the Austrian border.
1988 Soviets stop jamming Radio Liberty (Radio Free Europe); 1st time in 38 years 1987 Los 1350 delegados de la Asamblea Suprema de Afganistán aprueban por unanimidad la nueva Constitución, que establece el Islam como religión oficial. 1986 El PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español) triunfa en las elecciones al Parlamento vasco. 1984 Wilson Ferreira Aldunate, líder político uruguayo, es liberado tras cinco meses de cárcel. 1984 La guerrilla de El Salvador propone al presidente José Napoleón Duarte un Gobierno de consenso nacional. 1983 Radio Shack announces the Tandy Model 2000 computer (80186 chip) 1983 El poeta Claudio Rodríguez consigue el Premio Nacional español de Literatura. 1982 US sub Thomas Edison collides with US Navy destroyer in So China Sea.
1979 Pope John Paul II and Patriarch Dimitrous I pledge to hasten
day of church reunification when John Paul II attends an Eastern Orthodox
mass, the first pope in 1000 years to do so. 1978 Suspenden temporalmente su aparición los periódicos londinenses The Times y Sunday Times. 1975 Israel pulled its forces out of a 150-km-long corridor along the Gulf of Suez as part of an interim peace agreement with Egypt. 1975 Dahomey becomes Benin
1974 Pioneer II sends photos back to NASA as it nears Jupiter.
1967 People's Republic of South Yemen (Aden) gains independence
from Britain La Federación de Arabia del Sur se convierte en la
República Popular del Yemen del Sur y proclama su independencia. 1967 Kuria Muria islands ceded by Britain to Oman
1961 ETA (Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna) constituye el comité de acción directa, cuyo objetivo es lograr la libertad de Euskadi mediante la acción armada. 1961 El Ejército, bajo el mando del presidente Joaquín Balaguer, se hace con el poder en República Dominicana 1958 1st guided missile destroyer launched, Dewey, Bath, Me 1956 The United States offers emergency oil to Europe to counter the Arab ban.
1954 1st meteorite ( 8 lb ) known to strike a woman
(Liz Hodges-Sylacauga AL)
1949 Chinese Communists capture Chungking. 1948 The Soviet Union complete the division of Berlin, setting up a separate municipal government in East Berlin 1947 Day after UN decree for Israel, Jewish settlements attacked 1945 Russian forces take Danzig in Poland and invade Austria. 1943 El Gobierno italiano de Pietro Badoglio no reconoce al rey de Italia los títulos de "rey de Albania" y "emperador de Abisinia".
1924 1st photo facsimile transmitted across Atlantic by radio 1922 España es reelegida para integrar el consejo directivo de la Sociedad de Naciones. 1922 Una manifestación del Partido Nacional Socialista de los Trabajadores Alemanes (NSDAP) reúne a 50'000 personas en torno al orador Adolf Hitler. 1919 Women cast votes for the first time in French legislative elections. 1917 Alemania lleva a cabo una contraofensiva en Kortrijk (Bélgica), con la que consigue reconquistar el terreno perdido. 1917 Se celebra en Berlín la primera exposición de Ernst Barlach, escultor expresionista. LINKS 1906 President Theodore Roosevelt publicly denounces segregation of Japanese schoolchildren in San Francisco. 1905 El presidente del Tribunal Supremo español, Eugenio Montero Ríos, presenta la dimisión, que no es admitida. 1904 El cólera se extiende en Transcaucasia. 1900 The French government denounces British actions in South Africa, declaring sympathy for the Boers. 1886 1st commercially successful AC electric power plant opens, Buffalo
1864 Affair at Spring Hill, Tennessee 1863 Assault on Fort Sanders, Tennessee 1863 Siege of Knoxville, Tennessee continues 1863 Mine Run Campaign continues in Virginia 1838 Mexico declares war on France. 1807 Las tropas francesas al mando del general Jean Androche Junot, entran en Lisboa. 1804 Impeachment trial of US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase begins in the Senate. He is accused of political bias and will be acquitted. 1803 Spain cedes her claims to Louisiana Territory to France 1861 The British Parliament sends to Queen Victoria an ultimatum for the United States, demanding the release of two Confederate diplomats who were seized on the British ship Trent. 1782 The US and UK sign a preliminary peace articles in Paris, ending the American Revolutionary War and recognizing US independence.
