Dec 31| HISTORY 4 2DAY
|Jan 02
>> Events, deaths, births, of JAN 01 [For Jan 01 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Jan 11 1700s: Jan 12 1800s: Jan 13 1900~2099: Jan 14] |
On a January
01: 2304 Mid-Calendar day [what does that mean???] 2003 Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, leader of the left-wing Workers Party and a former lathe operator and labor union leader, is inaugurated as president of Brazil, promising “a new style of government” and a crusade against hunger, injustice and corruption. 2003 Make no mistake about it, Lake Superior State University issues its 28th annual extreme List of Words Banished from the Queen's English for Mis-Use, Over-Use and General Uselessness (without branding it), which the world needs now, more than ever. As per its announcement, it's a good thing that LSSU has faced the challenge of compiling the list since 1976. This time 24 expressions were chosen from some 3000 nominations, sent by people on the ground, from the frozen tundra and regions of black ice to the land of peel-and-eat shrimp, not to mention many secret, undisclosed locations. Hopefully the expressions, which are in material breach of the norms of good language, will die an untimely death without the need for weapons of mass destruction. Having said that, it can be noted in color that much of the misuse of language occurs on must-see TV, particularly in sports events when both teams, avoiding mental mistakes, got game and in the end there is no score. That said, there is always the danger that good language may suffer reverse discrimination. When all is said and done, homeland security must include language too. 2002 €uro Euro bills and coins begin to circulate in the 12 countries of the European monetary union. In most of the 12 countries, the old, local currency is still legal tender through February. L'euro, monnaie unique européenne, remplace les devises nationales de douze pays de l'Union européenne: marks allemands et finlandais, drachmes, lires, francs belges, luxembourgeois et français, schillings autrichiens, pesetas, livres irlandaises, florins et escudos. 2001 The US dollar becomes legal tender in El Salvador, together with the colon ($1 = 8.75 colons). 2001 Magnitude 7.4 earthquake in Mindanao (6.907ºN, 126.592ºE epicenter, 33 km deep) at 06:57:04 UT. 2001 Suecia asume la presidencia de turno de la Unión Europea.
2000 Entra en vigor la Unión Monetaria Europea. 1999 The euro officially became the new single currency of 11 European countries, for accounting purposes. (It will start circulating as coins and bills on 01 Jan 2002).. 1999 In California, a law went into effect that defined "invasion of privacy as trespassing with the intent to capture audio or video images of a celebrity or crime victim engaging in a personal of family activity." 1998 Mongolia switches from a 46 hour to 40 hour work week 1998 US Census Bureau estimates population at 268'921'733 1997 El ghanés Kofi Annan toma posesión como secretario general de la ONU en sustitución del egipcio Butros Butros Ghali. 1995 Austria, Finland and Sweden act to join European Union. La Unión Europea alcanza el número de quince países miembros con las incorporaciones de Austria, Suecia y Finlandia. 1995 Fernando Henrique Cardoso installed as President of Brazil 1995 Last "Far Side" by cartoonist Gary Larson (started 1980) 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) goes into effect. Entra en funcionamiento el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) de Canadá, Estados Unidos y México. 1994 Entra en funcionamiento el Espacio Económico Europeo (EEE). 1993 12 member European Economic Community set up vast free trade zone. Entra en vigor el Mercado Único Europeo. 1993 Czechoslovakia peacefully splits into Czech Republic (Bohemia) and Slovakia. Desaparece Checoslovaquia y se forma la República Independiente de Eslovaquia, con capital Bratislava, y la República Checa, con capital Praga. 1992 Boutros Boutros-Ghali becomes UN Secretary-General 1992 Europe breaks down trade barriers. 1992 Se instaura de nuevo en Argentina el peso como moneda. 1992 New York City NY transit fare increases from $1.15 to $1.25 1992 Curaçao becomes 1st in Dutch Antilles to have compulsory education. 1991 5% sales tax on consumer goods & services goes into effect in USSR 1991 UN negotiator Cyrus Vance announces that Yugoslavia and Croatia have accepted a UN peacekeeping plan. 1991 Iraq rejects peace proposal from Egyptian President Hosi Mubarak. 1990 El presidente del Consejo de Salvación Nacional de Rumanía anuncia la legalización del multipartidismo y otras medidas para acabar con el régimen comunista de Nicolae Ceaucescu. 1990 David Dinkins was sworn in as New York City's first Black mayor. 1989 New York City NY transit fare rises from $1.00 to $1.15 1987 60 bodies recovered in Dupont Plaza Hotel fire in Puerto Rico 1987 China's rudimentary civil code in effect 1986 Aruba becomes independent from neighbor island Curaçao (part of Kingdom of the Netherlands) 1986 New York City NY transit fare rises from 90¢ to $1.00 1986 Spain and Portugal become 11th and 12th members of Common Market (European Economic Community) 1985 Jacques Delors sustituye a Gaston Thorn como presidente de la Comunidad Europea. 1985 US's 1st mandatory seat belt law goes into effect (NY) |
