Feb 05| HISTORY “4”
“2”DAY |Feb
07 >> Events, deaths, births, of FEB 06 [For Feb 06 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Feb 16 1700s: Feb 17 1800s: Feb 18 1900~2099: Feb 19] |
1999 Clinton impeachment trial in the US Senate:
videotape duel. (1) In a war of dueling videotapes, House prosecutors and White House lawyers argue whether Monica Lewinsky's latest testimony helps or hurts the impeachment case against President Bill Clinton. In the videotape snippets shown during the prosecutors' summation, Lewinsky, dressed in a black dress and wearing a strand of pearls, generally seems self-assured and forceful in her testimony. But she looks nervous and uncomfortable at times, too. The prosecutors also air selections of deposed testimony by White House aide Sidney Blumenthal and presidential Vernon friend Jordan, the other two witnesses that received Senate subpoenas. (TRANSCRIPT) (2) When it is the White House's turn to summarize the case, Clinton counsel Seligman plays an extensive segment of Lewinsky's deposition, in which she said she and Clinton never discussed the content of the affidavit she gave in the Jones case, that he did not want to see it, and that she believed she could give a affidavit that was not false. (3) The Associated Press reports: Reporter names Blumenthal as source for Lewinsky's 'stalker' WASHINGTON (AP) - Sidney Blumenthal's lawyer was so determined to show the White House aide never leaked a rumor about Monica Lewinsky being a stalker that he released journalists from any pact of confidentiality and challenged them to come forward. Now one has. Journalist Christopher Hitchens has sworn an affidavit stating Blumenthal several times described Ms. Lewinsky as a "stalker" and President Clinton as "the victim" of a predatory and unstable young woman, when they lunch in March 1998. Copies of the affidavit were being circulated in the Capitol late Saturday and was a topic of informal conversation among a number of senators, as well as others who saw it. Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., said the Justice Department could investigate any false testimony given the Senate, but that the assertion by Hitchens was "collateral at best" to the overall question of whether the president should be removed from office. Neither Hitchens nor Blumenthal's lawyer responded immediately to telephoned requests for comment. Blumenthal has repeatedly denied being the source of disparaging comments to the press about Ms. Lewinsky. Asked about that in a deposition taken Wednesday for the impeachment trial, he testified: "I have no idea how anything came to be attributed to a White House source." Earlier, lawyer William McDaniel asserted his client "didn't peddle it, he didn't urge people to write about it, he didn't tell people about it, he wasn't the source for that." McDaniel went on to say "if anybody in their mind thinks they have a pledge of confidentiality to Sidney ... they're released; let them come forward and say it." Hitchens, a freelance British journalist based in Washington who contributes to Vanity Fair and The Nation, said he had lunch with Blumenthal and someone else March 19, 1998, at the Occidental restaurant in Washington. "Referring to Ms. Lewinsky, Mr. Blumenthal used the word 'stalker' several times," Hitchens swore. "Mr. Blumenthal advised us that this version of the facts was not generally understood." Hitchens also swore he knows of other journalists told the same story by Blumenthal. Clinton referred to Ms. Lewinsky as a stalker in a conversation he had with Blumenthal shortly after the affair became the subject of news reports. Blumenthal said he never passed that story around. Republicans have suspected he talked to the press to try to discredit the former White House intern. |
1995 Robert Holland, Jr. is named the new Ben & Jerry's
CEO after the Vermont-based ice cream company holds a "Yo! I Want To Be
A CEO!" search. 1994 José Maria Figueres elected President of Costa Rica 1994 Martti Ahtisaari elected President of Finland El socialdemócrata Martti Ahtisaari gana las elecciones presidenciales en Finlandia. 1993 Bélgica se convierte en Estado Federal. 1991 Jordan's King Hussein tilted sharply toward Iraq in the Gulf War, describing the conflict as an effort by outsiders to destroy Iraq and carve up the Arab world. 1989 30'000 soldados soviéticos abandonan Afganistán, mientras la capital, Kabul, queda sumida en el caos. 1989 Lech Walesa begins negotiating with the Polish government 1987 No-smoking rules take effect in US federal buildings. 1985 US President Ronald Reagan's State of the Union address.
