“4” “2”DAY
|Feb 19 >> Events, deaths, births, of FEB 18 [For Feb 18 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Feb 28 1700s: Mar 01 1800s: Mar 02 1900~2099: Mar 03] |
Megarrebeliăo em 29 prisőes do Brasil... • The taoiseach resigns...
• Know~Nothings convene... • US sanctions for trading
with Cuba... • The Hitler diaries hoax
unfolds... • Two great artists (Fra Angelico and Michelangelo) die...
• Oppenheimer dies... • Two famous authors (Bunyan and Morrison) are born...
• Murder ignites Lincoln County War...
• US sounds friends on Vietnam bombing...
• Credit Mobilier scandal... • Nazis arrest White Rose resistance leaders...
• Soviets bomb Viipuri...
• Huckleberry Finn is published...
• Subway fire kills 150...
On an 18
February: 2001 Robert Philip Hanssen, 56, FBI agent for about 27 years, and ostensibly a practicing Catholic, is arreseted on charges of spying for Russia since October 1985 2000 Iranians voted in an election that gave reformers a majority in the parliament, long a bastion of hard-liners. Nevertheless a small group of mullahs keep its theocratic rule of the country through the army, the police, and the judiciary. Las elecciones parlamentarias convocadas en Irán dan la mayoría parlamentaria a los aperturistas partidarios del presidente Mohammad Jatamí. 1999 Dimiten tres ministros griegos tras la detención del líder kurdo Abdulá Öcalan, que había permanecido en territorio griego durante dieciséis días.
1998 Rival modem makers 3Com Corporation and Rockwell International announced a new standard for 56K modems, ending the standards war in high-speed modems that had confused consumers and temporarily cooled the modem market. Industry experts claimed the new standard would boost industry sales from 50 million in 1997 to 75 million by the year 2000. 1998 In Russia, money shortages resulted in the shutting down of three plants that produced nuclear weapons. 1994 Hearst Corporation says that it will introduce ten interactive products, including an online computer service and CD-ROMs. The service, called HomeNet, evolved over the next year into HomeArts, an umbrella Web site incorporating Hearst magazines Popular Mechanics, House Beautiful, Good Housekeeping, and others. 1991 Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz held talks in Moscow with Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev, who presented a proposal for ending the Persian Gulf War. 1989 Se crea en Marrakech (Marruecos) la Unión del Magreb Árabe (UMA), acuerdo entre los jefes de Estado de Marruecos, Libia, Argelia, Túnez y Mauritania. 1989 Arnaldo Forlani sustituye a Luigi Ciriaco de Mita en la secretaría general de la Democracia Cristiana italiana. 1988 El Politburó soviético destituye a Boris Nikolaievich Yeltsin en la pugna sostenida por la implantación de la Perestroika. 1988 Anthony M. Kennedy is sworn in as the 104th justice of the US Supreme Court. 1984 Revised concordat between Italy and the Vatican signed. 1983 La dimisión de Landelino Lavilla Alsina como presidente de UCD (Unión de Centro Democrático) hace presagiar el fin de este partido español. 1982 El partido Fianna Fŕil se convierte en la primera fuerza política de la Asamblea de la República de Irlanda, al obtener 81 de los 166 escańos. 1982 Comienza en Espańa el juicio contra los implicados en el golpe de Estado del 23-F. 1981 US President Ronald Reagan's State of the Union address.
1979 Snow falls in the Sahara Desert 1979 President Zia ur-Rahmans National Party wins elections in Bangladesh 1975 Italy broadens abortion law. El Tribunal Constitucional italiano admite el aborto terapéutico. 1973 54-kg octopus measuring 7 meter across captured in Hood Canal, Washington 1972 The California Supreme Court strikes down the state's death penalty. 1970 US President Nixon launches "Nixon-doctrine" 1970 The "Chicago Seven" defendants are found not guilty of conspiring to incite riots at the 1968 Democratic national convention. 1970 Father William Wakefield Baum [21 Nov 1926–] is appointed Bishop of Springfield-Cape Girardeau. He would be appointed Archbishop of Washington DC on 05 March 1973 and made a cardinal on 24 May 1976. 1968 British adopt year-round daylight savings time.
