4 2DAY
|Mar 12 >> Events, deaths, births, of MAR 11 [For Mar 11 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Mar 21 1700s: Mar 22 1800s: Mar 23 1900~2099: Mar 24] |
![]() 2001: 24 Zapatista leaders, accompanied by many sympathizers, arrive at Mexico City's Zocalo after their two-week publicity voyage from Chiapas. [photo >] Quince días después de abandonar la sierra Lacandona, en el estado mexicano de Chiapas, y tras recorrer más de 3000 kilómetros por las zonas más pobres del país, la caravana zapatista encabezada por el subcomandante Marcos llega la plaza del Zócalo de México D.F. 2001 Al menos 200'000 manifestantes, procedentes en su mayoría de Aragón, recorren las calles de Madrid en protesta por el Plan Hidrológico diseñado por el Gobierno de José María Aznar López. 2001 Beatification of 233 martyrs of the Spanish Civil War. Pope John Paul II beatifies José Aparicio Sanz and 232 other martyrs of the Spanish Civil War. Como cabeza de estos nuevos beatos, el Vaticano eligió al sacerdote diocesano de Valencia José Aparicio Sanz. De los 233 beatos, 226 cayeron en la archidiócesis de Valencia, 6 en la de Barcelona y uno en la de Lérida. Almost all of them died in 1936 in the province of Valencia at the hands of leftist forces battling General. Franco insurgency, a few are from Catalonia. This beats the previous record of beatifications in a single ceremony: 206 Japanese martyrs by Pius IX in 1877. John Paul now has beatified 1227 people in more than 100 ceremonies, and since becoming pope in 1978 has raised 477 candidates to sainthood. In comparison, in the previous 400 or so years, a total of 1310 candidates were beatified and 300 raised to sainthood. Los 233 mártires españoles de la persecución religiosa de 1936 beatificados por el papa Juan Pablo II en la mayor beatificación de la historia de la Iglesia católica, proceden de 13 comunidades autónomas españolas. No obstante, las causas de 226 de ellos fueron iniciadas en la curia eclesiástica de Valencia al ser el lugar donde desempeñaban su labor pastoral cuando fueron asesinados. De los siete mártires restantes, el Arzobispado de Barcelona ha instruído las causas de seis franciscanos asesinados en su territorio diocesano, mientras que el obispado de Lleida promueve la de un seglar de Acción Católica muerto en esa provincia. Por comunidades autónomas en las que nacieron los mártires que serán beatificados, figura en primer lugar la Comunidad Valenciana, con 135 mártires, seguida por Aragón con 28 y Cataluña, con 26. A continuación se encuentran Castilla-León, con 15 mártires, País Vasco con 8, Andalucía con 6, Galicia con 4 , Cantabria y Navarra con 3 cada una, Madrid con 2 mártires y, finalmente, Baleares, La Rioja y Murcia, con un mártir cada una. [Lista de 226 de los beatificados, con enlaces a notas biográficas de 220] 2000 Ricardo Lagos is sworn in as president of Chile, the second socialist to take the post since Salvador Allende was (vith CIA complicity) killed in a 1973 coup. 1999 El ministro de Finanzas alemán y presidente del Partido Socialdemócrata, Oskar Lafontaine, dimite de todas sus responsabilidades. 1997 Estados Unidos rechaza la propuesta de la ONU de enviar una fuerza multinacional a Zaire (actual República Democrática del Congo), mientras miles de refugiados tratan de huir de la guerra por el control de Kisangani. 1996 (Monday) The Dow Jones industrial average rises 110.55 to close at 5500.81 following a 171.24 point loss the Friday before. 1996 AOL and Netscape sign deal ^top^ America Online agrees to use Netscape as the primary Web browser offered to its subscribers. AOL senior vice president of business affairs David Colburn said the company had resisted Microsoft's browser because the company viewed Microsoft as a direct competitor. He added that Microsoft's inclusion of a Microsoft Network icon on the Windows 95 desktop gave Microsoft an unfair advantage over AOL. In the March 11 deal, Netscape agreed to develop an AOL browser that would work with AOL's software. Meanwhile, Microsoft countered by offering to bundle AOL with Windows 95. AOL accepted the offer and signed an exclusive deal the following day agreeing to feature Internet Explorer, not Netscape, as its primary browser. The two agreements and David Colburn's testimony became important evidence in the Department of Justice's 1998 antitrust case against Microsoft. In 1998, AOL would purchase Netscape, heightening the competition between AOL and Microsoft. 