Jan 27|
4 2DAY |Jan
29 >> Events, deaths, births, of JAN 28 [For Jan 28 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Feb 07 1700s: Feb 08 1800s: Feb 09 1900~2099: Feb 10] |
![]() 2003 (Tuesday) National elections in Israel (workers have the day off). For the 120-seat Knesset, Likud obtains 31 seats, Labor 19. 2003 State of the Union address by USurper President Dubya Bush. 2003 World chess champion Garry Kimovich Kasparov [13 April 1963-], with Black, draws against computer program Deep Junior in the second game of a match whose first game was on 26 January and which will end with its 6th game on 07 February (30 Jan Game 3 — 02 Feb Game 4 — 05 Feb Game 5). The match score is now Kasparov 1.5, Deep Junior 0.5 2002 Pygmy hippopotamus is seized by authorities from the Escondido, Califormia, backyard of Dr. Arthur Stehly, who does not have a permit for the animal, a 220-kg female about 12 to 15 years old (pygmy hippos can live into their 40s), who has been living in the 2-hectare property for about 10 years, in company with some 100 other animals, including emus, peacocks, geese, goats and ducks. The hippo was well cared for except that it did not have shade nor a pool to immerse itself, so that it suffers from severely dried and cracked skin with open bloody wounds. There are 2000 to 4000 pygmy hippos (Hexaprotodon liberiensis) remaining in the wild, along streams and in wet forests and swamps in West Africa from Sierra Leone to Nigeria. [photo: another individual of the same species >] 2001 In the quake-devastated town of Bhuj, Gujarat, Sikh soldiers pull out from a collapsed eight-story building Kusam D. Soni, in her mid-thirties, alive. She had been pinned down by a ceiling fan for 56 hours. ^ 2001 Five more cardinals. Pope John Paul II announces more cardinals, adding to the 37 he named on 21 February. They are Lubomyr Husar, US citizen newly appointed Greek rite archbishop of Lviv, Ukraine; Joahannes Joachim Degenhart, archbishop of Paderborn, Germany; Julio Terrazas Sandoval, archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia; Wilfrid Fox Napier, archbishop of Durban, South Africa, and Karl Lehmann, bishop of Mainz, Germany. The pope also reveals two cardinals secretly named in 1998: Marian Jaworski, Latin rite archbishop of Lviv, and Janis Pujats, archbishop of Riga. All 42 new cardinals will assume their rank at the 21 February consistory, bringing to 135 the number of those aged less than 80 and therefore eligible to vote for the next pope.
1999 Clinton impeachment trial: Senate votes 54-44
to have witnesses (1) Lawmakers work throughout the day to strike a compromise for proceeding with the deposition phase of the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton, but a key sticking point concerning videotaped depositions stalls the talks. Despite last-minute plans to postpone the vote to give the two sides more time, the Senate convenes shortly after 5 p.m. EST when it becomes apparent they the sides are hopelessly deadlocked. The Democrats' proposal for proceeding with the deposition phase of the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton is rejected by a 54-44 margin. On the videotaping of witnesses, Democrats want to ensure that the tapes would only be viewed by senators but never shown on the Senate floor. The senators next vote down a Democratic attempt to move immediately to a final vote on the articles of impeachment. In a party-line 54-44 vote, Republicans push through their proposal for proceeding with the deposition phase of the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. Under the plan, witnesses will be deposed starting Feb. 1 and Feb. 12 has been set as the trial's target end date. The Republicans' proposal says the Senate will vote on making the tapes public after the depositions. The individual depositions of Monica Lewinsky, White House aide Sidney Blumenthal and lobbyist and presidential friend Vernon Jordan will begin Feb. 1 and extend through Feb. 3. Lewinsky is expected to testify first but the order of all three witnesses has not been finalized. During the eight-hour depositions, the House prosecutors and White House counsel will have equal time for questioning, and two senators — one from each party — will preside. Senators will be able to review the videotapes and transcripts of those sessions as they become available, starting Feb. 2. Democrats receive some slight concessions from the majority: The only way the House prosecutors will be able to call another round of witnesses is if both Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Mississippi) and Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-South Dakota) agree to do so. Republicans also agree to the Democrats' demand of establishing 12 noon EST February 12 as a target date to end the trial. But that date is not firm because provisions in the blueprint allow for the case to be re-opened. (2) Maryland Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski misses all three votes, opting to rest before her surgery on Jan. 29 for an "inflamed gall bladder". (3) Matt Drudge reports: 'JANE DOE' INTERVIEW CAUSES DEEP SPLIT INSIDE
Exclusive** 01/28/99 02:41 UTC — Juanita Broaddrick has now told
associates that she feels "betrayed" by NBC NEWS, the DRUDGE REPORT has
learned. One week ago, Broaddrick sat for an exclusive in-depth interview
with NBC NEWS reporter Lisa Myers — an interview that she was told
would immediately air on DATELINE! Broaddrick doesn't hold Lisa Myers
responsible for the building media nightmare, according to a source. Talk
in the cafeteria at NBC'S 30 Rock headquarters on Wednesday had head anchorman
Tom Brokaw threatening to resign if Andy "I am 'America's News Leader'"
Lack green-lights the completed Lisa Myers package, said one NBC producer
who asked not to be identified. NBC NEWS president Lack was not immediately
available for comment. Broaddrick is now being described as "emotionally
drained" after the session with Myers. And since giving the interview,
Broaddrick has confessed to a friend: "I'm so afraid over what is going
to happen now." Myers first reported details of Broaddrick's story last
March on NBC NIGHTLY NEWS. . . . . The DRUDGE REPORT revealed earlier
this week that network executives have come under enormous pressure from
the White House not to air their interview with Broaddrick. "There is
a civil war developing," one network insider said. "Between those pushing
for the interview to air and those who think it is completely reckless." |
1998 Computer store chain Egghead Inc. announces that
it will close its 80 retail stores across the US and lay off 80% of its
workforce, focusing its sales efforts on the Web. 1998 Christ and the Woman of Samaria (48 x 39 cm) by Michelangelo Anselmi (1491-1554) is auctioned. Anselmi helped revive the art of painting in Parma, Italy. He painted in an eclectic but highly individual mannerist style. The power of this particular painting is expressed in the faces of Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Jesus faces her with an intent gaze, but the Samaritan woman turns her face away. In the background a figure is waving at Jesus' approching disciples. 1998 El socialista y ex ministro de Interior José Luis Corcuera Cuesta es implicado por un juez español en el secuestro de un miembro del grupo terrorista GRAPO (Grupos de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre).
1992 State of the Union Address
by US President George Bush (Sr.). 1991 Dictator Siad Barre flees Somalia ending 22 year rule 1990 East German agreement to form all-party government. 1989 El Consejo Político de Democracia Cristiana de España aprueba la integración de esta formación política en el Partido Popular.
1988 Las delegaciones del Gobierno de Daniel Ortega Saavedra (Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional) y de la Contra se reúnen en San José de Costa Rica para negociar un alto el fuego. 1987 US Foreign minister George Shultz meets ANC-leader Oliver Tambo 1986 Angolan Unity Leader Jonas Savimbi visits Washington, DC. 1985 Seis buques que componen una escuadra permanente de la OTAN sufren un atentado en el puerto de Lisboa, reivindicado por la organización portuguesa FP-25. 1982 Durante la liberación del general de la OTAN James Lee Dozier, secuestrado por las Brigadas Rojas, son detenidos cinco terroristas. 1981 William J Casey becomes the 13th director of CIA (until 1987) 1977 The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith published an 18-page document ruling out the admission of women to the Roman Catholic priesthood because women lacked a "natural resemblance which must exist between Christ and his ministers."
1974 Un estudio de cinco años del National Cancer Institute en Hawai demuestra que existe una relación evidente entre el cáncer de intestino grueso y el consumo de grandes cantidades de carne.