1965 Giulio Bevilacqua IOSFN (priest of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri) [14 Nov 1881 – 06 May 1965], who was spiritual director of the future Pope Paul VI while he studied in Brescia, is consecrated a bishop (without a see). He would be made a cardinal on 22 February 1965.
1955 Baghdad Pact signed, making Turkey and Iraq a defense alliance. 1954 La actuación del Comité de Actividades Antinorteamericanas, presidido por el senador Joseph Raymond McCarthy, produce enfrentamientos con el Ejército.
1946 Are made cardinals: Grégoire-Pierre XV Agagianian (Patriarch Emeritus of Cilicia (Armenian), Lebanon) [18 Sep 1895 – 16 May 1971] — Benedetto Aloisi Masella (Official Emeritus of Roman Curia) [29 Jun 1879 – 30 Sep 1970] — Manuel Arce Ochotorena (Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain) [18 Aug 1879 – 16 Sep 1948] — Manuel Arteaga y Betancourt (Archbishop of San Cristobal de la Habana, Cuba) [28 Dec 1879 — 20 Mar 1963] — Giuseppe Bruno (Prefect of Apostolic Signatura, Roman Curia) [30 Jun 1875 – 10 Nov 1954] — Antonio Caggiano (Archbishop Emeritus of Buenos Aires, Argentina) [30 Jan 1889 – 23 Oct 1979] — José María Caro Rodríguez (Archbishop of Santiago de Chile) [23 Jun 1866 – 04 Dec 1958] — Jaime de Barros Câmara (Archbishop of Săo Sebastiăo do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) [03 July 1894 – 18 Feb 1971] — Teodosio Clemente de Gouveia (Archbishop of Lourenço Marques, Mozambique) — Jan de Jong (Archbishop of Utrecht, Netherlands) — Carlos Carmelo de Vasconcelos Motta (Archbishop of Aparecida, Sao Paulo, Brazil) — Joseph Frings (Archbishop Emeritus of Köln, Germany) — Norman Thomas Gilroy (Archbishop Emeritus of Sydney, Australia) — John Joseph Glennon (Archbishop of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA) — Bernard William Griffin (Archbishop of Westminster, England, Great Britain) — Juan Gualberto Guevara (Archbishop of Lima, Peru) — James Charles McGuigan (Archbishop Emeritus of Toronto, Ontario, Canada) — Clemente Micara (Official Emeritus of Roman Curia) — József Mindszenty (Archbishop Emeritus of Esztergom, Hungary) — Edward Francis Mooney (Archbishop of Detroit, Michigan, USA) — Agustín Parrado García (Archbishop of Granada, Spain) — Pierre-André-Charles Petit de Julleville (Archbishop of Rouen, France) — Enrique Pla y Deniel (Archbishop of Toledo, Spain) — Konrad von Preysing Lichtenegg-Moos (Bishop of Berlin, Germany) — Clément Emile Roques (Archbishop of Rennes (, Dol, e Saint-Melo), France) — Ernesto Ruffini (Archbishop of Palermo, Italy) — Jules-Géraud Saličge (Archbishop of Toulouse (-Narbonne-Saint Bertrand de Comminges-Rieux), France) [24 Feb 1870 – 05 Nov 1956] — Adamo Stefano Sapieha (Archbishop of Kraków, Poland) [14 May 1867 – 21 Jul 1951] — Francis Joseph Spellman (Archbishop of New York, New York, USA) [04 May 1889 – 02 Dec 1967] — Samual Alphonsius Stritch (Pro-Prefect of Propagation of the Faith, Roman Curia) [17 Aug 1887 – 26 May 1958] — Thomas Tien Ken-sin, S.V.D. (Archbishop of Peking [Beijing], China) — Clemens August Graf von Galen (Bishop of Münster, Germany)
1932 Japan declares Manchuria independent (Japanese puppet, really). 1931 El almirante Aznar forma nuevo Gobierno espańol por encargo del rey Alfonso XIII.