1983 Klaus Barbie ("el carnicero de Lyon") es detenido en Bolivia y trasladado al fuerte de Montcluc (Francia), para ser juzgado como autor de los crímenes cometidos por fuerzas alemanas bajo su mando en la II Guerra Mundial. 1979 Supreme court of Lahore affirms death sentence against premier Bhutto
1967 Cultural Revolution in Albania
1964 France and Great-Britain sign accord over building
channel tunnel 1960 El Gobierno español garantiza derechos de concesión a seis compañías norteamericanas para explotar eventuales yacimientos petrolíferos en el Sáhara Occidental español. 1956 University of Alabama refuses admission to Autherine Lucy (because he's Black) 1953 US controls on wages and some consumer goods were lifted 1947 El Alto Comité Arabe informa a la ONU sobre su rechazo absoluto a la resolución que funda el Estado de Israel. 1945 Russian Red Army crosses the river Oder
1941 Battle of Beda Fomm Italian 10th army destroyed 1941 British troops conquer Bengazi, Libya
1935 First election in which women are allowed to vote in Turkey. 1933 President von Hindenburg and von Papen end Prussian parliament. 1933 20th Amendment to the US Constitution goes into effect; Presidential term begins in January, no longer in March. 1933 Highest recorded sea wave (not tsunami), 34 meters, in Pacific hurricane near Manila. 1933 -90ºF (-68ºC), Oymyakon, USSR (Asian record) 1932 Fascist coup in the Memel territory. |
1928 Anastasia arrives in the US. Is she the
survivor of the tsar's murdered family??? A woman calling herself Anastasia Tschaikovsky and claiming to be the youngest daughter of the murdered czar of Russia arrives in New York City. She holds a press conference on the liner Berengaria, explaining she was here to have her jaw reset. It was broken, she alleged, by a Bolshevik soldier during her narrow escape from the execution of her entire family at Ekaterinburg, Russia, in July 1918. Tschaikovsky was welcomed to New York by Gleb Botkin, the son of the Romanov family doctor who was executed along with his patients in 1918. Botkin called her "Your Highness" and claimed that she was without a doubt the Grand Duchess Anastasia with whom he had played as a child. Between 1918 and 1928, more than half a dozen other women had come forward claiming to be a lost heir to the Romanov fortune, so some American reporters were understandingly skeptical of Tschaikovsky's claims. Nevertheless, she was treated as a celebrity during her stay in New York and occasioned society parties and fashionable hotels worthy of a Romanov heir. Registering for one hotel during her visit, she used the name Anna Anderson, which later became her permanent alias. In 1917, the February Revolution in Russia forced Czar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne. Nicholas, his wife Alexandra, and their four girls and one son were held at Czarskoye Selo palace and then taken to Ekaterinburg in the Urals after the Bolsheviks seized power in the October Revolution. Civil war raged throughout 1918, and in July anti-Bolshevik Russian forces approached Ekaterinburg. Fearing that Nicholas and his family would be rescued, the local authorities passed a death sentence on the Romanovs. Just after midnight on 17 July 1918, Nicholas, Alexandra, their five children, and four family retainers, among them Dr. Botkin, were ordered to dress quickly and go down to the cellar of the house in which they were being held. There, the family and servants were arranged in two rows for a photograph, they were told, to quell rumors that they had escaped. Suddenly, nearly a dozen armed men burst into the room and shot the imperial family in a hail of gunfire. Those who were still breathing when the smoked cleared were stabbed to death. The executioners then took the bodies to an abandoned mine shaft some 23 km from Ekaterinburg, burned them in a gasoline-fueled bonfire, and doused the bones with sulfuric acid to further disguise the remains. Finally, what was left was thrown into the mine pit, which was covered with dirt. At first, the Bolshevik government reported that only Nicholas was executed and that his wife and children were moved to a safe location. Later, reports that the entire family had perished were confirmed by Russian investigators. At the same time, however, a persistent rumor spread through Europe, telling of a Romanov child, usually Anastasia, who had survived the carnage. Several pretenders came forward, hoping to cash in on the Romanov fortune reportedly held in European banks, but they were quickly exposed as frauds. Europe, however, had yet to meet Anna Anderson. In 1920, an apparently