1984 Brunei becomes independent of UK. 1982 Pope John Paul II prays for an end to martial law in Poland 1982 Javier Pérez de Cuellar becomes Secretary-General of UN 1981 Palau (Trust Territory of Pacific Is) becomes self-governing 1981 Roger Smith becomes CEO of General Motors 1981 Greece is 10th country to join European Economic Community. 1980 Sweden changes order of succession to throne 1980 Mob storms Russian embassy in Teheran 1980 Premier Adbou Diouf becomes President of Senegal 1979 Jura, 26th canton of Switzerland, established 1979 US and China (People's Republic) hold celebrations in Washington and Beijing to mark the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 1979 La ONU proclama 1979 como Año Internacional del Niño. 1978 President Ford signs 1st major revision of US copyright law since 1909 1977 Jacqueline Means, wife of an Indiana truck driver and mother of four, becomes the first woman in the US to be ordained a priest in the Protestant Episcopal Church. 1976 Venezuela nationalizes oil fields. El presidente venezolano Carlos Andrés Pérez Rodríguez nacionaliza la explotación del petróleo. 1976 At this point in time this is the scenario: a meaningful input is made into the macho dialogue about good language. There being no viable alternative, Lake Superior U implements its first annual list of misused and overused expressions. (10 of them). From now on there will be no détente in the struggle for good language. They call for the resignation of all reporters who propagate clichés. 1975 Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Mitchell and Mardian convicted of Watergate crime 1975 Sweden adopts constitution. 1975 El papa Pablo VI inaugura el Año Santo. 1975 Comienza el Año Internacional de la Mujer, auspiciado por la Asamblea General de la ONU. 1973 Britain, Ireland and Denmark become 7th-9th members of Common Market Nace la "Europa de los nueve", al incorporarse a la CEE el Reino Unido, Irlanda y Dinamarca. 1973 West African Economic Community formed (Benin, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Upper Volta) 1972 People's Republic of China performs nuclear test at Lop Nor 1971 Cigarette advertisements banned on TV in US. 1971 Eleuterio Sánchez “El Lute” se fuga de la prisión del Puerto de Santa María. 1970 Revised calendar for Western (RC) Church goes into effect 1967 St Helena adopts constitution 1967 Tonga revises constitution
1966 All US cigarette packs have to carry warning "Caution:
Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health"
1964 Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland dissolved 1962 Western Samoa gains independence from New Zealand; Susuga Malietoa Tanumafili II becomes co-chief of Western Samoa 1962 Rwanda granted internal self-government by Belgium. 1962 Se constituye el Consejo de Estado en la República Dominicana. 1961 Russia introduces a new ruble worth $1.11 1961 Largest check issued, National Bank of Chicago to Sears ($960.242 billion) 1960 US census at 179'245'000 1960 Montserrat adopts constitution 1960 Cameroon (French Cameroon) gains independence from France 1960 Bank of France issues new franc, worth 20¢ 1959 Chad becomes autonomous republic in French Community
1959 Entra en vigor el Tratado de Roma. 1958 Treaties establish the European Economic Community (Common Market) go into effect. Après de longues tractations, les traités de Rome qui ont été signés. La Communauté économique européenne et l'Euratom entrent officiellement en vigueur. L'Assemblée parlementaire européenne dont le siège officiel est à Strasbourg est présidée par Robert Schuman. 1958 BOAC Britannia flies London to New York in a record 7h57m. 1957 France returns Saar to become the 10th state of German Federal Republic. 1957 El ingeniero alemán Félix Wankel lleva a cabo el primer recorrido de prueba con el motor de pistón giratorio creado por él. 1956 Sudan (Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) gains independence from Britain & Egypt (National Day) 1955 Bhutan issues its 1st postage stamps 1954 Yugoslav parliament chairman / Vice President Milovan Djilas criticize communism. 1952 Javier de Borbón Parma se autoproclama rey ante un grupo de carlistas. 1951 Massive Chinese/North Korean assault on UN-lines. 1951 En Tonkín (Indochina) el general Jean-Joseph-Marie-Gabriel de Lattre de Tassigny interrumpe la evacuación de civiles. 1950 Ho Chi Minh begins offensive against French troops in Indo-China. 1950 El Reino Unido reconoce a la República Popular de China. 1949 Tokelau (Union) Islands declared part of New Zealand. 1949 El doctor Juan Manuel Gálvez Durón toma posesión de la presidencia de Honduras. 1948 Italy adopts constitution 1948 Orissa province accedes to India 1948 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade effective. Entra en vigor el GATT. 1948 Britain nationalizes its railways 1947 Britain nationalizes its coal industry. El Gobierno laborista de Clement Attlee nacionaliza las minas de carbón en el Reino Unido. 1947 Nigeria obtiene cierta autonomía administrativa. 1946 ENIAC, US 1st computer finished by Mauchly/Eckert 1946 National Assembly proclaims Hungary a republic 1946 Emperor Hirohito of Japan announces he is not a god. En una alocución radiofónica, el emperador Hirohito explica la génesis del mito del emperador en Japón.