1927 Juan Campisteguy es proclamado presidente de la república de Uruguay. ![]() 1921 British troops occupy Dublin. 1915 Germany begins a blockade of England. ^ 1913 French painting Nude Descending a Staircase No.2 (1912) by Marcel Duchamp, causes a scandal at the 1913 Armory Show in New York City. [click on thumnail for zoomable full-sized picture >] A major proponent of Dada, Marcel Duchamp (28 July 1887 - 02 October 1968) was one of the most influential figures of avant-garde 20th-century art. MORE ON DUCHAMP AT ART 4 FEBRUARY LINKS Un site Duchamp Portrait of his father 1908 Bernhard Dernburg, primer secretario de Estado en la oficina colonial del Reich, pide en el Reichstag una mejor atención médica para la población de las colonias. 1907 The United States sends 600'000 tons of grain to Russia to help relieve the country's widespread famine. 1900 British troops occupy Monte Christo, Natal 1899 Loubet Président: Ancien député républicain modéré, Emile Loubet a été sénateur, président du Sénat, président du Conseil et ministre de l'Intérieur. Il succčde ŕ Felix Faure qui vient de mourir. ^ 1895 Gauguin repart définitivement pour Tahiti. Un des oncles de Paul Gauguin [07 Jun 1848 — 08 May 1903] est mort, lui laissant une somme suffisante pour s’installer un atelier ŕ Paris. Une fois de plus, il se rend dans sa chčre Bretagne. Au cours d’une rixe entre matelots, dans un cabaret de Concarneau, il a une cheville brisée. Il regagne Paris pour y trouver son atelier cambriolé. Toutes ses affaires ont disparu. Cette succession de catastrophe finit par avoir raison de l’indomptable énergie de l’artiste. Tout se retourne contre lui. Ses amis organisent alors, pour lui venir en aide, une vente des tableaux que le peintre a ramenés de Tahiti, mais elle n’a gučre de succčs. Paul Gauguin trouve juste assez d’argent pour payer la traversée jusqu’ŕ Tahiti car il a décidé de repartir. Le 18 février 1895, il quitte la France et fait route vers les mers du Sud oů il vivra huit années encore et peindra ses plus beaux chefs-d'oeuvre. — 329 Gauguin images — Self-Portrait (1896) — Self Portrait with Spectacles (1903) — Scenes from Tahitian Life (1895) — Te Arii Vahine (The Queen of Beauty) (1896, oil) — Te Arii Vahine (1897, watercolor) — No te aha oe Riri? (Why are You Angry?) (1896) — Nave Nave Mahana (Delightful Day) (1896) — The Canoe; A Tahitian Family (1896) — Three Tahitian Women (1896) — Eilaha Ohipa (Not Working) (1896) — Te tamari no atua (Nativity) (1896) — Baby (The Nativity) (1896) — Christmas Night (1896) — Still Life with Teapot and Fruit (1896) — Thatched Hut under Palm Trees (1897) — Where do We Come From? What are We Doing? Where Are We Going? (1897) — Rave te htit aamy (The Idol) (1898) — Tahitian Woman and Boy (1899) — Tahitian Woman and Two Children (1901) — Horsemen on the Beach (1902) — Riders on the Beach (1902) — The Magician of Hivaoa (1902) 1884 General Charles Gordon arrives in Khartoum 1879 Arabs capture Egyptian premier Nabar Pasha
1865 Union troops force Confederates to abandon Fort Anderson NC 1865 Battle of Ft Moultrie SC occupied by Federals 1861 Jefferson Davis inaugurated as provisional President of the Confederate States of America, in Montgomery, Alabama. 1861 King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia becomes first king of Italy. El rey de Italia, Víctor Manuel II, inaugura el primer Parlamento italiano, establecido en el palacio Carignano de Turín.
