Nov 20|  HISTORY
“4” “2”DAY
22 >>
Events, deaths, births, of 21 NOV [For Nov 21 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Dec 01 1700s: Dec 02 1800s: Dec 03 1900~2099: Dec 04] |
2000 The
Florida Supreme Court grants Al Gore's request to keep the presidential
recounts going. 1999 US President Clinton, speaking at a conference in Florence, Italy, calls on prosperous nations to help poor countries with Internet hookups, cell phones, debt relief, and small loans. 1995 Balkan leaders meeting in Dayton, Ohio, agree on a peace plan to end 3 1/2 years of ethnic fighting in Bosnia-Herzegovina. 1995 The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 5000 for the first time. 1995 China jails well-known dissident Wei Jing-sheng and charges him with trying to overthrow the government.
1991 The UN Security Council chooses Boutros Boutros-Ghali of Egypt to be the new Secretary-General. 1990 Signing of Declaration of "End of Cold war" in Paris. 1990 Junk-bond financier Michael R. Milken, having pled guilty to six felony counts, is sentenced by a federal judge in New York to 10 years in prison (of which he would serve two).
1985 US President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev end
a summit meeting in Switzerland. They promise acceleration of arms-reduction
1970 US planes conduct widespread bombing raids
in North Vietnam.
1964 World's longest suspension bridge "Verrazano Narrows" opens (NYC)
1953 "Pitdown Man," allegedly discovered in 1912,
is proved to be a hoax 1949 The United Nations grants Libya its independence by 1952. 1948 Mindszenty¹s secretary, Monsignor Zahar is arrested by the Communist government in Hungary.
1942 US Army engineers, working closely with their Canadian counterparts, completed an emergency war measure with the opening of the Alcan Highway, an overland military supply route to the Territory of Alaska. Passing through the Yukon, the more than 1,500-mile roadway connected Dawson Creek, British Columbia with Fairbanks, Alaska and provided Americans and Canadians with an increased sense of security at a time of hostile Japanese activities during World War II. 1938 Nazi forces occupy western Czechoslovakia and declare its people German citizens. 1935 1st commercial crossing of Pacific by plane (China Clipper) 1933 1st US ambassador to USSR, W.C. Bullitt, begins service
1918 The last German troops leave Alsace-Lorraine, now again part of France. 1913 La justicia de San Petersburgo ordena la destrucción de manuscritos de Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoi. 1913 El congreso mexicano acuerda prestar apoyo al presidente usurpador Victoriano Huerta Ortega en el conflicto planteado entre el gobierno de México y Estados Unidos. 1930 Inauguración de la exposición de pinturas de Benjamín Palencia. 1941 Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial es destituido el general Weygand, gobernador general del África francesa (dependiente del Gobierno de Vichy), por preparar un levantamiento de las colonias norteafricanas a favor del general Charles André de Gaulle. 1946 Georgi Dimitrov es nombrado primer jefe de Gobierno de la República de Bulgaria. 1949 La ONU acuerda que se otorgue plena independencia a todas las antiguas colonias italianas. 1959 La ONU prohíbe los ensayos nucleares, pese a la oposición francesa. 1962 China anuncia el alto al fuego y la retirada de sus fuerzas a 20 km de la línea de control india de 1959. 1974 La ONU remite la cuestión del Sáhara al Tribunal Internacional de Justicia de La Haya. 1978 El Consejo de la Revolución Argelina asume el poder, ante el estado de coma del presidente Huari Bumedián. 1985 Primera manifestación autorizada por el régimen de Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte en dos años: 500'000 chilenos piden el fin de la dictadura. 1988 El Partido Progresista Conservador del primer ministro canadiense, Martin Brian Mulroney, gana las elecciones legislativas. 1988 Se producen redadas policiales en Madrid contra la secta llamada Iglesia de la Cienciología, que funciona en España bajo los nombres de Dianética y Narconóm. 