Mar 25| HISTORY 4 2DAY
|Mar 27 >> Events, deaths, births, of MAR 26 [For Mar 26 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Apr 05 1700s: Apr 06 1800s: Apr 07 1900~2099: Apr 08] |
On a March
26: 2002 Magnitude 6.3 earthquake at 12:46 local (03:45:48 UT) with its epicenter at 23º32'N 123º55'E, 33 km deep, in the ocean, 100 km SSW of of Ishigaki-jima, Ryukyu Islands, Japan.
2000 Russia's second democratic presidential elections.
Former KGB agent Vladimir Putin, already in power, is elected, having cynically
boosted his popularity by a war against the independence of little Chechnya.
El primer ministro y presidente en funciones de Rusia, Vladimir Putin,
logra la mayoría absoluta en las presidenciales rusas. 1999 Dr. Jack Kevorkian is convicted, in Pontiac, Michigan., of second-degree murder and delivery of a controlled substance for giving a patient with Lou Gehrig's disease, who wanted to end his sufferings, a lethal injection, an action videotaped and broadcast on the television program 60 Minutes.. 1999 Computer virus ''Melissa'' begins infecting computers.
1996 Amid public fears of mad cow disease, British farmers
demand that their government order the destruction of old cattle, but Prime
Minister John Major refuses, and blames the crisis on his political opponents.
1991 El presidente de Malí, Moussa Traore, es derrocado por un Consejo Nacional de Reconciliación, que suspende la Constitución y disuelve el Parlamento. 1991 Victoria mayoritaria en las elecciones municipales de los candidatos afines al presidente de Corea del Sur, Roh Tae Woo, en las primeras elecciones democráticas desde hace 30 años. 1991 Uruguay, Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay firman un Tratado para crear el Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR). 1990 Namibia declara su independencia de Suráfrica. 1989 first free elections in USSR; 190 M votes cast; Boris Yeltsin is elected to the Soviet Parliament, defeating Communist Party candidate Yevgeny Brakov, manager of the Zavod Imieni Likhacheva, manufacuterers of the ZIL car. 1984 The Ford Escort is named the best-selling car in the world for the third year in a row. The Escort was the result of Ford’s attempt to design a "world car," a car that could be sold with minor variations all over the world. It was Ford’s first successful sub-compact car and its features have become standard for cars in that class all over the world. The Escort was one of the first successes of Ford’s dramatic resurgence in the 1980s.
![]() Rerun Van Pelt is often mistaken for Linus even though he's his little brother. He can always be recognized in his trademark overalls. Rerun is more skeptical than his brother, much harder to convince, and always gets around Lucy where Linus gives in. His only fear is being the passenger on one of his mother's bicycle-riding errands. Somehow, Rerun is the only witness to her riding into grates and potholes. Luckily, he always wears a helmet. Rerun also longs for a dog of his own, but since his parent won't let him have one, he tries to "borrow" Snoopy from Charlie Brown. Snoopy won't have any part of it unless Rerun brings cookies. ![]() |
1971 East Pakistan proclaims its independence (from
West Pakistan), taking the name Bangladesh. 1969 A group called Women Strike for Peace demonstrates in Washington DC, in the first large antiwar demonstration since President Richard Nixon's inauguration in January. The antiwar movement had initially given Nixon a chance to make good on his campaign promises to end the war in Vietnam. However, it became increasingly clear that Nixon had no quick solution. As the fighting dragged on, antiwar sentiment against the president and his handling of the war mounted steadily during his term in office. 1967 El papa Pablo VI promulga la encíclica Populorum progressio. [English, Español, Français, Italiano, Português] 1956 Las últimas tropas francesas en Vietnam abandonan Saigón.
