Jan 02| HISTORY 4 2DAY
|Jan 04
>> Events, deaths, births, of JAN 03 [For Jan 03 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Jan 13 1700s: Jan 14 1800s: Jan 15 1900~2099: Jan 16] |
On a January
03: 2002 Israeli commandos seize Iranian ship Karim A. in international waters in the Red Sea some 500 km south of Elat. The ship is captained by a Palestinian and carries 50 tons of mainly Iranian-manufactured arms and munitions, including mortars and anti-tank missiles 2002 A UK Office of National Statistics news release includes the following findings based on names given to 267'875 boys and 254'978 girls born in 2001 in England and Wales: Top 10 names given to boys: 1. Jack 2. Thomas 3. Joshua 4. James 5. Daniel 6. Harry 7. Samuel 8. Joseph 9. Matthew 10. Lewis. To girls: 1. Chloe 2. Emily 3. Megan 4. Jessica 5. Sophie 6. Lauren 7. Charlotte 8. Hannah 9. Olivia 10. Lucy 2001 Outside of its scheduled meetings, at 13:15 ET (in the midst of the New York trading day) the US Federal Reserve cuts the federal funds rate from 6.5% to 6% and the discount rate from 6% to 5.75%. In reaction to this, the Dow-Jones Industrial Average rises 299.60 (2.8%) to close at 10'946.75, the S&P 500 closes up 64.29 (5.0%) at 1347.56, and the NASDAQ up 324.83 (14.2%) at 2616.69. Sun Microsystems makes its 52-week low (25.00) early in the session, but then surges $7.56 (29.7%) above yesterday's close, to close at 33.00 (still far from its 1 Sep 2000 52-week high of 64.66). But, contrary to what one might expect, the Treasury bonds decline, as they apparently had been priced in expectation of the rate cut, and now money goes out of them into stocks. 2001 La dracma griega se incorpora al sistema de moneda única. 1999 La moneda única europea inicia con éxito su primera jornada en los mercados financieros mundiales. 1998 El presidente de México Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León acepta la denuncia formal de su ministro del Interior, acusado de ser el máximo responsable de la matanza de 45 indígenas en Chiapas. 1997 El presidente de Estados Unidos, Bill Clinton, prorroga por otros seis meses la suspensión del Capítulo III de la Ley Helms-Burton sobre inversores extranjeros en Cuba. 1995 Sri Lanka: Cease-fire agreement between government & Tamil rebels. 1993 US President George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin sign the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START 2) in Moscow. Los presidentes de Estados Unidos y de Rusia, George Bush (padre) y Boris Nikolaievich Yeltsin, firman en el Kremlin el START II, con la intención de reducir los arsenales nucleares. 1993 Junk bond king Michael Milkin is released from jail after 22 months 1992 32 Cubans defect to the US via helicopter 1991 AIDS was removed from the list of diseases that bar a person from entering the US. 1990 Panama's leader General Manuel Noriega, holed up in the Vatican embassy for 10 days, surrenders to the US, who had invaded Panama to arrest him as a drug smuggler. Noriega had ceased cooperating with the CIA. He was flown to Miami., tried, and sentenced to prison. |
1988 Margaret Thatcher becomes longest-serving British
PM in the 20th century 1985 Israel's government confirms resettlement of 10'000 Ethiopian Jews 1984 Syria frees captured US pilot after appeal from Jesse Jackson 1983 Times Beach, Missouri, declared disaster area due to dioxin contamination.
1980 Francisco Sá Carneiro es elegido primer ministro de Portugal. 1980 Gold hits record $634 an ounce. 1976 Falange Española y JONS (Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalistas) se constituyen en partido político. 1974 Burma accepts its constitution. |
1970 African nationalist guerrillas based in Zambia stage their first infiltration raid on white-ruled Rhodesia since mid-1968. Because the guerrillas lack any overall political or military objective, & receive little local support, they are routed by Rhodesian security forces. The ineffectiveness of the infiltration strategy will cause dissension among the exiles. But, in 1972, guerrillas of one faction, the Zimbabwean African National Union, infiltrates the country with much greater success, & maintain an insurgent war that ousts Ian Smith's white regime in 1979. 1969 Representative Adam Clayton Powell Jr seated by US Congress |
