4 2DAY |May
24 >> Events, deaths, births, of 23 MAY [For May 25 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Jun 02 1700s: Jun 03 1800s: Jun 04 1900~2099: Jun 05] |
• Henry VIII gets rid of 1st wife...
• Prodigy on cable...• Transistor inventor born...
• Condamnés à mort par la Révolution...
• NY Public Library opens...
• Margaret Fuller is born...
• North Anna Battle... • Savonarola hanged...
• Captain Kidd hanged... • Bonnie and Clyde massacred by police...
• Himmler's suicide... • Dive~bombers sink destroyer...
• Civil War hero honored...
• Rail strike... • Expanded bombing of North Vietnam...
• M16 rifle called defective... |
On a May 23:
1997 Mohammed Khatami, a "moderate" who favors improved economic ties with the West, is elected president of Iran. But his power is less than that of the fundamentalist ayatollahs. 1996 The US House of Representatives votes 281-144 to raise the minimum wage by 90 cents an hour. 1995 Apple Computer and AT&T announce that they will collaborate on a videoconferencing system. Video conferencing was slow to catch on until the late 1990s when it became popular as a business tool.
1993 Primeras elecciones libres en Camboya despues de trece años de guerra civil. 1993 A jury in Baton Rouge, La., acquitted a man who said he was defending his home against what he thought was an intruder when he shot and killed 16-year-old Japanese exchange student Yoshihiro Hattori. 1991 In a 5-4 vote, the US Supreme Court upheld regulations barring federally subsidized family planning clinics from discussing abortion with pregnant women, or from telling women where they could get abortions. 1991 El escritor Manuel Vázquez Montalbán gana el Premio Nacional de Narrativa con su novela Galíndez. 1990 Dow Jones avg hits a record 2856.26 |
1988 Maryland Gov. Donald Schaefer signn the first law
in the US banning the manufacture and sale of cheap handguns, known as "Saturday
Night Specials." 1986 El escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa recibe el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras. 1980 La ciudad de Vitoria es designada capital de la comunidad vasca por el Parlamento de Euskadi. 1979 Karl Carstens, cristianodemócrata, sustituye al liberal Walter Scheel en la presidencia de la RFA.
1956 General Electric unveils the first automated factory
machine to operate by remote control, nicknamed "Yes Man," It was designed
for the Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Department of the US Air Force, to perform
mechanical jobs in dangerous areas.
1943 Thomas Mann begins writing his novel Dr Faustus 1941 II Guerra Mundial. El rey Jorge V de Grecia y su Gobierno se trasladan de la isla de Creta a El Cairo ante la inminente invasión de la isla por los alemanes. 1940 Chute de Boulogne. |
1939 British parliament plans to make Palestine independent
by 1949 1936 Recepción de Gregorio Marañón Posadillo en la Academia española de la Historia. 1926 Lebanese constitution established under French mandate 1924 Se celebra en la URSS el XIII congreso del Partido Comunista de la Unión Soviética (PCUS), que condena las tesis de Trotski y la oposición izquierdista. 1922 Walt Disney incorporates his first film company Laugh-O-Gram Films 1915 Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary in WW I Italia declara la guerra a Austria, abandonando su neutralidad para intervenir en la I Guerra Mundial al lado de Inglaterra y Francia. 1912 La Nordeustsche Lloyd fleta el mayor transatlántico del mundo, el Imperator, de 52'000 toneladas. 1903 first automobile trip across US from SF to NY, ended April 1 1903 first direct primary election law in US adopted, by Wisconsin 1901 US captures leader of Philippine rebels, Emilio Aguinaldo
1887 first transcontinental train arrives in Vancouver, BC 1873 Canada's North West Mounted Police force established 1865 the Army of the Potomac celebrates the end of the Civil War by parading down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.
