Sep 04|  HISTORY
“4” “2”DAY
06 >>
Events, deaths, births, of SEP 05 [For Sep 05 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Sep 15 1700s: Sep 16 1800s: Sep 17 1900~2099: Sep 18] |
On a September 05: |
2002 To live longer: get born in the spring
^top^ A team of researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR = Max-Planck-Institute für Demografische Forschung) reports that people born in the autumn live longer than those born in the spring and are less likely to fall chronically ill when they are older. Using census data for more than one million people in Austria, Denmark and Australia, they found that the month of birth is related to life expectancy over the age of 50. Seasonal differences in what mothers ate during pregnancy, and infections occurring at different times of the year could both have an impact on the health of a new-born baby and could influence its life expectancy in older age. A mother giving birth in spring spends the last phase of her pregnancy in winter, when she will eat less vitamins than in summer. In addition, when she stops breast-feeding and starts giving her baby normal food, it's in the hot weeks of summer when babies are prone to infections of the digestive system. Babies born in the autumn weighed more than those born at springtime. In later life, low birth weight is associated with increased blood pressure, cholesterol levels, some forms of obesity and a decrease in lung function. In Austria, adults born in autumn (October-December) lived about seven months longer than those born in spring (April-June), and in Denmark adults with birthdays in autumn outlived those born in spring by about four months. Adults born in the Australian autumn lived about four months longer than those born in the Australian spring. The study focused on people born at the beginning of the 20th century, using death certificates and census data. Although nutrition at all times of the year has improved since then, the seasonal pattern persists. A separate study analyzes the birth weight of about 3000 twins born in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s and found that those born in spring and summer weighed less than those born in autumn. These findings are similar to those already reported for the US in the May 2002 working paper 2002-019 Differences in Lifespan by Month of Birth for the United States: The impact of early life events and conditions on late life mortality (also available in PDF) published in the Demographic Research MPIDR online journal. This paper finds significant differences in the mean age at death by month of birth on the basis of 15 million US death certificates for the years 1989 to 1997: Those born in the the fall lived about 160 days longer than those born in the spring. The difference depends on race, region of birth, marital status, and education: The differences are largest for the less educated, for those who have never been married and for Blacks, and the differences are more marked in the South than in the North. They are only slightly larger for males than for females. For Blacks, the shape of the month-of-birth pattern is significantly different from that of whites. There is evidence that this difference is due to whether one has an urban or a rural place of birth. There is a significant month-of-birth pattern for all major causes of death including cardiovascular disease, malignant neoplasms, in particular lung cancer, and other natural diseases like chronic obstructive lung disease, or infectious disease. The paper rejects the hypotheses that the differences in life span by month of birth are caused by seasonal differences in daylight or by seasonal differences in temperature. The results are consistent with the explanation that seasonal differences in nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and seasonal differences in the exposure to infectious disease early in life lead to the differences in lifespan by month of birth. |
2000 On the eve of congressional hearings into the recall of 6.5
million Firestone tires, Ford Motor Co. released new documents to bolster
its contention that it had no reason to doubt the safety of the tires
being investigated in 88 deaths. 1996 Russian President Boris Yeltsin acknowledged he had serious health problems, and would undergo heart surgery. 1996 @Home, a company based in Mountain View, California, announces a cable modem service offering high~speed Internet access through cable television sets. @Home quickly formed partnerships with major cable companies across the country. The company launched the service the following December. 1991 Tras aprobar la primera declaración de derechos humanos y libertades en la URSS y dar paso a la Unión de Estados Soberanos, se autodisuelve el Congreso de Diputados Populares de la Unión Soviética. In Moscow, Soviet lawmakers approved the creation of an interim government to usher in a new confederation. 1991 Jury selection began in Miami in the drug and racketeering trial of former Panamanian leader (dictator) and CIA agent Manuel Noriega. 1991 President Mikhail Gorbachev practically abolishes the Soviet constitution and creates a transitional regime stripping him of much of his power and delivering it to the republics. 1990 Iraqi President (dictator) Saddam Hussein urges Arabs to rise against the West
1958 Martin Luther King is arrested in an Alabama protest for loitering and fined $14 for refusing to obey police. 1951 El emir Talal es proclamado rey de Jordania. 1944 Firma del tratado de constitución del Benelux (Bélgica, Holanda y Luxemburgo). 1944 Germany launches its first V-2 missile at Paris, France. 1944 Allies liberate Brussels
1929 El jefe de Gobierno francés Arístide Briand propone en la asamblea de la Sociedad de Naciones la constitución de los Estados Unidos de Europa. 1925 44ºC, Centerville, Alabama (state record) 1926 Un decreto de Miguel Primo de Rivera establece el estado de guerra en toda España. |
1910 Marie Curie demonstrates the transformation of radium ore
to metal at the Academy of Sciences in France. Marie Curie y André
Debierne informan a la Academia de Ciencias sobre su preparado de radio
en estado metálico.