suicidal young woman was pulled from the Landwehr Canal in Berlin. She refused to tell authorities her identity and was committed to the Dalldorf Asylum, where she lived in anonymity until 1922, when she suddenly announced that she was none other the Grand Duchess Anastasia. At the time, Europe was filled with Russian exiles who had fled the Bolshevik Revolution, and a number of sympathetic czarists rushed to the aid of this young woman, who at first glance was certainly articulate and beautiful enough to be the lost Anastasia. Her body showed ugly scars, which she said she incurred from Bolshevik knives during the execution of her family. One Bolshevik soldier, she said, finding her alive, had helped her, and she eventually escaped to the West. Several months after claiming to be Anastasia, she was released from the asylum and moved in with the first of a long line of supporters. During the next few years, her entourage of Russian émigrés grew, and she became particularly close to Gleb Botkin, who as the son of the slain Romanov family physician had spent considerable time with the imperial family in his childhood. During this time, numerous Romanov relatives and acquaintances interviewed her, and many were impressed by both her resemblance to Anastasia and her knowledge of the small details of the Romanov's family life. Others, however, left skeptical when she failed to remember important For young Anastasia's life. Her knowledge of English, French, and Russian, which the young Anastasia knew how to speak well, were also significantly lacking. Many blamed these inconsistencies on her reoccurring mental illness, which led to short stays in mental institutions on several occasions. Meanwhile, her supporters began a long battle to win her legal recognition as Anastasia. Such recognition would not only win her access to whatever Romanov riches remained outside the USSR but would make her a formidable political pawn of czarist exiles who still hoped to overthrow Russia's communist leaders. The Grand Duke of Hesse, Alexandra's brother and Anastasia's uncle, was a major critic of this effort, and he hired a private investigator to determine Anastasia Tschaikovsky's true identity. The investigator announced that she was in fact Franziska Schanzkowska, a Polish-German factory worker from Pomerania who had disappeared in 1920. Schanzkowska had a history of mental instability and was injured in a factory explosion in 1916, which accounted for the scars. These findings were published in German newspapers but were not proved definitively. The woman who became known as Anna Anderson continued her fight for recognition, losing several court cases as the decades passed. A French play about her story, Anastasia, debuted in 1954, and in 1956 an American film version appeared, with Ingrid Bergman winning an Academy Award for her title role. In 1968, Anne Anderson married an American history professor, J.E. Manahan, and moved to the United States, living her final years in Charlottesville, Virginia. In 1970, she lost her last major suit, and a remaining portion of the Romanov fortune was awarded to the duchess of Mecklenberg. Anna Anderson Manahan died in 1984. In 1991, Russian amateur investigators, using a recently released government report on the Romanov execution, found what they thought to be the Romanov burial site. Russian authorities took over and exhumed human remains. Scientists studied the skulls, claiming that Anastasia's was among those found, but the Russian findings were not conclusive. To prove that the remains were indisputably those of the Romanovs, the Russians enlisted the aid of British DNA experts. First, the scientists tested for sex and identified five females and four males among the remains. Next they tested to see how, if at all, these people were related. A father and mother were identified, along with three daughters. The four other remains were likely those of servants. The son Alexei and one daughter were missing. To prove the identity of Alexandra and her children, the scientists took blood from Prince Philip, the consort of Queen Elizabeth II and the grand nephew of Alexandra. Because they all share a common maternal ancestor, they would all share mitochondria DNA, which is passed almost unchanged from mother to children. The comparison between the mtDNA in Philip's blood and in the remains was positive, proving them to be the Romanovs. To prove the czar's identity, who would not share this mtDNA, the remains of Grand Duke George, the brother of Nicholas, was exhumed. A comparison of their mtDNA proved their relation. A Romanov