1991 Butros Butros-Ghali, viceprimer ministro de Egipto, es elegido nuevo secretario general de la ONU. 1994 39 aviones de la OTAN bombardean el aeropuerto bosnio de Udbina en la operación más importante desde la creación de la Alianza. 1884 Carmen Martín Gaite obtiene el Premio Nacional de las Letras Españolas. 1995 Los presidentes de Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic, Croacia, Franjo Tudjman, y Bosnia, Alija Izetbegovic, firman el acuerdo de paz por el que concluye una guerra de cuatro años que ha causado 250'000 muertos y cuatro millones de desplazados. 1997 Todos los inspectores de la ONU que abandonaron Bagdad, tras la expulsión decretada por Saddam Hussein contra los técnicos de nacionalidad estadounidense, regresan a la capital iraquí. 2000 Ernest Lluch, ministro de Sanidad durante el primer gobierno español socialista (1982-1986), es asesinado en Barcelona por un comando terrorista de la banda ETA (Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna) . 1911 Suffragettes storm Parliament in London. All are arrested and all choose prison terms. 1907 Cunard liner Mauritania sets a new speed record for steamship travel, 624 nautical miles in a one day run. 1906 In San Juan, President Theodore Roosevelt pledges US citizenship for Puerto Rican people. 1904 Motorized omnibuses replace horse-drawn cars in Paris. 1895 Start of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of Bruce Partington Plans
1863 Siege of Knoxville, Tennessee continues 1862 James A. Seddon replaces George W. Randolph as Confederate Secretary of War 1861
1837 Thomas Morris of Australia skips rope 22'806 times [Did
he practice since childhood, skipping classes at the same time?]
0695 Willibrord is consecrated bishop by Sergius II. An Englishman he took the gospel to the Friesians of Northern Europe. 0235 St Anterus begins his reign as Pope |
![]() 2001 Ottilie Lundgren, 94, of pulmonary anthrax, at 10:32 in Griffin Hospital, Derby, Connecticut, where she had been admitted on 16 November 2001. The source of her infection is a mystery. [photo >] 2000 Itamar Yefet, 18, Israeli of the Netzer Hazani settlement in Gaza, from a gunshot wound to the head received a few hours earlier from a Palestinian sniper. 1999 Quentin Crisp, 90, in Manchester, England, eccentric writer, performer and raconteur best-known for his autobiography The Naked Civil Servant. 1996 Thirty-three persons, by an explosion of leaking gas in a six-story building in San Juan, Puerto Rico.More than 100 are injured. 1980: 87 persons, by fire at the MGM Grand Hotel-Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. 1979 Two US citizens, by a mob attacking the US Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan. 1937 Howard E. Coffin, 64, Hudson Motor founder, in gun accident Coffin, who founded the Hudson Motor Company along with Joseph L. Hudson in 1909, died from an accidental gunshot wound at Sea Island Beach in Georgia. Coffin served as vice-president and chief engineer of Hudson from 1909 to 1930, and was responsible for a number of Hudson's important automotive innovations, including the placement of the steering wheel on the left side, the self-starter, and dual brakes. Under Coffin's influence the Hudson Essex was introduced in 1919, a sturdy automobile built on an all-steel body that sold for pennies more than Ford's Model T. Coffin's last production year with Hudson was also the company's most prosperous Hudson production peaked in 1929 with over 300'000 units. 1927 Five striking Colorado mine workers, machine gunned by police. 20 miners are wounded. 1927 Laurits Regner Tuxen, Danish artist born on 09 December 1853. MORE ON TUXEN AT ART 4 NOVEMBER First Wife Artist's Mother and Daughter From the Studio Bathing Children F.L. Smiths The Lifeboat Model in Sunshine ) Returning Home The Drowned Coronation of Nicholas II Wedding of Nicholas II Venus Susanne in the Bath 1917 Rudolf von Eschwege, German ace , killed over Macedonia when he attacks a booby-trapped observation balloon packed with explosives.
