Sep 02| HISTORY 4 2DAY
|Sep 04 >>
Events, deaths, births, of SEP 03 [For Sep 03 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Sep 13 1700s: Sep 14 1800s: Sep 15 1900~2099: Sep 16] |
On a September 03:
2001 Explosion in a bathroom under the room where the puppet administration of Chechnya holds a cabinet meeting presided by chief puppet Akhmad Kadyrov. 2001 In Tokyo the Nikkei Stock Average closes at 10'409.68 its lowest close since 14 August 1984 (10'360.92). 1998 US Web, an Internet developer, says it will acquire CKS Group, a marketing company known for its expertise in brand building across various media, an example of the increasing convergence of advertising and communication with high-end technology. 1997 Governor Fife Symington of Arizona is convicted of various fiscal offenses tied to his real estate business. This forces the two-term Governor out of office. 1996 The United States launched 27 cruise missiles at "selected air defense targets" in Iraq as punishment for Iraq's invasion of Kurdish safe havens. 1996 It is discovered that 2^1'257'787 1 is a Mersenne prime (the 34th) (Mersenne prime numbers are primes of the form 2^n 1, which requires n to be prime; and it is equivalent to [2^(n1)]×(2^n 1) being equal to the sum of its factors other than itself, i.e. a perfect number). . They can all be found (with their date of discovery) at http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/math/prime/mersenne.html. 1994 Russia and China formally end decades of confrontation and agree to cease aiming nuclear missiles at each other. China y Rusia acuerdan el control de sus armas nucleares y dejar de apuntarse con sus misiles. 1992 La Conferencia de Desarme de la ONU adopta en Ginebra el proyecto de Convención para la eliminación total de armas químicas. 1992 The first PowerPC chip arrives at Apple Computer's offices in Cupertino, California. The RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) chip is the crucial piece in a joint venture between Apple, IBM, and Motorola, launched in 1991. The chip would become the basis for the PowerMac, released in March 1994. 1991 El territorio de Nagorno Karabaj se declara República Armenia de Nagorno Karabaj, lo que Azerbaiyán considera inconstitucional. |
![]() 1986 El obispo sudafricano y Premio Nobel de la Paz Desmond Mpilo Tutu es nombrado oficialmente arzobispo anglicano de El Cabo. 1984 Documento pontificio señalando errores y peligros en la llamada "teología de la liberación". 1978 Pope John Paul I (Albino Luciani [17 October 1912 28 September 1978]) [< photo] is officially installed as 264th supreme pontiff. 1976 The unmanned US spacecraft Viking 2 landed on Mars (Utopia) to take the first close-up, color photographs of the planet's surface. 1971 Qatar regains complete independence from Great Britain. 1971 The US, British and French ambassadors to West Germany and the Soviet ambassador to East Germany sign four-power agreement on Berlin. The agreement is to come into force os 3 June 1972. 1971 Watergate team breaks into Daniel Ellsberg's doctor's office 1971 IRS audits Yippie leader Jerry Rubin's tax-exempt organization. Rubin was no stranger to the financial world-in 1968 he and co-hort Abbie Hoffman hit the floor of the New York Stock Exchange to lecture traders about the evils of capitalism.