1970 Israeli fighter jets attack the suburbs of Cairo.
1961 Republic of Rwanda proclaimed. 1960 El diputado Jean Marie le Pen es detenido en París por la policía. 1957 El Ejército argelino desarticula la huelga general organizada por el FLN. 1955 The US Congress passes a bill allowing mobilization of troops if China should attack Taiwan. 1949 UN Security council condemns Dutch aggression in Indonesia. 1949 Los ministros de la Unión Europea Occidental (UEO) acuerdan crear el Consejo de Europa. 1949 Polonia se adhiere al COMECON. 1948 Stalin desaprueba el proyecto de federación balcánica. 1947 In NY City, a copy of the 1640 Bay Psalm Book was purchased at an auction at Parke-Bernet Galleries for $150'000 — the highest price ever paid to date for a single volume. (The original title of the book was: The Whole Book of Psalmes Faithfully Translated into English Metre)
1943 Alemania moviliza a toda persona de 16 a 65 años en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 1942 German troops occupy Benghazi Libya. 1942 General Timoshenko's troops move into Ukraine. 1941 French General Charles DeGaulle's Free French forces sack south Libya oasis.
1933 German government of Von Schleicher falls. 1933 French government of Paul Boncour falls. 1933 Getúlio Vargas, jefe del Gobierno provisional de la República de Brasil, convoca una asamblea constituyente. 1933 Los seguidores de Eamon de Valera vencen en las elecciones celebradas en Irlanda. 1932 first US state unemployment insurance act enacted-Wisconsin 1932 The Japanese attack Shanghai, China, and declare martial law. 1930 José Antonio Primo de Rivera presenta su dimisión a Alfonso XIII, lo que pone fin a la dictadura y permite el advenimiento de la segunda República Española. 1930 Comienza en la URSS la campaña de liquidación de los kulaks.
1927 Serbian-Croatian-Slavic government of Oezonowitsj
falls. 1924 Los laboristas ocupan el poder, por primer vez, en Gran Bretaña. 1923 first "Reichs Party" (NSDAP) forms in Munich. 1921 Albert Einstein startles Berlin by suggesting the possibility of measuring the universe. 1920 Turquía renuncia al Imperio Otomano y a las provincias no turcas. 1920 Se crea en España la Legión con el nombre de Tercio de Extranjeros, que conservó hasta 1937. 1918 Leon Trotsky becomes leader of Reds. organiza el Ejército Rojo. 1918 La nobleza de Estonia y Livonia anuncia la separación de ambos países de Rusia y los declara independientes.
1916 German colony of Cameroon surrenders to Britain and France. 1915 US President Wilson refuses to prohibit immigration of illiterates
1909 US military forces leave Cuba for 2nd time. |
1905 Raimundo Fernández Villaverde preside un nuevo
Gobierno en España.
1881 Battle at Laing's Neck Natal Boers beat superior powered British. 1871 Besieged by Prussian troops and suffering from famine, the French army in Paris surrenders. The Paris civilians were famished too, they had already eaten zoo animals, and cats, dogs, and rats. 1865 President Jefferson Davis names 3 peace commissioners 1864 Battle of New Bern, North Carolina 1860 Britain formally returns Mosquito Coast to Nicaragua
1846 Battle of Allwal, Brits beat Sikhs in Punjab (India) 1835 San Salvador se convierte en la capital federal de Centroamérica.
1792 Rebellious slaves in Santo Domingo launch an attack on the city of Cap. 1788 Lord Gordon found guilty of libel of queen of France. 1757 Ahmed Shah, the first King of Afghanistan, occupies Delhi and annexes the Punjab. 1689 English parliament ends king Charles II reign. 1671 El filibustero galés Henry John Morgan, tras un ataque de tres horas, se apodera de la ciudad de Panamá. 1613 Galileo may have unknowingly viewed undiscovered planet Neptune 1581 Scotland's King James VI, who in 1603 would become England's James I, signed the Second Scottish Confession of Faith. 1561 By Edict of Orleans persecution of French Huguenots is suspended 1495 Pope Alexander VI gives his son Cesare Borgia as hostage to Charles VIII of France. 1479 Las cortes de Tudela eligen como reina de Navarra a Leonor de Foix, tras la muerte de su padre Juan II.