1841 First continuous filibuster in US Senate began, lasting until 11 March. The Whig majority used it to dismiss the Senate's contract printers, who had been appointed by a previous Democratic majority. 1841 Se proclama la República de El Salvador y se aprueba su primera constitución política. 1815 US treaty of peace with Great Britain is proclaimed. 1800 La escuadra inglesa de Horace Nelson derrota a la francesa cerca de Malta. 1787 Austrian emperor Jozef II bans children under 8 from labor 1745 Bonnie Prince Charlie's troops occupy Inverness Scotland 1688 At a monthly meeting in Germantown, PA, a group of Quakers and Mennonites became the first white body in English America to register a formal protest against slavery. The historic "Germantown Protest" denounced both slavery and the slave trade. 1536 France and Turkey sign military/trade agreement against King Charles V 1519 Hernan Cortez quitte Cuba avec une petite troupe de soldats. Contre l'avis du gouverneur espagnol de l'île, il gagne la côte du Mexique avec l'idée de conquérir les royaumes mystérieux qui s'y trouvent. C'est le début de la pénétration européenne sur le continent américain. Hernán Cortés, con una flota de once naves y un millar de hombres, emprende en La Habana su gran expedición para conquistar México. 1405 Timur Lenk, whose violent conquests in the late fourteenth century ranged from China to the Mediterranean, died while leading an expedition to China. 1129 Jerusalem taken by Emperor Frederik II. 3102 -BC- Origin of Kali Era (India) |
which occurred on a February 18:
^top^ 2003 Quentin Anderson, 90, eldest son of playwright Maxwell Anderson [15 Dec 1888 – 28 Feb 1959]. Quentin Anderson was a US literary critic, cultural historian, and professor of US literature. He was the father of Maxwell L. Anderson [1956~], director of the Whitney Museum since 1998. Author of The American Henry James (1957) — The Imperial Self: An Essay in American Literary and Cultural History (1971) — Making Americans: An Essay on Individualism and Money (1992). 2003 Tamer al-Qata; Sa'id Elhilo, 19, and Al'a Elhilo, 20, his brother; Palestinians, by the collapse of their homes dynamited by Israeli troops after 23:00 in Gaza City. 2003 Mundir al-Safdi, and Mohammed Sahalov, Palestinians shot by Israeli troops after 23:00 in Gaza City. 2003 Ta'ar Zakarana, 20, Fatah activist, by bomb exploding inside a stolen car, in Jenin, West Bank. 2003 Muhammad Suliman Abed Murr, 25, shot by Israeli troops in the early morning, in Yatta, near Hebron, West Bank. 2003 Hamad bin Abdel Rahman al-Wardi, 50, riddled with bullets from a gunman, at 06:45, as he is driving to his work of deputy governor of Jouf province, Saudi Arabia. Wardi was a well-known academic who had worked at various Saudi government departments including the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. He was appointed deputy governor in January 1999. ^ 2003 ![]() Some 200 persons, including the four women Min Shim-eun, 26; and Kang Yeon-ju, 21; Lee Chung Sook, 35; Kim Hyong Chin, 23, and her brother Kim Chul Hwan, 21, in the central Namil-dong district of Taegu (= Daegu), South Korea, at the Jungang-ro station of the city's single subway line, in a fire starting at 09:55 when passengers in the fifth car of a stopped train unsuccessfully attempt to stop a deranged man, Kim Dae-han, 56, from igniting with a lighter a milk carton filled with paint thinner. The fire, feeding on seat fabric and plastic floor tiles, spreads to the whole train and then to an arriving train which stops alongside and four of whose cars' doors remain shut (most of the dead are in that train), and toxic gases and smoke fill the station, killing people there too. It takes more than 1300 firefighters until 13Q30 3 hours to put out the fire. 145 persons are injured. There were about 200 passengers in each train of six cars. Kim was angry about the left-side paralysis he suffers since brain surgery he received for a stroke in 2001. He had repeatedly told his family members that he would set the hospital on fire. Instead he settles for this mass-murder-suicide (which he survives with burns). |
of charred subway trains] ![]() |
[smoke rises out of the subway station as ambulances wait] ![]() |
2002 Salah Furad, 34, and Leila Kadawi, 25, Palestinians,
by gunfire from Israeli troops raiding the Balata refugee camp near Nablus,
West Bank 2002 Three Israelis and Palestinian attacker Mohammed Kasser, 22, of Gaza City, at about 19:00. The terrorist opened fire at short-range on a convoy of Israeli cars, and threw handgrenades at the cars, between the Gush Katif bloc of Jewish enclave settlements in Gaza and the Kissufim crossing into Israel, some 2 km from the crossing. After Israeli troops arrived the Palestinian blew himself up. using either an explosives belt or a bomb he was carrying. 2002 Ahmed Mazarib, 32, Israeli policeman, and a Palestinian, whose car the policeman and his partner stopped, the driver got out of the car, the police pulled out their guns, and the Palestinian activated the car bomb by remote control, near Ma'aleh Adumin, not far from the Al-Azayam roadblock. 2001 Count Balthasar Klossowski de Rola Balthus, French painter. Balthus, pintor francés de origen polaco, nacido en 1908. LINKS
1996 A member of the IRA blew himself up and wounded nine other people when the briefcase bomb he was carrying detonated accidentally on a double-decker bus in London's West End. 1991 A commuter, by a bomb exploding in a London rail station. The Irish Republican Army claims responsibility. 1967 Robert J. Oppenheimer, 62, creator of atomic bomb. 1963 Todd "Hugh" Gaitskell, 56, leader British Labour Party. 1952 Enrique Jardiel Poncela, dramaturgo espańol. 1949 Niceto Alcalá Zamora y Torres, político espańol.