0722 Boniface is consecrated a bishop for the work he will do as a missionary to the Germans. 0306 St Marcellus I begins his reign as Pope |
![]() 2001 Robert Tools, 59, first recipient of self-contained artificial heart (on 02 July 2001). 1999 Germán Arciniegas Angueyra, escritor colombiano. 1994 Guy Debord, pensador francés. 1990 Norman Cousins, 75, author, in Los Angeles. 1979 Zeppo Marx, 78 1968 Ismaël Gonzalez de la Serna, Spanish artist born on a 06 June sometime from 1897 to 1900. 1953 Francis Martínez de Picabia, French Dadaist-Surrealist painter born on 22 January 1879. precursor del dadaísmo. LINKS
1921 Herman Schwarz, mathematician. 1920 Francesc Layret i Foix, abogado catalán, asesinado en Barcelona; las sospechas recaen sobre miembros del Sindicato Libre. 1903 Francisco Blanco García, escritor e historiador español.
1883 Francesco Bergamini, Italian artist born on 10 December 1815. 1864 Sand Creek Massacre, Colorado Territory
1832 Jean-Jacques François Taurel, French artist born in 1757. 1830 Pío VIII, Papa. 1820 Adriaen de Lelie, Dutch artist born on 19 May 1755. 1799 Guillaume Voiriot, French artist born on 20 November 1713. 1793 Antoine Joseph Marie Barnave, miembro de la Asamblea Constituyente de Francia. 1786 Bernardo conde de Gálvez, gobernador de Cuba y virrey de México. 1765 George Lambert, British painter born in 1710 (or 1700?) LINKS 1732 (or another year no later than 1736) François Octavien, French artist born in 1695. 1731 More than 100'000 persons in a series of earthquakes in China. 1694 Marcello Malpighi father of microscopic anatomy 1647 Bonaventura Cavalieri, mathematician. 1647 Giovanni Lanfranco (or Lanfranchi) di Stefano, Italian Baroque painter born on 26 January 1582. MORE ON LANFRANCO AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS Hagar in the Wilderness Miracle of the Bread and Fish
1016 Edmund II Ironsides, 27, King of the Saxons (1016) 30 -BC- Cleopatra, Egyptian queen, suicide |
Births which occurred on
a November 30:
1939 El sueño eterno, novela negra de Raymond Chandler, se publica. 1936 Abbie Hoffman aka Free, Yippie/activist/author (Steal this Book) 1933 Der Antiquitätenhändler, ópera de Paul Hindemith, se estrena. 1930 G Gordon Liddy Watergate felon, radio talk-show host 1924 Shirley Chisholm, politician: 1st black woman elected to the US Congress. 1923 Ángel Martín Municio, científico español. 1915 Henry Taube chemist (Nobel 1983) 1907 Jacques Barzun France, author (The House of Intellect) 1904 Clyfford Still, US Abstract Expressionist painter, who died on 23 June 1980 MORE STILL AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS [blotches] (1947) [more blotches] (1949) [still more blotches] (1948)
1863 Andres Bonifacio leader of 1896 Philippine revolt against Spain 1861 François Bernard Gailliard, Belgian artist who died in 1932. 1846 Jean André Rixens, French painter who died on 21 December 1924. LINKS The Death of Cleopatra (1874) 1836 Karl Herpfer, German artist who died on 18 June 1897.
1817 Theodor Mommsen Germany, historian / writer (Nobel 1902) 1813 Salomon Leonardus Verveer, Dutch artist who died on 05 January 1876. 1812 John Woodhouse Audubon, US artist who died on 21 February 1862. LINKS Not to be confused with John James Audubon [1785-1851] the famous painter of birds. 1810 Oliver Fisher Winchester rifle maker (Winchester) 1736 Jean-Jacques de Boissieu, French painter who died on 01 March 1810. LINKS 1736 Andrés Torrejón, político español. 1710 Jacob-Andries Beschey, Flemish artist who died on 28 February 1786. 1687 Juan José Navarro de Viana y Bufalo, Marqués de la Victoria, general de la marina español.
1636 Adriaen van de Velde, Dutch painter who died on 21 January 1672. MORE ON VAN DE VELDE AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS Portrait of a Couple with Two Children and a Nursemaid in a Landscape The Hut Amusement on the Ice The Beach at Scheveningen The Farm 1633 Theodor van Aenvanck, Flemish artist who died in 1690. 1622 Thomas van Apshoven, Flemish artist who died in September 1664. 1622 Robert van den Hocke, Flemish artist who died in 1668. Relative? of Jan van den Hoecke [1611-1651]? 1599 Andrea Ouche Sacchi, Italian artist who died on 21 June 1661. 1554 Philip Sidney England, poet / statesman / soldier, SIDNEY ONLINE: Astrophel and Stella, The Defence of Poesie, A Defence of Poesie and Poems, Selected Works and Commentary. 1549 Savile, mathematician. 1466 Andrea Doria Genoese statesman / admiral 0538 St Gregory of Tours chronicler / bishop.SAINT GREGORY ONLINE: History of the Franks (abridged translation). |