Nov 01|  HISTORY
“4” “2”DAY
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Events, deaths, births, of NOV 02 [For Nov 02 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1582~1699: Nov 12 1700s: Nov 13 1800s: Nov 14 1900~2099: Nov 15] |
2001 Trimble
voted out by North Ireland parliament. David Trimble narrowly fails to be re-elected as leader of Northern Ireland's unity government, a result that threatens the Catholic-Protestant coalition at the heart of the province's 1998 peace accord. Trimble, leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, couldn't rally enough support from the Protestant side of the 108-seat legislature, which must approve the selection of Cabinet ministers. While Catholics unanimously backed Trimble, fellow Protestants vote 30-29 against him - fatal in a voting system that requires majority support from both camps. The long-delayed vote, much feared by supporters of the landmark Good Friday peace pact, could throw peacemaking efforts into disarray. Trimble offered himself for re-election following last week's breakthrough on Irish Republican Army disarmament, when the outlawed group got rid of an undisclosed amount of weaponry in cooperation with disarmament officials. He resigned in July over the IRA's refusal to start scrapping weapons as the 1998 pact envisioned. But many Protestants viewed the secrecy-shrouded start to IRA disarmament with suspicion, and refused to vote for continuing to run a four-party government that includes the IRA-linked Sinn Fein. Trimble accused two members of his party who voted against him of behaving "dishonorably" and called them part of "a small, unrepresentative clique" that sought to "frustrate the wishes of the community as a whole." But Trimble, who shared the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to steer Protestants toward compromise, insisted he will rally sufficient Protestant support to win a future vote, though he didn't forecast when. MORE |
![]() Troops loyal to a former president seized the state radio and port in a coup attempt in Anjouan. Troops backing Lt. Col. Said Abeid Abderemanein, who himself was ousted in a 09 August 2001 coup, take over the state radio station and port late in the day. But forces loyal to the current junta of Halidy Harif, Mohamed Bakar and Hassane Ali Toilhat mainain control of Anjouan's airport, The three, all officers in the national police or gendarmerie, have survived two previous coup attempts by disgruntled officers in the previous three months. ![]() Anjouan (and Moheli) declared independence in August 1997, complaining that it was not receiving its fair share of export revenues. The government sent troops to Anjouan, and dozens of people died in the fighting. The impoverished archipelago, with an estimated population of 710'000, lives on revenue from exports of cloves and ylang-ylang flowers for perfume and remittances from thousands of Comorians living abroad, mainly in France. It has been plagued by coups, military rule and attempted secession ever since independence from France. No wonder the capital of Comoros is called Moroni. [Anjouan ne change pas de gouvernement en jouant.] |
2001 By a vote of 87-4 (Norway, Russia, Turkey, Venezuela) with
15 abstentions (Brazil, Colombia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece,
Guinea-Bissau, Iceland, Israel, Netherlands, Paraguay, Sweden, Switzerland,
UK, Uruguay) the 31st General Conference of UNESCO adopts the Convention
on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage, which took experts
four years to finalize. The convention would enter into force once 20
countries ratify it. It bans treasure hunters from underwater archaeological
sites, overriding objections from commercial salvage operators. The convention
provides for sanctions against violations of the new code and gives states
powers to seize any illegally recovered underwater treasures that enter
their territory. Treasure hunters have been reaping hundreds of millions
of dollars from underwater gold mines at the expense of the world's cultural
heritage. But the International Salvage Union and maritime law organizations
say that the wording of the Convention is at odds with existing treaties,
including the 1982 Law of the Sea, that they say enshrine laws of ownership
and age-old rights of salvage. Text
of the Convention in English (also available in French