1937 Enrique Alfredo Olaya Herrera, político colombiano. 1932 Frederik Augustus III, 66, King of Saxony (1904-18) 1921 Rafael Reyes Prieto, militar y político colombiano. 1917 Charles Emile Auguste Durand Carolus-Duran, French painter specialized in Portraits, born on 04 July 1837. His students included John Singer Sargent and Irving Wiles. LINKS Marie-Anne Carolus-Duran (The artist's little girl, with dog) N. M. Polovtsova Margaret Anderson, Wife of the Honorable Ronald Grenville 1907 José Peón y Contreras, poeta mexicano. 1900 Hundreds of British soldiers at battle at Paardeberg, (1270 British killed or wounded) 1899 M. Sophus Lie, 56, Norwegian mathematician. 1891 Cornelis Springer, Dutch artist born on 25 May 1817. LINKS View of The Hague from the Delftse Vaart in the 17th Century _ study for it Zuiderhavendijk, Enkhuizen Figures in a Street in Delft 1890 Ellison Mounts executed for Alifair McCoy's murder in the January 1, 1888 raid by Hatfield supporters on the McCoy home. The famous feud nears its end. 1890 Julius Andrássy Sr, 66, earl/premier of Hungary (1867-71)
1851 Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, 46, German mathematician. 1794 Josef Adam von Mölk (or Mölckh), Austrian artist born in 1714. 1683 Nicolaes (or Claes) Pieterzoon Berchem van Haarlem, Dutch painter born on 01 October 1620. MORE ON BERCHEM AT ART 4 FEBRUARY LINKS Landscape with Muleteer and Herdsman Shepherd at the Well and the Spinning Girl Landscape with Herdsmen Gathering Sticks A Moor Presenting a Parrot to a Lady A Southern Harbor Scene Italian Landscape at Sunset Italian Landscape with Bridge Peasants with Cattle by a Ruined Aqueduct 1682 Pierre Dupuis (or Dupuy), French artist born on 03 March 1610. 1587 Mary Stuart, 44, Queen of Scots (1560-87), beheaded 1571 Fray Batista Segura and other Spanish Jesuits, murdered by Amerindians they had come six months earlier to convert, in the Chesapeake Bay area. The massacre led ultimately to the withdrawal of all Jesuits living in Florida as well.
0901 Thabit, mathematician |
which occurred on a February 18: 1995 El Museo de Arte Moderno de San Francisco, diseńado por el arquitecto Mario Botta, se inaugura. 1948 José María Fidalgo Velilla, sindicalista espańol. 1938 Louis-Marie Billé, French, ordained a Catholic priest on 25 March 1962; appointed Bishop of Laval on 10 March 1984 and consecrated a bishop on 19 May 1984; appointed Archbishop of Aix, Arles, and Embrun on 05 May 1995; President of Conference of Bishops of France (05 Nov 1996 – 06 Nov 2001); appointed Archbishop of Lyon on 10 July 1998; made a cardinal on 21 February 2001; died on 12 March 2002.
1909 Wallace Stegner, US author who died on 13 April 1993. 1903 Nikolaj V Podgorny President of USSR (1965-77) 1901 Dust removing suction cleaner is patented by H Cecil Booth. 1899 Sir Arthur Bryant, English historian and biographer who died on 02 January 1985.