1993 El Parlamento ruso recorta drásticamente los poderes de Boris Nikolaievich Yeltsin, lo que inicia una guerra sin cuartel entre el Ejecutivo y el Legislativo. 1993 Janet Reno was unanimously confirmed by the Senate to be the nation's first female attorney general. 1993 North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in a harsh rebuff of Western demands to open suspected nuclear weapons development sites for inspection. 1991 Felipe González Márquez publica la lista de su sexto Gobierno, en la que figura Narcís Serra i Serra como vicepresidente y se incorporan seis nuevos ministros. 1990 The Lithuanian parliament voted to break away from the Soviet Union and restore its independence. El nuevo Parlamento lituano declara la independencia de la República respecto de la URRS. 1990 Patricio Aylwin toma posesión como Presidente de la República de Chile, ceremonia que marca la reinserción del país andino en la democracia y el fin del régimen militar. 1987 Helmut Kohl es reelegido canciller de la República Federal de Alemania, tras el triunfo de su partido en las elecciones del 25 de enero. 1987 La policía belga desarticula una red de prostitución infantil que canalizaba un funcionario de UNICEF. 1988 Intento frustrado de golpe de Estado en Guatemala. |
1981 Auto de procesamiento contra el general español Alfonso Armada Comyns por su participación en el intento de golpe de Estado del 23 febrero, por el que fue condenado. 1981 Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte inicia una segunda etapa en la dictadura: asume la Presidencia de la República de Chile por un período de ocho años y jura la nueva Constitución, que es proclamada parcialmente. 1978 Aprobadas las preautonomías para Galicia, la Comunidad Valenciana, Aragón y Canarias. 1977 El Gobierno español, presidido por Adolfo Suárez González, aprueba una amnistía total. 1977 More than 130 hostages held in Washington by Hanafi Muslims are freed after ambassadors from three Islamic nations joined the negotiations. 1975 Acusado de una supuesta conjura militar, el general portugués António Sebastião Ribeiro de Spínola busca refugio político en Brasil. 1969 Rafael Antonio Caldera toma posesión como nuevo presidente de Venezuela.
1961 Tropas marroquíes apresan a técnicos petroleros de diversas nacionalidades, entre ellos cinco españoles que trabajan en la provincia española del Sáhara Occidental. 1954 The US Army charges that Wisconsin Senator Joseph R. (Red Scare) McCarthy and his House Unamerican Affairs subcommittee's chief counsel, Roy Cohn, have exerted pressure to obtain favored treatment for Pvt. G. David Schine, a former consultant to the subcommittee. 1953 An American B-47 accidentally drops a nuclear bomb on South Carolina, the bomb doesn't go off due to 6 safety catches 1948 Jewish Agency of Jerusalem bombed
1917 Los ingleses se apoderan de Bagdad en el transcurso de la Primera Guerra Mundial.
1888 Great blizzard of '88 strikes NE US. 1875 El general carlista Ramón Cabrera y Griño firma en París su acta de adhesión al rey de España Alfonso XII. 1867 Great Mauna Loa eruption (Hawaiian volcano) 1865 Gen Sherman's Union forces occupies Fayetteville, NC 1863 Abraham Lincoln relieves George B. McClellan from his position as General-in-Chief of the Federal Armies 1862 Siege of New Madrid, Missouri continues 1862 Confederates check Union amphibious forces descending the Tallahassee River at Fort Pemberton, Mississippi
1779 US army Corps of Engineers established (first time) 1702 first London daily newspaper 1665 New York's English Deputies approved a new legal code, which guaranteed all Protestants the right to practice their religious observances unhindered. (There were currently a host of Protestant groups thriving within this now_English colony, acquired only seven months earlier from the Dutch.) 1649 Se firma en Francia la Paz de Rueil, por la que la reina Anne d'Autriche concede el perdón a los rebeldes que defendían la Primera Fronda o Fronda Parlamentaria.