1961 Adam Clayton Powell elected Chairman of the US House of Representatives' Education and Labor committee.
1959 Alaska becomes the 49th and largest state in
the Union with US President Dwight D. Eisenhower's signing of a special
proclamation (celebrates Admission Day). When Secretary of State William
H. Seward negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867, many
called it "Seward's Folly." The Klondike Gold Rush changed all that, and
prospectors mined some fifty million dollars worth of gold between 1897
and 1900. Later petroleum was discovered. 1958 La expedición neozelandesa dirigida por Edmund Percival Hillary llega al Polo Sur. 1955 José Ramon Guizado becomes President of Panama
1951 9 Jewish Kremlin physicians are alleged to be British or US agents 1949 The US Supreme Court rules that, as part of the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947, states have the right to outlaw the closed shop, one of labor's most potent bargaining weapons. 1945 La ofensiva alemana de las Ardenas fracasa en la ciudad belga de Bastogne. 1945 Allies land on west coast of Burma, conquer Akyab 1945 Greek General Nikolaos Plastiras forms government 1945 US aircraft carriers attack Okinawa
1944 La Syrie et le Liban deviennent indépendants.
La France reconnaît la souveraineté de ces deux pays qui avaient été placés
sous son protectorat vingt-deux ans plus tôt. Dans le Liban à majorité
chrétienne, quarante années de prospérité et de paix s'écouleront avant
que l'intolérance religieuse ne dilapide l'héritage du protectorat. 1943 Serge Alexandre Stavisky, créateur et fondateur du Crédit municipal de Bayonne, a détourné plusieurs dizaines de millions de francs. "L'affaire Stavisky" éclate à Paris, et éclabousse de nombreuse personnalités politiques qui sont impliquées dans ce scandale. 1942 Chiang Kai-Shek es nombrado comandante en jefe de todas las fuerzas aliadas en China. 1941 Canada and US acquire air bases in Newfoundland (99 year lease) 1941 Italian counter offensive in Albania 1934 At Barmen-Gemarke, in Germany, 320 pastors of the German Confessing Church met to draw up a theological statement opposing the Nazi German Nationalist Church. Led by Karl Barth and Martin Niemüller, the gathering led to the formula afterward known as the Barmen Declaration. 1926 Greek General Theodorus Pángalos names himself dictator. 1926 Benito Mussolini acumula los ministerios de Asuntos Exteriores, Guerra, Marina y Navegación Aérea. 1925 Benito Mussolini dissolves Italian parliament and announces that he will take dictatorial powers. declara ilegales a todos los partidos de la oposición.
1915 El presidente paraguayo Eduardo Schaerer es detenido por los golpistas y liberado por las fuerzas leales. 1910 British miners strike for 8 hour working day. 1906 El ex presidente Eloy Alfaro Delgado vuelve a hacerse con el poder en Ecuador. 1904 John Edwuard Redmond intenta relanzar el movimiento nacionalista irlandés del Home Rule. ![]() 1889 Admissions convention meets in Ellensburg WA, asks for statehood 1876 first free kindergarten in US opens in Florence MA 1870 Brooklyn Bridge construction begins; completed 24 May 1883 1868 Meiji Restoration returns authority to Japan's emperors [click to enlarge picture >] which means the fall of the shoguns (military rulers). 1862 Romney Campaign -- Stonewall Jackson moves north from Winchester 1861 Delaware legislature rejects proposal to join Confederacy 1861 US Fort Pulaski and Fort Jackson, Savannah, seized by Georgia 1852 first Chinese arrive in Hawaii. |
1828 En France, le ministère Villèle a fait voter des mesures impopulaires comme les lois limitant la liberté de la presse, etc. Il se retire sous la pression des libéraux. C'est le cabinet du semi-libéral Martignac qui lui succède. |
1825 Scottish factory owner Robert
Owen buys 30'000 acres in Indiana as site for New
Harmony utopian community 1781 Inca besiege Cuzco (Peru) in attempt to dislodge Spanish. 1777 George Washington defeats the British, led by Cornwallis, at Battle of Princeton, New Jersey, during the US War of Independence. 1746 Bonnie Prince Charlies army leaves Glasgow 1642 Se aprueba la Gran Amonestación, acta de acusación del Parlamento contra Carlos I, rey de Inglaterra.
0269 St Felix I begins his reign as Pope, which lasted until his death in 0274. |
in Caracas, anti-Chávez demonstrators are met with tear gas] ![]() |
in Caracas, anti-Chávez demonstrators flee in a cloud of tear gas, as riot policemen talk to rock~throwing chavistas] ![]() |
1989 Sergei
Sobolev, mathematician. 1984 A woman at Disneyland after falling from the Matterhorn bobsled. She had apparently unfastened her seatbelt. 1980 Joy Adamson, conservationist author of Born Free, killed in northern Kenya by a servant.