daughter was missing from the burial site. Could Anastasia have escaped and resurfaced as Anna Anderson? In 1994, American and English scientists sought to answer this question once and for all. Using a tissue sample of Anderson's recovered from a Virginia hospital, the English team compared her mtDNA with that of the Romanovs. Simultaneously, an American team compared the mtDNA found in a strand of her hair. Both teams came to the same decisive conclusion: Anna Anderson was not a Romanov. Later, the scientists compared Anna Anderson's mtDNA with that of Karl Maucher, a great nephew of Franziska Schanzkowska. The DNA was a match, finally proving the theory put forth by a German investigator in the 1920s. One of the great mysteries of the 20th century was solved. Franziska Schanzkowska Anna Anderson died in Charlottesville, Virginia on 04 February 1984. The real Anastasia Nikolayevna was born on 18 June (05 June Julian) 1901. |
1922 US, UK, France, Italy and Japan sign Washington
naval arms limitation 1922 Cardinal Achille Ratti elected Pope Pius XI El arzobispo de Milán, Achile Ratti, sucede al Papa Benedicto XV y toma el nombre de Pío XI. 1935 “Molotov” (Viacheslav Mijailovich Scriabin), es confirmado jefe del Gobierno soviético por el Congreso de Comisarios. 1937 Se inicia la Batalla del Jarama, lucha entre los republicanos y los sublevados del general Franco. 1939 Los principales dirigentes republicanos españoles, entre ellos Manuel Azaña Diaz y Juan Negrín López, se refugian en Francia. 1940 II Guerra Mundial: El consejo de guerra franco-británico acuerda el desembarco de Narvik, el apoyo a Finlandia y la ocupación de la mina de hierro de Gallivare (Suecia). 1941 El general Erwin Rommel, nombrado jefe del Afrika Korps, tropas acorazadas alemanas destinadas a operar en el norte de Africa. 1920 Saarland administered by League of Nations
1911 Great fire destroys downtown Constantinople/Istanbul Turkey 1904 Russian-Japanese war begins. Inesperadamente, Japón rompe sus relaciones diplomáticas con Rusia. 1900 Battle at Vaalkrans, South-Africa (Boers vs British army) 1899 Spanish-American War ends, peace treaty ratified by US Senate
1865 General Robert E. Lee is appointed Confederate General in Chief. 1865 John C. Breckinridge named Confederate Secretary of War. 1865 Battle of Hatcher's Run (Armstrong's Mill), Virginia continues. 1864 Robert E. Lee assumes command of the Confederate Armies. 1864 Skirmish at Barnett's Ford Virginia. 1862 Ulysses S Grant initiates a military campaign in the Mississippi Valley. 1862 Victory for General Ulysses S Grant in Tennessee, capturing Fort Henry, and ten days later Fort Donelson; Grant earns the nickname "Unconditional Surrender" Grant 1862 General Ulysses S Grant captures Fort Henry in Tennessee. 1862 Naval Engagement at Tennessee River USS Conestago vs CSS Appleton Belle. 1861 first meeting of Provisional Congress of Confederate States of America. 1854 Composer Robert Schumann is saved from suicide attempt into the Rhine. |
1832 First appearance of cholera at Edinburgh, Scotland 1832 US ship destroys Sumatran village in retaliation for piracy 1820 86 free black colonists sail from New York NY to Sierra Leone, Africa. 1819 Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles founds freeport harbor Singapore 1815 NJ issues first US railroad charter (John Stevens) 1788 Massachusetts becomes 6th state to ratify US constitution. 1778 England declares war on France.
1651 Cardinal Mazarin flees Paris. 1626 Huguenot rebels and the French sign Peace of La Rochelle. 1577 King Henri de Bourbon of Navarra becomes leader of Huguenots. 1508 Maximilian I crowned Holy Roman Emperor. 0337 St Julius I is elected Pope. |
which occurred on a February 06: 2003 Abdel Karim Lubed and Omar Hassan, Palestinians in their 20s, male nurses in a southern Gaza City geriatric home, which they are about to leave in a car just after midnight, when Israeli helicopters fire missiles which they would say were “warning shots” to prevent the car from approaching troops pulling out of the city which they had entered in an unsuccessful attempt to arrest a wanted militant. Two other Palestinians are seriously wounded in the chest. ![]() 2003 Francisco José Quintero Sotomayor, Luis Ribón Beleño, Luis Carlos Támara Calvo, Rubén Quiceno Hidalgo, Bladimir Sarmiento Hernández, Miguel Ríos Castro y Oscar Luis Torres Palmera, soldados colombianos, después de accionar de manera accidental una granada en el área del polígono del Centro de Instrucción y Entrenamiento Militar en jurisdicción del corregimiento de La Loma, en cercanías al Municipio de El Paso, Colombia. 