1945 Offensive allemande en Lorraine. C'est l'une des dernères grandes offensives allemandes de la 2ème guerre mondiale durera jusqu'au 9 janvier ; elle vise principalement la ville de Strasbourg qui résistera et ne sera pas réoccupée par les troupes allemandes. 1945 France is admitted to the United Nations. 1945 El Comité de Lublin se declara Gobierno provisional polaco. 1944 El dictador de España Francisco Franco Bahamonde se niega a reconocer la república fascista de Salò, constituida por Benito Mussolini. 1944 Erwin Rommel es nombrado subcomandante en jefe del grupo de ejércitos alemanes en Francia. 1944 Se descubre la tumba del faraón Menes en El Cairo (Egipto). 1944 General Clark replaces General Patton as commander of 7th Army.
1942 Se inaugura en Nueva York una exposición del pintor neerlandés Piet Mondrian. 1941 Russian General Zhukov appointed chief of General staff 1937 Anastasio Somoza becomes President of Nicaragua
1935 President Mustapha Kemal Pasha names himself "Atatürk
Father of Turkey" 1934 International Telecommunication Union established 1934 Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (US bank guarantor) effective 1930 Jurgens and Van den Berg merge with Lever Brothers to form Unilever. 1929 Se aprueba el nuevo Código Penal español, que sustituye al preparado en 1870 por Eugenio Montero Ríos. 1928 1st US air-conditioned office building opens, San Antonio. 1926 Las aguas del Rin alcanza su nivel más alto desde 1781. 1925 Norway's capital Christiania changes name to Oslo. 1923 Union of Socialist Soviet Republics established 1919 Belorussian SSR established 1919 Edsel Ford succeeded his father, Henry Ford, as president of the Ford Motor Company. That same day, the company announced that it would increase its minimum wage to $6.00 per day. Henry Ford had made history in 1914 by increasing the minimum wage in his factories to $5.00 per day, far more than his competitors were paying. 1918 Last day of the Julian calendar in Finland 1915 Jews of Laibach Austria expelled 1914 Northern & Southern Nigeria united in British colony of Nigeria. 1913 Dimite el jefe del Partido Conservador de España, Antonio Maura y Montaner. 1913 US Post office begins parcel post deliveries 1912 Sun Yat-sen forms Chinese Republic. El Gobierno revolucionario chino proclama la República y designa como presidente provisional al líder nacionalista Sun Yat Sen. 1911 South Australia transfers Northern Territory to federal government. 1910 Por primera vez los españoles inician el año comiendo doce uvas al son de las campanas, según una costumbre francesa. 1907 President Theodore Roosevelt shakes a record 8513 hands in 1 day 1902 Nathan Stubblefield makes 1st public demonstration of radio, Pennsylvania 1901 The Commonwealth of Australia was proclaimed, independent from federation of UK colonies. Las colonias inglesas en Australia se proclaman federación colonial británica con el nombre de Commonwealth of Australia. 1901 Empieza a regir en España el horario oficial por el meridiano de Greenwich. 1900 Compulsory education in Netherlands goes into effect 1900 1st date in John dos Passos' USA trilogy (The 42nd Parallel) 1900 British protectorates of Northern & Southern Nigeria established 1899 Cuba liberated from Spain by US (National Day) (US occupies till 1902) 1897 Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island are consolidated into New York City. 1896 Wilhelm Röntgen announces his discovery of x-rays 1895 Norway adopts Mid-European time 1894 Denmark adopts Mid-European time 1893 Japan adopts the Gregorian calendar. 1892 The Ellis Island Immigrant Station in New York is opened. 1881 In Conan Doyle's fiction, Dr John H Watson is introduced to Sherlock Holmes 1880 Building of Panama Canal begins. 1877 England's Queen Victoria proclaimed empress of India 1873 Origin of Japanese Era. 1873 The last of the Mare Disease with which this City has been so much afflicted cartoon by Thomas Nast, published on 04 January 1873, about the demise of the Boss Tweed rule of Tammany Hall in New York City, with the fall of the mayor (mare). 1871 The Church of Ireland is formally disestablished. Aligned with Anglicanism from 1537, the Irish Church represented the faith of only 12% of the Irish by the mid-19th century. 1867 El químico sueco Alfred Nobel obtiene por primera vez dinamita de forma industrial. 1865 -Apr 26th] Carolinas' campaign 1863 Battle of Galveston, TX - Confederates recapture the city 1863 Battle of Helena AK 1863 Battle of Stones River (Murfreesboro), Tennessee continues |
1863 Emancipation Proclamation takes
(theoretical) effect. ^top^ During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation takes effect, calling on the Union army to liberate all slaves in states still in rebellion as "an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity." The proclamation exempted the border slave states that remained in the Union at the start of the Civil War, and all or parts of three Confederate states controlled by the Union army. When the war began, Lincoln, who privately detested slavery, was politically unable to call for the abolishment of slavery: Constitutional amendments protected the right of states to choose whether they would be slave or free and Northern Democrats and Union slave states would have fervently opposed such a radical act. As a Republican politician, Lincoln had fought to isolate slavery from the new territories, and as president he initiated the Civil War as a war against Southern secession, not against slavery. However, in 1862, the