0537 Goths lay siege to Rome |
which occurred on a March 11: 2002 Cardinal Franjo Kuharic, 83, archbishop of Zagreb from 1970 until his resignation in 1997. 2001 Yuri Vlasov, 43, and Dmitry Gruzdev, 30, are found, early in the morning, in a room of Vlasov's apartment, tortured before having been strangled with a kitchen towel, and Gruzdev also stabbed four times. Vlasov was the chief of the Moscow region justice department and Gruzdev was his driver. 2000 Laureano López Rodó, abogado y político español. 2001 Eugenio Jofra Bofarull, "Eugenio", humorista español. 1997 Francisco Javier Gómez Elósegui, psicólogo de la cárcel donostiarra de Martutene, asesinado por un miembro de la banda terrorista ETA. 1992 Richard Brooks, escritor y cineasta estadounidense. 1978: 34 Israelis, killed by Palestinian guerrillas went on a rampage on the Tel Aviv Haifa highway, killing 34 Israelis. 1973 Manuel Rojas, escritor chileno. 1972 Benjamín Subercaseaux, escritor chileno.
![]() 1970 Earl Stanley Gardner, author of numerous novels featuring crime-solving attorney Perry Mason. 1967 Shewhart, mathematician. 1965 Rev. James J. Reeb, a White minister from Boston, after being beaten by Whites during civil rights disturbances in Selma, Alabama. 1957 Richard E Byrd, 68 US, explorer (Antarctica) 1955 Alexander Fleming, médico británico, descubridor de la penicilina. 1953 Manuel de Góngora y Ayustante, poeta, dramaturgo y periodista español. 1950 Arthur Jeffrey Dempster [1935 photo >], born in Toronto on 14 August 1886, physics professor at the University of Chicago, discoverer (in 1935) of uranium 235. |
1940 Day 103 of
Winter War: USSR aggression against Finland. ^top^ More deaths due to Stalin's desire to grab Finnish territory. Government ready to accept Soviet peace terms. Heavy fighting in Vilajoki, Tali and Vuosalmi. The Finnish press publishes a bulletin from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs telling the public for the first time of the peace talks being conducted in Moscow. The Finnish Government is ready to accept the Soviet Union's peace terms. Thirteen members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Finnish Parliament vote in favor of accepting the peace terms, while four vote against acceptance. Those who voted against were Kaarlo Kares of the Patriotic People's Movement, Urho Kekkonen and Kalle Kämäräinen of the Agrarian Party and Ville Komu of the Social Democratic Party. News of the Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee's readiness to accept the Soviet Union's terms leaks into the Swedish evening papers. The Finnish delegation to the Moscow peace talks meets for the third time in the Kremlin at 18:00. today. The news leaked to the Swedish press has already reached Moscow; the Soviet Union sees no reason to soften its stance. The Soviet troops in the centre of the Karelian Isthmus launch an offensive across the Vuoksi with supporting artillery and other fire. The fighting continues with the Soviet troops fiercely attacking the Finnish defences in Viipuri. The enemy breaks through into the suburbs of Viipuri. By early evening the vanguard of five enemy tanks has reached Tammisuo station to the northeast of the city. Three of the tanks are subsequently destroyed. At 14.45 the enemy achieve a 500 m breakthrough to the northwest of Vasikkasaari, but the defending Finnish troops manage to contain it. During the night, the Finnish troops in Vuosalmi withdraw from Vitsaari after heavy fighting. Troops from the Coastal Group withdraw to new positions at Vilajoki. In the vicinity of Tali-Portinhoikka, Red Army tanks support a breakthrough into the