2003 Monsignor John A. Shocklee, 85, of neurological disorders, civil rights leader in St. Louis MO. 2002 An Israeli soldier, and Miri Ohana, 50, her baby, and her daughter Yael, 11, and a Palestinian gunman, in Hamra, a remote enclave settlement (moshav) of 40 families in the West Bank's Jordan Valley. At about 19:30 the gunman (possibly with others) armed with and an explosive belt (which he ended up not using), an M-16 assault rifle, a grenade, and eight ammunition clips, cut the settlement's fence and opened fire on a soldier and a civilian security guard. The soldier was killed on the spot and the civilian guard dove for cover. The assailant was walking deliberately while shooting. Reinforcements arrived from a nearby Israeli training base and two soldiers were wounded in an ensuing firefight. The gunman ran into a nearby house where Miri Ohana was hiding with her children. By the end of the fight at about 21:30, the assailant was dead on the house, and the hostages were dead or dying, it being unclear whether they were shot by the gunman or by friendly gunfire. 2002 Ten miners in coal mine explosion near Jastrzebie Zdroj, Poland, at about 05:00, 700 m below ground. There are 37 survivors, two of them injured. 2002 Possibly dozens of travelers trapped by an avalanche in the Salang Pass on the main road linking Kabul with the north of Afghanistan. Afghans have no equipment capable of rescuing any survivors. The continuing snow storm and temperature as low as 40º make it difficult for rescuers to get there. The Soviet-built Salang Tunnel is the world's highest tunnel at 4070 m altitude. It was reopened to traffic in January 2002, after having been blocked for years by the warring in Afghanistan. A team from the British de-mining charity Halo Trust would be the only rescue workers to reach the scene some 24 hours after the avalanche. With two bulldozers they dig through the wall of snow blocking the southern entrance to the tunnel. On 08 February they find three dead of asphyxiation from carbon monoxide fumes inside the tunnel and a fourth dead from hypothermia outside. They rescue about 350 shivering and starved survivors. A few others may have escaped by digging with their bare hands on 07 February, but many of these may have died from the cold and cannot be found because their tracks are covered by snow. 2001 Zoran Sokolovic, 68, suicide by pistol inside his car in his native village of Lepen, near Knjazevac, 190 km southeast of Belgrade. He had been interior minister of Yugoslavia under war criminal president Slobodan Milosevic. 2001 Annette Green, 37, shot by police during a drug raid on her home in Wellston MO. Police said that the mother of six was intoxicated on cocaine and they thought she was carrying a gun (she was not). She was on probation for selling drugs to an undercover police officer. No charges were made against the killer cops. 1999 Carmen Kurtz, escritora española. 1998 Claude Erignac, prefecto del Estado francés, asesinado por dos terroristas en Córcega, tras la ruptura de la tregua armada anunciada por el Frente de Liberación Nacional Corso. 1998 Nazim al-Kudsi , Syrian PM (1949, 1950-51)/President (1961-63)
1992 Six policiers algériens, assassinés dans une embuscade tendue par un groupe armé dans la Casbah d'Alger. C'est le début des violences à grande échelle en Algérie. 1992 Tres capitanes, un soldado, y un funcionario civil, asesinados por ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) en el centro de Madrid, al activar un coche-bomba al paso de la furgoneta de transporte militar. 1991 María Zambrano Rodríguez, escritora y filósofa española.
1984 Jorge Guillén, poeta español de la generación del 27. 1982 Ben Nicholson, pintor británico. 1981 José María Ryan aparece, asesinado por ETA. Era ingeniero jefe de la central nuclear de Lemóniz (Iberduero), secuestrado por ETA Militar el 29 de enero anterior. 1964 Sophocles Venizelos, 69, premier of Greece (1944, 50-51) 1963 Mohammed ibn al-Chattabi Abd el-Krim Morocco opposition leader. 1963 Piero Manzoni, Italian artist born on 13 July 1933. LINKS
1941 Maximilien Luce, French artist born on 13 March 1858. |
