Nov 26|
|Nov 28 >>
Events, deaths, births, of NOV 27 [For Nov 27 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Dec 07 1700s: Dec 08 1800s: Dec 09 1900~2099: Dec 10] |
1998 Se encuentra en China el fósil más antiguo de una planta de flores. 1997 Tens of thousands of German students take to the streets of Bonn to protest the decline of Germany's higher education system. 1996 A US federal judge blocked enforcement of a California initiative to dismantle affirmative action (which seeks to remedy the effects of past discrimination), saying civil rights groups had a "strong probability" of proving it unconstitutional. . 1995 AmHS/Premier and SunHealth Alliance announce their plans to merge, thus forming the US's biggest health care network, with over 650 hospitals and 1000 affiliates in fifty states. 1995 Prodigy announces its Internet "Virtual Mall," including offerings from J.C. Penney, Lands End, Hammacher Schlemmer, and Sears, Roebuck & Co. The new system promised to include "personal sales assistant" software to make recommendations based on users' profiles. 1994 Bosnian Serbs take 150 UN peacekeepers hostage to prevent NATO air strikes. 1992 Military dissidents attempt to overthrow Venezuelan President Carlos Andrés Pérez. 1991 The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution paving the way for the establishment of a UN peacekeeping operation in war-ravaged Yugoslavia.
1989 Virginia certified Douglas Wilder as the US's first elected Black governor by a margin of 0.38%. 1989 El rey Hussein I de Jordania inaugura la primera sesión del nuevo Parlamento, tras una ausencia de vida parlamentaria en el país de más de 20 años. 1985 The British House of Commons approves the Anglo-Irish accord giving the Republic of Ireland a consultative role in the governing of British-ruled Northern Ireland. 1985 El cometa Halley se acerca a la Tierra por segunda vez en el siglo XX. 1984 Se firma un acuerdo hispano-británico sobre Gibraltar por el que Gran Bretaña acepta por primera vez discutir cuestiones de soberanía. |
1971 The Anglican Church ordains its first women priests. 1971 Una comisión del parlamento chileno rechaza el proyecto de ley de reforma de la Constitución presentado por el presidente Salvador Allende Gossens. 1970 Pope Paul VI slightly wounded in chest at the Manila airport during a visit to Philippines by a dagger-wielding Bolivian painter disguised as a priest Atentado frustrado en Manila contra el Papa Pablo VI, durante su viaje a Extremo Oriente. 1970 Syria joins the pact linking Libya, Egypt and Sudan. 1965 1st French satellite launched, France becomes 3rd nation in space 1967 Gold pool nations pledge support of $35 per ounce gold price 1967 Charles DeGaulle again vetoes Great Britain's entry into the Common Market. 1967 Lyndon Johnson appoints Robert McNamara to presidency of the World Bank. 1966 El general uruguayo Oscar Daniel Gestido, del Partido Colorado, es elegido presidente del país.
1959 Demonstrators march in Tokyo to protest a defense treaty with the United States. Se celebran en Japón grandes manifestaciones contra el Tratado Antártico firmado con Estados Unidos. 1958 USSR abrogates Allied war-time agreements on control of Germany
1957 Army withdraws from Little Rock AR, after
Central HS integration
1950 El volcán italiano Etna entra en erupción. 1948 El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU exige de Albania, Bulgaria y Yugoslavia que suspendan las ayudas a los rebeldes griegos. 1947 E.L. Sukenik of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem sees four pieces of Dead Sea scroll the first Westerner to recognize their value. 1945 US President Truman named Gen. George Marshall his special representative to China to try to end hostilities between the Nationalists and the Communists. El general estadounidense George Catlett Marshall es nombrado representante extraordinario en China.
1941 USSR begins a counter offensive causing Germany to retreat
1937 Hjalmar Schacht dimite de la presidencia del Reichsbank y de la cartera ministerial de Economía. Herman Wilhelm Goering asume temporalmente dichas funciones. 1937 Se publican los estatutos del Sindicato Español Universitario de Falange Española y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalistas (JONS). 1936 Great Britain's Anthony Eden warns Hitler that Britain will fight to protect Belgium. 1931 Niceto Alcalá Zamora y Torres es elegido miembro de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua.
1922 La comisión senatorial española dictamina a favor de conceder el suplicatorio contra el general Damaso Berenguer y Fuste. 1920 Las autoridades británicas detienen en Londres al fundador y jefe del Sinn Fein, Arthur Griffith. 1919 Bulgaria signs peace treaty with Allies at Neuilly, France, fixing war reparations and recognizing Yugoslavian independence. les Alliés vainqueurs de la Grande Guerre signent à Neuilly un traité de paix avec la Bulgarie. 1909 US troops land in Bluefields, Nicaragua, to protect American interests there. 1904 The German colonial army defeats Hottentots at Warmbad in southwest Africa. 1912 Spanish protectorate in Morocco established 1910 Eleutherios Venizelos es nombrado primer ministro griego. 1895 Alfred Nobel establishes Nobel Prize El científico y millonario sueco Alfred Nobel dispone en su testamento que las rentas de su fortuna se distribuyan en los cinco premios Nobel. 1889 Curtis P. Brady is issued the first permit to drive an automobile through Central Park in New York City. Mr. Brady had to pledge to New York’s police that he would not frighten the horses in the park. 1885 En España Mateo Sagasta Praxedes jura el cargo de presidente del Consejo ante la reina regente María Cristina de Habsburgo-Lorena.