area around the Portinhoikka crossroads. The defending Finnish regiment has suffered enormous losses and is utterly exhausted. In Kollaa, the 69th Infantry Regiment just doesn't have the strength left to retake the advance strongholds. Staff Sergeant Diego Manzochi, an Italian volunteer in the Finnish Air Force attached to Squadron 26, is killed in a forced landing in Iitti, to the west of Kouvola, caused probably by his plane running out of fuel. Manzochi had flown his own Fiat fighter to Finland back in December. Suomen hallitus on valmis hyväksymään rauhanehdot Talvisodan 103. päivä, 11.maaliskuuta.1940 Suomen lehdistö julkaisee ulkoministeriön tiedotteen, jossa kerrotaan ensimmäisen kerran Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton käyneen rauhanneuvotteluja Moskovassa. Suomen hallitus on valmis hyväksymään rauhanehdot. Eduskunnan ulkoasiain-valiokunnassa 13 jäsentä äänestää rauhanehtojen hyväksymisen puolesta ja 4 vastaan. Vastaan äänestävät Isänmaallisen Kansanrintaman Kares, maalaisliiton Kekkonen ja Kämäräinen sekä sosiaalidemokraattien Komu. Uutinen eduskunnan ulkoasiainvaliokunnan suostumisesta Neuvostoliiton rauhanehtoihin vuotaa ruotsalaisiin iltapäivälehtiin. Neuvotteluvaltuuskunta kokoontuu Moskovan Kremlissä kolmannen kerran klo 18. Tieto uutisvuodosta on ehtinyt jo Moskovaan: Neuvostoliitto ei näe mitään syytä Suomea koskeviin myönnytyksiin. Neuvostojoukot aloittavat ankaran tykistö- ym. tulen tukemana hyökkäyksen Vuoksen yli. Taistelut jatkuvat, neuvostojoukot hyökkäävät rajusti Viipuria puolustavia suomalaisjoukkoja vastaan. Vihollinen tunkeutuu Viipurin esikaupunkeihin. Vihollisen viiden vaunun panssarikärki saavuttaa illansuussa Tammisuon aseman. Vaunuista tuhotaan yöllä kolme. Klo 14.45 syntyy Vasikkasaaresta luoteeseen 500 metrin sisäänmurto, jota rajoitetaan. Suomalaiset luopuvat yöllä ankarien taistelujen jälkeen Vitsaaresta Vuosalmella. Rannikkoryhmän joukot vetäytyvät uuteen asemaan Vilajoella. Talin-Portinhoikan alueella puna-armeija murtautuu panssareiden tukemana Portinhoikan tienhaara-alueelle. Puolustautuva suomalaisrykmentti on äärimmäisen väsynyt ja kärsinyt suuria tappioita. Kollaalla JR 69:n voimat eivät enää riitä etummaisten tukikohtien takaisinvaltaamiseen. Lentolaivue 26:ssa palveleva italialainen vapaaehtoinen ylikersantti Diego Manzochi saa surmansa todennäköisesti polttoaineen vähäisyyden vuoksi tekemässään pakkolaskussa Iitissä. Manzochi lensi Suomeen joulukuussa Fiat-hävittäjän. Finlands regering redo att godkänna fredsvillkoren Vinterkrigets 103 dag, den 11 mars 1940 Den finska pressen publicerar utrikesministeriets meddelande där man för första gången berättar att Finland och Sovjetunionen har förhandlat om fred i Moskva. Finlands regering är redo att godkänna fredsvillkoren. Av medlemmarna i riksdagens utrikesutskott röstar 13 för godkännandet av villkoren och 4 emot. Emot röstar Kares (Isänmaallinen Kansanrintama), Kekkonen och Kämäräinen (agrarförbundet) och Komu (socialdemokraterna). Nyheten om att riksdagens utrikesutskott har beslutat godkänna Sovjetunionens fredsvillkor läcker ut till de svenska eftermiddagstidningarna. Fredsdelegationen samlas i Kreml i Moskva för tredje gången kl. 18. Information om nyhetsläckan har redan nått Moskva. Sovjetunionen anser det inte finnas något skäl till eftergifter gentemot Finland. Finlands regering redo att godkänna fredsvillkoren Sovjettrupperna går till angrepp med stöd av häftig artillerield och annan eld över Vuoksen. Striderna fortsätter, de ryska trupperna anfaller vilt de finska styrkorna som försvarar Viborg. Fienden tränger in i Viborgs förstäder. En fientlig pansartät