US government began to realize the military advantages of emancipation: the liberation of slaves in rebel states would weaken the Confederacy by depriving it of a major portion of its labor force, and this would in turn strengthen the Union by producing an influx of manpower. In July of 1862, Congress passed a law permitting Lincoln to employ freed slaves in the army in any capacity he saw fit, and on 22 September, following the bloody Union victory at Antietam, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, to take effect on New Year's Day. The Emancipation Proclamation transformed the Civil War into a war for "a new birth of freedom," as Lincoln stated in the Gettysburg Address in November of 1863. This ideological change thwarted the intervention of France or England on the Confederacy's behalf, and enabled the Union to enlist the tens of thousands of African-American soldiers who volunteered to fight between 01 January 1863, and the conclusion of the war. Whereas on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1862, a proclamation was issued by the President of the United States, containing, among other things, the following, to wit: "That on the 1st day of January, A.D. 1863, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom. "That the executive will on the 1st day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States and parts of States, if any, in which the people thereof, respectively, shall then be in rebellion against the United States; and the fact that any State or the people thereof shall on that day be in good faith represented in the Congress of the United States by members chosen thereto at elections wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such States shall have participated shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testimony, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State and the people thereof are not then in rebellion against the United States." Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander-In-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States in time of actual armed rebellion against the authority and government of the United States, and as a fit and necessary war measure for supressing said rebellion, do, on this 1st day of January, A.D. 1863, and in accordance with my purpose so to do, publicly proclaimed for the full period of one hundred days from the first day above mentioned, order and designate as the States and parts of States wherein the people thereof, respectively, are this day in rebellion against the United States the following, to wit: Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana (except the parishes of St. Bernard, Palquemines, Jefferson, St. John, St. Charles, St. James, Ascension, Assumption, Terrebone, Lafourche, St. Mary, St. Martin, and Orleans, including the city of New Orleans), Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia (except the forty-eight counties designated as West Virginia, and also the counties of Berkeley, Accomac, Morthhampton, Elizabeth City, York, Princess Anne, and Norfolk, including the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth), and which excepted parts are for the present left precisely as if this proclamation were not issued. And by virtue of the power and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States and parts of States are, and henceforward shall be, free; and that the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons. And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all violence, unless in necessary self-defence; and I recommend to them that, in all case when allowed, they labor faithfully for reasonable wages. And I further declare and make known that such persons of suitable condition will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service. And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God. - Abraham Lincoln, 1862 |
1862 Battle of Fort McRee FL, Battle of Port Royal SC (Port Royal Ferry) 1861 Porfirio Diaz conquers Mexico City 1861 President Lincoln declares slavery in Confederate states unlawful 1860 Slavery ends of in Netherlands Indies. 1860 Las tropas españolas al mando del general Juan Prim y Prats vencen en la batalla de los Castillejos. 1858 Canada begins using decimal currency system 1853 1st practical fire engine (horse-drawn) in US enters service 1848 Britain takes Mosquito Coast from Nicaragua 1847 Michigan is 1st state to abolish capital punishment 1846 Yucatan declares independence from México 1833 British government demands Falkland islands. 1820 En España el general Rafael del Riego y Núñez se subleva en Las Cabezas de San Juan contra el absolutismo monárquico de Fernando VII y proclama la Constitución de 1812. 1814 Field marshal Blücher's troops cross the Rhine at Kaub 1814 Cela faisait presque un année que le long siège avait commencé (12 janvier 1813). Soutenu par le général Rapp, gouverneur de la ville, que Dantzig finit par se rendre. Elle sera restituée à la Prusse. 1808 Sierra Leone becomes a British colony 1808 US Congress prohibits importation of slaves 1807 Curaçao is taken by English (until March, 1816). 1806 Napoleón I abole el calendario republicano en Francia y restablece el gregoriano. 1804 Le code Napoléon, qui sera promulgué le 25 mars suivant, est définitivement adopté par son auteur. Ce texte célèbre, dont une large partie sera encore en vigueur deux siècles plus tard (et pas seulement en France), concilie les idées révolutionnaires et les principes du droit romain observés dans le midi de la France.