1863 Engagement at Payne's Farm, Virginia 1863 Siege of Knoxville, Tennessee continues 1863 Mine Run Campaign continues in Virginia
1815 Cracow (Poland) declared a free republic 1812 One of the two bridges being used by Napoleon Bonaparte's army across the Beresina River in Russia collapses during a Russian artillery barrage. 1810 Primer reglamento de las Cortes de Cádiz. 1806 Parti de Berlin le 25, Napoléon, ce soir, reçoit à Posen (Poznan) une délégation de Polonais. Il constate : "Les Polonais sont animés de la meilleure volonté. Ils montrent une grande ardeur de recouvrer leur indépendance : la noblesse, le clergé, les paysans ne font qu'un." 1806 Napoleón I ordena por decreto el bloqueo continental de Gran Bretaña. 1790 En France, le clergé est astreint à prêter serment sur la Constitution civile. La Révolution connaît son premier dérapage.
43 BC Octavian, Antony and Lepidus form the triumvirate of Rome. |
![]() 2001 Ulf Strömberg [photo >], 42, by burglars in Taloqan, Afghanistan. He was a cameraman for Sweden's TV4. Two young masked men armed with Kalashnikov rifles break into the house where a group of Swedish journalists is staying and take cameras, computers, a satellite telephone and money from journalists working for the newspaper Aftonbladet.The bandits then move to the next room, where Strömberg was sleeping, knock on the door, which Strömberg opens and immediately closes. They shoot him through the door. TV4:s medarbetare, nyhetsfotograf Ulf Strömberg, 42, har skjutits ihjäl vid ett rånöverfall i Afghanistan. Han sköts i bröstet och avled kort därefter av skadorna på väg till sjukhus i staden Taloqan i norra Afghanistan sent i på måndagskvällen. MORE (på svenska) 2001 Evison Matafale, 32, in police custody in Lilongwe, Malawi, for seditious letters to the president. The cause of death is given as severe pneumonia. The police had detained Matafale, a reggae musician, a few days earlier while he was recovering from a bout of malaria, and then severel beaten him. 2001 Ten Indian soldiers and eight islamic guerrillas of a group that ambushed the Indian army patrol in Hari Buddha, a village in the district of Poonch some 5 km from the ceasefire line dividing Kashmir between Indian and Pakistani forces. ![]() Four teen-agers would be charged on 26 Jun 2001 with murdering Damilola, a crime that provoked nationwide soul-searching about the safety of Britain's inner cities. Damilola Taylor bled to death from stab wounds in the stairwell of a run-down housing project near his south London home as he tried to reach help. The youths charged a 14-year-old, two 15-year-olds and a 16-year-old were taken into custody. All four boys, who have not been identified, had previously been interviewed by police and had criminal antecedents. No possible motive for the attack has been reported. One of the youths is of African origin, one is of mixed race and two are of Mediterranean origin. Damilola had come to Britain from Nigeria three months earlier with his family so his sister could seek treatment for severe epilepsy. He had complained about being teased at school for his African accent. While many Britons initially said he was a victim of bullying, others blamed the dilapidated living conditions that many immigrants endure in Britain's inner cities. Damilola lived with his family in a crime-ridden project. Damilola was stabbed in his left leg either by a shard of glass or a knife as he walked home. The schoolboy left a 100-meter-long trail of blood before collapsing in the concrete stairwell, five minutes from his front door. Witnesses reported seeing several youths running from the scene. After Damilola's death attracted nationwide publicity, police and politicians canvassed his neighborhood, trying to convince often reluctant residents to cooperate with detectives. The four suspects had been identified as early as December 2000, but police needed to gather more evidence before bringing charges. They would be brought to trial in February 2002 and acquitted for lack of sufficient evidence, the last two, brothers both 16 by then, on 25 April 2002. The defense claimed that Damilola had fallen on a broken bottle. 1998 Gloria Fuertes, escritora española. 1994 Carlos Lleras Restrepo, presidente de la República española. 1989: 107 persons as a bomb blamed by police on drug traffickers destroys a Colombian jetliner. 1989 Carlos Arias Navarro, presidente del Gobierno español. 1985 Fernand Paul Braudel, historiador francés. 1983: 185 in crash of Colombian Avianca Airlines Boeing 747 near Madrid's Barajas airport. 1983 Federico Carlos Sáinz de Robles y Correa, escritor español. 1984 Percy Norris deputy high commissioner of India, shot dead
1971 Francisco Javier Sánchez Cantón, historiador de arte español. 1958 Lucy Elizabeth Kemp-Welch, British painter specialized in horses, born on 20 June 1869. LINKS
1945 Josep María Sert i Badía, pintor catalán. 1942 The French fleet in Toulon is scuttled to keep it from Germany (and not to give it to the British)..