på fem vagnar når mot kvällen stationen i Tammisuo. Tre av vagnarna likvideras under natten. Kl. 14.45 uppstår en inbrytning på 500 m nordväst om Vasikkasaari. Inbrytningen begränsas. Finnarna överger Vitsaari i Vuosalmi efter häftiga strider på natten. Kustgruppens trupper retirerar till den nya ställningen i Vilajoki. På sektorn Tali-Portinhoikka bryter Röda Armén in på området kring Portinhoikka vägskäl med stöd av pansarvagnar. Det försvarande finska regementet är oerhört trött och har lidit stora förluster. I Kollaa räcker JR 69:s krafter inte längre till för att återerövra de främsta baserna. Den frivillige italienska översergeanten Diego Manzochi som tjänat i flygdivision 26 dödas när han troligen till följd av bränslebrist tvingas nödlanda i Itis. Manzochi flög i december ett Fiat-jaktplan till Finland. |
1924 Helge
Koch, mathematician. 1897 Lodewijk-Johannes Kleyn, Dutch artist born on 14 August 1817. 1893 Francisco Robles García, político ecuatoriano. 1895 Meissel, mathematician. 1888 Some 400 in the "Blizzard of '88" which strikes the northeastern US. 1874 Charles Sumner, 63, White civil rights leader. 1857 Manuel José Quintana, en Madrid, poeta y político español. 1849 Louis Richard, mathematician. 1845 John Chapman [Johnny Appleseed], in Allen County, Indiana (celebrated as Johnny Appleseed Day) 1820 Benjamin West, US Neoclassical painter born on 10 October 1738. MORE ON WEST AT ART 4 MARCH LINKS Self-Portrait (1756) Self-Portrait (1770) The Death of General Wolfe _ detail George Harry lord Grey Genius Calling Forth the Fine Arts to Adorn Manufactures and Commerce Cupid Stung by a Bee Christ Healing the Sick A Domestic Affliction Pharaoh and His Host Lost in the Red Sea The Treaty of Penn with the Indians Edward III Crossing the Somme Death on the Pale Horse 1666 Jacob Fopsen ( or Foppeus) van Es, Flemish artist born in 1596. LINKS |
which occurred on a March 11: 1959 A Raisin in the Sun, drama by Lorraine Hansberry, opens at New York's Ethel Barrymore Theater 1936 Antonin Scalia, US Supreme Court Justice. 1931 Rupert Murdoch Australia, publisher (NY Post), owns FOX-TV Network. 1931 De muy buena familia, comedia de Jacinto Benavnte y Martínez se estrena en el Teatro Muñoz Seca. 1927 José María Subirachs Sitjar, escultor español. 1926 Ralph Abernathy, US pastor and civil rights leader who died on 17 April 1990. 1920 Nicolas Bloembergen, físico estadounidense, Premio Nobel en 1981. 1916 Sir Harold Wilson (L) British PM (1964-70, 1974-76)e He died on 24 May 1995. 1914 Monseñor Álvaro del Portillo Diez de Sollano, religioso español, director general del Opus Dei. 1912 [Walter Guevara Arze, político boliviano. 1899 Frederick IX king of Denmark (1947-1972) who encouraged resistance against the occupying Germans and protection of the Jews in World War II. He died on 14 January 1972. 1891 Max Kaus, German artist who died on 05 August 1977.
1864 Rodolphe Wytsman, Belgian artist who died on 02 November 1927. 1853 Pincherle, mathematician. 1826 Aloïs Frederick Schönn, Austrian artist who died on 16 September 1897. 1822 Joseph Bertrand, French mathematician and educator who died on 05 April 1900. 1822 Eulogio Florentino Sanz y Sánchez, escritor y crítico español. 1818 Thomas LeClear, US painter who died on 26 November 1882. MORE ON LECLEAR AT ART 4 MARCH LINKS Interior with Portraits
1785 John McLean, United States Supreme Court justice; dissented (correctly) from the infamous pro-slavery Dred Scott decision (1857). He died on 04 April 1861. 1780 Crelle, mathematician. 1754 Juan Meléndez Valdés, poeta extremeño. 1544 Torquato Tasso, Italian poet who died on 25 April 1595. |