1801 Ireland and Great Britain (England, Wales, and Scotland) form the United Kingdom. 1801 Italian astronomer, Giuseppe Piazzi, becomes the first person to discover an asteroid. He names it Ceres. 1800 Dutch East Indies Company dissolves |
1797 Albany replaces New York City as capital of New
York state. 1796 En France, fondation du premier ministère de la Police, il est crée pendant le premier Directoire. Il est constitué par Reubell, Letourneur, La Révellière-Lépeaux, Barras et Carnot. 1788 Quakers in Pennsylvania emancipate their slaves 1788 The Daily Universal Register of London becomes The Times, publishing commercial news and notices, along with some scandal. 1785 . Precursor to The Times of London, The Daily Universal Register is founded by John Walter as a 2-1/2-penny broadsheet mainly to publicize a system of typography in which Walter is interested. 1772 1st traveler's checks issued (London) 1739 J B C Bouvet de Lozier discovers Bouvet Island, near Antarctica. 1707 Jacob V succeeds his father Pedro II as king of Portugal 1701 Great Britain & Ireland union is in effect, creating United Kingdom 1700 Russia replaces Byzantines with Julian calendar 1700 Protestant West-Europe (except England) begin using Gregorian calendar 1660 Thomas Fairfax' New Model-army occupies York 1660 General Moncks army battles with the Tweed on way to London 1660 First entry in Samuel Pepys' diary. It starts with: Blessed be God, at the end of the last year, I was in very good health, without any sense of my old pain, but upon taking of cold I lived in Axe Yard, having my wife, and servant Jane, and no other in family than us three. See The Concise Pepys 1651 Charles II Stuart crowned king of Scotland 1622 Papal Chancery adopts Jan 1 as beginning of the year (was Mar 25) 1610 German astronomer Simon Marius 1st discovers the Jupiter moons, but does not officially report it, Galileo does on July 1 1610 1583 1st day of the Gregorian calendar in Holland & Flanders. 1567 Felipe II publica una pragmática contra la actitud levantisca de los moriscos en Granada, origen de la guerra de las Alpujarras. 1515 François, Duke of Angoulême succeeds Louis XII as François I of France 1515 Jews are expelled from Laibach Austria 1504 King Louis XII loses last bulwark in Naples, Caeta 1502 Portuguese navigators discover Rio de Janeiro 1438 Albrecht II von Habsburg becomes king of Hungary 1430 Jews of Sicily are no longer required to attend conversionist services 0990 Russia adopts Julian calendar 0722 Hofmeier Charles Martel flees from bishop Willibrord 0404 Last gladiator competition in Rome 0313 Start of Roman (Pontifical) Indiction 0089 Gov Lucius Antonius Saturninus of Germany becomes emperor of Rome 0069 Roman garrison of Mainz uprising 0001 Origin of Christian Era --1 -BC- Origin of Era of Pisa --30 -BC- Origin of Actian Era --38 -BC- Origin of Era of Spain (Cesars) --45 -BC- Origin of Julian Era; Julian calendar begins --4713 -BC- Julian Year 1 begins, at Greenwich mean noon --4714 -BC- Origin of Julian Period (Year 0) --5777 -BC- Origin of Solar Cycle |
which occurred on a January 01: ^top^ 2000 Waheeb Hamoudah, 56, pushed off 3rd-story rooftop by a sheep he was feeding to fatten it for sacrifice for Eid-al-Adha (in early March), in Alexandria, Egypt. Hamoudah worked in the police tax evasion department. 2000 Carlos Pascual, 43, security guard, of injuries from car crash the day before, when he was driving home from work (with his 70-year-old mother, who was seriously injured) and, at an intersection in an industrial neighborhood near Miami International Airport, where the traffic signals were not working, colllided with a police car driven by Willian Rial (who suffered minor injuries), on his way to answer a burglar alarm . The culprit of the power outage that caused the traffic signals malfunction was electrocuted. It was a rat who had gnawed at insulation at a power substation and was found dead. 2000 Matías Palau y Ferré, pintor y escultor español. 1999 Quinientos civiles masacrados en la región de Kivu Sur (República Democrática de Congo) por las fuerzas rebeldes enfrentadas al presidente Laurent Désiré Kabila. 1995 Eugene Paul Wigner, 92, Hungarian-born US mathematician, physicist (1963 Nobel prize for physics). 1994 Over 100 persons in "Zapatista" uprising in Chiapas, Mexico, on the pretext of protesting against NAFTA going into effect on this day. En el estado de Chiapas (México) se levanta el grupo guerrillero llamado Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN). 1994 Werner Schwab, 35, Austrian playwright (Female Presidents)