1954 Pope Pius X canonized a saint. |
1940 First showing of high definition color TV 1940 US gives Britain 50 destroyers in exchange for Newfoundland base lease. |
1935 1st automobile to exceed 300 mph, Sir Malcolm Campbell. On the Bonneville Salt Flats of Utah, Campbell and his 2500-hp motor car Bluebird made two runs over a one-mile course at speeds averaging 301.129 mph (484.62 km/h), surpassing the world record of 276.82 mph (445.50 km/h) that he had set earlier in the year. 1934 Tunisia began its move for independence 1919 En Italia se reconoce el derecho al voto de la mujer. 1916 Allies turned back Germans in WW I's Battle of Verdun 1914 Cardinal Giacome della Chiesa becomes Pope Benedict XV 1912 World's 1st cannery opens in England to supply food to the navy 1908 US Army tries out the Wright flying machine. Orville begins the US Army trials at Fort Myer, Va .1902 Start of Sherlock Holmes The Adventure of the Illustrious Client . Holmes must stop the marriage of a devilish criminal with a girl who is hypnotically in love with him. 1900 British annex Natal (South Africa)
1865 Army commander in South Carolina orders Freedmen's Bureau
to stop seizing land. 1863 Siege of Fort Wagner, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina continues
1849 Calif State Constitutional Convention convenes in Monterey 1838 Frederick Douglass escapes from slavery in Maryland, boarding a north-bound train disguised as a sailor. He would become a prominent orator, abolitionist, writer, and diplomat. 1826 Nicholas I is crowned Tsar of Russia in Moscow. 1826 USS Vincennes leaves NY to become 1st warship to circumnavigate globe
1725 Francia, Inglaterra, Prusia, Suecia y Dinamarca firman la Alianza de Hannover (Tratado de Herrenhausen) ante el temor de que el Tratado de Viena perjudicara sus intereses. 1189 Following the death of his father King Henry II, Richard the Lionheart is crowned king of England at Westminster Abbey in London. The vast majority of Richard's ten-year reign would be spent abroad, where he devoted himself to crusading and defending the Angevin lands in France. 0590 St. Gregory the Great is consecrated the 64th pope, and would rule 14 years. Gregory's administration took responsibility for converting the Anglo-Saxon tribes in England, chiefly through the work of St. Augustine of Canterbury. |
Deaths which
occurred on a September 03: ^top^ 2001 Sergei Zaloukaev, 28, by a shark at about 18:00 in Avon, North Carolina.. He was swimming some 10 m off the Cape Hatteras National Seashore near a sandbar with his mate, Natalia Slobonskaya, 23, who is critically injured.Slobonskaya's left foot is bitten off as is Zaloukaev's right foot. Both also suffer severe bites on their buttocks, thighs and lower legs. They were Russians living together in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Oakton, Virginia. The next day An animal rights group is pulling an ad campaign urging sympathy for sharks following two fatal shark attacks along the US Atlantic Coast this weekend. The campaign was to feature a billboard emblazoned "Would You Give Your Right Arm to Know Why Sharks Attack, Could it be Revenge? Go Vegetarian, PETA." PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) said in a statement on Tuesday it had planned to unveil the billboard next week in Pensacola, the Florida Gulf Coast city near where a shark ripped off the arm of an 8-year-old boy last month. The boy, Jessie Arbogast, was mauled as he played in the sea in the first of a series of well-publicized shark attacks this summer. His arm was later retrieved from the shark's mouth and reattached but the boy, who nearly died, remains in a delicate condition. This weekend 10-year-old David Peltier was killed by a shark at a beach close to PETA's headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia. A 27-year-old man was killed swimming off North Carolina's Outer Banks barrier islands and his companion was severely injured. PETA had also planned to stage the campaign with airplane banners to be flown over Galveston, Texas, Miami, and the Massachusetts island of Martha's Vineyard. "Our message is that humans kill billions of fish, including sharks, each year, in the most hideous ways, and sharks aren't really to blame for doing what comes naturally, because, unlike us, they don't have choices when it comes to what to eat," PETA spokesman Dan Shannon said. "But right now people would just shoot the messenger without hearing the message." A series of shark attacks in what has been dubbed "The Summer of the Shark" have alarmed the public and generated huge interest in the marine predator. But shark experts say the number of attacks is no greater than usual. 2001 Katsuya Fujisawa, 28, by the samurai sword of a debtor, aged 58, which Fujisawa had come to remove from his property, accompanied by another creditor and a court official, in Arai, Japan. 1993 Baltasar Lobo, escultor y pintor español. 1991 Michael A. Morrison and 24 other workers (mostly women), in fire of the Imperial Food Products chicken-processing plant in Hamlet, N.C., with 7 of 9 exits locked from the outside to prevent workers from stealing chicken or letting in flies. A poorly maintained hydraulic line had broken and spilled flammable liquid onto a hot frying pan. 1990 David Acer Florida dentist, dies of AIDs after infecting 5 patients. 1989 A Cubana de Aviacion jetliner crashed after takeoff in Havana, killing all 126 aboard and 26 people on the ground. 1984 Wilhelm Winkler, mathematician 1977 Jean Rostand, biólogo y escritor francés. 1968 Ho Chi Minh, político vietnamita. 1962 e. e. cummings, 67, US poet and painter, born (Edward Estlin Cummings) on 14 October 1894, who first attracted attention, in an age of literary experimentation, for his eccentric punctuation and phrasing. It's his publisher who did away with the capital letters in his name [cummings had it coming]. CUMMINGS ONLINE: The Enormous Room (1922, his first book). 1948 Edvard Benes, ex presidente y cofundador de la República checoslovaca.