1895 Semjon Timoshenko Russian marshal/inspector-general (WWII) 1892 Wendell Lewis Wilkie (lawyer, politician: US presidential nominee: Republican Party [1940]) . His book, One World (1943), largely an outgrowth of his travels, made a strong plea for postwar cooperation and was influential in turning many Republicans away from isolationism. He died on 08 October 1944 1890 Boris L Pasternak Russian poet/writer (Dr Zhivago)
1885 Yule, mathematician. 1862 Charles M. Schwab, US entrepreneur who pioneered Bethlehem Steel and died on 18 September 1939. 1862 Albert Welti, Swiss painter who died on 07 June 1912. The House of Dreams 1859 Sholem Aleichem [Solomon Rabinowitz], author (Fiddler on the Roof). 1860 Anders Leonard Zorn, Swedish painter, etcher, and sculptor, who died on 22 August 1920. MORE ON ZORN AT ART 4 FEBRUARY LINKS Självporträtt med modell Självporträtt i rött Självporträtt i vargskinnspäls Mona (his mother) — Törnsnĺret Sommarnöje Vĺrt dagliga bröd A Fisherman in St Ives Natteffekt Midnatt Margit Ute En premiär Effet de Nuit III Couple wading in the water Djos Mats, clockmaker in Dalecarlia Self~Portrait (etching) Self~Portrait with Inscription (etching) another Self~Portrait Balance Old Maria Dal River Lavard Anders, Dalecarlian Peasant Vicke Red Stockings White Lily Grover Cleveland Mrs. Frances Cleveland Oscar II (king of Sweden) Drottning Sophia Emma Zorn läsande Cousins Femme au Jupon Rouge Midsommardans Midsommardans Ernest Renan August Strindberg 1857 Max Klinger, German genre and history Symbolist painter, sculptor and engraver who died on 05 July 1920. LINKS 81 prints at FAMSF 1853 Charles William Wyllie, British artist who died on 28 July 1923. 1848 Louis Comfort Tiffany, US Art Nouveau Stained Glass artist who died on 17 January 1933. LINKS 1844 Lueroth, mathematician. 1836 Swami Ramakrishna [Gadadhar Chatterji], Hooghly, Bengal, Hindu religious leader (preached unity of all religions). He died on 16 August 1886. 1834 The Man, first US labor newspaper, begins publication, New York NY 1817 Johannes Bosboom, Dutch painter who died on 13 September 1891. LINKS Church in the Hague 1800 Dalmacio Vélez Sarsfield, jurisconsulto y político argentino. 1795 George Peabody South Danvers MA, merchant/philanthropist. 1755 Nicolas-Didier Boguet, French artist who died on 01 April 1839. 1751 Adolf Ulrik Wertmuller, Swedish artist who died on 05 August 1811. LINKS 1745 Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta, physicist and inventor (battery). He died on 05 March 1827. A Côme (Italie), naissance du physicien Alexandre Volta On lui doit l'invention, au début du XIXčme sičcle, de la premičre pile électrique, constituée de petits disques de cuivre et de zinc séparés par un morceau de drap et plongés dans de l'acide sulfurique. Cette réalisation allait faire accomplir des progrčs énormes ŕ l'étude des phénomčnes électriques. Le nom de Volta a été attribué ŕ une unité électrique : le volt. 1602 Pieter Meulener (or Meulenaer, Molenaer), Dutch artist who died on 27 November 1654. 1516 Mary I Tudor Bloody Mary (1553-58), first reigning queen of Great Britain. She died on 17 November 1558. 1404 Leone Alberti, mathematician. 1201 Nasir al_Tusi, mathematician |
INSULT A man walks into a bar and he's really steaming. The bartender gives him a drink and asks what the problem is. All he says is, “Lawyers and crooks, it's all the same.” A man sitting in the corner shouts, “I take offense to that!” The irate guy asks him, “Why? Are you a lawyer?” He replies, “No, I'm a crook.” Listing in the 2001-2002 Southwestern Bell El Paso (Area Code 915) Yellow Pages, page 68, under Attorneys (misspelling and all):