1991 Yvonne Waegemans, 81, Flemish author (Gnome Patjoepelke) 1982 Vladimir K Zworykin Russ/American engineer (cathode-ray tube) 1980 Pietro Nenni, 88, Italian politician (Socialists) 1978: 213 die as Air India B747 explodes near Bombay
1969 Ian Fleming, 80, writer (James Bond) 1966 Vincent Auriol, 82, President of France (1947-53) 1962 Diego Martínez Barrio, 76, Spanish president (1939). Diego Martínez Barrio, político español, presidente de la II República. 1961 Dashiell Hammett, 66, author (Sam Spade, Maltese Falcon) 1958 Oscar Manuel Palazón Domínguez, Spanish Surrealist painter born on 07 January 1906. LINKS Corrida Matador y Toro Le Coup de Grâce |
1920 Paul Adam, 57, French writer (L'enfant d'Austerlitz) 1919 William W Campbell, 60, Canadian poet (Ian of the Orcades) 1891 Some 3000 killed as French troops occupy Nioro, West-Sudan 1888 Alifair McCoy, Calvin McCoy, killed in raid by Hatfield supporters as the famous feud continues. The raiders also burned the McCoy home to the ground. 1877 Adolphe Alexandre Dillens, Belgian artist born on 02 January 1821. 1862 Ostrogradski, mathematician. 1813 Simon-Joseph Denis den Schelen, Flemish artist born on 14 April 1755. 1796 Vandermonde, mathematician. 1787 Cunha, mathematician. 1768 Jean Restout, French Neo-classical painter, specialized in historical subjects, born on 26 March 1692. Jean Restout came of a family of painters and did many religious and mythological pictures, and worked for a time for Frederick the Great. LINKS Pentecost 1766 James III Edward, 77, Old Pretender/king of Great Britain/Ireland 1758 Johann F von Cronegk, 26, German playwright (Codrus) 1748 Johann Bernoulli, 80, mathematician. Johann Bernoulli was a major member of the Bernoulli family of Swiss mathematicians. He investigated the then new mathematical calculus, which he applied to the measurement of curves, to differential equations, and to mechanical problems. 1716 William Wycherley, 75, dramatist (The Country Wife) 1667 Jacob de Villers (or Villeers), Dutch artist born in 1616. 1666 Adriaen Bloemaert, Dutch artist born in 1609. 1661 Pieter Claesz, Dutch painter, specialized in Still Life, born (but not still born) in 1597. MORE ON CLAESZ AT ART 4 JANUARY LINKS Still Life with Fish Still Life with Turkey Pie Vanitas Still Life with the Spinario Vanitas Still-Life Still-life with Herring Still-life with Wine Glass and Silver Bowl Breakfast-piece Still-Life Still-life Still Life with Wine Glass Pipes and Braszier Still Life with Two Lemons 1655 Roelof Koets, Dutch artist born in 1592. 1559 Christian III king of Denmark/Norway (1534-59) 1557 Jacques Cartier, 65, French explorer (Canada)
1387 Karel de Boze king of Navarra (1349-87) 0898 Odo, 39, Earl of Paris/king of France (888-98) 0404 Telemachus Roman monk, murdered 0379 Basil the Great of Caesarea, 50, saint (Moralia) Basilius was an early Church Father who defended the orthodox faith against the heretical Arians. As bishop of Caesarea he wrote several works on monasticism, theology, and canon law. He was declared a saint soon after his death. |
Births which
occurred on a January 01: ^top^ 1995 The World Trade Organization comes into existence. The group of 125 nations monitors global trade. 1965 al-Fatah Palestinian organization forms. 1960 La pell de brau de Salvador Espriu i Castello se publica. 1951 Frans Kellendonk author (Ruin, The Good for Nothing) 1949 Peter Dormer arts writer 1938 Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard Queen of Netherlands (1980- ) 1930 Gaafar Muhammad Nimeiry Premier/President (Sudan) 1928 Ernest R Tidyman Ohio, novelist/screenwriter (French Connection). 1928 Carlos Barral, poeta y editor español. 1927 La BBC transmite su primera emisión. 1923 Gorenstein, mathematician. 1920 Roger Peacock writer. 1919 El Partido Comunista alemán es fundado por Rosa Luxemburgo, Karl Liebknecht y Wilhelm Pieck. 1919 J[erome] D[avid] Salinger New York City, NY, novelist (Catcher in the Rye) 1915 François Bondy writer 1913 Eliot Janeway financial writer (Economics of Chaos) 1912 Victor George Reuther, UAW organizer, younger brother of Walter Reuther. 1912 Kim Philby British spy / Soviet mole. He died on 11 May 1988. 1912 Gnedenko, mathematician. 1912 Boris Vladimirovich Gnedenko, mathematician. 1910 Russ Bender actor/writer (Amazing Colossal Man, Space Monster) 1909 Barry Goldwater (Senator-R-AZ, 1953-65, 69- ) / Presidential candidate (R) 1964). He died on 29 May 1998. 1905 Mazur, mathematician. 1903 ABC, periódico español, publica su primer número. 