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2003 Mar 22 is Julian 2452721
a prime number
5763 adar-II 18 1995
magabit 13 1719 baramhat 13 1424 muharram 18
1925 caitra 01 1382 farvardin 02 211 germinal 02
160 baha 02
China-Republic - 92 - 02 - 20 // 78 - 20 / gui~wei Sheep - 02 -
12 baktun / 19 katun / 10 tun /
01 winal / 18 k'in //
04 - edznab //
11 - kumk'u / g2
Julian 2003 Mar 09 ANTE DIEM
of various calendars
This is the ninth day of the
Festival of Mars. The daily spectacle of the priests of Mars leaping and dancing
through the streets of Rome would continue this day.
In Greece on this day they celebrated the feast
of Adonis and Aphrodite. As the story goes, one day Venus (Aphrodite) was
playing with her son Cupid (Eros) when she accidentally got pricked by one
of his arrows. Before it healed she happened to catch sight of a young hunter
named Adonis. She left heaven and followed Adonis endlessly, taking up hunting
just to be with him. One day Adonis was killed by the sudden attack of a wild
boar and as Venus cried over his body she swore he would not be forgotten.
Thereupon she sprinkled nectar on his blood and there rose a flower called
the Anemone or Wind Flower. The flower is blood red but short-lived like Adonis,
only lasting until the wind blows its petals away.