which occurred on a 28 January: 2002 All 9 crew members and 83 passengers, including 7 children, onboard TAME airlines flight 120, a Boeing 727-134 which had left Quito at 10:03 and crashes at 10:23 into the 4775-meter-high Chiles Volcano (near Ipiales, Colombia) as it circles in approach to its destination, Tulcán, at the Colombia-Ecuador border. 2002 Six al-Qaida fighters, who refuse to surrender and are killed by Afghan troops and US special forces soldiers in a 04:00 to 12:00 assault on the second floor of the Mir Wail hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan, which the al-:Qaida fighters had transformed into a fortress after being left there, sick or wounded but heavily armed, by the retreating Taliban two months earlier. [It is not explained why they were allowed food and water during their 2-month defiance]. 2001 Naina Badrasen, after surviving 50 hours under earthquake rubble in Ghuj, Gujarat, while Indian Air Force personnel and policemen frantically try to free her. They do manage to pull out alive her year-and half-old daughter Namrata, whose faint sobbing had alerted them to the location. 2001 José María Sánchez Casas, activista político español, fundador de los Grupos de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre (GRAPO). 1996 U San Yu, 77, soldier/politician, President of Burma in 1981-88 1996 Jerry Seigel, 81, writer who, with artist friend Joe Shuster, in the 1930s created the character Superman. 1989 The Panchen Lama.
1975 Antonin Novótny, 70, Czechoslovakian President (1957-68)
1963 Eight persons as a Continental Airlines Vickers Viscount 812 crashes on landing at Kansas City. 1958 Marion and Velda Fugate, by shotgun, Betty Jean Fugate, 2, choked, by Charles Starkweather, lover of the Fugates other daughter, Caril Ann, 14, who watches, in Lincoln, Nebraska. Fleeing a couple of days later, the pair kills another 7 persons, including in Nebraska wealthy businessman, C. Lauer Ward, his wife, Clara, and their maid, Lillian Fenci, and in Wyoming salesman Merle Collison. Starkweather would go to the electric chair on 24 June 24 1959. Caril Ann Fugate would receive a life sentence. 1954 Esclangon, mathematician. 1946 Sintsov, mathematician. |
1940 Day 60 of Winter War: USSR aggression
against Finland. More deaths due to Stalin's desire to grab Finnish territory. Finns take 'motti' at Kelivaara We extend our heartiest congratulations to K.J. Ståhlberg, independent Finland's first President, who is 75 years old today. Karelian Isthmus: a reconnaissance patrol from the Finnish 1st Division has returned from a successful two-day mission along the railway line to Raivola and back along the frozen Gulf of Finland. Ladoga Karelia: Detachment Pajari repulses the Soviet offensive on the River Aittojoki. During the afternoon, the Soviet troops in Vieksinki voluntarily withdraw from the village, leaving behind over 200 fallen comrades. The Finns take the Kelivaara 'motti'. The assault on West Lemetti 'motti' is unsuccessful. In the Ilomantsi sector the enemy makes several attempts to take Petkelniemi. Karelian Isthmus: enemy bombers hit a field hospital marked with a red cross in a vicarage in Johannes. The bomb kills 20 patients, two members of the women's auxiliary defence forces and two nurses. Several others are wounded in the attack. The enemy also bombs the coastal towns of Kotka, Loviisa, Hanko and Rauma. 29 fallen servicemen are buried in a joint service in Uurainen church. The crew of a Blenheim bomber on a transfer flight from Tampere to Luonetjärvi are killed when the plane crashes in Siikakangas. 