1861 Virginia citizens vote 3 to 1 in favor of secession 1853 Buenos Aires gains independence from Argentina (reunited 1859) 1844 In Shiraz, Persia, Siyyid 'Ali-Muhammad, 24, announces Himself to be "The Báb", or "Gate of God", to the Shaykhí disciple Mullá Hussayn-i- Bushrú'í (later known as the Babu'l-Bab "Door to the Door"), the first of eighteen individuals who sought and discovered the Báb. The Báb proclaimed Himself to be the Promised One of Islam, the Qá'ím, and said that the Mission of His Dispensation was to alert the people to the imminent appearance of the Messenger of God awaited by all the peoples of the world. (Baha'i festival: Declaration of the Báb) ('Azamat 7, 1) 1840 Guerra carlista. Las tropas liberales conquistan Morella (Castellón), que quedó medio destruída. 1823 Entran en Madrid, sin encontrar resistencia, los Cien Mil Hijos de San Luis, expedición militar francesa encargada de restablecer la soberanía absoluta de Fernando VII. 1822 Comienzan las obras del primer ferrocarril del mundo, de 40 km de longitud, entre las ciudades inglesas de Stockton y Darlington. 1795 (4 prairial an III) BEUGNET Albert, gendarme, domicilié à Paris, abandonne le poste de l'Arsenal, les 1, 3 et 4 prairial an 3.ce pourquoi il sera coondamné à mort par la commission militaire établie à Paris le 3 prairial. 1795 (4 prairial an III) TAILLART Antoine, domicilié à Paris, perruquier, se montre participant de la révolte contre la Convention en ce jour, de plus il tiendra des propos incendiaires, en disant que Robespierre et la commune de Paris du 9 thermidor avaient été sacrifiés, que Louis XVI, sous son régime, n'avait jamais tant fait de mal que les députés de la Convention en un seul jour; ce pourquoi il sera condamné à la déportation, le 3 messidor an 3 (21 juin 1795), par le conseil militaire établi à Paris. 1788 South Carolina becomes the 8th state to ratify the US Constitution. 1633 By French edict, only Catholic settlers were permitted permanent residence within the country known as New France (called "Canada" today), thus ending 30 years of attempted colonization by Huguenots (Protestants).
which occurred on a May 23: ![]() 2001: 14 Mexican undocumented immigrants, of thirst, 40 km inside the US, in the desert near Wellton, Arizona, with temperatures reaching 46ºC. They were among a group of 27 smuggled into the US on 19 May east of Yuma in the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge. The smugglers left them there, promising to return with water and instructing them to walk for "a couple of hours" to a highway (which actually was more than 80 km away). One of the survivors dies the next day while being transported to a hospital by the Border Patrol. 2001 Jonathan Stauffer, 15, of neisseria meninigitidis, freshman at West Branch High School, in Alliance, Ohio. The death from the same cause of another student from the same school on 28 May would cause a scare and motivate a preventive mass vaccination. 1994 Miguel Peralta, teniente, por una bomba adosada a su coche por terroristas de ETA (Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna). 1992 Giovanni Falcone, anti-mafia judge, by the explosion of 500 kg of TNT at the passage of his car in Palermo. 1992 Bo and Virginia Simmons, of Daingerfield, Texas, murdered. Of this Tony Lee Walker, a Black, would be convicted in 1993. He would be executed by lethal injection on 10 September 2002. 1992 Atahualpa Yupanqui, cantautor y escritor argentino. 1986 Sterling Hayden, actor y escritor estadounidense. 1955 Auguste Elisée Chabaud, French painter, sculptor, and writer, born on 03 (04?) October 1882.
1937 John Davison Rockfeller, multmillianaire industrialist, philanthropist, in Ormond Beach, Florida.
1906 Henrik Ibsen, escritor noruego. 1896 José Asunción Silva Gómez, poeta y prosista colombiano. 1895 Franz Ernst Neumann, German mathematician born on 11 Sep 1798. He was the father of mathematician Carl Gottfried Neumann, [07 May 1832 – 27 Mar 1925]. 1889 Georges Henri Halphen, French mathematician born on 30 October 1844. 1885 Thomas Clausen, Danish mathematician and astronomer born on 16 January 1801. He wrote over 150 papers on pure mathematics, applied mathematics, astronomy and geophysics. In 1854 he proved that F6, the 6th Fermat number 2n+ 1 where n = 26, is not a prime. It is 18'446'744'073'709'551'617, which, in 1880, Landry prime factored as 274'177 x 67'280'421'310'721. The first to show that, contrary to Fermat's August 1640 guess, not all the Fermat numbers Fp (numbers of the form 2n+ 1 where n is the pth power of 2) were prime, was Euler [15 Apr 1707 – 18 Sep 1783] in 1732 when he discovered that P5, 2n+ 1 where n = 25, which is 4'294'967'297, has the prime factorization 641 x 6'700'417. Since then, thanks in part to supercomputers, research into Fermat numbers has gone much further, but no Fermat number has been proved to be a prime beyond the 4th (2n+ 1 where n = 24 , i.e. 216+ 1 = 65'537), but some have been proved not to be prime, including all Fp with 4 < p <23 (but no factor of F14, F20, or F22 has yet been found). For example, on 25 July 1999, John Cosgrave announced that F382'447, 2n+ 1 where n is the 115'128-digit number 2382'447, has the prime factor 3 x 2382'449 + 1. It was only in 1970 that F7, the 7th Fermat number (2n+ 1 where n = 27), 340'282'366'920'938'463'463'374'607'431'768'211'457, was prime factorized as (116'503'103'764'643 x 29 + 1) x (11'141'971'095'088'142'685 x 29 + 1) which is 59'649'589'127'497'217 x 5'704'689'200'685'129'054'721, though it had been proved not to be a prime more than 60 years earlier. 1873 Prilidiano Pueyrredón, pintor argentino. 1857 Augustin-Louis Cauchy, Paris mathematician born on 21 August 1857. He pioneered the study of analysis, both real and complex, and the theory of permutation groups. He also researched in convergence and divergence of infinite series, differential equations, determinants, probability and mathematical physics. 1842 José de Espronceda poeta romántico español.