opposition by New Jersey Council of Diving Clubs 29 May 2002] 2001 At 23:00 Nixon B. Saldanha approaches a National Guard Private First Class outside Manhattan's Grand Central Station and shows him two envelopes which he says that he found on top of a nearby telephone booth. One of the envelopes is addressed to Tom Brokaw, the NBC news anchorman, and the other to the editor of the New York Post tabloid. Both news organizations previously received anthrax-laced letters postmarked on 18 September 2001. The soldier tells Saldanha to put the envelopes on the ground and they are removed by law enforcement officers trained to handle hazardous materials. They are then sent to the Department of Health for analysis. Saldanha would repeat the same to three FBI agents at 00:30 (already 03 November). But on 04 November he would admit to detectives that he decided to get himself arrested so he would be deported to his country, India (he is from Mumbai, had come to the US on a visitor's visa in June 1999 and was unemployed since August 2001). He downloaded and printed copies of the letters sent to NBC and the New York Post that he found on a media organization's Web site. He then prepared letters and addressed envelopes imitating the ones that he downloaded, and put talcum powder in the envelopes. He would be charged with 2 violations (false statements on 2 different days) of 18 USC Section 1001, which could get him five years in prison and a $250'000 fine on each of the two counts. 2000 El ajedrecista ruso Vladimir Kramnik acaba con los quince años de reinado de Anatoly Evgenievich Kárpov. 1997 French truck drivers began a weeklong strike, blockading major roads and ports. 1996 Britain announced a plan to ban ownership of large-caliber handguns. 1995 The US Justice Department indicted the Japanese-owned Daiwa Bank on conspiracy and fraud charges after an investigation reveals that it has let one of its bond traders continue to make unauthorized deals even after he had racked up $1.1 billion in debt on bad trades and that Daiwa had worked with the trader to cover up his losses. 1990 Nueva Constitución para Mozambique, que consagra el multipartidismo y la economía de mercado. 1989 Carmen Fasanella, a taxicab driver from Princeton, New Jersey, retires after 68 years and 243 days of service, a record. Fasanella, was continuously licensed as a taxicab owner and driver in the Borough of Princeton, New Jersey, since 01 February 1921.. 1985 The Hunt brothers had tried to corner the silver market. But, faced with a mountain of debt, they quietly sell off "substantially all" of their $350 million silver holdings (59 million ounces). The Hunts lose roughly $1 billion on the sale.
1988 Shamir Likud wins election in Israel 1986 Lucio Aguinagalde Aizpurua es liberado por la Policía Autónoma Vasca, después de estar 18 días secuestrado por la banda terrorista ETA (Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna) . 1983 Archbishop Hickey conducts papal investigation of Archbishop Hunthausen, Seattle
1976 La primera ministra india Indira Gandhi Shrimati obtiene plenos poderes dictatoriales, merced a las reformas constitucionales aprobadas por la Asamblea Nacional. 1971 Reaparece el semanario Triunfo, después de cuatro meses de suspensión decretada por el gobierno franquista. 1968 España es elegida miembro del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU.
1966 El ejército estadounidense, en el transcurso de la Guerra de Vietnam, destruye rampas de lanzamiento cerca de Hanoi y Haiphong.
1964 El príncipe Faysal Ibn Abd Al-Aziz es proclamado rey de Arabia Saudí tras la abdicación de su hermano Saud.
1956 Hungary appeals for UN assistance against Soviet invasion
El Ejército Soviético reprime la insurrección húngara de octubre
e Imre Nagy es detenido. 1956 Israel captures Gaza and Sheham La Asamblea General de la ONU exige la inmediata retirada de Israel del Sinaí, así como la paralización de los combates francobritánicos contra Egipto. 1955 Los investigadores estadounidenses Carlton-Schwerdt y Schaffer obtienen en forma cristalina el virus que causa la poliomielitis. 1955 Retorno al poder de David Ben Gurión en Israel. 1954 J.S. Thurmond becomes the first US senator elected by write-in vote (SC)
1947 Firma del Tratado de Río de Janeiro, donde se establece la asistencia recíproca militar entre los estados americanos. El mayor hidroavión del mundo, propiedad de Howard Robard Hughes, realiza los primeros vuelos de prueba. 1947 1947 Howard Hughes pilots his 200-ton flying boat Spruce Goose on its only flight, at Long Beach, California. 1943 The Battle of Empress Augusta Bay in Bougainville ends in US Navy victory over Japan 1942 Montgomery (Br) defeats Rommel (Ger) in battle of Alamein (WW II) 1942 Lieutenant General Dwight D. Eisenhower arrives in Gibraltar to set up an American command post for the invasion of North Africa. 1940 El presidente F. D. Roosevelt, en el transcurso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial , ofrece ayuda a todas las naciones contra los agresores.