1956 Arturo Tosi, Italian artist born on 25 July 1871.
1931 Joseph Joffre, mariscal francés. 1927 Carle Runge, mathematician.
1915 William Strutt, British artist born in 1826. Relative? of Arthur John Strutt (1819-1888)? 1912 Amsler, mathematician. 1905 Anton Braith, German artist born on 02 September 1836. 1892 Schroeter, mathematician. 1882 William Ainsworth, English writer of popular historical romances. 1870 Javier de Ramírez, autor dramático sevillano. 1843 Thomas Christopher Hofland, British artist born in 1777. LINKS Boys fishing at Highgate Ponds (63x73cm) shows a vast land- and skyscape dwarfing two boys fishing in the reservoir near Hampstead. 1809 Henri-Pierre Danloux, French artist born on 24 February 1753. MORE ON DANLOUX AT ART 4 JANUARY LINKS Mademoiselle Rosalie Duthé 1795 Josiah Wedgwood, 64, British ceramic craftsman / woodworker. 1699 Mattia Pretti il Calabrese, Italian artist born on 24 February 1613. 1661 Mary I Stuart, 29, Queen of England / wife of Wilhem II 1543 Juan Cabrillo conqueror of Central America, discoverer of California. 1457 Beata Bonne, religiosa francesa. 1322 Philip V the Tall, King of France (1316-22)
which occurred on a January 03: 1981 La Academia Europea de Ciencias, Artes y Letras se crea en París. Entre sus miembros fundadores figuran los españoles Pedro Laín Entralgo, Federico Sopeña y Federico Mayor Zaragoza. 1977 Apple Computer incorporated 1957 First electric watch introduced, Lancaster PA 1953 En Attendant Godot, del dramaturgo irlandés Samuel Beckett, se estrena en París. 1952 Esperanza Aguirre Gil de Biedma, presidenta del Senado español. 1949 El reino de este mundo, novela de Alejo Carpentier, se publica. 1946 El galeón y el milagro, de Eduardo Marquina, se estrena en Madrid. 1939 La agencia española de noticias EFE 1938 Aurora roja, con poemas de Rafael Alberti, Apel les Mestres y Emilio Prados es estrenada en Barcelona, por una compañía constituida por niños de 9 a 16 años. 1938 The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, later renamed March of Dimes, is established by US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 1926 Pontiac car introduced by General Motors. The new Pontiac line was the descendant of the Oakland Motor Car Company, acquired by General Motors in 1909. 1924 André Franquin, autor de historietas belga. 1923 Jaroslav Hasek Czech writer (Good Soldier Schweik) 1922 Morten Nielsen, Danish poet and resistance fighter killed on 29 August 1944. ![]() 1917 La ruta del aventurero de Pío Baroja y Nessi se publica. 1901 Ngo Dinh Diem President / Dictator of South Vietnam (1955-63). He was assassinated on 02 November 1963 with the connivance of the CIA, which did not consider him a sufficiently pliable puppet.. 1892 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, South Africa, philologist / writer who created a complex mythology in The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Co-editor of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Tolkien died on 02 September 1973. 1887 Helen Parkhurst US educator (Education on the Dalton plan) 1883 Clement Richard Attlee (L) British Labour Prime Minister (1945-51). He died on 08 October 1967. 1871 Oleomargarine patented by Henry Bradley, Binghamton NY. Margarine had been invented by the French chemist Hippolyte Mège-Mouriès, who in 1869 won a prize offered by Napoleon III for a satisfactory butter substitute. 1863 William Marshall Brown, British artist who died in 1936. 1840 Father Joseph Damien de Veuster Belgium, helped lepers in Hawaii. He died on 15 April 1889. 1823 Robert Whitehead, British engineer, invented the modern torpedo. He died on 14 November 1905. 1793 Lucretia Coffin Mott, in Nantucket, Massachusetts, political and social reformer, she participated in many of the reform movements of the day including abolition, temperance, and pacifism. Most importantly, however, she inaugurated the woman suffrage movement. She died on 11 November 1880. [< photo] [satirical 03 Jan 1874 Thomas Nast cartoon on women's movement] 1777 Louis Poinsot, mathematician. He died in 1859. 1737 Heinrich Wilheim von Gerstenberg, German theorist of Sturm und Drang literary movement. He died on 01 November 1823. 1624 William Tucker, first Black child born in Britain's American colonies. 1591Moïse Jean Valentin de Boulogne, French painter who died on 20 August 1632. MORE ON DE BOULOGNE AT ART 4 JANUARY LINKS The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew The Judgment of Solomon The Martyrdom of SS. Processus and Martinian |