1782 Virgilius Erichsen, Danish painter, active also in Russia, specialized in portraits (especially of Catherine the Great), born on 02 September 1722. MORE ON ERIKSEN AT ART 4 MAY with links to images. 1726 Jean-Baptiste Nattier, suicide in the Bastille, French painter born on 27 September 1678. — more
1668 Philips Wouwerman, Dutch Baroque era painter born in 1619. MORE ON WOUWERMAN AT ART 4 MAY with links to images. 1648 Louis Le Nain, French Baroque era painter born in 1593 (1603?), brother of Antoine Le Nain [1588 25 May 1648] and Mathieu Le Nain le Chevalier [1607 20 Apr 1677]. The three brothers worked together, often on the same picture, so that it is impossible to make individual attributions and the three brothers are treated as a single artist. MORE ON LE NAIN AT ART 4 MAY with links to images. 1627 Luis de Góngora y Argote, poeta y dramaturgo español.
Births which
occurred on a May 23: 1951 Anatoliy Karpov USSR, world chess champion (1975-1985) 1949 Alan García Pérez president of Peru (1985- ) 1934 Robert Moog, inventor of the Moog Synthesizer 1931 José Luis Coll García, humorista español. 1930 Jordi Solé Tura, profesor y político español, uno de los llamados padres de la Constitución. 1928 Ioan Mackenzie James, English topologist. Author of The topology of Stiefel manifolds (1976), Topological and uniform spaces (1987), Fibrewise topology (1988), Introduction to uniform spaces (1989), Handbook of algebraic topology (1995). 1919 Guillermo Díaz Plaja, escritor español. 1914 Barbara Ward economist/writer (Only One Earth) 1914 Lipman “Lipa” Bers, Jewish Latvian US mathematician and human rights activist, who died on 29 October 1993.
1891 Pär Lagerkvist Sweden, novelist/poet/dramatist (Nobel 1951) 1887 Albert Thoralf Skolem, Norwegian mathematician who died on 23 March 1963. He worked on Diophantine equations, mathematical logic, group theory, lattice theory and set theory. He extended work done in 1915 by Löwenheim [26 Jun 1878 – 05 May 1957] to give the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem, which states that if a theory has a model then it has a countable model. 1862 Hermann Gunkel, grew up to be the German Protestant biblical scholar who pioneered the analytical approach to understanding Scripture afterward known as "form criticism." Gunkel applied its formulas primarily to the Old Testament, in his commentaries on Genesis (1901) and on the Psalms (1926-28) 1861 Jossef Rippl-Ronai, Hungarian painter, printmaker, pastellist, ceramicist, and designer, who died on 25 November 1927. — more 1848 Otto Lilienthal, pioneer aviator. 1846 John Alexander Harrington Bird, British artist who died in 1936. 1844 'Abdu'l-Bah early Bah'ai¡ leader ('Azamat 7, 1) 1824 Gen. Ambrose Burnside, who later was a US senator and for whom sideburns were named. 1813 Charles-Émile Jacque, French Barbizon School painter, printmaker, and illustrator, who died on 07 May 1894. MORE ON JACQUE AT ART 4 MAY with links to images. 1810 Alfred de Dreux, French artist who died on 05 March 1860.
1785 Bifocals's invention announced by Benjamin Franklin. 1734 Friedrich Anton Mesmer Austria, physician/hypnotist (Mesmerism) médico alemán, descubridor del magnetismo animal y del hipnotismo. 1707 Carolus Linnaeus (Carl von Linné), Swedish physician, naturalist biological classifier. He died on 10 January 1778. He would be the author of Flora Lapponica, Systema Naturae, Genera Plantarum, Species Plantarum, Hortus Cliffortianus, Flora Suecica, Fauna Suecica, Västgöta resa, Skånska resa, Hortus Upsaliensis, Philosophia Botanica, Species Plantarum 1683 Antoine Pesne, French painter who died on 05 August 1757. MORE ON PESNE AT ART 4 MAY with links to images. 1620 Peeter Neeffs, Flemish painter who died after 1675. — more 1614 (baptized) Bertholet Flémal, Flemish painter and architect who died on 10 July 1675. — more 1606 Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Spanish Cistercian, theologian, military engineer, mathematician, who died on 07 September 1682. 1598 Claude Mellan, French draftsman, engraver, and painter who died on 09 March 1688. MORE ON MELLAN AT ART 4 MAY with links to images. |