1913 Bulgaria captures Adrianople, ending the first Balkan War. Guerra de los Balcanes: los búlgaros asaltan y toman la ciudad de Andrianópolis a los turcos. 1913 Se redacta el plan de Guadalupe, acuerdo que, tras el asesinato del presidente Francisco Ignacio Madero, tomaron en la hacienda de Guadalupe (Coahuila) los revolucionarios mexicanos constitucionalistas. 1899 El arqueólogo alemán Robert Koldewey descubre las murallas de la antiguaBabilonia. 1885 Louis Riel's forces defeat Canadian forces at Duck Lake, Sask 1872 Largest Calif quake (along a 160-km line) 1871 Paris Commune seizes power. 1865 Siege at Spanish Fort, Alabama continues
1862 Engagement at Apache Canyon, New Mexico Territory 1859 first sighting of Vulcan, a planet thought to orbit inside Mercury. 1848 Se produce un levantamiento en Madrid, repercusión del movimiento revolucionario de París, que fue sofocado por la policía y el ejército del gobierno de Ramón María Narváez y Campos.
1804 US Congress orders removal of Indians east of Mississippi to Louisiana 1799 Napoléon captures Jaffa Palestine 1790 US Congress allows naturalization of alien free white persons. 1766 Leopoldo Gregorio marqués de Esquilache es destituido a causa del “motín de Esquilache” iniciado tres días antes. 1712 El rey de España Felipe V, en aras de la paz, pacta con Inglaterra la concesión de ventajas comerciales en América, entre otras, condiciones privilegiadas para sus barcos en Cádiz, asiento de esclavos durante treinta años y un territorio en el Río de la Plata "para guardar y refrescar" a los esclavos negros antes de venderlos. 1668 Bombay, India transferred to England. 1244 El rey de Aragón Jaime I y el infante castellano Alfonso firman el tratado de Almizra. 0752 Stephen (II) III is unanimously elected and consecrated Pope, Stephen II having just died three days after his election, and not consecrated (therefore not counted as Pope by some, hence the ambiguity in numbering the later Popes Stephen). 0717 Quinientos diecinueve nobles proclaman a Pelayo, hijo de Favila, primer rey de Asturias. 0631 Los nobles hispanos, acaudillados por Sisenando, con la ayuda del rey franco Dagoberto derrotan y deponen al rey godo hispánico Suintila. |
which occurred on a March 26: 2002 Major Cengiz Soytunc, Turkish, and Catherine Berreux, Swiss, observers from the Temporary International Presence in Hebron, shot by a Palestinian policeman with an AK-47 (seen by the 3rd, surviving, observer) while driving on a road used mostly by Jewish settlers, the Trans-Judean highway, west of the Halhul bridge, north-west of Hebron, at about 20:30. The two were the first members of the force to be killed in the West Bank. A third observer is slightly wounded. The peace force, made up of unarmed observers from Scandinavian and European countries, was set up under a 1997 agreement dividing Hebron into Palestinian- and Israeli-controlled zones. The city was divided because about 450 Israeli settlers live in three enclaves in the center of the city, among some 130'000 Palestinians. The observers, recognizable by their clearly marked white cars, make periodic reports about violations of the truce. Settlers charge that the observers are biased against them, while Palestinians say that the settlers, among the most militant in the West Bank, constantly harass the local Palestinians.
1996 Edmund Muskie, in Washington, D.C., former US Secretary of State. He was born on 28 March 1914.
1980 Roland Barthes, lingüista y escritor francés. 1966 Wheeler, mathematician. 1959 Raymond Chandler, escritor estadounidense. 1945 David Lloyd George, político inglés. 1933 Kürschák, mathematician. |
1911 Sara Kupla, from a fractured right leg (plus probably some internal injuries) she suffered the previous afternoon while escaping from the Triangle Shirtwaist fire, which claimed 145 lives before hers. 1907 Léon Richet , French artist born in 1847. 1901 Virgilio Tojetti, Italian artist born on 15 March 1851. 1902 Cecil John Rhodes, político británico y sudafricano. 1900 Isaac Mayer Wise, Bohemian-born (29 March 1819) US rabbi; organized Reform Jewish institutions in US. [That was Wise.]
1870 Pierre Raymond Quinsac Monvoisin, French painter born on 03 August 1794. LINKS 1827 Ludwig van Beethoven, composer, in Vienna. 1804 Lazare Bruandet, French artist born on 03 July 1755. 1638 Stevaerts Palamedes I, Dutch artist born in 1607. 1350 Alfonso XI, rey de Castilla y León.
which occurred on a March 26: |