1930 Some 2000 killed by hurricane in Dominican Republic. 4000 are injured. 1918 5 soldiers hanged for alleged participation in Houston riot of 1917 1902 Edward Eggleston, author. EGGLESTON ONLINE: A First Book in American History: With Special Reference to the Lives and Deeds of Great Americans 1894 John Veitch, translator of Descartes' Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Meditations on the First Philosophy
1796 Heinrich Hirt, German artist born on 12 September 1727 . 1667 Alonso Cano, Spanish sculptor, painter, architect, and draughtsman, sometimes called "the Spanish Michelangelo" because of the diversity of his talents. He was born on 19 March 1601. MORE ON CANO AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER LINKS The Dead Christ Supported by an Angel The Miracle at the Well Eve Immaculate Conception St John the Evangelist on Pathmos Descent into Limbo Mary Noli me Tangere
1658 Oliver Cromwell, 59, London. English soldier and statesman who led parliamentary forces in the English Civil Wars; he was Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1653 to 1658 during the republican Commonwealth. 1592 Robert Greene. author. GREENE ONLINE: Greene's Groats-Worth of Wit 1455 Alonso de Madrigal, escritor y teólogo español. 1189 Rabbi Jacob of Orleans, in pogrom in London. |
Births which occurred on
a September 03: 1928 Gaston Thorn, será primer ministro de Luxemburgo. 1923 Mort Walker cartoonist (Beetle Bailey) 1914 Cundo Bermudez, Cuban artist. 1913 Ignacio Agustí, escritor y periodista español.
1907 Dr Loren Eiseley professor of Anthropology (Animal Secrets) 1905 Carl David Anderson NYC, physicist (1936 Nobel Prize for physics) 1898 Federico Carlos Sáinz de Robles, escritor español. 1884 Solomon Lefschetz, mathematician
1860 Edward Albert Filene merchant, established US credit union movement 1859 Jean Jaurès, à Castres, champion du socialisme et de
la paix. Jean Jaurès, político, sociólogo y filósofo francés.
1814 James Joseph Sylvester, mathematician 1811 John Humphrey Noyes Vt, found Oneida Community (Perfectionists). NOYES ONLINE: History of American Socialisms 1802 Carl Georg Adolph Hasenpflug, German artist who died on 13 April 1858. 1789 Hannah Flagg Gould, poet. GOULD ONLINE; Poems volume 1, volume 2 1773 Jakob Gauermann, German artist who died on 27 March 1843. 1748 Dionys van Dongen, Dutch painter who died on 21 May 1819. MORE ON VAN DONGEN AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER Cattle 1734 Joseph Wright of Derby, British painter who died on 29 August 1787. MORE ON WRIGHT AT ART 4 SEPTEMBER LINKS The Dead Soldier _ detail Shakespeare's The Tempest Act VI Scene 1 Experiment with the Air~Pump The Alchemist in Search of the Philosophers' Stone Earthstopper at the Bank of Derwent Indian Widow A Philosopher Lecturing with a Mechanical Planetary Miravan Opening the Grave of his Forefathers Landscape with Rainbow 1651 Jan Pauwel Gillemans II, Flemish artist who died before 09 October 1704. 1623 Pieter Wouwerman, Dutch artist who died on 09 May 1682. 1596 Nicolo Amati Italy, one of the top 3 violin maker (witth Stradivari & Guarneri) 1539 La Compañía de Jesús es fundadad al ser aprobados sus estatutos que Ignacio de Loyola presentó al Papa Paulo III. 1521 Pomponio Allegri, Italian artist who died after 1593. |