'Père Clément', the renowned French general Clément Grandcourt arrives in Helsinki to enlist as a volunteer in the Finnish Army- ^ Pienen Kelivaaran motti saadaan vallatuksi Talvisodan 60. päivä, 28.tammikuuta.1940 Tänään täyttää presidentti K.J.Ståhlberg 75 vuotta. Parhaimmat onnittelumme. Suomalaisten 1. Divisioonan kaukopartio palaa 26.päivä kuluvaa kuuta alkaneelta onnistuneelta tiedusteluretkeltä, joka suuntautui rautatien vartta Raivolaan ja jäätä pitkin takaisin. Osasto Pajari torjuu neuvosto-joukkojen hyökkäyksen Aittojoella. Iltapäivällä neuvostoliittolaiset poistuvat vapaaehtoisesti Vieksingin kylästä. He jättävät jälkeensä yli 200 kaatunutta. Pienen Kelivaaran motti saadaan vallatuksi. Läntistä Lemetin mottia vastaan tehdään tulokseton hyökkäys. Ilomantsin suunnalla vihollinen yrittää useaan otteeseen vallata Petkelniemen. Karjalan kannaksella Johanneksessa vihollinen pommittaa punaisella ristillä merkittyä rovastinpappilassa sijainnutta kenttäsairaalaa. Lentopommi surmaa 20 potilasta, kaksi lottaa ja kaksi sairaanhoitajaa.Useat ihmiset loukkaantuvat. Lisäksi vihollinen pommittaa Kotkaa, Loviisaa, Hankoa ja Raumaa. Uuraisten kirkossa siunataan yhdellä kertaa 29 sankarivainajaa. Siirtolennolla Tampereelta Luonetjärvelle matkalla oleva BL-108-pommikone syöksyy maahan Siikakankaalla. Koko miehistö saa surmansa. Tunnettu ranskalainen kenraali "Isä Clement" eli Clément Grandcourt saapuu Helsinkiin liittyäkseen vapaaehtoisena Suomen armeijaan. ^ Den lilla mottin i Kelivaara erövras Vinterkrigets 60 dag, den 28 januari 1940 . Idag fyller president K. J. Ståhlberg 75 år. Bästa lyckönskningar. Den finska 1. Divisionens fjärrpatrull återvänder från en lyckad spaningsfärd som började den 26 den här månaden och som gick längs järnvägen till Raivola och tillbaka utmed isen. Avdelning Pajari slår tillbaka de ryska truppernas anfall vid Aittojoki. På eftermiddagen avlägsnar sig de sovjetiska trupperna frivilligt från byn Vieksinki. De lämnar efter sig över 200 stupade. Den lilla mottin i Kelivaara erövras. Ett resultatlöst anfall företas mot mottin i västra Lemetti. I riktning Ilomants gör fienden upprepade försök att inta Petkelniemi. I S:t Johannes på Karelska näset bombar fienden fältsjukhuset som är placerat i prostgården och som är utmärkt med ett rött kors. Vid bombningen dödas 20 patienter, två lottor och två sjuksköterskor. Flera människor såras. Dessutom bombar fienden Kotka, Lovisa, Hangö och Raumo. I Uurainen kyrka välsignas på en gång 29 stupade krigshjältar. Ett BL-108-bombplan på väg från Tammerfors till Luonetjärvi störtar vid Siikakangas. Hela besättningen omkommer. Den kända franska generalen "Fader Clement", dvs. Clément Grandcourt anländer till Helsingfors för att som frivillig ansluta sig till Finlands armé. |
1913 Segismundo Moret y Prendergast, político español. 1912 El general Eloy Alfaro Delgado, asesinado en Quito por una turba furiosa, tras 17 años de ser presidente de la República de Ecuador. 1905 Lemuel Maynard Wiles, US artist born on 21 October 1826. 1889 Barbier, mathematician. 1882 Alexander Hugo Bakker-Korff, Dutch artist born on 03 August 1824. 1881 (Julian date: go to Gregorian date 09 Feb) Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. 1874 John Christian Schetky, British artist born in 1778. 1864 Clapeyron, mathematician. 1856 Albert Edouard Moerman, Belgian artist born in 1808. 1839 Sir William Beechey, British artist born on 12 December 1753. MORE ON BEECHEY AT ART 4 JANUARY LINKS Master James Hatch as Marshall's Attendant at the Montern Eton Ichabod Wright Harriet Maria Day The Oddie Children 1831 Wybrand Hendriks, Dutch artist born on 24 June 1744. 1725 Peter I "the Great" Romanov, 52, czar of Russia 1621 Paul V [Camillo Borghese], 68, 233rd pope (1605-21) 1595 Sir Francis Drake, 50, English navigator/pirate (Porto Bello West Indies) 1596 El almirante Francis Drake, pirata británico, fallece en el mar, frente a Portobelo (Panamá). 1547 Henry VIII, 55, King of England (since 21 April 1509), luckily for his 6th wife who is thus spared the beheading or divorce that befell the first five. He is succeeded by his nine-year-old son Edward VI.