1898 Sogno d'un mattino di primavera, of d'Annunzio, premieres in Rome 1897 Catherine Bowen, US writer who died on 01 November 1973. 1896 Teinosuke KinugasaMie Ken Japan, writer/director (Jujiro, Jigoku-mon) 1895 J. Edgar Hoover Washington DC, power-grabbing long-time director of US Federal Bureau of Investigation. He died on 02 May 1972. 1894 Bose, mathematician. 1893 Emma Stark, in Flanders, N.J., who would celebrate her 109th birthday at Lakeside Beikirch Care Center in Brockport NY. having outlived her husband and their two daughters, but having three grandsons, nine great-grandchildren, 13 great-great-grandchildren and one great-great-great-granddaughter a 2-year-old. 1892 Manuel Roxas y Acuna 1st President of Philippines 1891 Alessandro De Stefani Cividale del Friuli Italy, writer (La Signorina, Africa sotto i mari) 1888 Vladimir Daniel Baranoff-Rossine, Russian/Ukrainian sculptor who died in 1942. LINKS 1887 Wilhelm Canaris German admiral/head German military intelligence. 1883 William J. Donovan, US director of the O.S.S. in WW2. He died on 08 February 1959. 1883 Federigo Tozzi Italian writer/journalist (La Torre, Tre Croci) 1881 Carry van Bridges [de Haan], Dutch author (Heleen, Eva) 1880 Shalom Asch Poland, yiddish writer (Motke Ganev)
1878 Agner
Krarup Erlang, Danish mathematician who died on 03 February
1929. His most important work was on probability applied to telephone calls. 1873 Mariano Azuela Mexico, novelist (The Flies, The Bosses) 1869 Louis de la Vallée-Poussin Belgian indologist 1867 Charles Edward Montague English author/critic (Fiery Particles) 1864 Alfred Stieglitz, US photographer, who died on 13 July 1946. LINKS 1863 Pierre de Coubertin France, baron (revived Olympic games) 1863 Aleko Konstantinov Bulgarian writer (To Chicago & Back) 1857 Wojciech Kossak, Polish artist who died in 1942. 1854 Sir James George Frazer Britain, anthropologist, who died on 07 May 1941. FRAZER ONLINE: The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion 1846 Nikola Pasic Serbian nationalist/premier (1891-1926) 1823 Sándor Petöfi Kikkörös, Hungary, poet, revolutionary (Jáos Vitéz) 1819 Arthur Hugh Clough poet, friend of Matthew Arnold. CLOUGH ONLINE: Amours de Voyage, Amours de Voyage 1816 Manuel Murillo Toro, político y escritor colombiano. 1815 Charles Renouvier French philosopher (neocriticism) 1809 John Pieter Heije Dutch physician/writer/poet (Silver Fleet) 1803 Libri, mathematician. 1792 Henrik A Bjerregaard Norwegian writer/poet (Sønner af Norge) 1788 The Times de Londres publica su primer número. 1787 Domenico Quaglio, German (!?) artist who died on 09 April 1837. 1785 "Daily Universal Register" (Times of London) publishes 1st issue 1764 John Kinker Dutch linguist/philosopher/poet (Minderjarige Zangster) 1761 Jan Frans Eliaerts, Belgian artist who died on 17 May 1848. 1752 Elizabeth Griscom Betsy Ross flag maker from Philadelphia, legendary folklore says she sewed the first American flag. She died on 30 January 1836. 1745 Mad Anthony Wayne, US War of Independence general, who died on 15 December 1796. 1735 Paul Revere silversmith, US patriot: "The British are coming!", member of Sons of Liberty and participant in Boston Tea Party 1734 John F. E. Acton cruel premier of Naples. 1729 (Julian date) Edmund Burke --> go to 12 January Gregorian 1714 Kristijonas Donelaitis Lutheran pastor, Lithuanian poet (The Seas) 1672 Bajazet, play by Jean Racine, premieres in Paris 1638 Antoinette du Ligier de la Guard Deshoulières French poet/playwright 1618 (baptism) Bartolomé-Esteban Murillo, Seville, Spain, painter who died on 03 April 1682. Arte Barroco en España. MORE ON MURILLO AT ART 4 JANUARY LINKS Adoration by the Shepherds Immaculate Conception Annunciation The Young Beggar The Little Fruit Seller Boys Eating Fruit The Toilette Flight into Egypt Holy Family with the Infant St John Children with Shell The Holy Family Rebecca and Eliezer The Infant Jesus Distributing Bread to Pilgrims _ detail 1 _ detail 2 (Mary) A Girl and her Duenna Cuisine of Angels (Miracle of St. Diego de Alcada) St. Diego Giving Charity Madonna of the Rosary Madonna and Child : The Beggar Boy Grape and Melon Eaters The Little Fruit Seller 1571 Rutilio Manetti di Lorenzo, Italian artist who died on 22 July 1639. 1481 Huldrych Zwingli Swiss Protestant reformer 1467 Sigismund I the old, king of Poland 1449 Lorenzo de' Medici [The Magnificent] of Florence. He died on 09 March 1492. 1431 Alexander VI [Rodrigo Borgia] Spanish / Italian (scandalous) pope (1492-1503) 1387 Charles The Angry One, king of Navarra (1349-87) |