1901 US President McKinley, who arrived in Buffalo the previous day for the Pan-American Exposition, delivers there an address before an enthusiastic crowd of nearly 50'000 in which he extolled the virtues of technological progress and US involvement in world affairs, principles embodied in the Pan-American Exposition. Anarchist Leon Czolgosz, 28, who intends to assassinate McKinley, and already had tried to approach him at his arrival, attends McKinley's speech, but is unable to move close enough to fire at the president. McKinley has 9 more days to live, 8 of them moribund. 1900 France proclaims a protectorate over Chad. 1885 1st gasoline pump is delivered to a gasoline dealer (Ft Wayne, Ind)
1877 The great Sioux warrior Crazy Horse is fatally bayoneted at age 36 by a soldier at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. 1870 Author Victor Hugo returns to Paris from the Isle of Guernsey where he had lived in exile for almost 20 years. 1867 The first shipment of cattle leaves Abilene, Kansas, on a Union Pacific train headed to Chicago. 1863 Laird ram-ships detained at Liverpool, England by Her Majesty's government
1861 Skirmish at Papinsville, Missouri |
1795 US-Algiers sign peace treaty 1781 Battle of Virginia Capes, French defeat British, trap Cornwallis 1804 In a daring night raid, American sailors under Lieutenant Stephen Decatur, board the captured USS Philadelphia and burn the ship to keep it out of the hands of the Barbary pirates who captured her. 1792 Maximilien Robespierre is elected to the National Convention in France.
1664 After days of negotiation, the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam surrenders to the British, who will rename it New York.
1234 Gregory issues the decretals Liber Rex Pacificus, compiling and editing into one collection what had previously been scattered in several books and contained rulings of doubtful authenticity. 1108 Asama volcano erupts, in Japan. |
Deaths which occurred on
a September 05: ^top^ 2002 Two persons by a terrorist bomb in a supermarket in Risaralda province, Colombia. At least 11 are injured. 2002 Alejandro Keipo Barón, shot for times in the head by motorcyclist gunmen, as he drove his car during the evening rush hour in Medellín, Colombia. He was a former state magistrate and high-level prosecutor in Bogotá. He had been one of the "faceless judges" who tried murder and other sensitive cases in anonymity to prevent reprisals. 2002 Fernando Mancilla, 45, shot repeatedly by motorcyclist gunmen, as he drove his car during the morning rush hour in Medellín, Colombia. He had recently been designated head of the DAS (secret police) for the province of Antioquía, and was to go to Bogotá this day to receive the appointment. Mancilla investigated the Medellin cartel as a state prosecutor during the 1990s, and had taken sworn statements from Escobar before the drug kingpin died in a 1993 shootout with police. 2002 Aviad Dotan, 21, Israeli army sergeant, when an explosive device detonates under the Markava 2 tank he is driving near the Kissufim Crossing between Israel and Gaza. The explosion sets the tank on fire and blows off its turret, pinning down the other three soldiers (who are injured) in it for several hours. ![]() 2002 Seven workers making renovations in a sport complex belongs to the Kuibyshevazot factory in Tolyatti, Russia, when polyurethane catches fire and that welding fuel canisters explode. 2002 An Afghan bodyguard, another person, and Abdul Rahman who shoots at President Hamid Karzai in his car, all three killed by Karzai's US bodyguards firing into the scuffle between the attacker, the bodyguard, and others. Karsai [photo below: 1st right] is unhurt, but the governor of Kandahar, Gul Agha Sherzai [photo below: 2nd right], sitting next to Karzai, is grazed in the neck by a bullet. The two had just entered a car to leave the governor's mansion. Karzai was in Kandahar, the former spiritual headquarters of the Taliban, to attend a wedding celebration for his youngest brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai. Rahman, a Pashtun from Kajaki, Helmand province, had joined Sherzai's security forces three weeks earlier. [photo below: Karzai and Sherzai walk through crowd in Kandahar, shortly before their motorcade comes under gunfire] |
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2002: 26 persons by powerful taxi bomb in a market in Kabul,
Pakistan, in front of shops selling televisions and satellite dishes