0814 Charlemagne, 71, German emperor/Roman Emperor (800-814) In some parts of the empire popular affection placed him among the saints. For political purposes and to please Frederick Barbarossa he was canonized (1165) by the antipope Paschal III, but this act was never ratified by insertion of his feast in the Roman Breviary or by the Universal Church; his cult, however, was permitted at Aachen. The Saint-Charlemagne feast day was celebrated in Reims when I was in first grade there (it may still be); even we small children drank a glass of champagne at the school party. |
Births which
occurred on a 28 January: 1942 Francisco Sánchez Cárdenas, político y médico panameño. 1940 Miguel Barnet, escritor y etnólogo cubano. 1937 Rolls-Royce Wraith car makes its first test run. The first post-World War II model would be called the Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith and become the principal Rolls-Royce sedan. 1935 Manuel dos Santos Lima Angolan revolutionary/poet (Pele do Diabo) 1933 Susan Sontag, American essayist and novelist whose works included The Style of Radical Will and Illness as a Metaphor. 1929 Claes Oldenburg, Swedish US Pop sculptor. LINKS 1924 Marcel Broodthaers, artista belga. 1924 Klingenberg, mathematician. 1916 Virgilio Ferreira, Portuguese teacher and novelist who died on 01 March 1996. 1915 US Coast Guard created from Life Saving and Revenue Cutter services, to fight contraband and aid vessels in distress. 1914 La Lepra, de Santiago Rusiñol y Prats, se estrena en Barcelona. 1912 Jackson Pollock, US Abstract Expressionist painter who died on 11 August 1956. MORE ON POLLOCK AT ART 4 JANUARY LINKS Self-Portrait Male and Female The Moon-Woman Stenographic Figure Blue (Moby Dick) The She-Wolf Eyes in the Heat The Key The Tea Cup Shimmering Substance Full Fathom Five Number 8 detail Lavender Mist: Number 1, 1950 Easter and the Totem Number 13A: Arabesque Harbor and Lighthouse 1911 Robert Schatten, mathematician. 1912 Jackson Pollock Cody WY, abstract artist (Lavender Mist) 1908 Oriente es publicado por el escritor y político valenciano Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. 1892 Carlo Bonferroni, mathematician. 1888 Louis Mordell , mathematician. 1884 Auguste Piccard, Swiss-born Belgian physicist, balloonist, deep sea diver, who died on 24 March 1962.
1855 Rohn, mathematician. 1853 José Julián Martí y Pérez, escritor y político independentista cubano. 1841 Henry Morton Stanley England, journalist/explorer (found Livingston in Africa). He died on 10 May 1904. 1833 Charles George Gordon London England, military hero/general (China, Khartoum) 1775 Peter the Great Russia
1768 Frederick VI Danish king (1808-39); in 1914 lost Norway to Sweden's Charles XIV Jean [Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, 26 Jan 1763 08 Mar 1844] 1761 Marguerite Gérard, French Romantic portrait and genre-scene painter who died on 18 May 1837. MORE ON GÉRARD AT ART 4 JANUARY LINKS L’Enfant Chéri Bad News 1749 Jacob (or Jacques) Henri Sablet du Soleil, Swiss artist who died on 04 April 1803. 1706 John Baskerville, inventor of the "hot-pressing" method of printing. 1701 La Condamine, mathematician. 1688 Jan Morits Quinckhardt, Dutch artist who died on 11 November 1772. 1674 Jean Ranc, French artist who died on 01 July 1735. 1608 Juan Alfonso Borelli, médico, matemático y físico napolitano. 1600 Clement IX [Giulio Rospigliosi], Pistoia, Italy, 238th pope (1667-69) 1587 Andrea (or Andries) Snellinck, Flemish artist who died on 12 September 1653. 1540 van Ceulen, mathematician. 1457 Henry VII Pembroke Castle, first Tudor king of England (1485-1509) |