1930 Ras Tafari is crowned as Haile Selassie I, 225th emperor of Solmonic Dynasty 1926 In the US, the Air Commerce Act is passed, providing federal aid for airlines and airports. 1926 Se produce la detención, por parte de la policía francesa, de la expedición revolucionaria armada capitaneada por Francesc Macià i Llusa. 1923 US Navy aviator H.J. Brown sets new world speed record of 417 km/h in a Curtiss racer. |
1920 El ingeniero, inventor y escritor
Leonardo Torres Quevedo ingresa en la Real Academia
Española de la Lengua.
1916 Las tropas francesas ocupan el fuerte de Verdún tras evacuarlo los alemanes. 1914 Russia declares war on Turkey (not very smart).
1909 Tratado de rectificación de fronteras entre Brasil y Uruguay, favorable a este último. 1907 Joseph Rudyard Kipling es galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Literatura. 1906 León Trotski es condenado a la deportación de por vida a Siberia. 1889 North Dakota becomes 39th & South Dakota becomes the 40th US state 1880 James A Garfield (R) is elected the 20th president of the United States. During the Civil War, Garfield had been a commander at the bloody fight at Chickamauga. 1864 Affair at Hazen's Farm near Devall's Bluff, Arkansas 1862 Mrs. Lincoln writes to her husband Abraham recommending that he "put a fighting general in the place of McClellan." 1861 General John C. Frémont sacked by President Lincoln as commander of the Western Department 1835 2nd Seminole War begins in Osceola 1824 Popular presidential vote 1st recorded; Jackson beats J.Q. Adams 1814 El periódico londinense The Times es el primero en utilizar máquinas en su edición. 1789 During the chaos of the French Revolution, the property of the Church in France was taken over by the state. Après bref débat, par 508 voix contre 346, l'Assemblée Constituante décrète la mise à disposition de la nation des biens ecclésiastiques. L'État révolutionnaire prendra en charge les fondations pieuses et les salaires des curés. En deux mots, il commence le boulot, mais ne vont pas jusqu'au bout par peur inavoué de l'ailleurs. C'est sur la proposition de l'évêque d'Autun, Talleyrand, que cette loi a été adoptée. L'abbé Maury s'est indigné : Si nous sommes dépouillés, vous le serez à votre tour. L'avocat Thouret lui a répliqué que seules les personnes et non les corps constitués ont un droit inaliénable à la propriété. 1783 General George Washington makes his "Farewell Address to the Army" near Princeton, N.J.
1769 El explorador español Gaspar de Portolá descubre el Golfo de San Francisco (California).
1327 Alfonso IV de Aragón, el Benigno, es proclamado rey a la muerte de su padre Jaime II. 1164 Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket, 45, began a six_year self_imposed exile in France. Once a close friend of England's Henry II, Thomas had more recently become an outspoken opponent of the king's royal policies. 0676 Donus begins his reign as Pope. |
Deaths which occurred on
a November 02: 2001 Yasser Asira, by a missile fired by an Israeli helicopter,.as the Hamas militant, from Tell, West Bank, was en route to a terrorist attack (according to the Israelis).
1970 Besicovitch, mathematician
1931 Juan Zorrilla de San Martín, poeta uruguayo. 1927 Rodolphe Wytsman, Belgian artist born on 11 March 1860. 1920 Louise Imogen Guiney, author. GUINEY ONLINE: A Roadside Harp: A Book of Verses, A Roadside Harp: A Book of Verses. 1919 Edgar Stanton Maclay, editor of The Journal of William Maclay, United States Senator from Pennsylvania, 1789-1791 1917 First US soldiers killed in combat in WW I
1909 William Powell Frith, Britist artist born on 19 January 1819. LINKS 1899 Anna Swanwick, translator of Goethe's Egmont, Egmont, Faust.