(forbidden during Taliban rule). Some 150 are wounded. 2001 Justin Wilson, 87, Cajun cook on US Public TV (I ga~ronn~tee!), humorist, safety engineer, author of Justin Wilson's Cajun Humor (1974), Justin Wilson's Cajun Fables (1982), and More Cajun Humor (1984), The Justin Wilson Cook Book (1965), The Justin Wilson #2 Cookbook: Cookin' Cajun (1979), The Justin Wilson Gourmet and Gourmand Cookbook (1984), Justin Wilson's Outdoor Cooking with Inside Help (1986), Justin Wilson Looking Back: A Cajun Cookbook (1997) 1997 Mother Teresa, 87, in Calcutta. Madre Teresa de Calcuta, misionera yugoslava de origen albanés. 1992 Vicente Sos Baynat, geólogo español. 1986 Diecisiete muertos y más de cien heridos en el asalto por parte del Ejército paquistaní a un avión de la Pan American, secuestrado en Karachi por un comando armado que pedía la libertad de terroristas árabes. 1984 Triple atentado de los GRAPO (Grupos de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre), con muerte de dos empresarios, uno en Madrid, Manuel Ángel de la Quintana, y otro en Sevilla, Rafael Padura. Resulta herido en La Coruña el ingeniero Luis Pardo, y muerto el supuesto "grapo" Juan García Rueda. 1981 El máximo responsable de los GRAPO, Enrique Cerdán Calixto, es muerto a tiros por la Policía, en Barcelona. 1981 Ayatollah Ali Qoddusi prosecutor-general of Iran, assassinated 1972 Tadeusz Wazewski, mathematician
1942 Evaristo Acevedo Guerra, pintor español. 1926 Alejandro Pérez Lugín, escritor español. 1914 Charles Péguy, escritor francés. 1911 Katherine Cecil (Madden) Thurston, author. THURSTON ONLINE: The Mystics
-- 38'298 BC:: René Anderthal, 4-months old, at what would be Le Moustier archeological site in southwest France. René's fossilized skeleton, minus shoulder blades and pubic bone, would be excavated in 1914, misplaced, and in 1996 rediscovered, in the Musée National de Préhistoire at Les-Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil [can you think of another town with a 5-word name? I can: San Cristóbal de Las Casas], by Bruno Maureille of the Université de Bordeaux. Reported in Nature of 05 September 2002 (hence the arbitrary date given here; the year is with thousands of years of margin of error, and the name is my invention, no information is given from which could be deduced whether Renée would be more appropriate). |
Births which occurred on
a September 05:
1957 On the Road, by "beat" author Jack Kerouac, is first published. 1927 Paul Adolph Volcker Federal Reserve chairman. Before Alan Greenspan, the Federal Reserve Board was chaired by Paul A. Volcker between 1979 and 1987. During his tenure, Volcker waged war to curtail the rising tide of inflation that plagued the nation during the 1970s. 1921 Jack Valenti Pres of Motion Picture Assn of America 1914 Nicanor Parra, poeta chileno. 1905 Arthur Koestler, Hungarian novelist and essayist who wrote about communism in Darkness at Noon and The Ghost in the Machine. 1903 Shiko Munakata, Japanese printmaker who died in 1975. MORE ON MUNAKATA AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER
1791 Giacomo Meyerbeer Vogelsdorf Germany, composer (Golt Und Die Natur) 1774 Caspar-David Friedrich, German artist who died on 07 May 1840. MORE ON FRIEDRICH AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER LINKS Chalk Cliffs on Rugen Cloister Cemetery in the Snow Large Enclosure Riesengebirge The Sea of Ice Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog Woman in front of the Setting Sun The Stages of Life Schlafender Knabe Tetschen Altarpiece or The Cross in the Mountains Abbey in the Oakwood Winter Landscape with Church 1725 Jean Montucla, mathematician 1704 Maurice Quentin de la Tour, French artist who died on 17 February 1788. MORE ON LA TOUR AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER LINKS Self-Portrait (1751) Self~Portrait (1760) Maurice, Comte de Saxe, Marshal of France Mlle Ferrand Meditating on Newton. 1667 Saccheri, mathematician
1585 Armand Duplessis, qui deviendra le Cardinal de Richelieu; ministre de Louis XIII, il sera le véritable chef de gouvernement pendant 18 ans, de 1624 à 1642. Autoritaire, orgueilleux, d'une volonté inflexible, Richelieu veut renforcer l'autorité du royaume. Il fonde en 1635 l'Académie Française, qui reste une institution prestigieuse. 1568 Giovanni Domenico "Tommasso" Campanella, Italian philosopher and poet. CAMPANELLA ONLINE: (in English translation): The City of the Sun. 1319 Pedro IV el Ceremonioso, rey de Aragón. 1187 Louis VIII [Coeur-de-Lion] king of France (1223-26) 0943 Fundación del condado de Castilla. (fecha en la que, en 1943, se conmemorará el milenario). |