1925 Roger de la Fresnaye, French Cubist-Fauvist painter born on 11 July 1885. LINKS 1909 Luis A. Martínez, escritor y político ecuatoriano, considerado predecesor remoto de la novela social de su país. Nació el 25 Jun 1869. 1904 Paul Tannery, mathematician 1900 Anton Seitz, German artist born on 23 January 1829. 1894 Charles Burton Barber, British artist born in 1845. 1889 Nicolaas Riegen, Dutch artist born on 31 May 1827. 1870 El general Juan Prim y Prats, asesinado a la salida del Congreso español. 1862 Armand Julien Pallière, French artist born in 1784. 1887 US Deputy Marshall Frank Dalton, brother of the three famous outlaws, is killed in the line of duty near Fort Smith, Ark.
1836 Antoine Charles Horace Charlot Vernet, French painter born on 14 August 1758. LINKS 23 prints at Fine Arts Museums of SF 1833 Philip Reinagle, English painter born in 1749. LINKS Cupid Inspiring the Plants with Love (1797) 1811 Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, político español, fallece en Puerto de Vega (Asturias). 1796 Karl-Sébastien von Bemmel, German artist born on 01 April 1743. 1754 Abraham de Moivre, mathematician. 1680 Athanasius Kircher, in Rome, German Jesuit born on 02 May 1601 in Thuringia, the last Renaissance man and/or the first Postmodernist. Amazing. MORE ON KIRCHER. 1673 Anthonie Stevers, Stevaerts Palamedes, Dutch artist born in 1601. 1670 Jacob van Loo, Flemish artist born in 1614. 1654 Pieter Meulener (or Meulenaer, Molenaer), Dutch artist born on 18 February 1602.
Births which occurred on
a November 27: 1957 Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg JFK's daughter. 1948 Ricardo Bellveser Icardo, poeta español, periodista y profesor. 1945 C.A.R.E. (Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere) is founded, as 22 US organizations form a cooperative to send CARE packages to survivors of World War II. 1937 Gail Henion Sheehy writer (Hustling, Passages, The Silent Passage: Menopause, Pathfinders) 1937 Pins and Needles opens in New York City. The cast of the stage play consisted of members of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU). The show ran two years. 1934 Amable Liñán Martínez, científico y profesor de aeronáutica español. 1932 Benigno Aquino Jr Philippine opposition leader; assassinated 1921 Alexander Dubcek, headed Czech Communist Party, led Prague Spring (1968-69). 1910 Penn Station, one of the first grand buildings of the 20th century, opens to rail traffic. It would be demolished starting on 28 October 1963, to make way for a new Madison Square Garden, although the trains continue to run beneath it. 1909 James Agee, Pulitzer Prize-winning author (A Death in the Family, The African Queen) 1909 Malcev, mathematician 1909 Doña María La Brava, drama de Eduardo Marquina, se estrena en el teatro madrileño de La Princesa. 1898 José María Gil Robles y Quiñones, político conservador español. 1886 Tsuguharu Leonard Foujita, Japanese painter who died on 29 January 1968. A friend of Modigliani and of Soutine, Fujita was one of the best-known figures in Montparnasse. He very quickly acquired notoriety in fashionable circles, who enjoyed his nudes with their discreet eroticism. He is still considered one of the great draughtsmen of his generation. LINKS 1874 Chaim Weizmann Israeli statesman (1st President) 1874 Charles A. Beard American historian (History of the United States, American Continentalism) 1870 Joe Mack, builder of gasoline-powered delivery wagons which eventually evolved into the Mack Truck Company. 1870 Ferdynand Ruszczyc, Polish artist who died in 1936. 1867 Arthur Dixon, mathematician 1865 Jose Asuncion Silva Gómez, Colombia, poet (Nocturno III) 1857 Sir Charles Scott Sherrington 1932 Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology; author of the classic The Integrative Action of the Nervous System; discoverer of Sherrington's Law; coiner of the terms "neuron" and "synapse". 1853Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee, English painter and illustrator who died on 17 October 1928. . MORE ON DICKSEE AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS 1843 Cornelius Vanderbilt, capitalist, started the Staten Island Ferry. 1834 Jules-Bertrand Gélibert, French artist who died in 1916. 1798 Rafael Tejeo, Spanish artist who died on 03 October 1856. [No te veo, Tejeo, en el internet] 1789 Jakob Alt (or Altamura), German (or Austrian?) painter who died on 30 September 1872. Courtyard of the Borghese Palace, Rome The Monastery of Melk on the Danube 1746 Robert R. Livingston, jurist, statesman, and political leader of the US Revolutionary period. 1703 James Delancey, English aristocrat who immigrated to New York and, as Chief Supreme Court Justice presided over the 1733 libel suit brought by Governor William Cosby against journalist Peter Zenger, a case which is a major landmark in establishing freedom of the press in America. 1701 Anders Celsius, Swedish astronomer who devised the centigrade temperature scale. |