![]() More deaths due to Stalin's desire to grab Finnish territory. Mannerheim Line holds firm on the Isthmus Karelian Isthmus: the Mannerheim Line holds firm. Finnish troops repulse the attempted Soviet breakthrough in Summa village and Marjapellonmäki. The first enemy tanks are destroyed in the early morning twilight, with the accompanying infantry also suffering heavy losses. By 7.30 in the evening the Finnish front line is entirely under Finnish control. The retreating enemy suffers heavy losses from the Finnish artillery and machine-gun fire. Northern Finland: in Kuhmo, the Finnish 9th Division surrounds the Russian 54th Division in a series of 'mottis'. Ladoga Karelia: Finnish troops capture an enemy base to the northeast of Lake Ladoga. The enemy loses over 500 men and a considerable amount of war materiel. Stockholm: Finnish Foreign Minister Väinö Tanner has another meeting with the Soviet Ambassador in Stockholm, Madame Alexandra Kollontai. Madame Kollontai passes on her government's view that Tanner's suggestion of the previous day does not provide a sufficient basis for opening peace talks. Tanner leaves for home. Norway: the northern Norwegian province of Ruija announces that there are currently 1,179 Finnish refugees in the province: 381 men, 359 women and 429 children. London: a question is asked in the House of Commons on the urgent dispatch of aircraft to Finland. Due to the sensitivity of the issue no detailed information can be provided. ^ Ilmavoimat pommittaa yöllä vihollisjoukkoja Talvisodan 69. päivä, 06.helmikuuta.1940 Mannerheim-linja kestää Kannaksella: Suomalaiset torjuvat Neuvostoliiton läpimurtoyrityksen Summan kylässä ja Marjapellon-mäessä. Ensimmäiset vihollisen panssarit tuhotaan jo aamuhämärissä. Vaunujen mukana hyökänneelle jalkaväelle tuotetaan raskaita tappioita. Etulinja on kokonaan puolustajien hallussa klo 19.30:een mennessä.Pakeneva vihollinen kärsii suuria tappioita suomalaisten tykistö- ja konekivääritulessa. Kuhmossa 9. Divisioona saartaa venäläisen 54. Divisioonan useaan mottiin. Vihollisen tukikohta vallataan Laatokan koillispuolella. Vihollinen menettää yli 500 miestä ja joukkomme saa huomattavan sotasaaliin. Ulkoministeri Väinö Tanner tapaa Tukholmassa Neuvostoliiton lähettilään Aleksandra Kolontain ja kuulee Neuvostoliiton vastauksen eilen tekemäänsä yksityiseen ehdotukseen. Ehdotus ei tarjoa riittävää pohjaa rauhan-neuvotteluille. Tanner lähtee kotimatkalle. Ruijan maakunnankonttori ilmoittaa, että Ruijassa on tällä hetkellä 1179 suomalaista pakolaista, joista miehiä 381, naisia 359 ja lapsia 429. Englannin alahuoneessa esitetään kysely lentokoneiden kiireellisestä lähettämisestä Suomeen. Asian arkaluontoisuuden takia asiasta ei anneta tarkempia tietoja. ^ Mannerheim-linjen håller på Näset Vinterkrigets 69 dag, den 06 februari 1940 Mannerheimlinjen håller på Näset: Finnarna avvärjer Sovjetunionens försök till genombrott vid Summa by och vid Marjapellonmäki. De första ryska pansrarna förintas redan i gryningen. Infanteriet som följt vagnarna tillfogas svåra förluster. Den främre linjen är helt i försvararnas besittning kl. 19.30. Den flyende fienden lider stora förluster av finnarnas artilleri- och maskingevärseld. I Kuhmo omringar den 9. Divisionen den ryska 54. Divisionen till flera mottin. Finland erövrar fiendens bas nordost om Ladoga. Fienden förlorar över 500 man och våra trupper får ett betydande krigsbyte. Utrikesminister Väinö Tanner träffar Sovjetunionens ambassadör Alexandra Kollontaj i Stockholm och får svar på det privata förslag som han gav igår. Förslaget utgör ingen tillräcklig grund för fredsförhandlingar. Tanner återvänder hem. Landskapskontoret i Finnmarken meddelar att det för tillfället finns 1179 finska flyktingar i Finnmarken, varav 381 är män, 359 är kvinnor och 429 är barn. I det engelska underhuset framförs ett förslag om att brådskande sända flygplan till Finland. På grund av frågans känsliga natur ges inga vidare uppgifter. |
1934 Seize manifestants et
un policier, place de la Concorde. Edouard Daladier présente à l'Assemblée nationale le nouveau gouvernement. Dans le même temps, une manifestation est organisée à Paris, place de la Concorde, à l'appel des ligues, de l'association d'anciens combattants Les Croix de Feu ainsi que de mouvements communistes, sur le thème: «A bas les voleurs!» La manifestation dégénère. La police tire. Seize manifestants et un policier sont tués. On compte un millier de blessés. Trois jours plus tard, une contre-manifestation dégénère à son tour et fait 9 morts. Edouard Daladier doit céder la place à Gaston Doumergue à la tête du gouvernement. Non sans mauvaise foi, la gauche parlementaire dénonce dans la manifestation du 06 Feb une tentative de coup d'Etat fasciste. Elle appelle au rassemblement des forces progressistes. Par ricochet, l'affaire Stavisky va ainsi contribuer à la victoire du Front Populaire de Léon Blum aux élections législatives de 1936. Le 09 janvier 1934, les Français avaient appris la mort par balle du financier Alexandre Stavisky. L'homme était recherché par la police