1781 El Padre Isla, escritor jesuita español. 1753 Candido Vitali (or Vitale), Italian artist born in 1680. 1739 Charles Jervas, Irish artist born in 1675. 1705 il cavaliere Daniel Seiter (or Soiter, Syder), Italian artist born in 1647, 1648, or 1649. 1661 Daniel Seghers (or Zeghers), le Jésuite d'Anvers, Flemish painter born on 05 December 1590. MORE ON SEGHERS AT ART 4 NOVEMBER LINKS Floral Wreath with Madonna and Child 1624 Cornelis van der Voort (or Voorde, Voerst), Flemish artist born in 1576. 1600 Richard Hooker, author. HOOKER ONLINE: A Learned Discourse of Justification, Works, and how the Foundation of Faith is Overthrown 1570 More than 1000 people as a tidal wave in the North Sea destroys the sea walls from Holland to Jutland.. |
Births which occurred on
a November 02: 1942 Shirley Gregory ("Shere Hite") St Joseph Missouri, sex therapist, author of The Hite Report, Women and Love, Sexual Honesty: By Women for Women, A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality 1939 Richard Serra, escultor estadounidense. 1938 Patrick Buchanan, US conservative political columnist, minor party presidential candidate 1996, 2000 1932 Melvin Schwartz, who would win the 1988 Nobel Physics Prize, jointly with Lederman and Steinberger “for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino”. MORE 1932 Henri Namphy Cap Haitien Haiti, President of Haiti (1986- ) 1929 Richard Taylor, Canadian, he would share the 1990 Nobel Physics Prize with Jerome I. Friedman (born 28 Mar 1930) and Henry W. Kendall (09 Dec 1926 15 Feb 1999) "for their pioneering investigations concerning deep inelastic scattering of electrons on protons and bound neutrons, which have been of essential importance for the development of the quark model in particle physics" . MORE 1925 Modest Cuixart, pintor español. 1919 Jorge de Sena, poeta, dramaturgo y narrador portugués. 1911 Odysseus Alepoudhelis Odysseus Elytis, Greek who would win the 1979 Nobel Literature Prize for his poetry, which, against the background of Greek tradition, depicts with sensuous strength and intellectual clear-sightedness modern man's struggle for freedom and creativeness. MORE 1871 Heegaard, mathematician. 1871 Santiago Argüello, poeta y abogado nicaragüense. 1865 Warren Gamaliel Harding , near Corsica, Ohio (on the 70th birthday of US President Polk). He would become the 29th President of the US (R, 1921-23) (First US president to speak on radio) 1847 George Sorel French Socialist thinker, writer (violent revolutions) 1837 Emile Antoine Bayard, French artist who died in 1891. 1826 Smith, mathematician.
1804 Rafael Valentín Valdivieso Zañartu, arzobispo chileno. 1795 James Knox Polk, in Mecklenburg County, NC, 11th President of the US (D) (1845-1849) (Speaker of the House of Representatives, US Congress) 1755 Marie-Antoinette, à Vienne (Autriche), fille de l'Impératrice Marie-Thérèse et de l'Empereur d'Autriche François Ier. Elle épouse en 1770 le futur Louis XVI. Frivole, dépensière, elle est très vite impopulaire et devient le symbole de tous les abus de l'Ancien Régime. Elle sera condamnée à mort par le Tribunal Révolutionnaire en octobre 1793. Queen of France, who never said: "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche.", but lost her head anyhow. 1734 Daniel Boone (frontiersman, explorer; captured and adopted by Shawnee Indians as Big Turtle; captured by British) (US Hall of Fame-1915)
1609 Jean-Baptiste Chardin, in Paris, painter. 1470 King Edward V of England (1483); deposed, murdered? by Richard III