1895 Silvestro Lega, Italian artist born in 1826.. LINKS The Folk Song (1867) The Pergola (1868) The Betrothed (1869) 1894 Johann Till, Austrian artist born on 19 July 1827. 1874 Mariano Fortuny y Marsal (or: y Carbo?), Spanish painter born on 11 June 1838. MORE ON FORTUNY AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS The Choice of a Model The Painter's Children in the Japanese Hall 1855 Charles Dow, a Free Stater from Ohio, gunned down by Franklin Colman, a pro-slavery Missourian, near Lawrence, Kansas. 1849 François-Marius Granet, French artist born on 17 September 1775. 1830 Károly Kisfaludy, 42, Romantic dramatist, the first Hungarian playwright to achieve considerable popular success. 1733 Louis de Boulogne II (or Boullogne), French artist born in 1654. 1717 Jean-Baptiste Santerre, French painter born on 23 March 1651. MORE ON SANTERRE AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS Susanna at the Bath 1558 Carlos I, rey de España, en Yuste.. 1695 Henry Purcell, compositor inglés del Barroco. 1853 Rufino Cuervo y Barreto, político, estadista y periodista colombiano. 1874 Mariano Fortuny y Marsal, pintor español. 1916 Francisco José I, emperador de Austria-Hungría. 1920 Doce oficiales británicos del servicio de inteligencia, degollados en el llamado "Domingo Sangriento", primera gran ofensiva del IRA. 1936 Emiliano Barral, escultor español. 1946 Eduardo Marquina, poeta y dramaturgo español. 1974: 19 muertos al estallar siete bombas en Birmingham, Inglaterra, atentado, reivindicado por el IRA, que también causa más de 200 heridos. 2000 Ernest Lluch, político español. 1555 Georgius Agricola, 61, mineralogist, in Germany 1624 Jakob Bohme German philosophical mystic 0496 St Gelasius I, Pope who established the Roman Catholic canon of scripture and regulated the mass. |
Births which occurred on a November 21:
1908 Elizabeth G. Speare, writer of historical novels for children. 1907 Jim Bishop, American journalist. He gave new life to great historical moments through his "day" books, including his The Day Christ Died (1957), The Day Lincoln was Shot. 1902 Mijail Andreievich Suslov, ideólogo soviético. 1921 Horacio Sáenz Guerrero, periodista español. 1928 Pepa doncel, obra teatral de Jacinto Benavente y Martínez se estrena en Madrid. 1931 Carlos Murciano González, escritor español. 1941 Julio Anguita González, político y dirigente comunista español. 1964 Se inaugura en Nueva York el "Verrazano Bridge", el mayor puente colgante del mundo, que une Brooklyn y Staten Island. ![]() 1888 Adolph Arthur Harpo Marx [click on image for full picture >] (comedian, actor: pretend-mute Marx brother; accomplished harpist). The child who had the good sense to never grow up (though he got to be 165 cm tall). With the big, poofy, curly red hair, a top hat, and a horn, the lovable mute was the favorite of the Marx Brothers. Though chasing woman was a favorite routine of his in the movies, Harpo was a devoted father and husband. He adopted the mute routine in vaudeville and carried it over to the films. Harpo was an accomplished self-taught harpist who's musical numbers would many times bring tears to the eyes of the audience of an otherwise hilarious movie. He died on 28 September 1964 after heart surgery. 1863 Arthur Quiller-Couch, writer. QUILLER-COUCH ONLINE: On the Art of Reading: Lectures Delivered in the University of Cambridge, 1916-1917 On the Art of Writing: Lectures Delivered in the University of Cambridge, 1913-1914 The Sleeping Beauty and Other Fairy Tales From the Old French (1910) editor of The Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1900 (1919) The Project Gutenberg Book of English Verse 1854 Benedict XV 258th pope (1914-22) 1821 Jean-Baptiste Robie, Belgian artist who died on 08 December 1910. 1787 Sir Samuel Cunard founder (1st regular Atlantic steamship line) 1785 William Beaumont, pioneer American army surgeon (studied digestion) 1724 Jan Ekels I, Dutch artist who died on 22 November 1781.
1495 John Bale England, bishop / anti-Catholic playwright (Kynge Johan) |