suite à un détournement de fonds au Crédit municipal de Bayonne. Son cadavre fut retrouvé dans un chalet de Chamonix. Il s'agissait apparemment d'un suicide mais l'opinion publique soupçonna aussitôt des hommes politiques d'avoir fait assassiner l'escroc pour l'empêcher de dénoncer ses complices. Le scandale Stavisky est peu de chose comparé à celui de Panama ou à ceux des vingt dernières années du siècle (écoutes téléphoniques, Crédit Lyonnais, Elf,...). Il ne met en cause ni un président de la République, ni même un quelconque ministre mais seulement une demi-douzaine de politiciens de second rang qui se sont compromis avec Stavisky dans le trafic d'influence. Son retentissement n'en est pas moins immense. C'est qu'après les années d'espoir qui ont suivi l'hécatombe de 1914-1918, la France est affectée par une crise à la fois économique et politique. La mort de Stavisky met brutalement à jour toutes les rancoeurs. Les xénophobes s'en prennent à une politique de naturalisation trop laxiste (Stavisky est un juif d'origine russe). L'Action Française royaliste, les ligues populistes de droite et les communistes dénoncent à l'envi la décadence de la IIIe République. L'indignation populaire entraîne la chute du gouvernement radical-socialiste. Edouard Daladier remplace Camille Chautemps à la présidence du Conseil. Il destitue aussitôt le préfet de police Chiappe, suspect de sympathie avec les ligues de droite. On fait le ménage ! L’affaire Stavisky trouve son épilogue, la mort de Stavisky arrange bien des profiteurs. D’une famille israélite originaire de Russie, Serge Alexandre Stavisky arrive en France avec son père en 1898. Il est naturalisé français en 1910. Il ne tarde pas à se signaler à la justice française par une série d’escroqueries et de chèques sans provision. Mais, inexplicablement, les plaintes déposées contre lui n’aboutissent jamais et les jugements sont interminablement renvoyés à une date ultérieure. Au moment où éclatera "l’affaire", quatre-vingts dossiers environ, constitués contre Stavisky, dorment dans les bureaux de la Sûreté et des ministères intéressés. En 1931, un certain Serge Alexandre fonde, avec l’appui du député-maire de Bayonne, un crédit municipal dans cette ville et, très vite, cet organisme émet une masse considérable de bons à intérêt, placés auprès des compagnies d’assurance, des banques, des petits épargnants. Le deus ex machina de l’affaire, Serge Alexandre alias Alexandre Stavisky, est depuis plusieurs années une vedette du Tout-Paris. Il a épousé un mannequin parisien, Arlette, dont il a eu un fils et tous trois vivent dans un palace avec la gouvernante de l’enfant. Vacances à Deauville et à Chamonix alternant avec les réceptions dans les salons parisiens: le couple mène grand train et possède de nombreuses relations dans la presse, la politique et les milieux d’affaires. Dans les tout premiers jours de 1934, 500 millions se sont envolés des caisses du Crédit municipal et l’affaire éclate. Depuis un mois environ, on sait que Serge Alexandre et l’escroc Stavisky ne sont qu’une seule et même personne et un mandat d’arrêt a été délivré contre lui. Mais il s’est enfui en direction de la frontière suisse. Le 02 janvier, la police le localise à Chamonix dans un chalet loué sous un nom d’emprunt. Le 08 janvier, elle cerne la maison lorsque des coups de feu éclatent. Stavisky gît au pied de son lit, frappé d’une balle dans la tête et perdant abondamment son sang. Il faudra deux heures pour le faire transporter à l’hôpital le plus proche. Il est trop tard et il meurt dans la soirée. Dès le 04 janvier, L’Action française est entrée en campagne contre le gouvernement. Le beau-frère du 1er ministre n’est-il pas l’avocat de Stavisky? C’est aussi l’occasion pour le journal de Maurras (droite nationaliste) de s’en prendre encore une fois aux "métèques" auxquels la France, selon lui, ouvre trop généreusement ses frontières. Au lendemain du 08 janvier, les journaux de droite et de gauche trouvent une certaine unanimité pour accuser la police d’avoir "suicidé" Stavisky. Il fallait l’empêcher de parler et, en fait, la certitude de son silence rassura sans doute beaucoup de ses amis. Dès le 09 janvier, à l’appel de L’Action française, des manifestants défilent aux cris de "À bas les voleurs" et "Les députés à la lanterne". C’est le début d’une grande offensive, menée par la droite, contre le régime parlementaire "pourri"; communistes et socialistes, contents de la mise en accusation des radicaux, ne réagissent que mollement et rappellent, eux aussi, les scandales précédents. Le ministère tombe. Aux manifestations des Camelots du roi, des Ligues patriotiques et des anciens combattants, répondent, le 22 janvier et les jours suivants, celles des syndicats et des partis de gauche. Le limogeage du préfet de police de Paris, Jean Chiappe, est l’un des premiers actes du nouveau gouvernement Daladier. Il exaspère la droite pour laquelle Chiappe ne cache pas sa sympathie. Le 06 Feb, les manifestations tournent à l’émeute, à un affrontement sanglant entre extrémistes des deux bords et avec la police dont la répression, cette fois, est féroce. Cette journée est généralement considérée comme le prélude au Front populaire. |