^top^ In 45 B.C., New Year's Day is celebrated on January 1 for the first time in history as the Julian calendar takes effect. Soon after becoming Roman dictator, Julius Caesar decided that the traditional Roman calendar was in dire need of reform. Introduced around the seventh century B.C., the Roman calendar attempted to follow the lunar cycle but frequently fell out of phase with the seasons and had to be corrected. In addition, the pontifices, the Roman body charged with overseeing the calendar, often abused its authority by adding days to extend political terms or interfere with elections. In designing his new calendar, Caesar enlisted the aid of Sosigenes, an Alexandrian astronomer, who advised him to do away with the lunar cycle entirely and follow the solar year, as did the Egyptians. The year was calculated to be 365 and 1/4 days, and Caesar added 67 days to 45 B.C., making 46 B.C. begin on 01 January, rather than in March. He also decreed that every four years a day be added to February, thus theoretically keeping his calendar from falling out of step. Shortly before his assassination in 44 B.C., he changed the name of the month Quintilis to Julius (July) after himself. Later, the month of Sextilis was renamed Augustus (August) after his successor. Celebration of New Year's Day in January fell out of practice during the Middle Ages, and even those who strictly adhered to the Julian calendar did not observe the New Year exactly on 01 January. The reason for the latter was that Caesar and Sosigenes failed to calculate the correct value for the solar year as 365.242199 days, not 365.25 days. Thus, a 11-minute-a-year error added seven days by the year 1000, and 10 days by the mid-15th century. The Roman church became aware of this problem, and in the 1570s Pope Gregory XIII commissioned Jesuit astronomer Christopher Clavius to come up with a new calendar. In 1582, the Gregorian calendar was implemented, omitting 10 days for that year and establishing the new rule that only one of every four centennial years should be a leap year. Since then, people around the world have gathered en masse on January 1 to celebrate the precise arrival of the New Year. Jour de l'an Chez les peuples usant d’un calendrier solaire, le début de l’année a toujours été fixé par pure convention. Ainsi, l’année romaine commençait avec le mois de mars ; Jules César, sur les conseils de Sosigène, avança de trois mois cette date : l’an 709 de Rome commença le 1er janvier, et c’est la date initiale de la réforme julienne, que Rome — et avec elle les nations soumises à sa domination — appliqua pendant 345 ans... Mais, au fil des siècles, l’année n’a pas commencé partout au 1er janvier, et son début a varié au gré des Églises, des époques et des pays. Pour ne citer d’abord que la France, l’année commençait le 1er mars dans nombre de provinces aux VIe-VIIe siècles ; à Noël au temps de Charlemagne (et en certains lieux, tel Soissons, jusqu’au XIIe s.) ; le jour de Pâques sous les Capétiens, ce qui donnait des années de longueur très variable (usage quasi général aux XIIe-XIIIe s., jusqu’au XVIe dans certaines provinces) ; toutefois, en quelques régions, l’année commençait à date fixe, le 25 mars, jour de l’Annonciation. Ce n’est qu’en 1564 que, par édit de Charles IX, le début de l’année fut obligatoirement fixé en France au 1er janvier ; et les fausses étrennes et "poissons d’avril" sont un lointain souvenir des dates révolues. La République ayant été proclamée le 22 septembre 1792, date qui se trouvait être le jour équinoxial d’automne, le calendrier républicain fixa le début de l’année "au jour civil où tombe l’équinoxe d’automne au méridien de Paris". En Russie, l’an commençait le 1er septembre ; à compter du règne de Pierre le Grand, il commença le 1er janvier. Quant à l’Angleterre, où l’an débutait le 25 mars, elle n’accepta le 1er janvier qu’avec la réforme grégorienne : l’année anglaise 1751 ne comporta que neuf mois et une semaine. |
Thoughts for the day : “My New Year's resolution is
to make no New Year's resolution, especially not this one.”
“The hardest thing to do is to disguise
your feelings when sending a large crowd of visiting relatives home.”
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice Barry
Goldwater [He meant "extremism in defense of my election campaign..."]
Extremism in the defense of vice is not liberty but
With extremists as defenders, liberty needs no enemies.
When extremism is needed to defend liberty, liberty has already perished.