1923 José Navarro Llorens, Spanish artist born
in 1867. 1918 Gustav Klimt, Austrian Art Nouveau painter born on 14 July 1862. MORE ON KLIMT AT ART 4 FEBRUARY LINKS A Field of Poppies Two Girls with Oleander Sketch for the Allegory 'Junius' detail The Three Ages of Women Die Tänzerin Hope I Hope II. Tree of Life Die Jungfrau Schubert at the Piano Garden Path with Chickens Hygieia, detail from Medicine Judith I Danae 1916 Rubén Darío, poeta nicaragüense. 1898 Leopold baron of Löfler-Radymno, Austrian Polish artist born on 30 October 1827. 1859 Benno Friedrich Tormer, German artist born on 04 July 1804. 1804 Joseph Priestley, 70, England/US theologian / philosopher / chemist. 1800 Robert Léopold Leprince, French artist born on 14 November 1800. 1839 François-Thomas-Louis Francia, French painter born on 21 December 1772. LINKS 1816 Gerrit Malleyn (or Mallein), Dutch artist born in 1753. 1793 Carlo Goldoni, escritor italiano. 1708 Elias van den Broeck (or Broek), Dutch artist born in 1650. 1695 Ahmed II, born on 01 August 1642, he became a weak sultan of the Ottoman empire in 1691, suffered defeats from the Holy League of Austria, Poland, and Venice; and unrest in the Arab provinces of Syria, Hejaz, and Iraq. 1549 (or 09 Aug 1546) Martin Schaffner, German artist born in 1478 or 1479. 1482 Primer auto de fe de la Inquisición española, en Sevilla. 1140 Thurstan archbishop of York 0891 Photius Byzantine theologian / patriarch of Constantinople / saint 0743 Hisham ibn 'Abd al-Malik, 52, 10th Moslem caliph 0679 Amandus, the founder of Belgian monasticism. During his 95 years, he established eight abbeys, five in the Southern Netherlands. |
Births which
occurred on a February 06: 1948 first radio-controlled airplane flown
1920 El sombrero de tres picos, de Manuel de Falla y Mateu, con decorados de Pablo Picasso. se estrena en París. 1916 John Crank, mathematician. 1911 Ronald Reagan, Illinois, movie actor (Bedtime for Bonzo) / actors' union organizer / radio commentator / governor of California / 40th and oldest US President (R) (1981-89) / Alzheimer patient. 1908 Amintore Fanfani, premier of Italy 1908 Herbert Rutledge Southworth, historiador estadounidense. 1905 Wladislaw Gomulka, Communist premier of Poland. 1895 Franz Radziwill, German artist who died in 1983. 1893 Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, President of UN General Assembly (1962-63) 1890 Anton Hermann Fokker, aviation pioneer. 1885 Mariano Bertuchi, pintor granadino. 1879 Émile Othon Achille Friesz, French Fauvist painter who died on 10 January 1949. LINKS Travaux d'Automne Cathédrale et Toits à Rouen 1866 Vladislav Podkovinski, Polish artist who died on 05 January 1895. 1860 El Eco de Tetuán, dirigido y escrito por Pedro Antonio de Alarcón y Ariza, primer periódico que se publica en Marruecos, aparece su número uno. 1856 Geerard Jozef Portielje, Belgian artist who died in 1929. 1851 Bartolomeo Bezzi, Italian artist who died in 1923. 1848 Adam Guenther, mathematician. 1833 José María de Pereda, escritor español. 1802 Charles Wheatstone, English physicist/musician 1793 Jakob Joseph Eeckhout, Flemish artist who died on 25 December 1861. [Was he able to eke out a living from his artwork? You couldn't prove it by the Internet, where I don't find any example of it.] 1772 Franz Gerhard Kugelgen, German artist who died on 27 March 1820. 1756 Aaron Burr, Newark NJ, (D-R), 3rd US Vice-President (1801-05); killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel and was known as a traitor although never convicted. 1730 Januarius Johann Rasso Zick, German artist who died on 14 November 1797. 1695 Nicolaus(II) Bernoulli, mathematician. 1665 Anne Stuart, queen of England (1702-14) 1636 Heyman Dullaert, Duch artist who died on 06 May 1684. [Hey man! He may not have been Brightaert nor Sharpaert, but these names bring up no more samples of artwork on the Internet than does Dullaert, or Dumbaert for that matter] 1613 Kaspar van Eyck, Flemish artist who died in 1673. 1612 Antoine Arnauld, mathematician.